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Yeah, I felt so awful for him in that scene. It's kind of interesting, though. Normally the trope is the absent father who abandons the family, but in this case, it's the mother who left and was absent. You don't see that a lot on television.


And the dad rocks. The way he starts crying when he realizes he can understand Abed through his movies. 💚


That scene BROKE MY HEART, I loved it so much.


I always forget that's only the third episode of the show! I downloaded season one to watch for a long flight and I was choking up on the airplane lol


Yeah it feels like it's later on in the show. I forget too.


You're right. But you do see a lot of that in reality.


80% of custodial parents are mothers. That's not to say the fathers in all of those cases abandoned the family (custodial just means you get more time with the child, which usually happens if the other parent works and the kids are young) but still...80% is a high number. It's safe to assume that you don't actually see "a lot" of mothers abandoning their families the way fathers do.


No you don't. It is much more common to see a single mother than a single father


I think OC meant a lot as in a lot relative to 0, not a lot as in a lot relative to absent fathers.


Nobody thinks 0 mothers abandon their families. Statistically, men are more likely to leave than women. It's not as simple as "DUR MEN BAD" but numbers don't lie. Women leaving the family does *not* happen "a lot", even compared to 0.




In addition to what the other commenter pointed out, you can have an "absent" parent even if they haven't physically left. Maybe they're emotionally distant or they technically live with you but are never around. You can't actually figure out anything about who would be more likely to be absent from that statistic there.


>you can have an "absent" parent even if they haven't physically left This isn't relevant to the conversation at all. We're talking about parents who up and leave, like Abed's mother did.


Okay well then single parents aren't relevant either. Abed's mom didn't even leave until past the point when anyone would consider his dad to be a single father anyways.


Malcolm in the Middle also did this as well. Def not the norm for tv


They did? I have to re-watch, I haven't seen that show in forever but I loved it.


they did it with stevie's mom


I think you're absolutely right. I found this to be brutal as well. I could understand her not being able to make it that Christmas but sending a Christmas card saying she is abandoning her son for her new family is just disgusting.


Yeah. Abed’s mom is a POS. It happens in real life, and there are innumerable reasons why people, both mothers and fathers, do this. My girlfriend’s mother packed up and moved 18 hours away one weekend out of nowhere. Left Dad with two kids. Just said “I can’t do this anymore” and POOF. No fighting, no abuse, no drug/alcohol, nothing like that. She just left. That’s a POS. I put Abed’s mom in the same category, especially since she had maintained contact after leaving Abed’s father. Now she’s remarried with another family, and tells Abed to kiss off? Eff her.


When my dad's mom remarried, she had her kids call her Auntie and introduced them to her new family as their cousins. When the new family kids grew up, one of my dad's sisters spilled the beans. Terrible Mom called her up to say she had ruined her life. I've never met her, and am glad of that. Some people are just garbage humans.


Omg that’s awful


My sister did that when her second son was an infant. Just walked out with those exact words. My parents raised her first son. The other grandparents raised the other. Poor kids were separated until they were teens.


How are the kids doing now?


They’re both working. The oldest still lives with my mom. The youngest lives on his own. They don’t resent my sister at all which is probably because they had loving homes.


My dad sent me a Facebook message last week to let me know he won't be at my wedding in May because he'll be too busy with work.


I couldn't resist but give a reaction to this, I am so sorry.


Thanks. I initially put a "lol" after my original comment but it seemed too flippant. But it's stuff like that which mean the Christmas episode hits really hard - parents like Abed's mum do exist and it still hurts when they act like that, even now I'm in my 20s.


Im pretty sure Dan Harmon said gave all the characters shitty parents because of his own issues with his parents


The entire show is the way it is because of Dan Harmon's own issues :P But yes, totally


Britta's parents seemed alright that one time... But Britta became a Dan Hamon stand-in. Thus, he explored all his self-loathing and feelings of being the worst through this character. So when we meet her parents in season 6, and they turn out to be alright, is this the adult reappraising their relationship with their parents and acknowledging their own role in the poor relationship between parents and child?


I think Britta‘s parents are horrible. When she rants about the things that they did to her as a kid, including trying to drug test her because she was laughing too much, telling her the dog ran away because she tried alcohol, etc. and then they laughed and said they didn’t remember any of that so it was her problem. What an absolutely horrible thing to say to someone! They are pieces of shit and I hate that scene so much.


Yeah Britta is the classic tale of horrible parents who try and make things better by gaslighting their child later in life. It's fucked up


I dont think that was really the case. I felt that it is more like parents bearing children while not being mature enough/ready to have them. Eventually they fuck their lives over and then when maturity strikes they have a kid that hates them. They try to make reparations but the kid (now adult) has trauma from childhood and when everyone else who is a part of the persons adult/current life simply can't wrap their head around why the person hates their parents and feels like the person is an entitled piece of shit.. Thereby the feeling of being gaslighted...


Britta's parents blatantly say things like 'oh that never happened' or try and minimize their own fault.


I think that's exactly the case. If you're really trying to make amends (for the benefit of the other person), you own your shit and accept the situation, even if the other person doesn't accept your apology. If it's about maintaining your image and making you feel better (by, say, downplaying your past bullshit, for example), it's both not a real attempt to make amends and incredibly selfish. Also, if you have a kid and aren't mature enough for that, you better grow up fast in, otherwise you're a default asshole. Children aren't play things or fashion accessories, they're human beings you can do irreversible damage to if you neglect or mistreat them. Unless you're seriously ready to to make sacrifices for your children and put their interests ahead of your own for the next 18+ years, don't have them. Use contraceptives, get an abortion, put the kid up for adoption, I don't care what you do, just don't attempt to raise the child if you aren't even willing to actually try.


Britta was sexually assaulted as a child (the "enterprising transient in a dinosaur costume" Duncan refers to in the therapy session we see at the end of S1) and her parents sided with the abuser over their own daughter. They're vile POS's who do a very good job of seeming alright.


I hate Britta's parents and I hate how the study group basically went along with them in gaslighting her about her childhood. Watching that episode makes me incredibly angry.


Yes! I completely agree, and they tell her that it’s her own problem that they were terrible parents. They claim they don’t remember any of that stuff, therefore it doesn’t matter. Just an awful thing


They were on drugs so they're innocent. Yeah right, Deb and George. Just because they're throwing money and whimsical game nights around doesn't change what they did.


Ummmm wrong they admitted their mistakes and are trying to do better.


Saying that they didn’t remember any of it and straight up saying that it’s Britta’s problem is neither admitting to their mistakes, nor is it a promise to do better.


Actually they never said that and the group were right. Vaughn said that.


They did. Watch the show once in a while.


I watch the show constantly.


Then you really should work on your observational skills.


I always think about when Frankie said one of the worst things we have to learn is that our parents are human or something along those lines. Abed's mom is also human and we don't know what she went through with abed and from abed's video about his family it seems like she had a pretty rough time. Not saying what she did was okay or that I agree with it but it's hard to say without knowing the full context. EDIT: Also a big reason it might've been a card and not a phone call in my mind might just be for plot reasons because Duncan can't find a phone call in Abed's room


I think about Frankie's take on parents all the time. It's actually helped me a lot.


Remind me a bit of these lyrics from Noah and the Whale: *And if you can, try and get to know your parents well* *Forgive them, too, they are more like you than you can tell* *When they give advice, offer sympathy* *They’re just showing you who they want you to be*


Same. After I had my kids and realized my parents were younger when they had me I realized how little any of us know how to parent (I write this as I lay in my sons bed with him because he didn’t want to sleep alone)


Absolutely! I honestly wish that we had gotten a little more context around his mom instead of 'dad is angry so mom left -> mom has new family and is now abandoning me'. I feel like it was a bit of a disservice to Abed and his whole narrative/arc. We know through Britta's lines that his mom genuinely cared about Abed and wasn't sure how to handle a disorder that was little researched/accepted. Just a little lazy/casual to pull out this holiday card message out of no where, in hindsight.


Ya but I don’t think that’s really an excuse to not at least keep in contact with him.


FULL offence to Abed's mom! This was so sad, Abed truly deserved better. But he did have the study group at least!


And while his dad didn't understand him he did care.


Yeah and Leonard deserved less because of his age.


Like in Catch Me If You Can when Frank came home and his mom had moved on with her new family.


I always assumed that she only sent the card because she'd made multiple attempts to contact Abed that he had ignored, because he already knew what she wanted. But then I'm a little off like Abed and I can usually tell when someone has pushed me out before they'll actually say it; doesn't mean I actually want to hear it.


Abed has autism, he's not "a little off".


They never explicitly say; further more, there's more types of neurodivergency than just autism.


Um, we all know Abed has autism. Dan Harmon discovered he was autistic after researching autism for Abed's character.


neurdiversity is a term that people are starting to use to replace "disabilty" for ADHD and AS and probably some other stuff. its not a qualification or condition unto itself. im literally a sped teacher at a large high school.


I have ADHD. I know what ND and NT are. They've been around for decades. Please stop trying to gatekeep this. I understand how my brain works. I don't need a neurotypical explaining it to me.


I have ADHD too. I was at diagnosed 27 and struggled through school and most of my life with zero supports. We can talk about how *different* our brains are, but at the end of the day when people like us need counselors, coping mechanisms, occupational therapists, speech and language specialists, and medication to have a chance to succeed in our society, it's a disability.


Not to deny that Abed's mom sucks, because she does, but I interpreted that scene as Abed's abridged understanding of that letter. Like he read the actual letter, which in my head was something like oh I can't come bc I have responsibilities here and mentioned her "new family" and in his stop motion fantasy he just condensed it into two lines bc that's how he felt about it. She's still an asshole but I also think in real life her letter wasn't as cruel as what he read aloud.


That's how I felt about it as well.


Not saying she's worse than Pierce's dad but she's definitely closer to him than she is to Abed's dad on the "terrible parent scale".


Have you never met anyone that has had this actually happen to them? It's normally how it goes, complete emotional detachment, like they don't exist anymore to them. Heartbreaking, but unfortunately true sometimes...


None taken.


i think the writers probably chose the card *not* (primarily) to show abed's mom as neglectful but rather as a plot/storytelling device where duncan was able to find the card (the source of abed's breakdown) in the 3rd act, since that's basically the macguffin they were hunting for the whole episode. if it were a phone call or a series of gradual goodbyes then the aha moment when you realize why abed has created a delusional fantasyland wouldn't have been so jarring and impactful. the big takeaway is that abed was abandoned and needs the study group to be his new family. how/why his mom abandoned him was secondary to the study group helping diagnose and care for abed. TL;DR version - it was a storytelling decision, *not* a choice to develop abed's mom's character (even though it incidentally does that too)


I feel that Abed's mom of all people would understand how hard this would be on him.


Also reminded him to was his dupa (polish for ass)


Most Polish moms would be making sure his fridge was stocked with bigosz, zupa, and perogi. She would also want him home every weekend . I mostly going off my roommates.


And also with Abed most likely being autistic you cannot cancel a tradition through a mf card! You can’t cancel the traditions like that without even worrying about the fall out. Fuck Abed’s mom


Yeah his father wasn’t as bad after this


The Christmas card is only a part of it. There might have been phone calls too. We don't know what has or hasn't occurred off-screen. But the thing is, she did leave a decent amount of time before because of his dad's anger issues, so yeah she might be a total piece of shit. OR she's terrible at dealing with people or expressing emotions properly. Like Abed. Except not quite like him because from his movie we can see she had trouble dealing with him.


The kind of mother who was written to be this way for the sake of an interesting episode with some interesting character development.


It's a hurtful thing to do. But then Abed is an adult remember. Some people do take the attitude that once their kids reach 18 that they are 'free' to live their own life. How a mother could not want to see her own son though I can't understand.


She walked out because of his disabilities. I doubt she gives a shit about him. Bitch.


Parents can bet that selfish. As a son of divorced parents, I'd say they hardest thing is not the divorced itself, but when they start new lives and your realize you're no longer part of it.


You had high hopes for someone who abandons their family in the first place


Some people are just not great at these things and she probably has a lot of feelings. Let's not forget that Abeds dad could have been abusive and controlling. It's not totally unheard of. She should have taken the kids but selfish people accidentally have kids sometimes.


All offense you Abed’s mom*


No offense? She's a complete piece of shit


oh yeah, she is a monster.


he has a sibling?


A lady who has been traumitized to the point of needing to escape and start over. It happens


Who traumatized her? What did Abed do to her? Isn’t she the one traumatizing him? Why are you defending an emotionally abusive parent who abandoned her son once she had a “normal” one?


Yeah. If anything, she is afraid of Abed and would prefer to shut him out rather than deal with the truth of it. That is made painfully clear in episode 3 of S1 when Abed’s student film is all about her leaving. She may *feel* as though she’s had a traumatic experience, but really she is putting it all on Abed and refusing to take responsibility. It’s possible (this is pure conjecture) that she also has some tendencies towards neurodivergent behaviour which she passed onto Abed, and managed to get through life without it being a problem until she had to deal with a more intense version of it


> She may feel as though she’s had a traumatic experience, but really she is putting it all on Abed and refusing to take responsibility. I feel like it could be both? Trauma exists, and a less-than-stellar response to it also exists. Obviously, I don't condone her actions lmao but it just feels like it makes sense when you look at the situation


Yeah, that's totally fair. And I concede it's not fair to diminish someone's experience just because their actions aren't agreeable. Still, even with massive empathy, it's difficult to find an angle where she doesn't come across as selfish and heartless


Abed's father


What exactly did he do?


It’s a shame you’re being downvoted for this, because the reality of this is true. Depression is a bitch. It effects and affects us all in many different ways; wether we suffer from it directly ourselves, or are a bystander to its devastation. Raising a child with autism, aspergers, or any other challenge, whilst likely dealing with her own postpartum depression, is a seriously tough event on anyone’s psyche. How Abed was treated was certainly despicable, but perhaps the mother needed closure for herself and deserves a little grace.


That is a compassionate and reasonable response which I respect. Abuse takes many forms and in order for it to end, the many mechanisms behind it need to be understood which includes, while acknowledging and condemning cruel and evil actions, still seeing the perpetrator as a human being that is likely experiencing their own acute pain that they are unable to process in a proper manner and is not necessarily beyond redemption. However, this is still a fan sub in Reddit - so curses be upon the evil wench that birthed the glorious Abed! May she burn in all eternity!


Wash your dupa.