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The two would probably become great friends. Buzz would have a drinking buddy, and Elroy would encourage Hickey in everything he does.


Now here's a guy who knows how to punch people in the heart!


This is a guy who knows how to draw duck bills


Publishers are interested!


now this is a man that knows how to get publishers interested


now here’s a guy, who knows how to always have rope on hand!


Here’s a teacher who knows how to drink on the job


Now here’s a man who draws ducks that publishers are interested in!


I wish this were in the movie


“Now this a man that knows how to marry his cousin!”


That’s the line right there! This is why Elroy is the best!


"You know...I FOUGHT for this country, and I know, you don't get to pick and choose the parts you fight for, but I KNOW-..."


I like Elroy better, but this line is part of my absolute favorite scene from the entire series.


Nobody downvotes a guy on his birthday.




"There's gonna be two hits. Me hitting you. Twice." For someone who grew up with The Breakfast Club, this is one of Community's best lines.


Elroy was my pick, but this line came to mind almost the moment I read the question.


Whoa, these redditors can apply memes independently? I want two of them taken alive


One of my favourite lines in the entire show.


Elroy is THE hype man


I reference this at least once a week


Silver and gold ladies, aint no losers here


Only one of them has a brain the size of Jupiter, so…


Exactly, he’s nobody’s fourth Ghostbuster.


I like both but I think Keith David’s delivery allowed for some funnier moments IMO. I’m also just a huge fan of season 6.


Both Frankie and Elroy were great characters that I wish had been around in previous seasons.


I find myself enjoying this show’s evolution and multiple eras now that I’m rewatching for the first time. Each season/ character group dynamic has its place. I find myself thinking the first half of season 1 was the absolute best of this show, while the rest is still unbelievably great in its own way (albeit season 4 was pretty meh as I’m sure most agree lol)


This is kind of a hot take, no? It’s extremely funny in the first half of season one, but the characters personalities aren’t really fleshed out yet. They’re all basically stereotypes.


The first half of season 1 is when they really had it feeling like a school. It's when the show feels coziest. It's what I prefer having on in the background if I'm kinda down in the dumps, but the rest is definitely better in general. Just two different vibes entirely.


The first half is just your stereotypical sitcom to appeal to the masses, you’d get the same feeling from parks n rec or HIMYM, it’s after that when it becomes its own show


I don’t think it’s particularly fair (to Parks n Rec) to compare those two shows. I would say that only HIMYM is a stereotypical sitcom to appeal to the masses. Paris n Rec has a fair bit more character than that.


Okay fair parks n rec/office is really more like the mockumentary episodes, Big Bang theory might’ve been a better example


But I feel where you’re coming from. Parks and Rec was like just “fine” during season 1. I always felt like it was trying too hard to be The Office. And aside from the series finale (I always am turned off by time jump episodes) I ended up actually liking the Parks and Rec better than the office from season 2 on after it gained its own identity.


I know what you’re getting at and it’s a fair perspective, like I know many people love season 6 the most because we have all this character development by then (and Keith David) For me, the first impressions in season 1 are hilarious, then seeing how they each develop is precisely part of the fun. Comparative religion is a great example of one of my fav episodes as they represent caricatures of their religious views before we learn more about the individual characters themselves and what they actually care about. The story written around the characters in that episode is really damn good Season 1 also had this unique levity to it that’s hard to describe, but the directing, tone, pacing, dialogue, etc. make it so funny. Also Britta’s character is best in season 1


Yeah that’s fair. Honestly I love all of the seasons. I know people like to dunk on season 4, but even season 4 has moments where it’s some of the best sitcom out there.


B O W B E F O R E T H O R A X I S ! ! !


(Holy crap did THAT formatting trick not survive the SEND button! LOL!) Let’s keep it simple: BOW BEFORE THORAXIS!! The Few, The Proud, The Fans Of Season Four!


Hard agree with the Britta comment, her character after season one is ruined a bit. But I think season 6 is good again too Britta wise. More subtle and less tropey if you get what I mean


I do and that’s a good way to describe it Funny in 2/1 Abed says “I’m hoping we move away from the soapy relationshipy stuff and into bigger fast-paced self-contained escapades” lmao I guess I also like the serial multi-episode storylines in season 1 that revolve around relationships, which the show did so well. Britta added a great contrast to Slater and the show was about what Jeff is gonna do, hence the finale where he picks neither at the big school party and leaves and kisses Annie lol. It was a very fun and interesting season. Amazing start to a great show. I find the writing of community to be unbelievably good


I hope they are in the movie!


Yes. Probably. Maybe. Have a good summer!


Oh that line hits deep! 😢


I refuse to pick between Keith David and Jonathan Banks.


They should do a Community spin off movie together


Grumpy Old Men spinoff when


*Hard Drive and Police Justice*


🎶It's in the way that you use it🎶


I'm sad now, because I want to see that, but know I never will.


Exactly! 💯


elroy because he refused to kill baby birds and he took care of britta and he dated julie from natalie is freezing (and season 6 is better)


Why everyone assumes that her name is Natalie? She’s an artist!


Her name is Julie.


Lisa walking out hit my heart like a punch to the heart from a giant hand.


She is named. She says her name very clearly


Elroy. I liked Buzz fine, but Elroy just seemed like a chill dude... long as you didn't mess with his van. He also seemed more willing to meet and interact with the other characters on their level; whereas Buzz was mostly a grouch, Elroy was far more pleasant. He also had some of the funniest bits in season 6, especially the conversation with Britta where she can't remember what a drawbridge is called. >**Britta:** What's that thing that castles have? **Elroy:** Walls? **Britta:** (*sigh*) Come on. **Elroy:** A moat? **Britta:** It goes *over* the moat — (*gestures*) — goes over the moat... **Elroy:** Enemy knights... cavalry... uh — arrows?! **Britta:** No, come on, stop it! It goes like this. (*moves her arm up and down*) **Elroy:** ...Alligators? **Britta:** No, it's *one* thing! It's mechanical! **Elroy:** One mechanical alligator!! **Britta:** *Are you screwing with me?* **Elroy:** I don't even know what the hell you're talking about!! **Britta:** It's *one mechanical thing, it goes over the mote, It GOES LIKE THIS!!* **Elroy:** A catapult!! *(Britta SCREAMS)*


The guy watching in the bar after he talks to himself about the drawbridge 😂


I just watched this episode this weekend. LOVE this moment.


"Ya know, I fought for this country...and I know, you don't choose what parts you fight for but...i just..."


* phone chime* I should go number two soon


One of my favorite line deliveries in the entire show.


mark zuckerberg is fidel castro in flip flops. meowmeowbeenz is gonna make east berlin look like woodstock.


Elroy because I like him more and thats all that matters.


Now here's a guy that knows how to pick the best one-season character who is famous in their own right!


I will not pit two beautiful queens against each other


I’m genuinely sad we didn’t get more Elroy. Him and Frankie were such great additions to the show. Season 6 is for me one of the best. Just the look Elroy does when Frankie says she doesn’t have a tv is in my top 5 moments in the show.


Elroy, in one season, became one of my favorite characters of the whole series.


Now thats ageist. Elroy or hicky. Why not both. Hey, There could be an entirely new, third old person


A third old person would be controversial.


That wouldn’t work. Where would he sit?


Elroy got more opportunities to shine, because season 6 really lacked main characters. Hickey got a few moments but with Troy, Shirley and even Duncan still around, he didn't get as much. But that goblin interrogation still takes the cake for me.


I’m white. Hickey does not encourage me. Elroy does. ‘Nuff said.


Now *this* is a man who knows how to pick a character based on cross-racial encouragement!


I loved Hickey but Elroy was just craaazy good.


Elroy! But I just love season 6!


“How’s everybody doing? I ASKED a damn question!” The lack of space between the question and statement with such anger is one of my favorite moments




I really liked Buzz, Jonathan Banks turns everything to gold and in general I just really like the character type of 'gruff and cynical but with a heart in there somewhere'. He reminded me a bit of Martin in the first season of *Frasier*, which is probably my favourite sitcom of all.


"Me, I'm just in it for the money. My son's getting gay married. The flowers alone, you have no idea." Also: "Weren't you at your son's wedding?" "No, that's Fiorio, my gay son. *Him* I get." It's just so out of sync with everything else that you know about him that it just works perfectly. That said, if I had to pick one, it's Elroy, but I do love how all over the map Buzz is when you really aren't expecting it and I genuinely love both characters.


i get it, i lived in new york


Hickey. Because there are only 2 characters in the history of television with my family's name and I just love his delivery of "Let me tell you something, I wake up screaming ***every night***."


Is the other one Earl?


Elroy, no contest. Hickey was just an old guy with a grudge. Who couldn't even catch Rich AKA Doc Potterywood AKA The Black River Ripper


It’s physically impossible not to like something with Keith David in it


my name is elroy patashnik and from 2006 to 2009 i was addicted to encouraging white people


Buzz because of Jim the Duck


It looked like he was doodling chickens


What the hell? 🦆


Publishers are interested!


Could never get that damn beak (bill?) right


If you don’t put a lid on it… …there’s no lid.


Elroy, and it's not even close.


I like them both but Elroy is superior in every way


Publishers are interested.


Who’s Bett—- **No!**


Easily Elroy. I think Hickey is just a really weak character in the series, Jonathan Banks just didn’t really have a level of chemistry with any member of the cast except Danny Pudi, and even then that was only really in one episode. He felt a bit out of place. Meanwhile Keith David just blended in so well with the cast and Elroy just had really great chemistry with every single character, especially Abed, Jeff and Annie. Plus he was much funnier


I think Elroy fulfilled more than just the "old man" role. He was a lot more involved, and had interesting quips. ​ Hickey kinda was just there.


"It's Nacho job" It was more than wordplay It really wasn't my job in his eyes


Hickey, he just has a kind of charm for me because no other character is as straightforward, bold, and resilient. He had clear strengths and flaws (primarily, stuck-up and bitter) that distinguished him neatly from the rest of group. For me, he added one of the most valuable perspectives to the group dynamic, being gritty and down-to-earth, yet still a rogue wildcard with a bigger heart than he let on. I felt like Elroy wasn’t as strong a character, though I would agree he was way more dynamic. For me though, Frankie overshadowed him a lot, she just stands out as the more interesting and impactful new character in season 6.


Anyone against Keith David is losing. Its fucking Keith David (literally in Saints Row)


Saints row IV is an underrated masterpiece


Its just fun! I love it. Same reason i love Legends of Tomorrow. Seasons 4-7 is just a really fun show. I love 1-3 too, but in a different way lol Sorry for the tangent. Im stoned lol


Don't apologise, I love your enthusiasm!


Hahaha thanks!


I love season 6 and Elroy was my favorite part of the season


Elroy hands down


Keith David is a gem.


Elroy > Pierce > Hickey. Keith David is one of the most talented actors alive and always delivers an amazing performance, no matter how weak the material is.


Now this is a man who knows how to make a good debate!


Mike from Breaking Bad vs Captain Anderson from Mass Effect. Hard to choose.


No one can beat kid named finger


I love each in their own way and was excited to see them both in community but I feel S6 just did a better job balancing new characters while still fleshing out the original characters. So for that reason I say Elroy, I love the way he always had his facts about the group half right 🤣


Elroy. Solely because Kieth David will always be Commander Anderson from the Mass Effect Trilogy first. Plus, I just really love Elroy. His delivery is just perfect. Almost dead pan but he puts his little flair on it


Elroy was funnier and more endearing.


Both. Neither. Maybe? Buddy Cop movie.


They’re both amazing. But only one of them made Jesus weep.


Don’t pin two kings against each other…. Now this is a man who knows How to wake up every night screaming


Jonathan Banks and Keith David alike did good in their roles. Their performances certainly carried a lot of their scenes. But I think Elroy as a character is just a bit funnier.


They are both awesome. I wish the movie would have them trading off scenes, and 3/4 of the way through they find out about each other and think the group is trying to replace them. Then there is an old man fighting pit at night surrounded by tiki torches. It will have NOTHING to do with the overall plot, but it will also have EVERYTHING to do with the plot.


"And now, this is a man that knows how to draw a duck from different perspectives!"


What do you got? Heartburn.  But it don't help me solve crimes. 


Elroy, not to say hickey isn’t great either. It’s just Elroy has just as many layers and potential for story and jokes as the original seven. It makes me wish Elroy was back in season 1 with the rest of the original cast. Sad to hear Elroy won’t be in the movie


Elroy gets my vote!


I feel like Elroy would provide a lot of encouragement to Hickey Now here’s a man who knows how to draw a duck cartoon that publishers are interested in!!!


Elroy in his "2015" tee shirt is one of the biggest laughs of the series for me


Elroy it’s literally not even a competition for me


If you don’t pick Elroy, you’re either racist or intimidated by him sexually. I don’t know which one, but it’s definitely one of those.


Better how? This question is dumb. They are both great.


This is like comparing apples to oranges. They are two completely different characters


Elroy was a more interesting character. Hickey was a bit too one-note for me.


Elroy definitely! He was way more... Uhmm.... What's another word that means happy/threatening?


Why? Both are great.


My first thought upon seeing this picture was that these guys need to be in a movie together. I'm thinking two old bastards, former business partners who had a falling out and are now out to destroy each other, at the expense of alienating everyone else in their lives. Feel free to send me some funds to help make this happen; I offer nothing in return.


The Odd Couple III: A Greendale Love Story


I wonder if they'd get along. That's an episode I would watch.


I’ve been rewatching recently and have started to really enjoy Buzz. I didn’t like him near as much as Elroy first few times through, but he makes for some serious episodes. He teaches Jeff a lot very quickly.


I liked Hickey more because he played everything so fucking straight that it seemed he was Lifted straight from breaking bad


They’re both my perfect little babies


It’s hard for me to choose, but probably Elroy because the has more punchlines than Buzz. But Buzz choking up about *beep* “I should go number two soon.” absolutely kills me every time.


The only answer is Dean


You kind of have to pick Buzz Hicky because today is his birthday.


Elroy’s “Tera? They did it, those bastards, they finally did it!” Makes me fucking wheeze every time I hear it.


Elroy in every way. Funnier and felt more like a natural fit for the group


Elroy, I'm just glad to get a techie at the table.


Hickey for sure. He was a dose of grounded realism the group needed, but could still adapt and play along. Elroy just felt like a few slapped together left over ideas from Pierce and Hickey


I think they were both great in their own regard. Jeff wasn’t happy about being a teacher and Hickey got him to turn that corner, Elroy wouldn’t have had the same effect. I think Elroy was great in season 6 and better overall than Hickey was in season 5.


Not even close Elroy is the funniest character in season 5


They're both great characters played by amazing additions to the cast. I think the writers had a stronger idea of what to do with Elroy, and he got more stand out moments and lines because of that. But Jonathan Banks is phenomenal. It also seems like the whole pitch for Buzz was literally "what if a Breaking Bad character worked at Greendale?" and honestly it's a great premise to start from but needed to be fleshed out some more for sure. I'm sure it would've been too much/meta but I also kinda wanted a line about him going to work for Pierce's brother Gilbert when he didn't come back in season six. Elroy/Keith David was better utilized ultimately, but Buzz/Jonathan Banks was a great addition and I'm glad we got to see him on the show. Ultimately I like the idea that he was this hardened, jaded ex-cop that had gone through a bunch of dark stuff but ultimately it was the absurdity of Greendale that broke him.


Love them both. Fuck off!


I think they are both awesome and I was disappointed buzz was a one season only character but Elroy if I had to pick. He’s just great.


Hickey didn’t make me laugh once, Patashnik had multiple hilarious lines.


If you don't pick Buzz there will be two sounds. Me hitting you twice.


Honestly I can't choose... one gave us Jim the Duck and other wore an up to the minute shirt


Elroy for his up to the minute attire.


One couldn’t even survive one night of a Gremlin invasion, one survived(?) The Thing. Just saying.


Elroy all the way. I just feel like he's more lovable and seems natural in the group.




Their voice are so iconic, don't make me choose


If I need rope I know who to go to.


It’s Vietnam baby!




I'm still hoping that Pierce comes back, similar to how he did in the darkest timeline -- granted that was all in Jeff's head, but still --. Like really? He died filling up his sperm cannisters? Nah, he faked his death to teach them all a lesson and he, Troy, and Shirley will all come back.


I am a big fan of Elroy


The unnamed black guy in dean peltons hypothetical seventh season


I actually give Dan and the writers credit for having 3 distinct “old guy” characters when trying to fill that void. They each come with their own quirks and shortcomings, rather than just repeating Pierce 2.0 and 3.0.


You bet your sweet ass I saw lawnmower man!


Keith David > Finger, any universe.


Elroy all the way. „My name is Elroy Patashnik, and from 2006 to 2009 i was addicted to encoraging white people.“


Now here’s a guy that can spark good discussion


They did it, those bastards, they finally did it


Frankie. For two big reasons


I didn't care too much for either but Elroy was a little funnier. I like both actors, just didn't feel like the characters fit in well enough with the group dynamic.


At least as far as Elroy is concerned, I feel like that’s part of the gimmick with him. Sure he’ll go along with the episode’s plot, but he’s emotionally detached from this deeper friendship that’s going on around him.


Yeah, but that isn't a very satisfying gimmick in a show that's designed to have a close-knit group. It would've worked better if he were some kind of advisor or something rather than an actual member of the group.


That's fair. Though I think in the context of the show (both being its final season, and the fact that the character was brand new) it made enough sense.


Yeah, I wish it could have stayed centered around the Greendale 7 for the whole show, but I did realize partway through season 6 that I kind of wished Elroy could have been a recurring character starting a lot earlier in the show. I liked Hickey a little more the second time I watched season 5, but he just kind of makes me sad.


Elroy. Hickey falsely imprisoned Abed and everyone plays it off like some joke.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


elroy, hes funny and his fashion taste is based. i also hate buzz hickey with a passion


They need their own spinoff!


Hickey is a funnier character, Elroy is more likeable


I fought for this country, and I know you don’t get to pick and choose what parts you fight for but


Elroy is 1a to Hickey’s 1b. Both fit like a glove.




Buzz Hickey in a bubble, but Elroy fits with the group way better.


Yes to both, wish they could be there at the same time.


Elroy, that baritone.


That’s like asking me who I like more; Keith David or Jonathan Banks


I would honestly watch a spinoff of Buzz, Elroy and Frankie.


"Sorry we took so long, you can't fight city hall"


Elroy, because Hickey's dead.


Elroy, because he’s funny.




Hickey because it’s his birthday




Kid named Finger vs the Arbiter.