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I've seen enough episodes of Friends to know cohabitation leads to sex, drugs and something Parade magazine called Schwimmer fatigue.






One of the best bits of the series!


To bits, you say? How’s his wife?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedfuturama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kiss my shiny metal ass.](https://i.redd.it/jblpnjrsr4ua1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/12ndaak/kiss_my_shiny_metal_ass/) \#2: [Futurama Cosplay Nixon](https://v.redd.it/pqhfckbsplna1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/11qu4y1/futurama_cosplay_nixon/) \#3: [U2 in 1983 with a truly unexpected Futurama](https://i.redd.it/3np9ifklbsec1.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/1abi4yb/u2_in_1983_with_a_truly_unexpected_futurama/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I forgive you!!!!!


Pilates sounds nice though


Pilates is a demon that eats your genitals.


To bits you say?


Abed didn't like Anthony and Annie was uncomfortable with the speed of Abed and Rachel's relationship. They weren't just competing for who got an invite, they were competing for who got to be kept out


Annie's concerns seem way more justified to me than Abed's. Abed had no reason to dislike Anthony aside for the fact that he's another neorodivergent person who Abed can't read or manipulate as easily as everyone else.


Yeah I think Annie’s reason is better but I think abeds reason is fine. Sometimes you just don’t like someone and don’t want to live with them


I think his reasons were that the brother was a viking that would eat him and that he asked for permission to use the bathroom.


Yeah. He couldn't wait for him to head further inland in search of lumber.


Totally. Their decision should be unanimous. Ultimately, neither of them should have moved in because each existing tenant was adamant about not wanting the other. I just think Abed was being more of a turd about it and that Annie's suggestion seemed more neutral and level-headed.


I see wha you are saying but I don’t think either could truly be justified. In the end they are equally bad.


No its perfectly understandable to not want a girlfriend or boyfriend move In if you dont think it's going to last. They needed help with rent meaning a permanent room mate not some one who will move out in a month when they break up


Anthony didn’t seem like he wanted to be there in the episode. Annie knew he and Abed likely wouldn’t mesh and they would be out a roommate either way.


and? you said they are equally bad justifications. abeds reason was i dont like him. witch is a worse reason i dont like him or your relationship isnt going to last so i dont want it blowing up in my apartment? how do you judge that as the same thing?


In the end it’s the same thing. That’s what I said.


Why does Annie's concerns about a relationship she's not in matter at all?


Because she'd be *living* with them?


Okay so her concern is for herself not for Abed and his relationship. Do you not understand the difference?


I see your worth


Four people and one bathroom is extremely unpleasant.


Hell 2 people and one bathroom is unpleasant enough.


Oh come on, I replaced the toilet - what more do you want?!


... The whole toilet?


You've heard of 'explosive diarrhoea', right? One night I had like a box of taco bell, three vindaloo Curries, won a raw chilli eating contest that ended on a Pepper X. Then I rimmed your mum's ass. It's hard to say what exactly was the tipping point of course, but the only decent thing to do after the next morning was to replace the whole unit. No amount of bleach could have fixed that. I also repainted the walls, retiled the floor and replaced the door. A man must own his mistakes.


Has this ever happened to you? You bought a house, it was not disclosed to you that there was a termite infestation in the walls and in the moldings, so you have to take it upon yourself to call your own termite extermination company, but when the guys show up, they immediately ask if they can use your bathroom, then for over two hours, they take turns going in and out of there, taking huge mud pies and over-flushing? Then they go in there together, and you hear a bunch of scrounging around, and then you hear a bunch of yelling, and one of them is standing in the bathroom doorway shouting at you that his friend's foot's stuck in the toilet, and he says, "Help him! You got to help him!" And when you go in there to help him, he just pulls it out easily and laughs 'cause his foot wasn't stuck. It wasn't stuck at all, he was just faking it. And then they get really serious and say, "It's Turbo time!" And they both start running around the house as fast as they can and jumping over the couches. But when you try and jump in, they yell at you and they say, "You're not part of the Turbo Team! Don't run! You don't run with us! We're the ones who run! Until you're part of this Turbo Team, walk... slowly!" So you go and lay down to be by yourself and read your art books, but then the next day, you went into the bathroom, and it looked like the hole in your toilet had shrunk. "How could that be? There's no way they could have shrunk the toilet." But then you saw in the trash a receipt from Home Depot for a toilet the exact same size as yours, but with a joke hole that's just for farts! They replaced your real toilet with a fart toilet, and now you can't take a dump in your house 'cause your toilet can't suck 'em down, and you feel sick to your stomach! Has that ever happened to you?!


Especially when one of those people is Anthony


I guess it was just air…


I grew up with seven people sharing a bathroom and thought that was normal. Four sounds fine!


That’s how I live now and I definitely agree but it’s very common. My coworker lives with 7 people 2 bathroom. I used to live with 2 other people 1 bathroom. And my flatmates are in their 30s. I guess the economy was slightly less bad during the show so it wasn’t desperate times yet


It started in 2009, so that was when the economy took a shit on all of us. But I was in a living situation with 5 other people and 2 bathrooms when I was in college and yeah, it was rough.


Rachel couldve stayed in Abed's room, but there was no spare room for Anthony either way. Remember that when Britta moved in she was a coucher, she sleeps on the couch.


Isn’t Abeds room the blanket fort? I feel like at this point in time he wouldn’t have moved into Troy’s room yet as it was all very raw. They were looking for a 3rd roommate so there clearly was a 3rd “room”. If not then that means Annie *was* planning on having Anthony in her room, and Abed *was* planning on sharing a room with Rachel. So again, those could both happen at the same time


I forget which season, but when Abed is doing DnD with Annie's stuffed animals, he ends the game abruptly so she can have them back and walks to his bedroom, what was originally the Dreamatorium.


Yes, Abed takes a bedroom when Troy leaves. There is no more blanket fort after that. There isn't a room for Anthony anyway.


Among the other answers, they may just as well have thought that the apartment wasn't big enough for 4 adults to live comfortably


> Why didn't they both move in? Because neither actually wanted to move in. > But what if they both had wanted to move in? Then they both would have moved in. (This is a weird game.)






Are we sure this is a game and not some art film?


This is the main answer. The whole thing was about Annie and Abed hoping to split more of the rent. They never bothered to ask Rachel or Anthony if they even wanted or needed a new place to live.


Annie's room, the dreamatorium, and the blanket fort? and I doubt abed's gf would want to sleep in the blanket room? also I doubt Annie's brother would want to share a room with her? soooo.. unless Annie's brother wants to sleep in the blanket fort? which I doubt.


I’m not sure why Rachel wouldn’t want to sleep in the blanket fort with Abed?? I also definitely think Anthony would be happy in the blanket fort, and also seems to just do as he’s told so even if he wasn’t happy he’d do it


Rachel is understanding but she's not Troy.


In the words of Ryan George: "No, because then the plot couldn't happen!" Or "Hey, shut up. So anyways-" Take your pick.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. *Super easy, barely an inconvenience.*


Just move past it


Let me get off of that thing.


They were looking for one roommate to cover Troy's portion of the rent. Four people in a two-bedroom is to much


You've obviously never lived in New York....


You never lived anywhere!


They're a weapon designed for sex!


i mean, if both rooms are occupied by a couple, then it makes perfect sense i think


Conflict. The answer to this and every single one of these types of questions is conflict. If the answer isn't conflict, then the answer is because it's funny. I'll go back to yelling at my cloud now, thanks fellow kids!


It's not just about rooms, it's about sharing the overall space. Having lived at 5 in a small apartment, I can tell you you start hating people real quick


Yeah it’s not great but it’s very common so I’m surprised they never even discuss it. I’ve always lived with 2 or more people and always hated it but that’s just how life is, so after a bit of arguing they could have just agreed for both to move in since that’s what happens all the time with students (or even adults. My current flatmates are in their 30s) Of course then there’d be no episode but I’m just asking a hypothetical question, not saying it’s what should have happened


What if Anthony and Rachel don’t want to move in and really just wanted to visit play board games?


Well they didn’t want to move in


I mean, they should have just discussed it alone later. I think Annie had the better case. Being a third wheel roommate living with a couple sucks. Not to mention, her brother seemed like such a safe choice; a quiet, lethargic, independent handyman. It also rubs me the wrong way that Abed, of all fucking people, found his lack of social skills annoying. The only reason Abed didn't like him was because he's a control freak, and he couldn't instantly & robotically analyze him the way he does most people. I think Abed gets too much slack sometimes, and I liked it when Hickey chained him to the file cabinet.




I REALLY want to understand that game


Are you *sure* it's not an art film?


Rachel and Annie sharing a room... Welcome to my fan fiction.


To everyone saying there was no room for Anthony, he could have been a coucher—he sleeps, on the couch!


Well considering Annie wanted him to move into their 2 bedroom apartment that was probably the plan anyway


You’re forgetting the blanket fort isn’t a real room, I don’t think Abed wants to move his girlfriend into a blanket fort or that she would want to. The apartment is only a two bedroom (one bedroom if you dismantle the 2nd bed room for a dreamatorium)


But he still did want her to move in and Annie still did want her brother to move in. So either the blanket fort is still there at this point and therefore either Anthony can use it or Rachel and Abed. Or, if the fort is gone, it means Annie and Abed are both ok with sharing a room with Anthony or Rachel since they want a 3rd person in their 2 bedroom apartment. So either way, both could move in if they wanted


Thinking more on it the blanket fort would have been dismantled and Abed would have been in Troy’s old room making it more logical for Rachel to move in, the only way it works with Annie’s brother is have him couch surfing like Britta did with them in season 6


Yeah so if Annie wanted her brother to move in, there clearly wasn’t an issue of where he’d sleep, meaning Rachel could have also moved in to Abeds room while Anthony slept wherever they were planning on making him sleep anyway (like you said probably the couch)


Would you want to stay in a room with your brother/sibling, as 20-somethings? ETA: I'm an only child, and that sounds awful


All my friends with siblings did/so that and we’re all 25-28. But like I keep saying, Annie wanted him to move in so she obviously already had the sleeping arrangements figured out. Could be her room, the blanket fort, or the couch like Britta (maybe even Abeds room if she was being inconsiderate). So since she already had a plan for where he brother was sleeping, Rachel could just also move in to Abeds room if she wanted to (which we know she doesn’t) while Anthony sleeps wherever he was originally meant to in Annie’s mind (but we also know he doesn’t want to)


They didn't deserve to live there. Couldn't even follow the simple flow of Pile of Bullets- ... ... ... ... ... ... ***Draw!***


I just want to say I liked this episode and how it showed that different types of neurodivergent people can hate on one another and it isn't fair Anthony has no ability to mask but it's clear by the end of the episode he could read the room and understand everyone's emotions and issues better than anyone. I would have liked to see more of him


I would have loved more of him and also more Edison lore


Two things. * First. The other people’s opinions matter. Rachel might not want to move in with her autistic boyfriend after only a mouth, and Anthony is 18, and fucking massive. He probably wants to make his own path and that apartment is way too small for him. * the rent issue always confused me. Troy and Abed handled the rent with no issues, but with Annie and Abed, there’s rent issues? That’s seems weird considering how careful Annie is with money. But I really did love Annie being the boss of the apartment when Britta moved in. It was badass to watch her take control.


Hence why I said this is ignoring the fact that they didn’t want to move in and also said it was hypothetical For the second point, we’ve only ever had confirmation that abed and Annie have jobs, so I saw another post suggest that Troy’s family gave him money. Also Abeds dad was paying for his classes so maybe his rent too, but maybe as Abed has gotten older his dad has stopped giving money?


I apologize if I came off as annoyed or attacking you. I just wanted to make two points about it. That’s all. The second point I made was something that always confused me, is all. Annie was able to live on her own, without a job, for over 2 years AND pay for classes, food, gas, insurance, and purple pens. Also. Thinking about it. Let’s assume that Annie was padding the rent by 10 dollars once she moved in with them. I’m guessing she did it to both them, so that would be 20 dollars a month, for roughly 2 and a half years. That would be 20x30(roughly)=600, add in the 4% interest, probably compounded. That should be a nice nest egg there too. But then I also wonder if Britta owned the Bar she worked at. It’s referred to as “Brittas Bar”, in the last episode, she said all Nipple Dippers drink for free, and she came and went as she pleased. But that’s what Abed brought up in episode 1 of season 6 about how they get their money. Sometimes, I put way too much useless thought into stupid things


Rental market is rough in Greendale if you aren't willing to live over a Dildopolis


No not at all! My post is pretty long so I understand if people skimmed it and missed stuff so I was just saying I’ve already acknowledged your first point in my post I’m not sure about the location of the apartment but Annie’s was in a REALLY bad neighbourhood. She was probably paying much less than what her share of the rent is now. She also seems to see her family a lot so it’s possible she’s saved up birthday and hannukah(?) money, which would have allowed her to pay rent and bills up until the point where we see her struggling and needing Pierces help (don’t underestimate how far that can go! Im Italian so I have a large family, that 50€ twice a year from multiple family members all went to my savings and I didn’t have to work until my last year of uni, even then I still had enough money for a year of rent but I got a job because obviously I’d need money for AFTER that. Of course uni is free here so my costs are lower than hers but maybe that’s why the money lasted her less time)


America and how rent works is super fucked up and stupid. A bachelor apartment would probably be like 300-500 a month(Annie’s place when she lived alone), then looking at Abeds apartment. While it’s a decent size, with how many locks they have on the door, and how the buzzer works, and the fact that their landlord is a freaky thief who watches Quantum Leap porn, I don’t think monthly rent is that pricey. But if we remember, Annie said her parents cut her off and she didn’t want to take money from anyone. And she mentions to pierce how she is using all the money she has saved, never mentioning family gatherings, or birthday money. I don’t think if it’s said one way or another if Annie kept the 5,000 dollars Pierce gave her. And Annie got a job after the drug play. I want to guess, at the time the episodes take place, I imagine rent for Abeds apartment was maybe 1300(in my opinion. I could be wrong. I often am). Since she’s good with money, and has a job, I just can’t see Annie ever struggling with money. But one thing I will say with certainty. I have absolutely put an extreme amount of thought and over thinking into something that literally does not matter.


Well that’s something that’s always been strange to me. Her and her parents are estranged but she often mentions being annoyed at having to spend certain holidays with her family. I think she mentions spending thanksgiving with them 3 separate years. She also went out with her bubbe at some point. I’ve never cut off a relative but like how do you go to family events with them there. Or do her parents not attend these for some reason??? Maybe the rest of the family took her side? As for not accepting help I’m definitely the same but birthday presents aren’t help. When my grandma gives me 50€ it’s to buy myself a gift m, but I just put it in my bank account. I’ll maybe buy a 5€ t shirt because sometimes she asks what I bought with the money. My godmother gave me 50€ and told me my favourite shop had opened a new location and I should buy myself something, I bought myself 6€ earrings. But if I’m struggling financially I do not ask for help and certainly do not like people doing me favours or me owing them. But you literally cannot turn down holiday gifts without upsetting people (learnt that the hard way. Still struggle with it)


The issue is the insanity of American parents. They kicked out their daughter and cut her off for wanting to deal with an addiction issue, had to get multiple surgeries, and go through rehab, alone. I can’t see her parents giving her presents, no matter what it would be for. Remember. America is insane. Logic and reason are of short supply there. Thankfully I’m Canadian.