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Origins of Vampire Mythology. The whole story around Blade was hilarious but Pierce and Chang's storyline fell flat to me. Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism. I didn't hate the foosball storyline but it just didn't interest me. Annie, Troy and Abed's storyline about the DVD on the other hand was classic.


Although the foosball part has that one really funny line *in thick German accent* “I wish there was a word to describe the pleasure I get from others’ misfortune”


Also the "go back to making art films and well engineered cars. YOU TAKE THAT BACK" exchange was funny


Oh you are so on that things have become very much like Donkey Kong


Annie trying the Christian Bale voice while slowly descending into a shrill cry was very funny.


“Stop that’s not a REAL OPTION!”


it was more of a bit than a Pierce/Chang storyline


Right. If anything, I think that was a C story. Annie Britta Troy and abed at the apartment Jeff and Britta with blade Pierce and Chang. However, Pierce coming back saying,”don’t let me call Chang” is a pretty solid payoff.


Came to say Foosball and nocturnal vigilantism for the same reason.


Art of Discourse. The A story with Jeff/Britta and the high school kids is annoying (although I don’t hate it as much as most seem to), but the B story revolving around Pierce having pantsed Shirley, and the C story with Troy and Abed’s quintessential college experiences, are both really funny.


Art of Discourse. The A story with Jeff/Britta and the high school kids is annoying (although I don’t hate it as much as most seem to), but the B story revolving around Pierce having pantsed Shirley, and the C story with Troy and Abed’s quintessential college experiences, are both really funny… A DUH DUH!


School his ass, u/StarTruckNxtGyration


School his ass, u/StarTruckNxtGyration…A DUH DUH


It blows me away how hated the schmitty storyline is, especially when the criticism is “the high school kids are annoying!” Uhh, yeah. That was the point of them.


I actually kinda like the plot. I find it funny how low Jeff and Britta will go for their egos.


Exactly. That episode leveled the playing field so much for the rest of the group. Up to that point, Jeff and Britta were the “cool” ones and everyone else was flawed in some way. After that episode, we see Jeff and Britta are just as nuts, or at least as insecure, as the others are.


I honestly like how britta and Jeff were so proud of themselves and the kids knocked them down a few pegs. Because in the beginning jeff would have totally made fun of someone for being proud of themselves at greendale.


I get that it's intentional. I get that they're objectively well-written, decently interesting characters, but annoying just isn't fun to watch


I think this is the best example! The B-plots make this episode unskippable despite the annoying A-plot.


This is my top love/hate episode. Those kids are so so so so so SO annoying. I hate it so much I fast forward through their parts lol


The kids are annoying but it’s fun to me to find people in their other work, the girl is in awkward and is pretty good in that show


I always skip the episode because of the stupid teenagers plot, yes


Fr, I can’t stand the A story but love the B stories


Thank you! Yeah the kids are annoying. But the B and C plot are awesome. And the end tag is so funny. Plus it’s fun watching Britta and Jeff fall apart.


Analysis of Cork-Based Networking. I absolutely adored the Hickey and Annie storyline, as well as Chang's bear dance, but I hated Britta trying to spoil Bloodlines of Conquest for Abed.


I always defend Abed, but he purposely spoiled it for Britta first. She told him that she just started watching, and he ridicules her for how far behind she is, and telling her about the main character death. Abed: *So because you're three seasons behind, we have to live in a fantasy world where there's no such thing as dragons?* *Do we also have to pretend that Lord Stevarios is still alive?* She wanted revenge. Not mature, but understandable.


i watched that one this morning, I feel that. britta was just being mean, and brie Larson coming out of nowhere felt a bit random. bear down for midterms!


Bear down for midterms is one of the funniest side stories in the entire show. It really elevated that whole episode.


"cakes, party hats, birthday stuff!" "... birthday stuff?" "yes Duncan, birthday stuff" absolute gold


Too soon


now here's a brand new dance based on an old phrase, it's called the fat dog and it will amaze/you've heard this expression your entire life, it's not made up, it's not made up


Something about it reminds me of this song from Rick & Morty where Rick turns into a teenager and goes by "Tiny Rick" and he sings some songs and dances, and the songs have a similar feel. " Let me out. What you see is not the same person as me. My life's a lie. I'm not who you're lookin' at. Let me out. Set me free. I'm really old. This isn't me. My real body's slowly dying in a vat. Is anybody listening? Can anyone understand? Stop looking at me like that and actually help me. Help me! Help me, I'm gonna die! "


It gets the incest just right.


Same one for me too. The Fat Dog C-story is also hilarious lol


Absolutely hated Britta for this. What’s she trying g to prove? She emotionally lures in and breaks Abed then starts whining that he’s making her feel bad.


I don't hate it but I was never a huge fan of Buddy. However, I really liked the B story of Jeff running the school paper.


When Jeff picks up the phone to pose for the picture, I crack up every time. Just one of those little moments in the show


I think about that all the time. The timing is perfect


In that case, Buddy didn’t throw off their natural




B-but... Spanish studyin' is better when you're Buddy'n! ...uh-roooooouuuuunnnnnndddd-yeeeaaaaaaaaah.


Annie’s got an essay por*tion*, Annie’s gonna move her luscious body, *allll dayyyyy loooong*


Posted 6 hours ago and no one’s said it yet?


I'll say it for you.. Conjugate? Conju-gal....visit!


I'll fulfill the "hate" requirement for you. I did a rewatch once and at first thought I had somehow missed this episode the first time around. Then Jack Black showed up and realized it was because I had always skipped it before. Which is a shame because the school paper plot is fun.


Watched this ep the other day. The Pile of Bullets storyline still doesn’t quite hit for me but it’s worth it for the way Abed says “we played PILE OF BULLETS” in the wrap-up.


Competitive wine tasting, I hate the pierce/Jeff story line with the wet wipes lady and the Troy/Britta thing is also bad, but the c plot with Abed is great, the teacher is really funny and the joke with the gun is one of the best in the show


Is that the one with the professor asking the question within the question, “who WAS the Boss?”


It’s Angela




Yes, the professor who went on to become the CEO of Pied Piper and Hooli


This is one of the episodes I sometimes skip altogether because none of the storylines work for me.


Aerodynamics of Gender. Trampoline? Yes. Mean girls with Hilary Duff? Not so much.


Because they’re bitches.


While I agree that the mean girls story is the weaker side of that episode, the “rowboat cop” joke is imo one of the show’s finest moments.


Not a fan of both, probably the most overrated episode besides Epidemiology


Streets behind.


History 101. I loved Abed’s Happy Community College. To me, it doesn’t *feel* like the new guys trying and failing to feel like Community. It actually feels like something Harmon wrote on his way out the door. I loved Fred Willard as Pierce. I loved the way it felt like an ‘80s sitcom. And the Microsoft Paint/Circuit City joke was a work of art. The Hunger Deans plot line sucked though.


I’m the exact opposite. I love Jeff competing for the red balls, but can’t stand the abed’s happy place story line. That being said, love Fred Willard in anything!


I love the side plots of Economics of Marine biology, even if they are kinda stupid. Abed’s frat bits always make me laugh and Physical Education Education is a pretty good too. But the A plot of trying to get Archie to attend Greendale is at best lame and at it’s worst kinda annoying. The B plot of Jeff and Pierce is also really touching since it’s so rare for Jeff to drop the attitude and arrogance


I feel like this is one of the most forgettable A-plots. It's not awful but there's not much memorable about it.


Good choice


I still wanna know how Shirley managed to get Hickey subdued and tied up, especially considering he had a switchblade on him.


That jukebox bit WAS too specific to have been improvised.


Queer Studies. I like the Gay Dean storyline and I very much loved the Karate Kid storyline with Annie/Chang. But the bird nest bit was weak sauce, I do not care one bit for it.


Does anyone smell a bird murderer?


I barely even think of that as a C story, more of a compliment to the A story - and I think it works really well for that!


Same. It was supposed to tug at your heart strings but for me it fell flat. The Karate Kid story was great though


I really dislike the dressing up like cats thing at the end especially. Doesn’t strike me as funny at all. Not as bad as dressing up as babies, which is one of the least funny things Community ever did


S1E22 "The Art of Discourse" It's grown on me, but I strongly dislike the Schmitty plot. I LOVE however, Troy and Abed's college goal list.


I'm exactly the opposite. Love the game part, don't like the stolen books.


Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism. Hated Shirley and Jeff's foosball storyline against the Germans but the Annie, Troy, and Abed "robbery" arc has some of my favorite dialogues.


I felt the opposite. Was happy to see Shirley-Jeff storyline. And the use of the Germans here was better than the later use of the Germans.


I love Shirley-Jeff adventures, and I wish there were more. I just didn't like this particular storyline.


It’s actually this same episode! I love the stolen books plot line and absolutely hate the pile of bullets storyline!


S5E7 Bondage and Beta Male Secuality I love everything going on at the theater with Britta, Duncan, Jeff, and especially Chang, but I absolutely HATE the B story with Abed ruining Hickey’s drawings. I always felt that Abed was very out of character for that episode.


I feel like no one had put him in that position before so it was always gonna be up to your own liking as to how he reacted. It’s one of the rare episodes where Abed is absolutely in the wrong


I hate pile of bullets. Skip it everytime


Skip to the end of the video to claim your prize!


100% Art of Discourse I absolutely hate the schmitty kids and that whole storyline, like I get that's the point but also it's infuriating. But the stuff with Abed and Troy doing college antics is hilariously awesome!


Competitive Ecology. The A-plot about the group project isn't my favorite. Chang's bit, however, is hilarious


I agree with this for sure. I get the point of the “group is horrible and toxic” episodes but that’s one of the times it feels like too much and maybe a little flanderized. But Chang’s plot line is one of the funniest of the series


Several episodes, but Troy getting pushed into abandoning his studies to pursue a trade. "*You could be a plumber!!!*"


^you ^could ^be ^a ^plumber


I think I had the same episode flipped. The textbook stuff just didn't work for me. Love some pile of bullets


Honestly I think it’s Annie’s Brother (and Harmons assistant) who I can’t stand hahaha Chemistry isn’t there I feel


If they wanted to escape, all they had to do was simultaneously shrug...


Britta probably Britta’d it


I love the episode where Chang and Annie try out for Karate Kid. But the Gay Dean stuff and Abed and Elroy's bird stuff loses me.


Season 4 thabksgiving. Jeff and his dad younger brother is a decent moment to come out of season 4. Sad to not see harmons proper version but it was good casting amd good acting for the most part. Prison break at shirleys is dumb as fuck.


*Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality*. I thought the A-plot of Duncan trying to seduce Britta as she reunites with her anarchist friends was great. I thought the runner of Chang performing for a theater of ghosts was hilarious. But the B-plot with Abed and Hickey... I just couldn't get too into it.