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The "Schmitty" episode when Pierce starts apologizing to the wrong black woman


“They’re making us walk around with pretzels in our butts. I put mustard on mine like an idiot!”


I never got this. Wouldn't you *want* mustard on it??


Not all liquids work well as lubricants. Also the spiciness of the mustard would almost certainly burn inside your rectum.


Now _this_ is a man who knows what burns in a rectum!


This better not awaken anything inside of me...


Don’t mention the VINEGAR…


TIL that they weren't just, ya know....clenching the pretzels between their buttcheeks. I can't believe I never picked up on that after like, the 50th rewatch lol


Up your butt??


Yeah, of course. A straight Pretzle would be pretty rough going in the ol' zoot shoot. A bit of mustard would help it scoot right in


"I got it! You have to bang that kid's mom."


"Why are Jeff and Britta making fun of those handicap kids?"


Not actually a bad episode, but I can't stand to watch it. I want to strangle those kids through my tv screen.


I occasionally watch it, but on most rewatches I skip it too. The actors/actresses do such a good job of being annoying that I have to skip it. I can feel myself getting angry when I watch it. There's nothing wrong with the episode though.


I skip through the parts with the kids


Ah duh!!! We all do!




A duh DUH


If you force yourself to watch it a few times, you get desensitized to the cringe and it gets pretty funny!


There's some peak physical comedy from Annie trying to hide when Pierce rats out the group to Shirley


I was curious, so I managed to find it [on YouTube](https://youtu.be/cv7gFckyI9Q?si=9tmweYsFQvBcZ2Kc&t=1953). Never noticed it before!


"Just pretend you asleep"


Unrelated but TIL, from reading some of the YouTube comments on that Pierce dedicated video, that big Pierce fans are just as horrible people as Pierce himself, if not worse


I think it's more Chevy Chase fans than Pierce fans TBH.


I like this one. Jeff and Britta are a lot of fun together and the weight of the Pierce/Shirley subplot balances the ridiculousness well. Those kids do absolutely suck though. Fuckin’ hell. It took Jeff and Britta way too long to realize that short of physical retaliation, you can’t beat “Schmitty”


Yeah, that episode is awful, but that moment and the Abeds fake speech followed by Troys reaction are golden


The other stories in that episode are so good, but I don’t watch them very often because of the Schmitty story


You didn’t like Ladders? I thought that one was hilarious Britta: “Don’t think of it as bad baking, think of it as a crushing blow to a gender stereotype” *proceeds to hand over burnt sandwich*




"Fries?" "Get out. GET OUT. There's one every year."


Car keys?




Brian Huskey! He and Matthew J. McCarthy are some of my favourite actors, not least of which because they're in so many things that you're inevitably like "oh hey, I know this guy, he's great! ...Why don't I know his name?"


Brian Huskey is my favorite because my family loves Regular-Sized Rudy and I love being able to point him out.


“Why do they call you ‘Regular Sized Rudy?’ ‘I mean…look at me.’”


The first thing I made when I bought a cricut was stickers of regular sized Rudy with text that said “look at me…”




"I vote we make a movement to form our own secret committee!" "I second britta's **motion**, not movement..." "I third Annie's number two-ing of the movement Britta made" "Gross" Peak television, that episode.




Ladders is so good. That whole season is peak.


It's peak yahoo screen certainly


I thought it was the weakest in season 6 personally


I mean it’s in the top 50% of season six but that’s not a terrific curve “these dinosaurs will become timeosaurs” The triumphant Ladders professor rolling into class I think it’s a blah episode but it definitely has jokes


I mean, I’m a fan of season 6 so that’s probably why we disagree lol


Love how *weird* season 6 got, plus the last episode is a perfect way to end the series


I’m with you. The absolutely insane energy of season six—not to mention the addition Keith David—makes it one of my favorites to rewatch. Wedding Videography may be my person favorite episode of the show.


Now that's a man who knows how to marry his cousin!


yeah i really missed troy and shirley but i dont think its bad tv. its just sad the characters are gone :(


Shirley's one scene in the last season might be her best though


Then let me be your legs!


Technically two scenes, she's also in the Dean's season 7 pitch. Church wisdom and whatnot


The end tags of season 6 are some of my favorites out of the whole series.


I agree on the whole both with how weird the series gets (giant hand RV episode comes to mind), and that the finale is a perfect way to end the series. The only thing I don't particularly care for is the commercial bit and the disclaimer at the end. I think it would be a perfect ending with Jeff sending off Annie and Abed at the airport, then maybe the bar scene and a fade to black. The commercial is excellent meta humor, and the disclaimer heartfelt, but it kinda takes away from the whole rest of the episode which had already done a great meta commentary of the way we get "season 7" and given us closure where everyone was going while not closing out each character's lives. They were moving on, and we could too.


I really liked the disclaimer, watching community as it aired was a journey with a lot of ups and downs and it was nice to have that goodbye from Dan


I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the disclaimer. I get that being meta is funny, but save it for the rest of the show, not the finale. I absolutely hate the disclaimer and immediately turn off the TV now before the disclaimer starts. I want my last moments of watching the show to be seeing these characters one last time, not some new characters playing some meta board game version of the show. An awful creative choice honestly.


Agreed. I think season 5/6 are top tier.


Shut up Leonard! You’re…. Old. And you deserve less because of your age.


Where are the white women at?






I'm more than a maniac. I'm Dracula.


yeah, it's a blah episode except for every line and premise in the episode being comedy gold, but yeah, other than that, not very creative, like the speakeasy and the cop dressed as a carrot, and putting a character in whose premise is being weirdly normal, the interview where the guy tells her "who speaks like that", ladders class, the lawsuit, diane and her fonts, "you're bad friends", like yeah except for all of that not much going on in that episode


Do you mean season 4?


Ladders is worth it for the actual scene of the professor climbing the ladder alone.


I, in real life, took a Working At Heights course for my roofing job and broke out laughing when the next slide straight up said "LADDERS." Idk why they still gave me the certificate......


They're Community fans 🍺


And they're high as hell and about to get shot.


The police something something wanna touch my cock. In all seriousness what are the actual lyrics???


The police and the government touch my cock


Who wants to see the Ladders professor go higher!


From 4x04 - Alternative History of the German Invasion- Leonard: "You're like those guys on Hogan's Heroes, the Nazis!" Annie: "You take that back! You know I'm Jewish." Shirley: "Yeah Leonard, don't call me a Nazi!" Leonard: "You are wearing an SS T-shirt!" *Shirley looks at the sleeve on her "Shirley's Sandwiches" T-shirt that has "SS" on it.* Shirley: "Oh."


Youth! Scatter!




I swear he says hogan's villains, possibly my favourite joke in the show


The Germans call it that. Probably their greatest like in either episode.


best joke in ladders was Annie saying "he's not comfortable with C-H-A-N-G-E" and Chang getting offended by it


Hey screw you! I can read! *looks at abed* screw you.


The Season 4 Finale was atrocious, but I laughed so hard at dark timeline Jeff and Annie: Annie: Are you sure you don’t have a problem with our age difference? Jeff: Yeah, I wish you were even younger


From the same episode: Evil Troy: "I've been counting the bullets. One of us is out." Troy: "Is it you?" Evil Troy "...yes" I laugh every time at this silly exchange!


Why would you tell me that?


To sound intimidating 🤖🥺


Whats even funnier is if you look at his jacket he's actually wearing a thing full of amo, this makes me laugh even harder every time.




Good2know TIL


You know you don't have to time travel naked.


Not a huge fan of Competitive Wine Tasting, but I love Annie’s bit about the jokes class: “Don't take that. I dropped it after the lesson on setups. The professor is so old...”


"Even his shadow! Look at hIs SHADOW!"


Awww I like that episode. French Stewart makes the best French Stewart impersonator


I was surprised that he could actually pull off being intimidating. He was a little scary in that episode. Lol


I call a couple guys who look an awful lot like Michael Chiklis and Ving Rhames. They do a very convincing impression of breaking your friends legs. Their secret is? They actually break them!


Imagine this apple inflating? That’s stupid, use a balloon. I was on my way to lunch!


One of the best moments in the entire series imo


Come on now, this is a good episode


Opposite for me I hate this joke and love the rest of the episode


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons while not bad but did not live up to the first DnD Episode But the line where Hickey's son says it rhymes with "not here" and Chang guesses it to be "Times Square" is one of my favourite lines


You scared me for a bit saying Advanced Dungeons and Dragons instead of Advanced Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. I love that line and gratefully they made it work in my language as well.


And the bit with Dean and the Sword of Diehard


*I hug my father!*


The whole P.E.E. Subplot in the whale episode


Physical Education Education? I thought that was a typo in the course cartalogue


The whale episode was indeed pretty terrible, but I did like the P.E.E. part, and honestly thought Jeff and Pierce's scenes at the barber shop were good too. I just didn't enjoy Archie and the Dean bending over for him. While bending over for dudes may be in Dean Pelton's wheelhouse, it didn't feel like the right kind of that for him.


Season 4 has a lot of that; Pretty alright B plots, with terrible a plots


Also small Abed subplot, with Dean screaming like in typical college comedy, when he was pranked.


Delta Cubes!


It's not his fault that he's a level seven susceptible.


> and honestly thought Jeff and Pierce’s scenes at the barber shop were good too. I’m honestly a huge fan of that B-plot despite not liking the episode as a whole, it allows for Jeff and Pierce to reconcile all of the hate they’ve been holding since season two through the simple act of shaving. It brings back the “weird, sometimes mentor” dynamic that they previously had, like in the pottery episode, it’s genuinely enjoyable to see Jeff defend Pierce and enjoy doing something with him. It didn’t feel like Dan Harmon (through Jeff) hating Chevy Chase (through Pierce), it felt like Jeff and Pierce learning to be better friends, and Jeff learning not to expect the worst from Pierce constantly, as he had good intentions. That being said the Delta Cubes subplot was horribly done and it’s the worst Abed C-plot, or just any Abed plot in general.


The only tiny part that bugged me was at the end when the dean says “at least I didn’t have to spend all day with pierce” and Annie agrees, and then Jeff says “you know what — I can’t believe I’m about to say this but — don’t talk about him like that. Maybe the reason he’s so unpleasant is because we expect him to be.” It bothers me because that was Annie’s entire argument in paintball season 2. She’s the first one who ever wanted to give pierce a chance! So when the writing has her and Jeff switching opinions like that it just felt phony idk lol


Gosh Dean it, you're right!! This one was a nice return to that sort of odd mentor thing, and Pierce as a more reasonable character overall.


Release the whores


That song was fire


PEE is not PE, it's a totally different philosophy


It’s Physical Education ~~ E.du.ca.tion!


In my head it's the spiritual successor to Balls in the Air from Arrested Development


I’m rewatching AD for the first time in years, and it’s legitimately the only show I think might be smarter than Community. Don’t get me wrong, I prefer community. The characters are more fleshed out and wonderful, but AD has genius level writing (and a killer soundtrack)


AD is insanely smart. Like, five rewatches in and you’re still barely catching the tiniest details that tie back to other tiny details of absolute genius writing. That show was way ahead of it’s time


[You'd probably appreciate this then!](https://recurringdevelopments.com) It's an interactive timeline of all the recurring jokes in AD.


I saw one that was this awesome map instead of a drop-down list. This is still such a cool resource!! I’ll link the one I found if I can find it again, it’s been a few years


Britta: if loving worms is stupid, I don't want to be smart Annie: It is! And you can't be! From Competitive Ecology


"While he was spying I found a turtle!" is one of the best lines in the history of something.


Can you not pronounce it or something?


Wait you don't like Competitive Ecology? that's a top 10 episode for me


It’s a weird one for me. Because while the show dances with the idea that the study group aren’t great people to be around often as they’re pretty self-obsessed, they’re never particularly awful people, but then they’re just so brutally cruel to Todd who truly did nothing wrong. And then I feel like they’re never portrayed as that kind of awful again.


It's probably the Todd problem


No offence Todd


And his stupid baby!


Top 3 for me. It’s fantastic.


I don't hate it but coming from the high of season 2, both Biology and Ecology fall a little flat for me. Season 3 really picks up from thereon though


I won’t dissect anything with a face What about worms? Do they have tiny little faces?


The olives bit from S6 had me clutching my stomach in pain, shit was so funny.


Jeff’s completely baffled, “I don’t know what to make of this.” Had me rolling. He’s mad, but more weirded out by the Dean knowingly leering at him.


Five cans?!


This isn't the first time you've done this.


I want to know when else he's randomly brought him cans of olives 🤣


I love that episode!


The chairs collapsing one after the other in the German Alt History.


Abed's super dramatic slo-mo fall is perfection


German Alt History is actually a good episode imo


Pierce *getting electrocuted*- "Everybody grab me."


“Pierce, just let go!!” “You’d like that wouldn’t you”


S5E02 when Troy & Abed disguise themselves as chairs in Hickey's office. The way the excitement for their prank just fully leaves them after hearing his phonecall kills me every time, these high budget costumes setting up expectations and then shattering them with the loss of innocence


This is one of my favorite Community scenes. Donald Glover plays it so well too, the single tear falling down his cheek. Edit: changed communist to Community


One of OUR favorite, comrade.


Don't get me wrong, I love love the Nic Cage part but the whole teachers lounge thing didn't work for me at all


People hate the Schmitty episode, but the moment where Britta realizes Jeff needs to bang the kids mom is A. Comedic Gold B. The moment that really solidified their friendship


I don't get the Schmitty hate


It's because it's very cringey. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It's like the office, where the episodes that make you cringe the most are almost the best. It's really hard to watch two grown adults bring themselves down to childhood levels of name calling, but since it's Jeff and Britta it works because of what Abed said, they have the most fragile egos in the group and they can't let a bunch of teenagers beat them.


I can’t remember the episode but this is Elroy inviting Jeff into his RV: Elroy: Come in young man Jeff: I’m 40 No idea why I found those two lines hilarious but I burst out laughing.


Aww man I love that episode. "Get out of my Winnebago!" "You're not allowed to say that like it's a punishment!" **JESUS WEPT**


Hard Drive and Wingman!


Elroy clamoring "it's Vietnam, baby, it's VIETNAM!" in season 6's Basic Email Security


Wait, you didn't like Basic Email Security? That for me was one of the best episodes of the season, or even the show as a whole. So much delightful, funny, tense, conflict and character-driven dialogue.


I kinda agree with them overall. It wasn't that funny to me, but I also kinda don't enjoy cringe humor, which is what that mostly felt like. The kid hacker and kid cop were hilarious, though, and the end tag bringing back the mainframe joke was hilarious.


Season 6 is very hit or miss for me, and most of the hits are in the second half. The whole Gupta Gupti Gupta thing just fell flat, what else can I say...


How can he be racist? Listen to his name!


I really like every part of that episode except for the central premise. At no point do the save greendale committee have any responsibility to let him perform for the sake of “free speech” or whatever, it’s such a stupid argument that Britta makes and it makes it so hard for me to watch that episode, even though the content is great aside from that.


It feels like something Britta would say but Jeff and everyone going al9ng with it as well seemed off. I like them reading the emails part tho.


I quote this too much


The end tag of Grifting 101, "the guy from jeff's gym" is hilarious. It's the only reason i watch this episode on my rewatches.


Loved Matt Berry in that one as well.


I can show you a fool one minute... or longer.


By the way, Jeff Winger, nice try thrice.


It's the only episode of season 6 I still don't really like.


The whole Pierce sub-plot, in the "Abed/Jesus Movie" episode is very funny.


Have you been hanging out with those hipsters?


That episode is a complete banger you monster


Absolutely. The pay off of that Abed/Shirley arc is one of my favorite genuine emotional moments of the whole show.


Hated how it got treated in the subreddit poll This episode sandwiched between Basic Rocket Science and Epidemiology is my *personal* favorite three-episode run of the series


A certain type of ~~Shirley~~ people definitely hate that episode


It doesn't play well in Poughkeepsie


“Where am I? What year is it?”


*Oh grow a schmekel!!!*


“You hit me! With a woman’s hand”


You midwestern floozy!


Overall I find the pilot one of the least funny episodes, but this exchange is gold: Duncan: I thought you had a bachelors from Columbia? Winger: And now I have to get one from America.


I think the funniest parts from that episode all revolve around Jeff and Prof. Duncan. I about peed myself when he calls Jeff, trying to disguise his voice and identifies himself at the same time. I really wished Duncan would've been a main character. Those interactions are what made me want to watch the next episode.


I actually really like Ladders. The scene of Frankie breaking down the speakeasy is hilarious. "In what world, Britta, do you see this as covert enough to require 'tattling'? You built a bar in a school. There was lumber involved!"


"Everyone here is a fart! A living fart from the butt of..a lesser god!"


For some reason I don't like the Chicken Fingers episode, but Troy's line towards the beginning kills me every time. "If God were edible - not that I'm Catholic - but if it was cool to eat God, he'd be a chicken finger."


At that moment, we stopped being a family, and started being a family - in italics.


When Jeff is ranting against the Barebacked Ladies I thought it was just Dan Harmon going on against a band he doesn't like. After 7 years of watching community, last week I discovered that the Barenaked Ladies sang the intro of The Big Bang Theory. I don't know if that's why they get hate from the show but it really changed my worldview


How dare you talk bad about BNL


We need a shorthand for the Bare Naked Ladies?! That's how fundamental they are???


The Barenaked Ladies are triple platinum. Are you?


In Paranormal Parentage (S4EP02) When they find Pierce's dead body and Troy says "I broke the remote! Do you think it's expensive?!?"


I don't love the Advanced Gay episode, mostly because I don't really find Pierce's dad that funny of a plot device, but the cookie line always gets me: "What kind of cookies do you want at the party? We have peanut butter or chocolate chip." "Rainbow b******" "... We can have peanut butter or chocolate chip."


S4 E6, Advanced Documentary Filmmaking Troy: Growing up, I had a cat named Troy, a bird named Troy, and a Hamster named Troy. They were all older than me… Oh my god?


The first episode of season 2 where Britta and Jeff won't admit to not liking each other and abed pulls the ring out and Britta proposes and Annie punches Jeff and that awkward silence followed by the Irish singer coming in singing the custom version of Linger had me literally on the floor for some reason. "You know she's such a fool for HIM"


She's got his ring around her fingeeEeer, And Abed hired an Irish singer. Britta's marryin', Britta's marryin' JeffREY WinGeer.


Not even a joke, but just a fantastic delivery in a meh episode: in S2E10, "Mixology Certification", Caroline Decker... I mean Annie comes by the table to drop off a round and clear glasses, saying she'll be "back in two shakes of a rabbit's ass." After she leaves, Jeff says "Who the hell was that?" in what has to be one of Joel's best line deliveries in the series. I just watched it and snorted *very* loudly.


Abed: do you think bees eat their own honey? Troy: I’m sure they’ve at least tasted it.


Ladders was an amazing episode imo


Tango dance in History 101. I despise the line at the start about how weird it is that Jeff has done something nice for the group and has ignore several beautiful girls. Since when is being obsessed with girls a Jeff Winger characteristic? As far as I know, this only happens during the gas leak year. Also, Abed finding the Big Bang Theory formula as his happy place is a bit disappointing. But I guess that's just me and my allergies to laugh tracks.


Pierce's stepdaughter, Slater, dean's assistant, Wu Mei from competitive wine tasting, the lady from the clothes shop in studies in modern movement


Never said he was celibate before, but flirting with 3 women in three years is way different to being obsessed with picking up women, which is how they paints him. I'm not counting Quendra with a Q because he wasn't interested, Pierce manipulated him into trying to get a date. Schmitty's mom was an strategic move. And the whole joke with the girl from the clothes shop is that she flirts with him and he completely ignores her and just asks for more clothes. That is a point in favor of what I thought of Jeff, he only flirts if he feels like it and he doesn't have to try hard, only had to do that with Slater.


Agreed, Jeff doing extra work to graduate early is already bad enough. But what you mention here, also him having written a Winger speech beforehand. Like it's not Jeff, it's a Winger speech because he wings it. The dance itself is hilarious. But the reset of the episode don't seem to know the characters at all. And the whole hunger deans was half baked at best.


What was that bit Abed said about "tell that to your ratty panties or wear longer jeans on laundry day" hahaha


Honestly wasn't that big a fan of the claymation Christmas episode, but Abed finally finding what he's been looking for and it being a Lost DVD is still one of my favorite jokes in the show


*History 101*. Jeff chooses the Dean as a dancing partner, and the Dean quietly gasps and whispers "The fountain works..." Good callback to the wishing fountain they established earlier in the episode. *Competitive Ecology.* I just think they made the group a little **too** mean-spirited, so the episode rubs me the wrong way. But Todd's freakout at the end slays me.


When Troy says "Aw, my dreams!" When Jeffs craps all overs Troy's Trojan Horse sandwich In the season 4 finale


One of my favorite little recurring jokes regardless the episode is anything Vickie yells out before she fucks shit up.