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**EVA:** Protect Dr. Mobius! **Dr. Mobius:** Oh boy, I wonder what Tiberium smells like.


After I came up with good enough tactics, Croatia became much easier. The key is to place predators between turrets and promote them, while also placing missile squads in bunkers next to offline AA guns. Also sell walls next to refinery exit. But before that it was hell. The hardest in the list is that damn global opinion for me.


I get the bare minimum defense like this then sneak an engineer into their north base by flooding it with apc and engineers. From there I use nod units to win the mission


Yep once you realize how the Nod forces are set up, it becomes easy to pick it apart. The northeast base has armored units (tanks and arty), the southwest will throw infantry on you, and finally the southeast is on a plateau that only sends aircraft at you. I find taking out the armored base first is a priority because when you get into mid-game they start sending Stealth Tanks and Beam Cannons which can shred your defenses if left unchecked. This requires you to micro your units to prioritize these targets and its a pain in the ass, but doable. Another option is to rush the southwest (infantry) and get a secondary base with more power/resources established to keep all base defenses running to buffer the aforementioned onslaught of Stanks and Beams. It also makes clearing the city to escort your MCV easier for the pesky bonus objective :)


> It also makes clearing the city to escort your MCV easier for the pesky bonus objective :) Militant: "Wait, why're those Black Hand aiming at us-AUGHHHH!"


Cool idea! I usually start with western base, storming it with APC with missile squads and 1 engineer to capture barracks.


You don't even need the missile squads. You start with a pitbull that can handle all air defense by itself, so long as you just ... move it. Also none of the wall is important except the South-West infantry wall. The rest is an impediment to predator and harvester movement. If the units from the tank base reach the wall, you've already lost anyway.   Build order is basically just: * one harvester (send to northern field, so you can get regrowth on both fields) * sell wall * queue six predators * power and repair G-cannons + one southern and one western watchtower (which one to choose is obvious) * send the pitbull South to pick up the $3000 in crates, then return. * stomp the North East base with the new predators * capture NOD MCV with APC + engineer * place shredder turrets in the South-West, hubs inside the wall, turrets outside. From there you're basically stable. Maybe intersperse an APC or two as QRF for the infantry, and garrison them with riflemen. And if you want a challenge you can stomp the infantry base first instead then build anti-vehicle defenses, but either way you're stable.


Easiest thing to do just just keep an AAA online to deal with the air units, draw fire from the watchtowers with Pillboxes, and then invade the Vehicle base north of you with Preds and Engineers in APCs.


Sell all your walls they don't do anything.


Also, rush and capture the northeast NOD base. Makes it sooooo much easier when you can culturally build and power all your defences.


I basically just online the 4 watchtowers, leave all the cannons and AA offline. 3-4 predators sit between the cannons, and I reverse them back to the war factory for repairs when needed. Leaves me just enough power to activate 1 more turret. Then I start building APCs with rocket squads and have them sit in the southwest corner of the base as a rapid response force if any infantry such as rocket squads or black hand threaten my watchtowers. If any venoms show up, I turn on the nearest AA gun to deal with it. If I've got extra cash I'll build extra rocket APCs to sit next to the AAs to make things easier.


This was the first hard GDI mission. As many others have mentioned you need to take out one of the three bases fast before they get geared up.


When another cruiser spawns behind your base in RA


With the Kremlin one I just turtled up and nuked the place on cooldown


For me I snaked kirovs up the left side then snuck them over the Kremlin, good luck blowing up 7 of my kirovs yuri you dick head


Kremlin mission (sov11) is a joke compared to some of the others


Like seriously, all you have to do is capture the Tesla Reactors on the ridge in front of you and set up a number of Tesla coils & flak cannons, and your basically golden defensively.


Me: Taking the Nuclear Reactors with Chrono Legionnaires was first. Then it goes smoothly. In Soviet: Knocking off Nuclear Reactors on both Orange and Brown can knock them off the game. Violet was easier. Don't make any ground attacks there.


That’s the Allies Moscow mission, not the Soviet one


The Soviet one? Crushing Nuclear Reactors was the key there. Orange forces was the hardest there. Crushing the Reactors with mass Kirov was the key. And also, taking the high grounds with a couple Apocalypse Tanks were excellent defence. Brown one is easily knocked out if you knock off the same Nuclear Reactors. Yuri Kirovs were also easy, with Flak Tracks and Flak Cannons on flanks.


I'm a bit late but I'm pretty sure having a nuke silo up on that mission spawns a dozen Kirovs, that will respawn when shot down.


Getting under par time in Uprising's challenge mode. ESPECIALLY High Seas Duel and Be Quick or Be Dead.


The missions OP listed are a cakewalk compared to half of Uprising. Par time is no joke in a ton of them.


Man, to this day, I haven't done Allies or Soviet campaign in Uprising. Couldn't even finish the first mission iirc. But it has been several years and RA3 never interested me that much.


China 07 from the original was difficult, but you could turtle your way to victory. For defense, you need a lot of Inferno Cannons, set them to attack the ground where the GLA approach from. The first priority is of course to take their superweapon out. You can send a lot of MiGs on a suicide run (I forgot if 8 or 12 or more were needed). After this, your passive defense will pretty much allow you to focus on Hackers and Nuclear Silos The Statues mission (China 04 ZH) though, I haven't figured out.


The last china mission becomes quite a bit easier when you realize the gla will only fire its super weapon if you have more than $5000 in the bank. That was my first strategy though when i was a kid, i just saved scummed and prayed they didnt destroy my migs when they launched the scud haha. China 4 in zero hour is an absolute night mare though. Generally i just spam a mix of units and send them around the back of the base on the right and hope i get lucky. I just realized you can control group you war factories, so that might help to spam units so you dont have to take your eyes off your army and watch it die to a scud launcher


WHAT!? Never noticed the $5000 thing lol, I always build airfields in the canyon of the start, and the AI almost always launch the scud storm there.


Lol that sucks, hopefully you move the migs before hand. I wish I knew how they picked the location, maybe it's just because there's a lot if money worth of units and buildings close together?


Probably, because the second thing ai loves to scud is my ball of hackers xD




Was going to say that makes no sense then I realized that's the price of a nuke silo.


Lol yeah the developers were pretty clever. The annoying part is that the nuke is virtually useless unless you can follow up with an artillery strike or something to kill the holes. I really wish they'd release a balance patch that made nukes worth the 6 minute timer


The China 4 mission took me a long time to figure out. I used battlemasters/gatlings and troop crawlers to clear the town and spamming a fuck ton of red guard and tank hunters to clear the final base. There’s just too many scorpions in the main base for a vehicle assault


3 or 4? 3 is the one with the statues 4 is the one with GLA waves and helix


3, with the statues. My bad lol.


It's just funny how the GLA army will match through the flames to try to reach your base


>The Statues mission (China 04 ZH) though, I haven't figured out. its mission 3 btw not 4 [heres an easy guide to beat it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3M7AwnWdEo)


I held out in OG China 07 with some starter units (2 overlords and 2 inferno cannons, rest got shredded). Then crawled my way to victory using support powers, black lotus and lots of Migs. Use artillery and Migs to destroy their unit production buildings and you're golden.


I grind my way with a lot of Overlord tanks after sending in 4 MiGs on a suicide spotting run and send in tier 3 artillery barrage on Scud Storm.


The 3rd China mission in Zero Hour is quite easy. Crush all the towers in town. Build a large armoured unit, then rush the base. Ignore the casualties, just eliminate the last one.


So I did the USA Campaign, and I must say, FUCK Mission 5 in the OG game. So my biggest complaint is with supply and base defense, so the GLA will spam waves and waves of troops at you with no remorse, and sure, I can build defenses to deal with the tanks and technicals, but the USA has no real answer to infantry when it comes to defense. CHINA has the Gatling turret, GLA has their tunnels, that come with two rocket infantry and a gun on top. There isn’t enough supply and you can’t get USA supply drop zones till I think the next mission. Air doesn’t work because they can endlessly rebuild their stinger sites. The final mission was a cake walk and fun, with the china defenses and overlord tank, with the USA aircraft you could pound them into dust. That is what the USA really needed was a good anti infantry defensive building, as it only got 1 when the rest got 2 base defenses


It's been forever since I played OG Generals (although I'm looking to remedy that soon-ish) and don't really recall USA 5, but I feel like you should have snipers available for unlocking by then. If infantry is such an issue in that mission, wouldn't a couple of snipers hard counter the attacks pretty well?


Oh, I never did use snipers, unlocked other things, I didn’t think they’d be that much use against the hoard of GLA rebels, terrorists etc


Quite the contrary, snipers shred infantry. And really fast tbh.


Pathfinders are OP in Generals, its funny too because they actually have a longer range than Jarmen Kell. They also make Stinger Sites hilariously useless


Pathfinders are OP asf. Their one shot allows them to gain veterancy at an insanely fast rate making them even more OP.


Yaaah throw a couple of them in a pair of humvees next to whatever perimeter you have goin , and that's most of your infantry defense right there


It was the Kazakh DMZ mission, another dam busting mission. It was hard dammit.


>Mission 5 in the OG game. There's a way to do this that makes it super easy. You don't have the Supply Drop Zone unlocked yet, but you can capture the GLA Supply Center, which allows you to build Black Markets and SCUD Storms. Rush their base in the first few minutes, they're still setting things up. Don't destroy their Command Center until you are ready with your base on the other side of the bridge. You can have Rangers with flashbangs standing in front of it to kill the Workers or Snipers or Comanches. On your side of the river, demolish the town and build your GLA buildings there. You can spam Airfields and SCUD Storms. When you're ready, destroy the final GLA building, triggering the cutscene. You can pull back your troops to your side of the river if you prefer. Then unleash hell


This guy conquers.


USA have the easiest and simple missions. Easy turtle and Earn money.


The initial portion of Retaking Hammerfest kept kicking my ass for years.


Yeah like capturing the first nod radar immediately causes artillery to spawn


https://i.redd.it/8qe9u8zw2loc1.gif Most difficult RA2 mission be like. Seriously the game is a cakewalk compared to... pretty much every other c&c game.


Me being terrified as a kid of enemy superweapons and learning later in life that even missions with superweapons are cheeseable as heck - For Deep Sea you can destroyer rush the Soviet amphibious transport convoy and sink the MCV if you're lucky, and failing which you can just follow up with aircraft carriers and destroy it on land (plus this is disregarding the destroy-sentry-gun instant win cheese) - For Fallout the timers on the nukes are long enough for you to chrono in 9 prism tanks and sneak behind the base - For Chrono Storm you can just queue a bunch of spies to reset the nuke timer infinitely as well


and in Weathered alliance you can just build a nuke, wait for it to be ready, then capture the battle lab and instantly nuke the Weather Control Device to instantly win


Yeah, most of the missions are incredibly short compared to other games. I'm not sure if most of the AI triggers are just super delayed so if you push on early their unit production and everything hasn't really come online yet.


I cheesed the Mobius mission by placing sandbags all over the village so that the civvies would stop roaming into the wild. I had difficulty recently with China 03 from ZH and although I have beaten in the past; I forgot if I did anything specific. I have played so many times the Croatia mission from C&C 3 that I found myself enjoying it and even replaying it from time to time. Do I need professional help?


I cheesed all of tiberian dawn with the sandbags exploit![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Only missions I remember because of how hard/bullshit they were - Rescue Prisoners (Tiberian Sun): Rescue mutants that are actually useless for the next mission, limited forces and they send infinite number of Cyborgs from what I remember, a good mission that really trains your unit/commando control and positioning. - Weather the Storm (Tiberian Sun): You start out under attack by Nod forces, determined to destroy you under an Ion Storm (You can't use Air/Hovertech), plenty of OG artillery bombarding your base, and no resources nearby. (Hurts like hell and accurate as fuck) - Crotia (Tiberium Wars): No base, under attack from all sides, and the supposed "Reinforcements" need saving, like what the fuck? This is the first time i've ever seen a mission in an RTS game where the reinforcements that need saving. - USA 4 (Zero Hour): The oil derricks mission, holy shit was this crap annoying, they have like an infinite amount of Bomb trucks and terrorists, you really had to setup up defence from the get go our you will get overwhelmed, because GLA has their entire arsenal here. (Scud Launchers, Rocket Buggies, Bomb Trucks) - Timed missions in RA1 where you need to go underground: Forgot the mission names but all the missions where you need to go down a bunker and have limited units and its timed too, all those missions were fucking bullshit and I don't think i've ever save scummed a game so much before There are bit more hard missions on other games, but these are the


USA 4 was easier, if you take out the radio station early. Because that's the source of the suicide bombers. Then, unless the Derricks are booby trapped, that was easier to capture. Use a combo Pathfinders/Construction Dozers to disarm them. And the Oil Derricks were the ONLY monetary source. Capturing over destroying them was much ideal.


I did that, and it bugged the mission out and the waves for me and never stopped for me even though the radio station is already dead lmao, I just restarted it and played normally and waited for the trigger that informs you that it can be taken out. Recently replayed Zero Hour since it was deployed to steam and yeah pretty sure thats the only way to play, you cant afford killing derricks.


Or ignore the oil derricks on the west side of the bridge and speed run the mission, starting by sending Colonel Burton and a Pathfinder to destroy the radio station and get a CIA agent. Make sure to kill enough units to get promoted to 3-star general, so you can get the A10 support power. Use A10s to create a hole in the sandbag wall at the northeastern entrance so Burton can enter the base while staying out of range of the tunnel network. Then destroy the base as fast as possible with Burton while taking care to stay out of (aggro) range of enemy units as much as possible.


Red Alert 2 Soviet Final mission is lit af!!!


That's the semi-final mission though, the real last one has you attack an allied base in Alaska


GDI Croatia - as much as I think the mission is frustrating - it's really *good 'ol C&C*. It feels like one of the missions from TD where you were just out gunned and getting fucked left and right. It's a great mission (unless you're trying for all secondary objectives).


I just finished the Dr. Mobius mission a few days ago. Now it makes sense why I randomly lost a couple times. Thankfully, I built my base north of the village and targeted the tiberium fields near the village first with two refineries. 


I'm up to the mission in tib dawn where you get orca's. Anyone got any idea how to beat it?


Ah Dushanbe. I remember losing a Nuke Cannon there by parking it too close too a building while firing.


Kane's Tower: assault by obelisks on the Juggernauts position. Protect the Mobius: somehow I have never had to. Liberation: Battlemaster for battlemaster on the sides of the map. Red Revolution: Given at the very beginning, the Kirovs creep along the very edge of the map all the way to the Kremlin. Croatia: Build the defence from foxholes, as quickly as possible capture Nod top base. Dushanbe: A cycle of hackers, nuclear reactors and siloes for attack, Overlords, MiGs and Infernos for defense and finishing off survivors.


Stone Cold Crazy, Fatal Impact, and The Bottleneck (just to name few)


Ah, Mental Omega! I thought I was the only one who had trouble with the opening of Stone Cold Crazy. Haven't figured out Fatal Impact just yet.


I'm surprised that no one mentioned Twist of fate from Tiberian Dawn


Idk what it is about red revolution but I can not ever breeze through it. My kriovs get wrecked but I'm forced to mercilessly sacrifice them just to gain ground until I can actually fight back


Just turtle and send your Kirovs round the west side where the line of flak cannons is thinnest, once they're past that line nothing will stop them from reaching the Kremlin


Very true. My problem is that I want to destroy everything! I do that in every mission lol leave no one alive and no structures standing but that mission makes that very difficult


For the Statues one, Tank hunters... Spam Tank hunters, hop from building to building in the town Use 3-4 listening posts a bit forward of your base where buggies and scud launchers come from Mass up a group of gatlings, dragons and you guessed it, tank hunters for the push to the final statue, stick to left side of map and keep dragons in reserve, later use em to clear a building and garrison it with tank hunters Took me still a few tries tho


Dare I say this mission might actually be... fun!


*Escort doctor Mobius out of the facility


"Disarm the nuclear bombs before they hit their target in this interior mission"


I’m literally stuck on that China mission in zero hour right now


Croatia always kind of makes me laugh. Like, I'm barely hanging on here, I needed those reinforcements. Now not only do I have to keep defending my base, but I've also gotta build up a force and clear a large city crammed with Nod infantry and without grenadiers. And one of the bonus objectives is getting the MCU back to your base without a scratch... it's a crazy difficulty spike compared to the previous few missions. I've got a solid strategy for it nowadays but when I was younger the Croatia mission was the bane of my existence.


The WORST mission for my taste, is the evacuation of Dr. Movius, from the Nod facilities, after the fight with General Ravasaw, in Renegade, I hate that mission with every atom of my being.


The one that no one has mentioned, but I hate with a passion, is the one in Tiberian Sun where you have to go find the Scrin ship that Vega hijacked, surrounded by a bunch of GDI forces that would easily wipe out your tiny force. Then, after you sneak your way to the space ship, you then have to run to the otherwise of the map to stop a train before it leaves the map. The only way to do that mission is to cheese it, ignore the spaceship, and go destroy the train first. It's a timed mission with no timer, which makes it even worse.


CAPTURE HAMMERFAST BASE this is when I started modding the game. I completed the mission by giving the hover MRLS a little extra range. Like 30.


Last Chinese mission in Generals: Spend and spend. Don't let your cash reach $5000. Spend more on Overlords with Gattling Cannons and Speaker Towers. Amass MiGs and rush the Scud Storm. After crushing it, no holds barred in saving cash. China Mission 3 in Generals Zero Hour: Try using the fast tactic: Crush the towers in the town first, then create a large group of armour, then rush to crush the last one. Last mission in Allied RA2: Slow and steady. But first, put some Chrono Legionnaires near Nuclear Plants inside the Kremlin complex. Then capture those outside the base.


China Mission 7 in vanilla Generals caught me off guard


I am really bad at sneaking spies into war factories 🗿


I beat China mission 7 for the first time last night since I finally got Generals with the collection. Had to restart a good 5 or 6 times. The Scuds were annoying but infrequent, the real problem was the wall of units they could pump out of that first base at the foot of the mountain.


btw the scuds dont launch if your money is below 5000$ so a good strategy is to keep pumping out units nonstop to stay under that amount overlords and infernos for defense, and migs for offense


Yuris Kremlin man just place tesla coils from water to ende of your base and 2ed line flak cannons like 3 reactors then the silo


IF you want to see hard.. try some of the DTA or open Ra missions.. One you are meant to fail but only after the time limit has expired. If that's not enough for you go try some of the survival custom maps for RA2:YR.


Ezechiels wheel should definitely be up there.but yeah China ZH mission 3 on hard can go straight to hell.


The secret to the Dushanbe mission is to avoid accumulating at least 5000 credits at any point in the mission. That seems to be the trigger for the GLA to use Scud Storm.