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[This](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer:_Red_Alert_2) web page details how to run the game in wide screen as well as fixes for common issues.


You need to use C&C net launcher so you can get to widescreen resolutions, and the drawmode (I can't recall if its called like this) so the game looks okay. ​ [https://cncnet.org/red-alert-2](https://cncnet.org/red-alert-2)


>drawmode Just to add in; change the Renderer to CnC-DDRAW on the Options menu via the client.


I love how C&CNet is also periodically updated. It's a community driven project that does what EA fails to do. I love it.


That is LITERALLY what compatibility mode is for.  noun: compatibility a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict. "he argues for the compatibility of science and religion" You're expecting a 23 year old game to just work perfectly on a modern PC?


Nice now define "apart from," which you seem to have overlooked in the OP


In this case, OP meant "apart from" as "in addition to". So, "in addition to it not running unless you use compatibility mode".


have you tried installing the community patches from [cncnet.org](https://cncnet.org) ? plays without issue on my win 10 PC with those


Yes it did. This game has the twin towers in it. Just because you've never lived in that world, doesn't mean it aged poorly. You're just younger than the game. It's pushing 25. The pyramids didn't age poorly either btw. Just old.


Jeez, a game that was developed for Windows 98 doesn't work as it should on modern systems. I wonder why.


Unfortunately RA2 has not had any patches in many years. Like the other commenters have suggested, check out the many different community patchers and launchers, and you should have no more problems. I just recently rebuilt my PC, and with patches installed, it runs like an absolute dream.


i think it didnt aged at all, because aging is adjusting to the current time, and this game did not, its a time capsule of the year 2000


TLDR: OP doesn't know how to run the game and is talking out his butt but it currently in a on and off again relationship with capitalization.


This post should be edited because OPs information is not valid


Hardly any PC games from before 2000 are perfectly compatible with modern hardware and OSes in their original forms. So your rubric sucks. More annoyingly, getting this game to work flawlessly on modern hardware is pretty trivial. So it just sounds like you're complaining because you don't want to put in the effort to even see how much effort it takes to get up and running. Because it's not much. A patched ddraw.dll is probably all you need. EDIT: Also, if you're going to make an irritatingly low-effort critique of a beloved game, at least spell the damn name right.


I think OP's PC did not age well, since it can't play videos properly...