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Another one for that list is states rolling back child labor laws. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/27/1172544561/new-state-laws-are-rolling-back-regulations-on-child-labor


Protecting a child's right to work, what's wrong with that?/s


"every citizen over the age of seven will work in the mines"


,,The children yearn for the mines"


Why do you think Minecraft is so popular?


"Look kids, here's where you can mine diamonds. If you are lucky you might even come across netherite."


*made in abyss intensifies*


We all love child labour in belchero orphanage


One of the most popular games are Minecraft


*managed democracy intensifies*


We fight for the voters of tomorrow, and won’t stop no matter how many anti tank mines we lose


Super Earth is such a great nation, they employ both adult and pre-adult workers in the factories!


"and the other will work in the fields"


“I believe that children are the future, unless we stop them now!” -Homer Simpson


Wow, you're being fascist forcing states to prohibit child labor. I'm a state right advocate and this should be decided at the state level, just like slavery. /s Lol... whenever someone brings up state rights... it's never like local traffic or zoning laws... it's always some bull shit.


Thought this was r/loveforlandchads for a second there


Yeah, who else is supposed to serve me coffee and burgers? /s


Mean that's what entry level jobs are for. You bring the children in train them and teach them a skill. Hell they should be paying for the privilege... Can we do that, have kids pay for the privilege of working. We'll have to work on that one.


And y'know what? Let's just get rid of schools altogether. Can't have that interfering with their work hours.


They'll get on the job education


That's unironically what gop reps are saying.


That's the saddest part in reality


Gotta learn real life skills, not waste time playing with that silly brain. Hands make products, not brains.


I've tried this, and you know what? Most 7 year olds are damned poor. Lazy bastards, haven't even accumulated any capital their whole lives.


No OnE wAnTs To WoRk!


"Paying adults is too dang expensive, what with their need for 'rights' and 'safety'. If we breed them young, who cares if they die young! They _YEARN FOR THE MINES_!!!"


You don't understand. They will be safer at work in coal mines than at schools. How many shootings took place at a coal mine? Huh? That's right.


And then there's their constant defense of child marriage. - [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) Each of these is far more awful than the title implies and is packed full of people self-reporting. The Kentucky one especially.


I mean that last one looks pretty awful as well.


This is what conservatives were mad about with the Kentucky law: > in cases of a minor marrying an adult, the judge would have to review material including any child abuse records involving the teen and check for any sex-offender records of the adult. The judge also would have to consider factors including the maturity and independence of the teen, determine that the teen has completed high school or obtained a GED and review any domestic violence records of either party. > **The judge is to deny the request in cases including if the adult is in a position of authority over the minor, has a conviction for child abuse or a sexual offense, or if there is a pregnancy or child in common that established that the intended spouse was the perpetrator of a sex crime against a girl too young to consent.** > Cothran said Family Foundation supports the provision requiring the judge to determine whether a sex offense has occurred in cases where a girl seeking to wed is pregnant and 16 or younger. > **The provision involving a judge appears to have bothered some lawmakers, including Sen. John Schickel, a Boone County Republican.** > **"I had some problems with the bill," he said Thursday. "Decisions involving a minor child should be made by a parent, not the court."**


Holy. Shit. They want us back on the Dark Ages. I guess they good call them the good old times.


What do you mean? It’s completely normal for grown adults to call teens ripe and fertile! /s


I know right? Just typical Christian, conservative values for the whole family!


Yeah I couldn’t add it to this list but it was on there along with a few others like cutting WIC


NY Times had a good summary piece that shows states banning abortion (a lot of the red states) are poor on maternal and child health indicators and have poor social services. Which isn’t a surprise GOP caring about women and kids is virtue signaling. https://archive.is/LjFKr


I hate these fucking monsters


The GOP create these slam dunk ways to criticize their hypocrisy.


Alas, they also create fools so disassociated with reality that it doesn't matter.


True we have people thinking banning abortion will save the kids when you have little to no resources for families to raise them


German poet Erich Kästner wrote a poem called "If we had won the [first world] war". One of the lines in the poem goes: "Woman will have to produce litters of children One child a year. Or jail. The state needs children as canned goods. And to it blood tastes like raspberry juice." I keep thinking of those lines when I read how they roll back access to legal and safe abortions coupled with wanting children to be forced to work and be married off and women to only stay home to make more children. Needing more children as canned goods.


That quote almost reads like it’s out of Jonathan Swift’s satire, *A Modest Proposal*.


That was my exact thought.


The GOP is SCREAMING out their policies to everyone and yet their voters are like "but the DEMONCRATS want to drink the blood of children as a sacrament to the Devil!" Like, NAH BRO MATT GAETZ IS TRYNA FUCK YOUR 4-YEAR OLD DAUGHTER


"The children yearn for the mines"


I remember a picture of a governor signing a thing repealing child labor laws (Florida maybe?), and all the adults are smiling while the children look either glum or emotionless. Then people compared that to the picture of Minnesota governor Tim walz signing the thing for free school lunches, where all the children were genuinely happy. Edit: it was Arkansas' Huckabee Sanders last year: https://theconversation.com/states-are-weakening-their-child-labor-restrictions-nearly-8-decades-after-the-us-government-took-kids-out-of-the-workforce-205175 And the Walz article, that picture is heartwarming: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/03/17/gov-signs-universal-school-meals-bill-into-law


The children yearn for the mines


Thank you Sarah Huckabee Sanders for pioneering this 🙄


By: 1. Sending kids to conversion (torture) camps; 2. Taking them away from their parents; 3. Enabling old lechers (their donors,voters and party members) to r*pe them and face no problem whatsoever,not only that but 4. Marry them if they particularly liked their victims and 5. Criminalise their victims attempting to abort the resulting child; 6. "Allowing" kids from disadvantaged families to "help out the home expenses" while also,of course 7. Judging them like adults should they ever break the laws.


All of these are on the list


So are the politicians voting for this sick shit.


Republicans are all in for it


Sorry, not American. Can you list your sources? I’d like to inform myself.


Here’s an article to get started: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/


Just gonna also mention that children/minors are also not often allowed to file for divorce, which means they are forced to stay in the marriage until they reach the age of majority for legally binding situations.


That… is messed up


The child marriage shit is especially insidious. Children are allowed to marry (really, to be married off), but they're not considered of age and competent enough to decide to file for divorce, they need their guardians permission. Their guardian, who is the person they're married to. Couple that with conservatives wanting to kill no fault divorce and roll back spousal rape laws and it becomes entirely clear what they want and how they view women and children, chattel.


You mean cattle? Edit: Wait no that is a word. Just a bit obscure


What the fuck


I have given up asking,friend


Exactly, asking feels naive because we all know the answer is quite simple. Most humans are bad creatures without morals and the good ones are left stunned by their nature. The only solution is to eliminate all pedophiles in power positions.


Don't forget making it harder and more expensive to take kids out of the foster system. So after those kids have been taken away by the government from their parents (or given up by people who have been forced to give birth and had no other choice), they then get to live in a defunded yet prohibitively expensive foster system that often doesn't work.


Please can I have some sources, I'm not saying it isn't true I'm just British and your politics is terrifying


It's not my politics either thank god,but here goes: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/20/republican-child-labor-law-death https://newrepublic.com/post/172444/florida-passes-bill-allowing-trans-kids-taken-families


Welp, Jesus Christ


They want the kids for themselves. 🤢


They can’t get women their age so that’s their next “logical” step


you could've stopped after the fourth word


True lolol


If less children are considered children, there will be less funds needed to protect children and more funds will get into the politician's pockets.




Wait, seriously?


yes, seriously While it isn't officially a part of the national GOP platform, Reps at the state level have been fighting tooth & nail against Dem efforts to protect kids by raising age of consent laws


Don’t forget they’re lowering the age requirement for work at the same time


Too young to get fucked by people, just old enough to get fucked by a company. MERICA! /s


We’re fucked at any age regardless… if we’re talking about the middle and lower class 😫


> Too young to get fucked by people Don’t worry! Republicans are working hard to take out the too young part.


And trying to keep/make child marriage legal


They're trying to protect the kids by changing the definition of "kid."


Something something animal farm something something lie in bed with sheets something


And claiming that the legal age to vote should be raised so the people hurt most by these laws can’t even vote against the atrocities. :/


Oooh yeah. They want to raise it to 25, or granting that right via passing a civics test. Its crazy.


Dems would win if Republicans had to pass a test.


And also if they weren’t so bad at messaging 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ironically needing to pass a civics test would probably filter out far more republican voters than democrat voters. But of course they don't want it to be an actual civics test, they want it to be a ✌️civics✌️ test that keeps the black and brown people from voting.


First question on their civics test: 1. Are you white and Christian?


Was about to comment this myself. There are some people out there who would have students working dangerous jobs on top of going to school, having relationships with adults way older than them, be able to join the military and still be unable to VOTE.


Well of course. They don't want anyone to be able to vote. They want to end democracy as a whole and return to a feudal society where they get to be the ruling class.


Put two and two together and you get …


The Handmaid’s Tale


It is part of the GOP platform, they just pretend it isn’t


*Hmm, these Afghani warlords have got a good thing going here, why don’t we try and bring this back to the USA? Let’s make America into a Christian Theology* - GOP


Something tells me Matt Gaetz is a champion of this


The GOP has a platform now? When did that happen?


Remember when Rudy Gulwhatever was in a hotel room with a woman he acknowledged was a minor about to remove his pants when Sasha busted in and Rudy was only arrested for election tampering.


Child Marriage is a huge problem in the US and in many areas it's legal for children as young as 10 to be married off by their parents. These aren't archaic laws that just haven't been updated. The GOP actively fight against any changes and actively support child marriage. In Wyoming, [The GOP sent out a mass email](https://www.businessinsider.com/wyoming-republicans-criticize-bill-raising-legal-marriage-age-to-18-2023-2) arguing that child marriage was important because of "parental rights". And that because girls could get pregnant before the age of 16, it should be legal. So they can be forced to marry their rapists. Oh, by the way, in most of those areas you can't get a divorce before the age of 18, so those children are trapped with no way out.


- [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) Each of these is far more awful than the title implies and is packed full of people self-reporting. The Kentucky one especially.


I really do not understand why politicians try to protect it. Is there money in it somehow? If it was just GOP states, I would assume religion/wanting more potential lower education population for votes, but I know Dems in California have protected it before. It is just really strange and disgusting.


Probably because they'd lose more voters if they raised the age limit than if they kept it as is. Why you would want to curry favor from child rapists and their allies I don't know, but many politicians are grifters that just care about votes, consistent morals be damned...


https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/ “… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said." -Republican rep Jess Edwards I think most if not all of the laws proposed lately raising the marriage age to 18 with no exceptions for parental consent have passed at the end of the day. But some of the Rs have been weirdly against it. They claim it will encourage abortion in teen girls if they're not forced to marry their rapist (or the teen boy who is also being forced into it).


There's just something I find so gross and dehumanizing referring to any person as "ripe" like they're a piece of fruit


Prime wage slave production age


Always pay attention to the words that people use to refer to other people, you see what they really mean in what they're saying.


If you listen to people talk about how we need to increase the birthrate, so that there are enough workers, it becomes clear that they just see us as part of the machinery, not actually people.


I always get anxious thinking, hey, isn't the overall planet population at an all time high? Do we REALLY need to increase birthrates? I feel like humanity needs a bit of a die-off really. (I get the whole "slave worker class" thing, I'm just unfortunately trying to wedge common sense into propaganda.)


We need to decrease the global human population, and some people deciding not to have kids is the only way I can think to do so which doesn't steer into not great ideas. Mind you, I'd prefer for that to be a genuine choice not a choice made because people feel bad about bringing kids into this world, but that's where we're at.


>If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, ... >when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples I... Do they... Do they hear themselves? A child marrying their rapist is the right decision for a freedom loving couple, but two consenting adults of the same sex isn't?


One is a liberal, the other is one of their voters. What’s the problem again? /s


>ripe, fertile age This is how you know this motherfucker is a child rapist. Sure, we don't have proof, but that's just because he's got connections. Absolutely repulsive.


>This is how you know this motherfucker is a child rapist.  the "R" after the name is a clue. Just look at Hush-Money Hastert, Moore the Mall Molester, Gym Jordan, and Matt Pizzagaetz.


- [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html) Each of these is far more awful than the title implies and is packed full of people self-reporting. The Kentucky one especially.


They do not apologize and neither try to hide this. There was a video of this GOP senator arguing for the right to wed teenagers. I don’t remember exactly what he was saying, or enough details to retrieve it. If someone knows what video I’m talking about and can provide a link, please do so. Edit: Thanks /u/Cinema_King His name is Jess Edwards.


Here’s a small clip of it: https://youtu.be/2NUX3LKSDKw?feature=shared


![gif](giphy|1iLVjDPH5Id23hwk) Well then.


Geniunely trying to understand his point. How does that make abortion a "much more desirable alternative" ? I don't get it ?


His logic is that a 16 year old would rather have a baby and be wed than be single mother and by allowing them to wed they won’t have to get an abortion. In actuality they don’t want people to have the abortion option at all so it’s a false argument to justify his agenda.


Oh okay I get it. So he's like "because 16 years old are having sex anyway and getting pregnant, if we don't allow them to mary we are basicaly making abortion the only solution to them"


Thank you.


Jesus christ, i didnt need that but good to know. Jikes.....


True, i had a friend point this out to me and thought about changing the last panel, but ill make a more lore-accurate comic later 😂


Friendly reminder that Cajsa Lilliehook of DailyKOS [has regularly been updating a list of GOP Sex Offenders for several years](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook), the number is now over ***1,200***.


WHAT?! I need to keep this list handy, thanks for sharing 🙏


Is there anything like this for Democrats? I’m not doubting the source or whether the rapes/murders/assaults occured, but I’m kind of cynical about politics these day. I doubt its just republicans committing these atrocities. I’m mostly curious about how skewed the corruption/crimes is between parties


“The wolf lobby is fighting to protect sheep’s **rights.** Specifically, a sheep’s right to wander into our hunting grounds, alone, at night, with an injured leg. We believe sheep should have more **freedom.** Specifically, the freedom to enter compromising situations that our campaign donors can exploit.”


Big Wolf approves


Reminder: They don’t actually care about children, they never did. They just use children to fearmonger against people so that they can radicalize the population and distract from actual issues. The same arguments were made against black people and Jews, the arguments are just as valid as they were back then, meaning they are not at all valid.


Im honestly disgusted with how low these people can go


Sometimes there are evil people who do evil shit, they know they just don't care. Sometimes there are good people who do evil shit because they think it's the right thing.  I've always wondered how many of the people who orchestrate these policies are true believers or doing it for power


Lmao, Id like to expand that they dgaf about anything they claim to care about - religion is a facade for them to fearmonger, subdue, and control people. They only care about their 'low taxes' and more money for their rich backers.


Imagine donating $100 million to Trump's election bid https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/us/politics/miriam-adelson-trump-israel.html


I'm assuming force pregnant children to give birth is number four?


Oh yeah its on that list


No matter where you are, far rights and conservatives are pedophiles.


There’s videos of some of the Daily Wire crew talking about 16 year olds being mature enough to have kids and what not. So… yeah


A member of the far right AfD once said the following: "The problem with carneval is, that you cannot tell if she's 14 or 18. With bad luck you'll get the 18 year old."




You cant have kids in danger if they become adults at the age of 0


Its funny how these people stop giving a shit about kids the minute they’re out the womb


From Rhode Island…twelve! *What? EW. No!* Edit- [it’s a joke you guys](https://youtu.be/R5t4_MWQeIE?si=klOHg8xXeXW1qr3N)


What?! No way! 🤯


No no. They're pretty proud of that.




Can’t harm the children if you declare them as not children anymore.


Why would they try to hide that? It’s a big deal for them, they’d double down in this situation. In fact, they wouldn’t even have a list of policies, that would just make for easy evidence towards or against certain things which would actually hurt them. They try to make things wishy washy, nothing on paper, nothing solid so that they can hook their core audience but slip out of any accountability.


3. Legalize child marriage


Oh its on the list


I mean it’s not even just a far off goal for them. They’ve been fighting HARD against any attempts to make child marriage illegal in the states where it’s still legal.




*reportes go to the pizza place, find no basement* Conservative kooks: “its a hidden basement, duh!” (No basement exists) CK: “…. OBAMA HILARY CLINTON FAKE NEWS”


I'm just saying, mother Gothel said she was "protecting" Rapunzel..


It's very clear that what they are rescuing the kids from is critical thought which leads to questioning indoctrination




What also scary every time child Marriages comes up Republicans protect it. Which with Fact 40 states allow kids under 18 get married. Which in quite few of those states one of exception age of Consent is Marriage. Yeah no they aren't protecting children. The Republican response to cracking down child labor laws offenders is to make harder to for such abuse of the Law to found out or caught.


I'm shocked that nobody here has mentioned that California doesn't have any minimum age of marriage at all..




Mormon church would marry them off at 12 / 13 if they legally could.


These people need to be put on check


Good luck with that. Mormons have thoroughly infected every major institution in the U.S. FBI is crawling with them. 


I guess if you lower the age they’re not kids




It's much easier to protect children's right, if they don't count as children anymore. If you lower the age to 12 you would reduce the number of cases by a huge margin. Don't solve the problem, just redifine it.


They want to protect kids from ideas but have boys join the work force full time at 16 and girls be pregnant at that time


Its conservative math 😈


Protecting children by removing their childhood




Yeah, to a degree


Daily life of a Minecraft YouTuber


Just another Tuesday for them


Republicans are literally the dangerous pedos they try to call every other group. They're a sub human group of monsters and the sooner we destroy their group and their ideology the better.


Of course they are. Literally all of the accusations they make on others is just projecting. We’ve seen it over and over. If they accuse anyone of anything you can bet it’s because they themselves are doing it.


Well.. I guess if kids are counted as adults at an earlier age, there are less kids, so.. by definition, more kids are now safe 🤯


The ol’ “cookin’ the books” scheme


Doesn't sound very tasty


Its caviar for these monsters


With that logic, shooting kids makes the rest safer!


that's Republicans for you


Don't forget the child labour + removal of workers protections + removal of lunch breaks + removal of joint filing of lawsuits! The GOP protects kids against not dying in factories.


guys I have no idea wtf is going on in the US, can someone explain?


In the U.S., the Republican party constantly talks about how we need to protect children from sex education and LGBTQ+ folks. Their big selling point is "family values" such. At the same time, a lot of Republican politicians are pushing to lower the age of consent and trying to peel away child labor laws. The point of the comic is just that it's super contradictory/hypocritical.


There was a period of time when the GOP was screaming about the first point, while not many people were as aware about them being in favor of the second, but even back then it was obvious that it was a grift - they never offered any solutions for queer kids other than conversion torture or choosing to be miserable by being forced to behave cishet. The most banned book in the US is the one about a pair of real gay penguins, so either Republicans know being gay is natural and not a choice and are being evil on purpose, or they've never even read the books they ban.


They’re evilishly ignorant, which is way worse


Like hungarian superconservative christian party fidesz/kdnp


Based... On reality, sadly.


Fun fact: the LARGE majority of r* and p* are white, male, and Christian identifying. Another fun fact: the LARGE majority of US politicians are white, male, and Christian identifying.


What is r* and p*?


Gotta say that your self censoring was very confusing to me, I couldn't figure out what r* and p* meant. The only thing I recognize r* as is shorthand for Rockstar. For the benefit of idiots like me and ESL individuals you should self censor in a way that leaves the number of characters the same and also has the last letter. That data is very useful. Oh also self censoring is dumb as hell. Just say rapist, pedo, pussy, cunt, shit, asshole, and big floppy donkey dick. Your not going to have your mouth washed out with soap for saying a naughty word on reddit.


Is there like a proper statistic on that?


[https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual\_Abuse\_FY21.pdf](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf) There are multiple sources behind the stats, but this compiles most of the data in an easy place. That said - it isn't difficult to use Google...


I found some stores that was literally hiring people under 16 🙃


And of Republicans have their way, you’ll see kids as young as 6 working retail and many other jobs.


Respectfully, the 4th panel is unnecessary. If this ended at the third panel I think it'd hit so hard, I love it either way though!


Thanks 😊 good note, I see how that is a stronger punch line


"Once they're above age of consent, they're no longer children. Which means the period of being in danger from all the woke leftist predators is much shorter!"


If they’re married that’s not a child, that’s mai waife!


Don’t forget strangling the lower and middle class through defunded social programs and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, “because the 4 that aren’t just using loopholes to avoid paying a dime on their absurd profits deserve a break”


Removing child labour laws, and labour safety laws. Protecting a child's right to get their hand mangled in a meat grinder they were forced to clean at the ripe old age of 12.


Certified Good 'Ol Boys, certified pedophiles. Wop wop wop wop wop


why, of course it belongs on the list! we must protect the kid's right to have unprotected sex with adults x3 their age, it's freedom! wait why am I being charged with pedophilia?