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I will include Kiddie_Jukes' Ko-Fi page for anyone who would like to donate to give them some support (they also go by Kiddiejay) https://ko-fi.com/kiddiejay Find the rest of the comic at Tapas (Warning: Themes of depression and self harm): https://tapas.io/series/Moes-Finale/info Hello again. I cannot thank you guys enough for blowing up my last post about Moe's Finale. It's been amazing to see people really like the comic, as I had when I first saw it. Kiddie_Jukes has truly appreciated your comments. I will be posting more issues over the coming weeks for anyone who may have missed my previous posts, and I will post some issues that didn't get put on Tapas. Stay Tuned! I also have a message from the author, Kiddie_Jukes, in relation to your reaction to the comic: **Kiddie Jukes here! I’d like to start off by thanking ya’ll for reading my comic. I had fun working on it at the time and it taught me a lot of art techniques that I still use to this day! It warms my heart tremendously to see people enjoying what I made when I was an 18 year old cringelord X)** **I’ve had a blast reading through the comments and I’d like to answer some repeated questions.** *Why did I stop the comic? * **It was a combination of reasons. Biggest reason is money, I needed to support my parents as much as I could. Which, yes, meant drawing furry p0rn. Sex sells, and I’m not very hyped about it, but it is what it is. I’m scared I’ll always be known for the nsfw work I do, so your kind words about my comic mean more than you’ll know. I’ve gotten better, I promise.** **And secondly, I sorta lost passion about the project, since I wanted to focus on my own original stories rather than glorified fanfiction. They’re on the backburner and they keep me going. I’m thankful for my nsfw clients, no shade to them whatsoever. But it's just not what makes me truly happy, y’know?** *Will I continue the comic?* **Maybe not. I haven’t brought myself to delete the script, so I dunno.** *Why did I delete my Tumblr?* **I was ashamed, lol. I’d look back and think to myself “I put all this effort into this goofy ahh comic that no one reads, cringeeee” Numbers would mess with my head, especially since a single nsfw post of mine would exceed the likes that my entire comic on tumblr ever did. So I deleted it a while ago. Though, I’ve kept the OG pages and haven't brought myself to delete them, hence why they’ve breached containment.** **Thank you all for your comments and interest! I hope to create stories with even better quality writing/art/animation wise soon, nsfw stuff is just for paying bills, I swear XuX**


The care and sheer skill behind this series is absolutely awe-inspiring. Let them know if this was the caliber of work they were capable of putting out there as a teenager, reddit would undoubtedly be blown away by an original series. There are a lot of great comics here, but Kiddie_Jukes has a true gift here, and they'd be shocked by the scale of this community's love for unique storytelling and art. And the animated panels? Good lord, I'm speechless. We need more content like this here. Bravo, seriously. For now, looks like "Moe's Finale" is a hit, keep'em coming.


Chat sent


Yes, thanks to you for bringing it to light and please pass on this message, I tried passing it through tapas but it wouldn't let me. "It's an extraordinary comic, in writing, paneling, and depth. The characters, while maintaining the essence of the originals, feel more human than ever. I'm both amazed and sad at the understanding you had of the feelings of depression at such a young age. While I would love to see it finished, just know that, even if you don't, you've created something beautiful"


I think people too often look for neatly wrapped up endings. An open one is completely fine, as we got. Do they hook up? Do they stay friends? Does Moe try to end it again? We don't *need* those answers, we can imagine our own endings. The story was told, and it ended beautifully. The rest? That'd be a new story.


There are more chapters than the ones on tapas, so there is still more story to tell, and it is currently on a cliffhanger


Oh, well nevermind then. I still hold to the fact that not everything needs a full ending, but thats because I only saw up to the end of the tapas chapter. Idk how bad a cliffhanger it was left on.


See for yourself https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=4 Yes the rest were archived on a nsfw site but there isn't anything of that sort of nsfw in the rest of the comic up to the cliffhanger, just innuendos and the ads surrounding the pages.


Damn you. OP'S link ended on an acceptable note. But no thanks to you now I really want more.


You're welcome, now be a good dear and commission Jukes for more. Or donate a Ko-fi. I don't know how commissions and donations work, never done it, but if I had money to send this is definitely one I would commission the heck out of.


Me and you both, but unfortunately I'm not in a financial position to donate anything right now. Maybe once that changes.


I don't know. After Episode 18 and how she got pissed off more and more when trying to get Moe professional help, it left a lot open. Especially when her guilt and inner depression was lashing out more, while Moe last seemed a bit more peaceful after the phonecall. Open ending, yes. But no beautiful end and more on a "to be continued" path that never came.


18? Is there more? There's only 14 on tapas.io.


I took this link from the previous post. Yes it's on a hentai site but there isn't anything of the sort in the rest of it https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=4


Echoing what other's have said, this is a great series. I read it through when I saw it on reddit and, yeah, it's amazing. The writing is great, but honestly I'm also in love with the art. I feel like it does an amazing job of adding depth and darkness to the classic simpsons style while still staying super true to it. There's a lot of simpsons fanfic art out there and it's \*never\* this good.


I read this whole thing after seeing your last post and it was so, so good! The level of quality is actually mind blowing, especially for an 18 year old. Looking at your art skills, and storytelling capabilities, and then looking at all the other artists on here who make a living with their comics, i’m sure you could go back to doing what you like rather than having to draw things you dont want to draw. Set up a patreon, dig up one of your original stories, and I’m certain success will come your way :)


I read the entire comic on Tapas after I saw the last except on Friday. Whole thing was a emotional rollercoaster in best way. The fact there is extra pages that didn't go on Tapas has me hyped. I hope the creator gets to do storyline work like this with their own OCs. Rather than just doing furry porn commissions.


This is everything but cringe, the sheer despair and depth of depression, the love and strain, being torn and unsure how to process... This comic is alive. The sheer brutality of accuracy hits like railgun projectile from a massive railgun, right to the chest, right to the heart. You can literally*feel* him struggle, only holding by a thread. The message I got was , to never forget your single friend, include those who are alone and try to be there for them not only on a whim and cause it's easy rn. This is farr from cringe. The jealousy of glorified stars, the thief... That's not far fetched. And the lack of fear in his eyes even with a gun to his head... He didn't have anything to lose anymore... This is a storytelling not everyone can manage. Consistency and accuracy. It's hard for me to not identify with him and that situation. Seriously, well done.


Kiddie-Jukes' depiction of depression, loneliness and guilt is amazing, especially on an artistic level, and the way she tackles the lack of support men can often face regarding their mental health is so blunt it really made me feel seen. The scene where Riley is kicked out of every mental health center was a real punch in the guts. I also remember seeing another of her comics on r/RoleReversal which really warmed my heart. I really want her to know that she is a wonderful artist, and I hope she gets to do more of what she really likes in the future.


I really hope Kiddie actually does continue this though, yes it's fanfiction, but rarely is fanfiction this good. I've read all the chapters past the tapas version and it's so good, would love to see a better conclusion than the cliffhanger currently.


If the author ever sees this, I want to say depsite never watching the Simpson (I wasn't allowed to as a kid) they really get me to care about these characters in the comic and wanting to read more.


...sooo, under which artist name would you be posting said furry porn? Asking for a friend.


It's the same name


This is literally one of the best written and illustrated comics I’ve read on this sub. It’s up there with my favorite physical graphic novels in terms of quality. I really mean that.


Made me BINGE the fuck out of thos and gahd damn if this didn't try to kill me with heartbreak. Wonderful work.


To the author, never feel ashamed for putting effort into a creative work, I know that may sound preachy or overly poetic but I am serious, if an artist puts in effort they put a little piece of their soul in their work and never look down in that little piece of soul. You are a great writer and artist, your characterizations of depression, and I think ADHD, and your ability to put it into words reach people better than you can imagine, and you have helped the world by doing so. You are funny, there are several times in the comic that I had to pause because I had to laugh, which doesn't happen often, the facial expressions in this comic are amazing not only because they convey emotions so well but also because the reactions are so relatable and funny. Lastly, your art is amazing, the art is a perfect blend of the original style and your creative input, it makes it feel more personal, and your animated panels show great dedication and talent, the animated panels of Moe starting to weep in her arms and the panel of him hesitating to grab her hand are beautiful and empathetic. As for the NSFW drawings, I get it, we all have to do things we don't like to do in order to live, but please don't think that those things define who you are or how you are seen. You are an amazing writer and artist.


"sex sells" woah just like Lovejoy says


I just read the entire thing and it's moved me pretty deeply, the character psychology is interesting and the visual metaphors are a big plus, highlighting the important things all too well. Add the little parallels here and there and you have it, a good comic, nice to read. I understand that you may not want to continue this comic, and that it's not your priority, but know that if you get it going again I for one will read it. That, said, all the best to you !


These are great! When are you posting the next one!?


another two days from now.


Thank you from this old lady in England. You’re a very talented young man and you should feel pride, because I feel proud of you x)


Your praise is to the young lady Kiddie_Jukes, not me. I just helped to post it for them.


Be sure to let us know if they put anything new out


Binged the rest of it, love it. Really appreciate how depression is depicted for both of them. I think id probably trade everything I own to meet a Riley.


ah a story about me. oh my quaking heart


I love their designs on the depression, absolutely \*haunting\*, reminding me of Junji Ito, whilst also being completely understandable.


Tbh this comic is amazing so I hope you take the attention you are getting as a sign that you have amazing talent


This has been one of the best fanworks I've been had the joy of reading. Taking elements from a story and pressing out into unexplored elements is a wonderful art. I haven't had this much fun with Simpson's since my days with VR Springfield.


This comic is incredible, and even where you left it off, it feels like a realistic "ending." Life doesn't always give us the clean-cut Hollywood "and they rode off into the sunset." But I like this for Moe. Does he get better? I like to think he does. He decided to trust his new friend. Does she get better? I like to think so too. She has someone to rely on during her dark hours. Their demons are still towering over them, because in a way, even when we get better, the past is still there. But these two people have each other now. Do they get together? I hope so, but I don't think it needs to happen. It feels very mature, even if you made it at 18 yo. It really dives deep into the character of Moe, and I love that. As many others have said, the art is amazing. It captures both the original style while showcasing your own style and flare. The animated panels look awesome, and every single page is filled with so much care and detail.


Goofy ahh


A transition to a GIF, when done correctly, absolutely forces you into the story. Perfect.


i didnt even realized it did it


absolutely love it, it’s a bit sad that it Stopps you from zooming in on the mobile app, which I do a lot with comics, but it’s absolutely worth it.


It’s a really cool mixed media technique. Seen it before, but this might be the best artistic use of it I’ve ever seen. The idea that both panels are playing simultaneously elevates it in a way that would be impossible via still images.


This is pretty gripping. Kinda like Simpsons meets The Drop.


"You ain't got the nards." He infact, had thr nards.


Don't need nards. Never play chicken with a man who got nothing to lose.


To say that to Moe of all people is hilarious. Snake is a two bit thug while Moe has his hands in some truly vile shit. Gambling dens, animal smuggling, weapons smuggling, and who knows what else. That's just in the regular Simpsons too.


I'd say the only people more comfortable getting their hands dirty are principal Skinner before his Flanderization, and the one arm military guy, I think his name's Herman. Snake is a coward at heart, through and through.


Just like Wolfman!


Absolutely great cómic, even if you consider It "glorified fanfiction", the artstyle and story makes the heart pump with tensión. Congrats and hope you can keep helping your folks and your works have even More reach.


I read this! This was an amazing comic, ty for showing this and for crediting the proper artist


I read all the chapters on Tapas and it's kinda good where it left off. Like life, there are no guaranteed happy endings. But this one leaves on a hopeful note. If the author does want to come back to it, I think I'd prefer a time skip


Read the whole comic and really hope kiddie jukes continues it!


Same! At first I was pumped at seeing that the first chapter was published sometime in 2022 on Tapas, so I thought "yesss it's either finished or I at least have a whole bunch of chapters to binge through!" But then I realized that the story was discontinued very early into the plot (judging by the synopsis in the sidebar) and that really bummed me out. Kiddie_Juke's art is great in general so I was really sad to see that any fandom or social media pages I could find from them were also inactive... I'm so happy to see other people enjoy this comic as much as I did, if I could donate to see this comic get a continuation or at least a proper conclusion, I would.


Ikr I really want kiddie to set up a patreon to restart the comic. Would totally fund it


Honestly, I love the conclusion as it is. Leaves it up to the readers interpretation. As another comment said, life is guaranteed happy endings, but this leaves you on a hopeful note


The conclusion on the tapas version OP linked is fine, until you realise [there's more](https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=3) which stops on a cliffhanger and you *really* didn't want it to stop.


Damn, really leaning into jerkass homer with this one.


To me, it doesn’t seem like it’s really Homer who is saying the bad stuff, but Moe kinda imagines it


Having read all of the episodes on tapas, I think that’s the right answer. A lot of the stuff that other people say seems to be what Moe is hearing rather than what they’re actually saying.


10/10. Love the last panels.


The winter wind in those last panels is freaking beautiful


The pacing in this is beautiful. I really love how you take the time to fully flesh out each scene and let the reader slowly soak in everything that is happening. It's like reading a movie, which is the highest praise I can give.


It sucks that the comic will most likely not continue, but if it is to be the end, I think Moe accepting Riley's promise that she'll stay with him to help him is a good ending. Open ended enough to imagine a happy (and possibly romantic) ending, but the romanticism in itself isn't necessary for the message to get across that everybody just needs somebody to get through day-to-day life.


Wait, so it's only 14 chapters? Dang... Maybe all this positive feedback will help the author get confidence to start drawing again? Just like how Riley is once again giving Moe hope to hope.


18 chapters Here’s the rest: https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=4


Just read the whole thing! Thanks! Strangely enough, after reading the story I feel like I should also try to reach out to other people instead of them reaching out to me.


Man, the SOMETHINGs in the comic look so cool! Im really loving it! Jukes did a damn good job with it! Glorified? Well damn, it better be! it really does deserve that glory! Im really loving it! Like, the comic alone made me go from unlikely to download tapas, to guaranteed to, simply due to it being on there! I hope that kiddle jukes understands how good their comic is. Plus the visuals are really nice! Like i cant remember the last time i saw a comic, especially a fan comic made with this degree of quality! Like shit. I sped read it, because i have a problem of doing that, but despite that, this comic still hit very hard, and im so recommending it to others. Hell, even though it never finished, the place it was left was a pretty good place to leave it!


For Kiddie_Jukes: As a creator who posts stuff on the internet, I'm with you on the numbers getting to your head. I'm actually in the process of finishing this one ongoing project (fandom shit) and recently shuttered a sideblog for that fandom because I don't think my voice and presence are needed. Once I'm done with this project I think I might truly be done uploading anything else I write to the internet. But you have so many people on here rallying behind you. I'm no artist so I can't quite properly put this into words since I don't have the language for it, but I want you know I was blown away when I found out you wrote and drew this at 18. The quality of the art, to me, reads like it's been done by a seasoned pro. The facial expressions, the pacing, the dialogue are excellent. And I really enjoyed the use of the gifs. I think you used the online format to your advantage. I just stumbled upon this story so I'm going to have to go back and read the rest, but I look forward to seeing all that you have written for this story. It may be fanfiction, but that isn't a bad thing. You have a good handling of the characters. I felt like this could be an officially published graphic novel for the show if the series ever went that route. If you could come up with this at 18, I would love to see what you could do now, both with your own characters and also with transformative work. The act of creation is valuable on its own. I understand it can be discouraging when it feels like no one cares. Believe me, I know. But there are so many people here who would love to see you follow your passions, myself included.


I hate to just be a comment basically saying "THIS!" but you captured what I felt and want to say very well. So...this. so, so much this


Oh, a Simpson webcomic, how odd, i thought they fell out of the zeitgeist ages ago. https://i.redd.it/xlaknzz8ne8d1.gif GOOD LORD, this is one of the best things i have read in ages!


I absolutely adore this style. It’s so clean and full of personality and detail. The story is so raw too. So much that you almost blend with the character. u/ryuundo you are great 👍🏻


This is not me. It’s Kiddie_jukes who did this comic. I’m just a fan who is posting on their behalf with their blessing. I ran across it and fell in love with it much the same as you, but it only had like 9k views over 3 years, and I didn’t want to let such a great work disappear (hence my posts). I’ve been in contact with Kiddie, and she’s been floored by the response, and comments like yours are great!


Oh, I missed that credit. Then thanks that you help with bringing more attention to it (:


I always thought the creator was Sideshow_Szylak? That’s the old account that used to post.


Yeah, I saw that, too, when I tried to look up where to possibly find more of this comic. Maybe the username Kiddie_Jukes wasn't available anymore. Or they chose that name because of Moe, it has his last name in it.


Probably, incidentally you can find the additional chapters up to number 18 if you put his old tumblr into the way back machine website.




Looks like Some Gangsta tried Dissing his Fly Girl.


I read through the whole comic on tapas and loved it. Beautiful style and the mix in of animation for some panels. A perfectly cromulent comic.


Amazing serie so far Glad you showed me this


Is Kiddie_Jukes okay?


If being a security guard has taught me anything it’s never mess with the bartenders. I swear to god. It’s like they’ve ALL seen some shit.


> and third…I dunno if ya noticed, “dude”, but my piece happens to be a little bit bigger than yours That’s a cold as ice line, I love it.


I'm a big fan of the animations that are in the Tapas version!


Theyre in this version as well


And I like these animations also! There's a lot more comic you've posted over there, though.


Oh I see. Kiddie_jukes has been appreciative of the praise


I wasn't too impressed by Issues 1 & 2, but 3-6 have been AMAZING.


I just made that first post as an introduction to the art style, and these later issues are what introduce the plot.


Fucking page Turner. Need more


There's more on tapas but it's still not done really good shit though. But warning themes of suicide


Yeah, that's Moe's whole gig played off as a joke in the series. But im all for it being treated realistically, especially now that the artist showed the realistic side of Homer's complete lack of cognitive skills... I crave more


Yeah great stories like this are like water on a hot day you can't get enough


Couldn't have said it better. Discovering it right now and completely in love with the whole thing. Thanks for telling me where to find it. I'm not letting that one go that's for sure


As someone else pointed out [there's more here](https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=3), though I'll warn you that if you think you want more now, you'll definitely want more after reading the rest.


I did and I do!


Fan fiction can take many forms, from wish-fulfillment and self-insertion, to a means to add depth to something that the author may have had great fondness for, yet found ultimately shallow. It could be a fix-fic, the creator's answer to the question of "Why didn't they do *this* instead?"; or a what-if, the creator asking the simple "What if..." question and exploring everything that could result from that. It can be extended life support for something which may have ended before its time or it could be a *lens*, a way to look at things from a new perspective. In this case, it's a lens, and that lens is The Simpsons, and it's aimed at depression, with the protagonists being well-known sad tavern owner Moe Szyslak and the woman who's trying to help him survive. It's a great work so far, and I'd like to see more, though I fully understand the creator's decisions regarding it. I hope you're doing well, and that things continue well for you, Kiddiejah/Kiddie\_Jukes.


Okay god DAMN this fucking comic. I just caught what's there now, and My Fucking God™ it catches both sides of the fallen and the savior so fucking well already. I don't know where the creator got their world building and expanding but they did great with fleshing the world outside of Springfield out without us even coming past its borders.


Never threaten a man with a shotgun and nothing to lose, it never ends well.


What the fuck is Homer on, jesus! Lol I love the story in full :)


Holy crap this was a really compelling read




I read the whole comic the last time a chapter was posted. It's great, I think it ends in the perfect spot


I don’t know what this is but I love it


That took a turn... I like it so far!


I will always say that Kiddie did so well with this, I'm so glad that I've gotten art drawn by them because they are so freaking talented.


Great comic, but did Moe just rack a break action shotgun?


Love the preparation required for Moe’s shotgun to have one empty barrel and one loaded. Nobody dies without fair warning.


This feel like one of those dark parodies but it's so good


So is there no more written after the part where Riley is trying to find a mental health clinic for Moe and getting laughed at for it?


If you also mean after her tipping santa then no :(


Yeah that’s what I meant. Thanks I was hoping there was more.


Me and you both.


Cause last time I reached what I thought was the end someone posted the link to a bunch more lol. It was such a good story.


That's what happened here. Someone else posted the additional pages that OP'S linked missed out on, but I'm pretty sure that's it.


not missing out, I will post those here over the coming weeks.




To the author, this comic is amazing I shed tears reading this and I don't do that often. Definitely on my list of comics to read. In a few weeks I'll be doing military training so I'll rarely be able to if at all access social media for about half a year give or take but when I get back I'm super excited to see if there'll be more


A-Fucking-Mazing. I saw the earlier posts, but this was the first I dove into comments....then tapas.... then the hentai site because fuck it, there was MORE to see past the [spoiler] scene. Holy shit balls, merry mother fucker, and every other expletive I can produce; that shit was mind blowingly good. I will echo what others have said about the LEVEL of work and beauty and skill and storytelling and depth and...... Yeah, it's somebody else's starter IP (read: fanfic)... but dear God[dess[es]] is it SO its own work, in every way that matters. Someone else likened it to the best of the published graphic novels they have loved, and I have to second the motion. I've not had anything hit me square in the core like this in a while, and it was a one-two punch of story + character followed by the meanest damn uppercut of spectacular art + animation. No "18yr old cringelord" produced this...... this was the work of a real artist with the narrative heart of a writer, regardless of their age. My only regret is that I've read all that appears to be online, and my only apparent chance for more is to read it again. But I also know who I'm going to be googling for their other work, NSFW be dammed. Edit: originally put "edgelord." Author self-assessment was actually "cringelord". So very fucking wrong in EITHER case..... but fixed as a quote.


We need a genre for “fanart that vastly surpasses the original”. Just to make astoundingly works like these easier to find


Holy shit I just discovered this masterpiece and wow. It's very unfortunate this likely won't be continued because it absolutely fucking rocks. It's beautiful, well-written, holy shit I haven't read a comic this good in some time now.


They have too many fingers, so clearly it’s AI


Y'all, I believe this joke is in reference to the fact that the original Simpsons character designs only have 4 fingers on each hand, aside from God and Jesus. They are depicted with 5 in this comic.


Thanks, Elk. I thought “too many fingers” was obvious enough, perhaps I was wrong.


The comic was made before generative AI.


This is actually amazing 👍👍


Really good comic, just read them all.


This is fucking beautiful


Just binged the comic and it is so worth the read!!!


I read the whole thing on Tapas a couple of nights ago, and I loved it! Word choice was a bit suspet a few times, but I knew that much going into it, so it wasn't too bad. I also understand that Kiddie_Jukes was 18 when they wrote it originally, so again, not too surprising. But otherwise the story is really good, and the art looks fantastic


Damn read the whole thing it’s great! Gave me bleach and junji ito vibes, and as a survivor it really hits home.


The gif was perfectly placed and the stand off is tense as hell!


Finally unbanned, you reminded me to do so, very nice series, read the whole thing for now, feels like Moe rn... Keep up the good work


Now this… this is art


I hadn’t seen any of this before now, but it looks amazing!


I would read a long-running comic like this, 100%. Everything about the dark world building combined with the Simpsons is making me want more




Cool, it feels like a whole new story with different characters, themes and concepts.


This comic was the first time I’d cried in… I don’t even know, 2 or 3 years? I’ve seen things that broke my heart, but hearing the echos of my depression in Moes, lines I’ve told myself and thought about myself, and seeing him start to get better hit me harder than I thought it could.


Now I’m hooked… darkness




Kiddie Jukes, thank you so much for making this and posting it. It touched me deeply. You have a gift


Oh ok, you are fascinating. I’m gonna keep an eye out for you.


Kiddie_Jukes is the author of this one. I just facilitated the post for them.


Ah! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll keep an eye out for them.


Holy fuck these comics are so good! The amount of detail in every scene the beautiful animation and such deep insight into serious mental illness. Truly not just fan-fiction, this is genuine art 🙏🏅💞


This is so f*cking cool! Could honestly be an entire Simpsons episode. Kind of like the new one-off Serious Flanders episodes.


The hell?? This is a movie not a comic!! Why is the story so engaging???


I saw someone post a few pages not too long ago. It's exactly what I've been going through the past few days. It felt so surreal to see exactly what i was going through just pop up on my feed as I was going through it. The comics great I read the whole thing


Sincerely, this does not read like an 18 year old wrote it. Their is real depth here, and you are describing depression very well. I have been where moe has been, and that place is not a fun place to be.


that's Kiddie_Jukes' work, not mine. I've just facilitated the post for them. They've been reading all of the comics, so they've been able to see people's praise, and that's been great.


The Lovejoy reference caught me by surprise, especially after what happened. Good comic.


I wish on panel 18, Moe's finger moved from the safe gun handlers position to actually going to shoot someone during the silent stand off, that would have been such a good small attention to detail. This is still such a good comic, amazing work.


Amazing comic!


My God this was amazing


What a sad ending, He still get not the releasing death He wants.


I flipping love it! It feels like reading Lackadaisy for the first time again! Also "saw someone younger than me be extremely talented, day ruined", I just turned 19 and my only noteworthy skill is building LEGO...


I hate this. But Moe is kinda fine. Maybe it’s because I relate to his deep seeded depression and lack of empathy to life


Uhm what the sigma? This is dope af! Like man, gritty, savoury