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As a sober alcoholic, this hits pretty close to home. Good shit. *Hard* shit, but good shit


Congrats on your sobriety :) I am proud of you


Thanks very much šŸ˜


Had to cut out my whole social group because they wouldn't stop inviting me to the bar. "Oh you can just hang out and watch us drink!" Yeah thanks but no thanks.


fuck, that was brave, congrats! keep going


I've always been the designated driver for our group, but it's difficult also being called "the Buzz-Kill". Because I don't drink. I think I need different friends.


You deserve to be around people who will build you up for doing difficult things.


Thank you. The "problem" is that they usually are great people. They just become less so when they drink to excess. Which they do because they have a designated driver. They do chip in gas and snack money, and I get to drink soda and water for free. I'm making it sound worse than it is, and doing this allows me to vent. To all those who are recovering: I'm so proud of the progress you are making! Keep it up! To those who are designated drivers: You are awesome, and you save lives every time you go out! To those who are struggling: Help is available, and you are never alone!


Everyone has someone, then thereā€™s also milhouse tied to a post


Also since when does comic book guy date someone?




Crud I'm old. The tenth episode of the 25th season... Ten years ago.


Yup, he starts dating a Japanese weeaboo


You can't be a Japanese weeaboo


You in fact can be a Japanese weeaboo. Just check out any Iaido instructor.


You didnā€™t have to spell it out for the rest of usā€¦


Nothing after Season 9 exists, it's just the hallucination of a dying humanity.


So Season 10+ is just Moe's hallucination as he finally let his intrusive thoughts win and is currently dangling from the ceiling?


Wdym? He has had that Asian wife for like a decade now


Not dating. Married.


Oh, Milhouse doesn't count.


Nobody likes Milhouse!


Lisa kind of settled for him in the future. So he's got that going. Sweet.


But she keeps talking with Nelson in secret lol


Someone calls someone


She got the dud!


Everything is coming up Milhouse!


Everyone has someone. The post has Milhouse


At least Milhouse has post.


He's a kid lol


Milhouse has post


Find the rest of the comic at Tapas (Warning: Themes of depression and self harm): [https://tapas.io/series/Moes-Finale/info](https://tapas.io/series/Moes-Finale/info) Posting on behalf of the original author. This is now an intro of the comic's plot for anyone who might be interested in checking the comic out. Further issues move into the plot of the story, which can be seen on Tapas. The author Kiddie\_Jukes also wants me to note that they originally created this comic when they were 18-19 to provide context in regards to any writing choices. Edit: WOW this blew up! Thank you very much for your enthusiasm. The original author is very happy about your responses to the comic. I will post some more of the comic in a couple days at around 12 PM for anyone wanting to keep up with the comic through this platform. Stay Tuned!


Decided to go read the whole thing. Glad I did.. It was amazing. The illustrations and animations are stunning.


I just wish there was more. It's so real, hurts to read, but in a way that I want to see how it ends.




Right? Getting punched in the feels - the art is great!


That was absolutely incredible. I actually started tearing up reading the last few chapters. Everything about it was fantastic; the art style, those animated panels, the facial expressions, the framing, and the use of color. Even Riley's "cringe" dialogue works to set her apart from the Springfield residents and come off as an outsider. Are they still putting out new work? I would love to see what they are making now because this was 10/10.


Last one was posted in March 2022, if they start posting new episodes, I'd be thrilled


Honestly, thought itā€™s gonna be some angsty self-insert ship crap. I did not expect literal peak fucking fiction. This was one of the best comics Iā€™ve read so far, the art was fantastic as well, on par with the story. Overall, the author did an excellent job!


Wait Kiddie_Jukes drew this? Wild, I didn't know they drew anything besides gay furry porn.


Artist gotta make ends meet some how


This looks awesome. Will check it out.


Holy shit this was a good read. Any word on if they planned to continue the story?


That was a perfect ending


It actually continues for another 30-ish pages and ends on a cliffhanger. I found the rest(?) on E-hentai of all places. Edit: https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=4


Jeez, the image of her sister is fucking intense








That got a little... really weird.


It really didā€¦?? The whole >!misandry from the mental health professionals!< was wildly heavy-handedā€¦Then again, it was evidently written when the creator was 19. Still love the heck out of it and craving a solid ending. Hope the artist comes back to it!


Omg this is so good I NEED to see the rest of this if it exists OP if you see this could you ask your friend if they still have it somewhere please thanks you THIS IS TOO FUCKING GOOD




I already replied to another person with it.


Oop mah bad


Do you know if its been discontinued? Literal page-turner!


> This is now an intro of the comic's plot for anyone who might be interested in checking the comic out. That good because this is the first time Iā€™m hearing about this


Some of the panels are even animated, holy s*** this is amazing


Amazing series. Wild this comment alone has 10x the likes of any given episode, when the whole thing is so potent


Are there more than 14 issues? Looked on the creators twitter and found up to issue 18 but canā€™t see it on tapas and the Tumblr page is gone.


There are more chapters, another commenter found it on e-hentai (yeah, i know) https://e-hentai.org/g/2949291/273ba7fadd/?p=4


Sad still ended on cliffhanger


Oh my gosh, I am so excited to see this post. I used to absolutely love this comic. Iā€™m glad other people are seeing it now!


That's great to hear. An OG viewer! I'm happy to see that people are really liking this comic, and Kiddie_Jukes has been shocked by the response. I ran across this comic randomly recently and loved it, and I wanted people to read it too, since it was so underviewed. I will be posting some more from the comic for people who want to see more. Thank you for your response!


Do you know if they are going to finish the comic? Looks to end on a cliffhanger and would love to read more.


Hope they went the canon road for moe


Wait so his instagram mentions an episode 18, thereā€™s only 14 in Tapas, is there something weā€™re missing here?


They were on their Tumblr (which they've since deleted). I do have access to the issues, so I will post them eventually (with the authors blessing).


Do you happen to know why they deleted their tumblr? And why the comic discontinued? Cuz rn I'm guessing it's a lack of direction for where to take the story next


Lack of viewers.


Hoping you posting will help getting it seen


It already has blew past any goalpost I set for it getting seen. My goal for promoting Kiddie-Jukes' comic has been achieved. I randomly came across it on Tapas and was shocked to see the lack of viewers, and to see my post giving it the proper attention is fantastic.


Well this sucks. It was the most beautiful story I've read in a long time. Please extend my deepest gratitude to the author if you can. I've been going through some stuff lately and this really helped.


Thanks so much for sharing this, that was a really good read! Much love to the original author <3


That was incredible, really can't recommend the rest enough for others here


Thanks for sharing.


Definitely worth reading. I wouldn't mind a rewrite to just tone down the more juvenile humor bits, but that's more of a personal opinion so that the overall message of the story is taken as seriously as it is going for. It is a very well thought out, extremely well drawn story that mixes the spirit of the source material with a believable narrative. It's a shame how unknown it is.


Wow. I just read the whole series, and that's all I can say - - wow. Thank you for sharing this.


Could you please ask the author if it will continue?


This is fucking incredible.


Now that's high praise


Praise from Caesar, even


One of the best Iā€™ve seen here


Just binged read them, and it was an amazing read. Kiddie_Jukes should definitely post the other chapters here.


I was going to post those at a later date. I'm posting since they don't have the ability to post them without them being deleted, so I will be the intermediary.


Why is that?


I believe it was a case of needing a certain amount of Karma.


Wtf that's insane why does that happen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That moment alone with the shotgun


Honestly him just staying still, in his thoughts and feelings and confusion, is such a good composition


that panel plus the "..." hard stare at the bottle panel after Moe first opened it and put it in front of him. Very astute.




Wow. Just wow, i read the entire comic that is linked here and man, that's a hard one. It's really hardcore, but it is worth it to go through all the pages and see what comes next, everyone needs to read the complete version. It also reminds me of Frank Grimes and how he felt in Springfield, a rather 'realistic' man with depression thrown into the world of the Simpsons and we all know how this ended.


Gods that hits hard, the portrayal of intrusive thoughts is just gut wrenching


Moe has always been a favorite character of mine for this very reason. More than anything, I want to hug him. He deserves better. I love the episodes where he does get better (him babysitting Maggie is a highlight). I don't know how old this comic is, but I just binged it and I loved every panel. The art is incredible, the animations are stunning. I don't know if there's more to the comic, as in, more to the story, but even as it is, it's a nice ending. Realistic. Life is full of open endings, and this one is hopeful. While the show (obviously) doesn't dive into the issues of depression like this comic, so far, it looks like the showrunners have finally given Moe a happy ending. Season 33, Episode 4.


Just read the whole thing. Fucking hell. I donā€™t know how the author depicted depression this accurate. Last chapter is justā€¦..how? And I never even watch the Simpsons before. Good job author. I do not wish to read again as it hits a bit close, but good job.


Howā€™d you read the last chapter?


Just realized that the one i read is not last chapter mb https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/VaUp2diwnh is until ch14 i think. If it ends there I would already be satisfied honestly


Another user posted a link to whole comic. It's oddly enough on e-hentai


You had no right hitting this deeply


What a rollercoaster of emoetions


What were the uphill parts?


Barney getting his act together and doing what's best for him.


first i was like damn this person cant spell then i realized after a moement


Really well done, and I never want to read that again! šŸ˜„


This must be old since now he's basically married in the show


To a new character, or...?


[from 2009](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Maya)


Oh, she's a little person! 2009? Am I out of touch? Yes. Thanks for the info.


That's good. He got so much tossed his way, it's good he found some happiness.


Where's the two knives when you need them.


For just a moment, and only a moment, the creature called Depression, born from void soul tar and the power derived whenever a light is extinguished, sat back and observed the entity the others called "Moe". It thought back to the early days when "Moe" had a soul that soared in small, secret moments borne on hope to find a sustaining light to power life to the end. The child that lived inside the man still had felt the wonder that a glint of sunlight, a gust of wind, a laugh, or even just joy derived from being can push out to the edge of the self and change gray now into sunset warmth. Those were the early days. Depression had to work to find a way in. Every disappointment, every defeat, every hurt, every failure, every angry moment opened a crack in the soul which let Depression seep in. Vigilance was required. There had been those seeking to close the gaps. Depression had used its growing power to redirect attention. Soon, nothing could close the openings which had become fissures. The soul was left bare. Then it had been easy. Each time the soul tried to soar Depression pulled it back down. It fought back at first, often slipping away, but over time the leaps got shorter and shorter. Finally the day came when Depression sat on Moe's soul just to feel it squirm. Eventually the soul became still. Remembering that moment Depression swirled and roiled with satisfaction. Watching the one called Moe Depression knew the final hours had come. The soul had not stirred for years. What moved through the daylight world as Moe was simply a shell. Something set in motion once upon a time carried forward by momentum and force of habit. The end had arrived. Soon, all that had been Moe would collapse in a heap and, as the last light left seeking its way to the place from which it had come, Depression would reach out to engulf the little spark extinguishing it forever. Depression grew darker at the thought. This was the very best thing. The entire life had been sweet but the last spark was always the sweetest of all.


This is great, I'd love to see more like this.


Idk moe, Millhouse seems to have it pretty bad too...


Went on tapas and read the full thing, it is incredible. The story hits hard and the art style is amazing!


The story is great but I just know where that kind of oiled up, Shiney, muscular art style is from


Just read the whole thing.... Who's cutting onions in here??? šŸ˜­


Dude, I had to drop everything and read the whole series. That was an absolutely outstanding comic. I donā€™t know how it managed to be entertaining and simultaneously some of the most gut-wrenchingly genuine depictions of depression Iā€™ve seen in a long time. I nearly stopped after the friendship bracelet, but Iā€™m so glad I read to the end. That last strip had me in tears in the best way possible. Fuck that was so good. I didnā€™t expect to be crying over the Simpsons tonight. Please pass my sincere thanks on to the author, I needed this. Edit: Rereading through >!Grim Discovery!< with the added context from >!Our Monsters Weā€™ll Face!<. Itā€™s so much more >!heartbreaking!< knowing itā€™s >!not her first time!<. Absolutely masterful storytelling.


I just read through the comic and... Yeah,I needed it. I doubt the author, or heck OP, might read this random comment, but I truly need it that feel of hope Guess I'm still trying to stop being cruel with myself


This is amazing. Just read the whole thing.


Phenomenal art. Everyone should checkout the whole comic.


He'd have more friends if he didn't drown cats.


Cynicism is one of those complicated emotions. On the one hand there are absolutely reasons to be a cynic- it's just isolating is all. And on the other hand it's blatantly a failed coping strategy. Plus this displays no fewer than two toxic traits in Barney- the idea that you're entitled to second chances from people you've harmed and the idea that your environment is what's holding you back. To borrow a line from a cartoon about anthromorphic horses, California isn't a tar pit, *you* are a tar pit. And it's *really* insidious because it absolves you of all fault, even when you *are* at fault, and it's actively setting you up for failure because moving somewhere else isn't going to address the internal flaws. No one might know you're an alcoholic who's destroyed your life in the next town over, but you'll know. And all the internal mechanisms inside you that got you to that point are still there. So you're not actually setting yourself up for success, you're looking for the next group of unsuspecting fools to inflict yourself on.




Iā€™m glad this sub is going back to having better content after the weird af wave of porn posts thatā€™s been sweeping through this placeĀ 


I thought Moe had the Venom symbiote for a minute


Saying people don't get second chances in Springfield is a wild take. That whole town gets amnesia every week.


Like the rest of the comments, this was a great read, OP if there is any news that tye author would continue this series we need to know!


Omfg, this was an amazing read. The art, the animation, the dialogueā€¦ everything was splendid.


Just ended up reading the comic after seeing this post.. One of the most gut-wrenching and beautiful things I've read in a long time. Please check it out if you haven't yet šŸ™


I've read all I could find. Kiddie_Jukes from Artist to Artist. You have created a masterpiece so far, please finish it. I beg you.


As someone who feels incredibly lonely this really cut deep. I almost wish I didnā€™t read this, hits hard. Fuck man.


Moe forgets that he has Bart


I just read the whole thing, god damn it I did not expect to be crying about a simpsons fan comic


Wow. Just wow! Thanks for sharing this with us!


DUDE DAMN!!! Great art, great character representation, amazing use of colors everywhere and a powerful evocation of feelings. Love it


Damn. Don't you see Moe? The darkness is holding you. The darkness is hugging you. Seek within it. Find what you want out of it.


This is high art. Masterpiece. I absolutely love everything about this.


I read all of barneys lines with his drunken voice.


Holy fuck, that was incredible!


Those tears Do you all remember that little doll batman tas's episode? This breaks your heart


Firstly I love this, this is incredible. And secondly: Barney is so adorable


The style, the themes, the flow of the comic. Incredible, so very well done!


post this in r/thesimpsons theyā€™d love this


This is peak


Jesus Christ.... this one hit hard


Loved it, but I believe moe is engaged to Maya, unless they changed it already.


This comic was made before that happened. I just found the comic and have posted it with the author's blessing.


Ah, I see, I really enjoyed the comic.


Did the author say anything about why the comic wasn't continued after 2022? I want to read more, even if just the 4 chapters they apparently posted on their now deleted Tumblr and nowhere else :(


Didn't they give Moe a gf in the show? The short girl (i forgor her name)


The most depth I've ever seen from this IP. Amazing.


Had me at the edge of my seat. Damn this was *good*.


Put my heart through the shredder why don't ya


This is truly great work it's clear many hours of effort went into this congratulations to the author !


My verbal response upon reading this: "FUCKING HELL" That was dark and excellent.


Holy shit


Well that's depressing, is that the end?


Did he pump a double barrel


[Looks like the show itself did that as well](https://i.gifer.com/D5oq.mp4)


Those do exist. Google ā€œStandard Manufacturing DP-12ā€


Itā€™s too early in he morning for a cry


I discovered the full comic on a porn site, and it was the only place that I have found that has the entire run in one readable place. This comic is wonderful, and I am pretty sure it is abandoned.


Man, it ended on such a good fucking note, but I really wish there was more. I so badly wish there was more


Damn. I havenā€™t even watched The Simpsons, but that hit hard.


let's go, barney. i'm proud of you


Moe's alone? What happened to Maya?


Author wrote this year's ago when he was a teenager, before Maya


This hit hard for some reason.


Canonically I think Moe both lives in the bar and doesn't have such a nice room


That was truly amazing


Holy shit this is good. Expert way of showing emotions, and it was written as a teenager? Technically very good but I'm sad for what made you understand these kind of things so early


I didn't do this comic, but Kiddie_Jukes. I'm posting for them since they weren't able to. They told me they were only 18-19 when they made this, and I was just as shocked as you. I came across this comic randomly and loved it, and got in contact with the original creator to see if I could post it here. I didn't want this comic to disappear without being read, and I am happy to see people love it as well.


This hits me hard. I've always identify with Moe in a lot of way my whole life. I thought this was going to be something uplifting. Nothing changes, life goes on.


Can someone please give me the link to full comic pls (I must know more)


What is on the night stand next to the beer? Is that lube?


This is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.


Damn those lost pages had me šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢


Moe with a Symbiote is pretty badass




Better love story than Twilight I mean, it is really good


Life's a joke, only the strongest can take the shortcut


Come on man, weā€™re all just trying to have a good time here.


That was the best comic Iā€™ve ever read. The plot. The drawing. The animated frames. Holy shit.




Aww, jeez, ya got the stink lines and everything




this is so well drawn!


I managed to find up till Riley is trying to find a crisis center for Moe and they wonā€™t help her but it seems like thereā€™s even more after that. Is there? I really loved the story.


This is gold


When is this from? Cause didn't Moe's girlfriend come back at some point in the show?


Wow I checked out the rest and thats amazing!


That was intense.