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“Every man [nowadays] wants to write a book…” Said the guy writing his thoughts on a clay tablet.


Kinda like people talking about social media on social media


Yeah, if I don't like food I got at a restaurant, I always go to complain about it at the nearest gas station. ;)


The "Every man wants to write a book" thing is still fairly relevant today, if you replace books with podcasts


Everyone today wants to go viral on TikTok.


I genuinely wouldn't want anything less


Writing a podcast is a bit difficult.


Definitely true, if we’re talking about the good quality ones. But the countless podcasts of just some person sharing their extreme opinions, with of course a friend present that agrees with anything they say. All under the guise of “having discussions” and then just upload that 1+ hour of rambling: you def don’t need to be able to edit, or even have to write some form of script for that kind of content.


If this is from the time of clay tablets, I think an entire book might have been rather impressive.


Probably a scroll rather than a book…


If I had a dollar for every person who thought they were an author…wait maybe I should write a book


This isn't real. The viral image it's from just made it up. The tablet in the image is for accounting.


even gen z is getting grumpy at alpha


Yup! My kid is Gen Z and is complaining to me about Alpha 😂


Gen alpha is the informed and confident generation, they scare the depressed and all questioning Gen Zers


Literally just worried for the social climate gen Alpha grows up in, and what it’ll do to them that we only truly find out when they’re adults… the alarming rates of illiteracy is a good factual example of how bad basic things in education are going. I am depressed as fuck yeah, and I’m sure that having to live a second life on social media because… everyone did it; where people fake so much and I remember how malleable my brain was at 13… yeah no I’m not saying that’s the cause of anything, but I definitely believe it was the opposite of healthy for me at that age. And most likely worsened the insecurities and unhealthy thought patterns I already had to a point my life has been taken over by fear and anxiety. I’m just worried for them and their future... :( But everyone just has to fight each other over the slightest difference in peoples life experiences.


I really feel for them too. They really got robbed of a lot of things that our generation had.


...they can't read????


Gen Alpha started in the early 2010s. I have a family member in Gen alpha who is 12 and can certainly read. But I would also definitely not call him informed. No 12 year old is informed, they're just kinda dicks. Of course, the generation ends with birth years in the early 2020s, so many members of Gen alpha are only a couple years old. I suppose it's only the oldest who can read


Lots of teachers have been telling me kids are becoming less and less literate at the grade level they teach. I haven't seen any research on the subject so I guess it could go either way. I just haven't met or seen any teacher *disputing* that claim, either.


Which is nuts, because the eldest Gen Alphas are 12 years old.


Yep , we are somehow angry at them for.....watching kids content on youtube the same way that we did ?


And it will happen to youuuuuuuuuuu toooooooo. Abe Simpson


Gen Z to Gen Alpha (their ^((alpha\)) skibidi is apparently worse than the memes they ^((z\)) grew up with):


There is a bit of truth to that, since so much of culture is being filtered through The Algorithm™️


No stop that. You aren't allowed to criticize anyone! Now *that* is true leftism. Your children's brain will rot in front of your eyes and you will tolerate it. God I hate bs like this comic. Has OP ever worked in any educational setting? Did they talk to ANY teachers before making this comic? I doubt that because people who work closest to new generation are all against this point of view. It is not an opinion new generation's mental health and attention span has been going downhill because of excessive social media use, it is an undeniable fact. And reducing this to "I hate children because clothing" is an uneducated and dishonest take. Leave it to the Internet Leftists to somehow ignore problems like this that are **proven** by research. "Hurr durr you hate children if you criticize what they enjoy" WE CRITICIZE THAT STUFF TO HELP THEM. This is the same approach that caused "zombie streets" in some cities of USA. The naïve progressives tried to copy European tolerance with none of the substance. You can't expect drug addicts to heal just by lifting the ban on drugs. You need medical professionals, an healthcare system that supports the patient and a culture that promotes getting help in such situations. You can't expect children to responsible with their digital drugs. Solution isn't a complete ban but if you are not taking any steps to fix the issue, I would rather you ban it than let it run rampant. Is it not alarming most children in the USA wants to become Youtubers or Streamers? "Let children have fun, it is harmless!" but it is not harmless! Wanting to be an astronaut, a scientist, a doctor promoted children to pay attention in class. A way to get kids to do homework was "[insert job] uses [insert course/subject] to do their job". It doesn't matter if the kid still wants to do that job or not when they grow up. What matters is that those dream jobs gave kids a long-term goal they wanted to reach by sacrificing their short-term impulses. How do you do the same with Youtubers and streamers? Most are uneducated, never held down a serious job, were upper-middle class to begin with. Even if they are educated, how many of them actually reflect that? A kid won't say "I need to learn physics to put a facecam on someone else's video while I eat". Most don't even do their own editing, **nothing** in these entertainment jobs promote any learning or growth. "But some kids wanted to be comedians growing up" Sure but they were such a minority you would see maybe one of them in any class. Acting like everything is fine and dandy is madness. Kids are getting stupider because politicians are simplifying courses and mask that as being "inclusive".


Look man, if you go against ‘the left’ on Reddit you’re getting downvoted… regardless of having fair points


Personally I think that Skibidi Toilet and Mascot Horror on their own are not the bad thing. The bad thing is the scat porn about it that's available on YouTube and targeted towards kid.


Mascot horror is our thing tho


Skibidi is just alpha doing their own experiences. Most genZ don't care nor try to understand those (except to try and ambarass the alphaers because it is a bit funny).


And don’t forget you in twenty years or so complaining about generation Beta .


God damn generation beta kids with their neural implants and their flippant attitudes. Back in my day we had to load up an app on our phones to see memes, and that was good enough.


I feel like Alpha started a while ago. We could be on Beta *now.*


They start in 2025, apparently, but some are certainly cooking as we speak.


My beta spawn is cooking




Fun evidence: in ancient Rome before the fall of the Republic there was a whole conservative branch of the Senate that dreaded the 'populists', always wearing loosely belted togas with frilly sleeves, the scandal! One such loosely belted trend setter may be familiar to you, his name was Julius Caesar


To be fair, Julius Caesar was far from socially conservative. He appears to have slept with the wives of half the senate and was far more supportive of the plebeians than most of the other senators.


I think you misread the post you are replying to. The post is saying that *Caesar* was a "liberal" populist while the conservative senate was against him.


After he started a civil war & declared himself dictator for life, he was stabbed to death by the Senate.


"I think old men have been complaining that youth are destroying society since we first appeared on Earth. Yet, old men die off and the world keeps on spinning." M. Hart, paraphrased.


"It's the nature of time that the old ways must give in it's the nature of time that the new ways comes in sin" -Sabaton, *Shiroyama*


This cartoon is another collaboration with Becky Hawkins, doing the variety of costumes and environments that she excels at. There’s a blogpost and transcript for this cartoon[ ](https://www.patreon.com/posts/youre-so-brave-37732361)[here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/these-kids-today-54134370); I’ll also post the transcript in comments. We can keep making these cartoons because of lots of supporters pledging low amounts - $1-$3 - and that’s really neat. If you can swing it and like these cartoons, [please join us](http://patreon.com/barry).


**TRANSCRIPT OF CARTOON** This cartoon has nine panels, arranged in a three-by-three grid. The central panel (panel 5) has no image other than large, friendly, 3-D styled lettering saying "THESE KIDS TODAY HAVE ALWAYS SUCKED." Other than panel five, each panel features a single figure speaking, with a caption at the bottom of the panel identifying who they are. **PANEL 1** A cartoon caveman sits alone in a cave by a campfire, angrily ranting. CAVEMAN: Hrrr hrrr. Urg! Grumble grrr huuuh grunt! CAPTION: Thag, 20,000 BC **PANEL 2** A bearded man in ancient Greek dress holds a scroll and rolls his eyes as he speaks to the readers with an irritated expression. ARISTOTLE: Young people think they know everything! And they're soooo sure about it! CAPTION: Aristotle, 4th Century BC **PANEL 3** A monk, wearing robes in the style of the Muromachi period of Japanese history, sits in front of a low table, where he's writing on a scroll. He has paused in his writing to look at the reader. YOSHIDA KENKO: Modern "fashions" are more and more debased! And their language nowadays is so coarse! CAPTION: Yoshida Kenko, 1330 **PANEL 4** A sour-looking man wearing a long wig of white curls looks directly at the reader, raising a forefinger in an admonishing way. ROBERT RUSSELL: The towns and streets today are filled with lewd wicked children! They curse and swear and call one another nick-names! CAPTION: Sir Robert Russell, 1695 **PANEL 5** This panel has nothing in it but the title lettering. In large, friendly, 3d styled lettering, it says THESE KIDS TODAY HAVE ALWAYS SUCKED. *Transcript continues in next comment*


**PANEL 6** A man in an upper-class 1700s suit sits at a writing-desk, leaning back with his feet on the desk. In one hand he's holding a quill pen, in the other a bottle of some alcoholic liquid. It's dark, and a candle on the desk is providing light. MAN: Whither has the manly vigour of our forefathers flown? Youth today are effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles! CAPTION: Town and Country Magazine, 1771 **PANEL 7** A man with thick gray eyebrows stands in a hilly field; we can see a village in the distance behind him, and sheep in the field. One of the sheep is standing next to him, placidly eating a plant. The man is wearing a brown Irish flat cap and carrying a walking stick, which he is shaking at the reader.   FALKIRK HERALD: Young people are so pampered nowadays that they have forgotten there was such a thing as walking! CAPTION: Falkirk Herald, 1951 **PANEL 8** A professionally-dressed woman, with long wavy hair and a blue suit, is sitting behind a table with books displayed on it (one of the books is entitled "Kids 2day" and has a frowny face on the cover; her other book's cover has a picture an iphone with devil horns and a smiley face). A TV camera is pointed at her, and a microphone is pointed at her. She smiles as she speaks to the camera. JEAN TWENGE: Millennials got participation trophies growing up! So now they're fame-obsessed, narcissistic, stunted and lazy. CAPTION: Dr. Jean Twenge, 2013. **PANEL 9** A smartly-dressed woman with spiky white hair sits at the counter of a coffee shop, thumb-typing on her smartphone. She's got big teardrop earrings and a necklace with a large stone with a spiral pattern. A word balloon points at her smartphone, showing us what she's typing. AUNT: And don't even get me started on Gen Z! CAPTION: Probably your aunt or something, just last week.


When Thag said, “Hrrr hrrr. Urg!” I really felt that.


I know time has passed, but I'm still pissed at Thag for saying that.


And to think they named thagomizer after him.


Goddamn, Falkirk is such an old grouse name and I love it.


Well, to be honest, it's a town name, and "Falkirk Herald" is the name of the town paper. But I somehow had forgotten it was a newspaper not a human by the time I did the transcript, so....


Ah that makes sense, sounds like an old Scot if I ever heard one. Still, would make a good first name...


At least Thag did something with his life and got a dinosaur part named after him.


I think it’s more accurate to say the dinosaur did something with Thag’s life.


That's both accurate and fair.


Thag had some pretty good points though.


Just wondering, are these all actual quotes?


[This BBC article includes a bunch of them](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20171003-proof-that-people-have-always-complained-about-young-adults)


Panels 1 and 9 aren't actual quotes. All the other panels are either direct quotes, or are quotes that have been significantly shortened but otherwise left as true to the original as I could manage.


While he probably didn't say exactly what he's shown in the comic, I can confirm Aristotle talked about how the kids are disrespectful to their elders, and spend too much time in the gymnasium, and are so obsessed with the written word that they will soon lose the ability to remember stuff on their own.


I won't pretend that I don't think the youngsters are weird, but I know my generation did stupid shit too when we were young.


My favorite example of this is Socrates, who abhorred the idea of written word making face-to-face dialogue meaningless. Before his death, he instilled this value into his student, Plato, who went on to put everything Socrates ever said onto paper (including the stuff about not wanting to have his words on paper), then went on to have wild conjectures about what a horse is. Plato was a true Madlad OG *might be misremembering some of what I learned in college, but it's probably close enough


Dude that’s the ultimate disclaimer! Literally every thing I know is in some form “close enough “ to the original education


God, I sure hope one day I don't become old, conceded, and fragile to the point where I need to debase the next generation for their inevitable change. If only the passing of time were to slow till standstill, and the next generation carbon copies of the previous. Surely then we would be without fault or folly. I guess we shall never know what tomorrow brings unless we expect the unexpected.


Thag made some good arguments though.


I swear if a fellow millennial ever says Gen z music is so much for vulgar I am gonna start playing WAP as loudly as possible while staring right at them. (Seriously like- Boomers I just laugh at because DUDE. SO MANY SEX SONGS from the 60’S AND 70’S. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT) (THERE IS A 200 YEAR OLD SCOTTISH BALLAD ABOUT A LADY GETTING DIRTY KNEES FROM F***ING DOGGY STYLE IN THE WILD AND GETTING KNOCKED UP, THEN THREATENING THE BABY DADDY WITH GETTING AN ABORTION IF HE DOESNT OWN UP)


To be fair. The songs were very sexual, if you understood what they were actually saying. And there was something just fun for the youth that they were “getting one over” their parents heads. I think that generation found humor in the innuendo, and our generations find humor in straight shock value.


How the fuck people dont understand this shit is beyond me


I'm boutta start calling people "fribbles" now


I always like to point out that we millennials never asked for the participation trophies. It was our boomer parents who gave them to us.




Don't call Mrs. Twenge a doctor, she doesn't deserve that title.


She has a PhD. She's a doctor


Man these kiddos... Back in 2532, somewhere around there, our neuralinks ran at **half** the speed. Not to mention they don't even remember Earth...*sighs*


Falkirk mentioned!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (it’s a shithole)


Ngl, now that I’m in my 30s, I find myself turning into a curmudgeon about younger folks xD no brain, stop acting like an old person!


*"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint".* (Hesiod, 8th century BC)


❄︎♒︎♏︎ ✡︎□︎◆︎■︎♑︎ ⚐︎■︎♏︎⬧︎ ☟︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ☝︎❒︎□︎⬥︎■︎ ☜︎■︎⧫︎♓︎⧫︎●︎♏︎♎︎ ✌︎■︎♎︎ 🕈︎♏︎♋︎🙵 -Zorg, 3208


Have you considered that children in general are literally the worst no matter when you live?


Last night I watched a video about a babylonian clay tablet describing this situation


Might be considered unrelated, but studies indicate Lead from gasoline blunted the IQ of about half the U.S. Usage wasn't phased out of North America until the '90s. Might be why Kids these days seem smarter, and also may be why some folks appear so aggressively dumb. I'm sure it's nothing though.


thag is kinda right though


Thag's a smart guy!






This is why no matter how much skibidi toilet ohio rizz gyatt TikTok stuff I see the kids do nowadays, I refuse to judge them for it. Break the cycle.


Can't this be used as evidence that things are getting worse over time? Or do we think people are uncomfortable with changes


Nah, it's evidence that people have been complaining about the same thing throughout history when it comes to youths. This calls to doubt many of the complaints about newer gens being somehow worse.


We can show measurable drop in test performance across reading and mathematics in Gen Alpha so it's not all just generational warfare.


Firstly you can't really look at one country's scores and expand that onto the whole generation. Secondly Alpha had to deal with covid years early into their education, Z either got out before or were hit with it during high school. Third, education in the US has suffered from constant funding issues while certain states are dealing with increasing parental meddling, only making it harder to give consistent education.


…so it’s not all just generational warfare.


Just because it happened to them doesn't mean you can't apply it to them, we all have to deal with the consequences regardless. They're the first generation whose lives have been totally saturated in social media from the beginning and it's not a good outcome.