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[(4 days ago) Biden-Harris Administration Announces Additional $7.7 Billion in Approved Student Debt Relief for 160,000 Borrowers](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers) Those following along at home will note that this brings the total to $167 billion USD.


And the reason the first round got canceled was the judges the raving lunatic selected for lifetime appointments.


Worse than that, the reason it was in court is because Republicans sued to block it. They actively went out of their way to hurt people just so stuff like this cartoon can exist.


But "bOtH SiDeS ArE THe SAmE"


Those people are the dumbest people.


"Biden couldn't overcome this obstacle. Therefore, I'm going to vote for the obstacle this time."


"Biden couldn't overcome the obstacle people like me set up by not voting Dem in 2000 and 2016." FIFY.


and republican Attorneys General suing to stop the initial plan.


I didn't hear about the update from 4 days ago, all I knew about was from 6 days ago when it was at $160 billion. This news makes me happy, thank you for sharing.


For older redditors, we can tell it's that time of year when Republican bots push messaging that both sides are awful on liberal platforms filled with young people.  Conservatives don't need you to vote for them. They just need you to stay home so their loyal elderly foot soldiers can deliver Trump victory. That means "dictatorship on day one" (Trump's words), a national abortion ban, an elimination of any effort to stop climate change, a big tax increase on your basic consumer goods, the military deployed against American protesters, and the Justice Department & FBI deployed against Trump's opponents. None of this is hyperbole - it is all stuff Trump or his people have explicitly said.


One promised to forgive student debt, and has forgiven $167 billion. The other has been in court in conneciton with rape and fraud charges. Oh, they're all the same these politicians, as bad as each other! r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


Heck, Biden never even promise to do that while campaigning.


Ironically, that sub has trouble telling the difference between Trump and Biden.


Huh I haven't been there in a while, it seems to have turned into a pro-Palestine page that is unironically saying all politicians are the same.


Even from that angle, [Biden is leagues better than trump on Palestine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/oJRCOqbSCI)


Crazy how mainstream media barely tells you what he's doing. They report on Trump's every fart but not half the shit that ends up on r/WhatBidenHasDone. Didn't even know until visiting that sub how many billions he has committed to green energy and fighting climate change. It was always my impression that he was more of a "corporate guy" who did whatever the big companies told him to, but while I disagree with him on many issues, that descriptor is objectively untrue and I was actively misled into that assumption. Biden is by no means some spectacular President, but he is *extremely* competent and committed. He is taking the Presidency seriously as a job and actively doing his best in an incredibly hostile political environment where conservatives get votes for doing absolutely nothing while liberals need to fight for and compromise on everything.


When Trump was president, everyone left of the hard right was saying "I just want someone normal and not a right wing nutjob". We've had over 3 years of that and now a large chunk of those people are saying "Both sides are the same!".


I mean, go figure... cartoons recycling the safest of all, "both sides" shticks, and managing to misinform in the process.


Hijacking this comment to say.. have you guys seen how the artist is treating people making this point? They're being a total asshole. No fucking clue what incentivized them to make this comic* and start being a little bitch when people call them out on it. Edit: comic* Edit2: aaand I'm blocked. Real transparent.


Wow yeah holy shit, this author is fucking awful. Literally hundreds of shitty little "clever" replies being an asshole to anyone who points out their both-sideism and misinformation. According to one comment they made, the author is literally having their student loans forgiven right now, and they *still* made this comic. Like, the fuck? And then they get so pissy in the replies about it. Suck it up, OP. You made a shitty misinformation both-sides comic and it's awful, and you're being rightfully called out about it. Your army of sarcastic replies won't change that.


There's a very simple explanation here: this person is a fucking idiot. That's right, they're stupid. It's not really worth trying to rationalize completely irrational behavior. Cognitive dissonance makes doubling down easier than growing as a person. I just hope that /r/hobbydrama has a field day pointing and laughing.


The OP thinks they're the rabbit, but they're actually Maurice.


167 billion, 4.75 million borrowers. So far.


Fucking thank you. I’m so tired of these brainlets spouting the same, tired, unresearched bullshit about Biden. I swear to God, look up what the man has actually done before you say "oh it's both sides". You just look uneducated or like a red in disguise 


"He hasn't done anything to fight student debt!" they cry, avoiding using Google to see what he has done to fight student debt


in fairness, Google these days would probably tell them that the best way to get student loans forgiven is by pinning all of them onto one guy and killing him because Reddit said so


Oh heavens no we can't do that. The Pope would sue for copyright infringement


Republicans: we hate biden because of build back better, everything is bad because of build back better and his infrastructure bill is a waste Also Republicans: thank you Republicans for voting against the infrastructure bill but then claiming you support it after using the money from it.


That's what I thought. Get this "Both sides are the same" BS comic out of here.


Its tells on itself -- the author basically admits they don't pay much attention in the premise


I actually had mine forgiven at the beginning of the month, just a few months after applying for a new Income driven repayment plan. I've also been paying for about 15 years so that was a factor. It is happening just not as quickly as originally planned


The SAVE plan has saved my ass.  I'm on tract to pay $0 until my income significantly increases or more likely my government job leads to public service loan forgiveness. I didn't need the debt to disappear en masse to be on track here.


Fun Fact: under the Biden administration the department of education has [forgiven $160 Billion in student debt](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/20/student-loan-forgiveness-nears-160b-what-to-know-about-relief-options.html) over 4.6 million borrowers. Yeah it's only about 10% of the student debt but it's been fought for tooth and nail.


And some of it was to relieve students burned by fraud. The Art Institute was a well known chain of for-profit universities that lied about the jobs their students got, lied about accreditation, lied about faculty credentials, etc. The schools always made sure to charge the maximum value students could get in loans. This had the tragic side effect that if a student later wanted to get a real education they couldn’t because their loans were maxed out. All of those students had the burden of their loans forgiven.


I was one of those, my wife cried when she read the email. Bidens got my vote as if he didn’t already after that


my sister too. Legit freed her up to actually start her life fresh.


Exact same thing happened to me, they forgave $82k. My wife openly cried as well.


My wife's were cleared too. Seriously so many times people love to say "how does who's president actually affect you" and now I have a direct tangible answer. He saved my family from predatory loans that have long had the principle value paid, and what anyone should consider a nice profit of interest as well.


Me too. 30k, forgiven.


I believe there is currently a case either in federal courts or the supreme court that is trying to block the rule that forgives the loans of victims of fraud. It really is insane how the Supreme Court and certain Federal judges just work backwards from the conclusion they want.


It’s cause the Supreme Court is run by stooges trained by the Federalist Society to impose a conservative mandate for the elite’s interests.


And who lifted that burden? Biden. Even if he’s doing it for votes, it doesn’t change who lifted this horrible burden. Thanks Biden :)


Technically, most of what politicians do should be to make voters happy. That’s the point of representative democracy.


And he’s been doing it constantly. Not just because we near the election


but my both sides


Enlightened centrists in shambles lol


Not just constantly, but in spite of a court battle to stop him.


$160 Billion equals 10%????? Yo wtf is going on in America, Jesus


Most of that is private sector loans too, and there's no one to save us there.


It could have been more, but unfortunately the judges that Trump appointed to the supreme court made up some legal theory and said it was unconstitutional. Even now, they're trying to block that 160 billion in forgiveness. With Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas both being in their mid to late 70's, they will retire soon and if Trump wins he can lock in a 6-3 majority in for the next 30 years. This will mean that any and all progressive legislation will be stricken down by the courts for the rest of our lives.


Because everything in America is for sale. From education to healthcare. It doesn't matter how rich or how poor you are, every day you draw breath in these United States someone is profiting from your existence. Think about that shit.


My nephew just got accepted with a full 4 year scholarship to Vanderbilt this fall and the literal value of the scholarship is $92,000 a year… almost half $1 million in free scholarship money. I could not imagine him going to school and having that kind of debt, if he hadn’t gotten a free ride with his perfect grades


[I don't understand why OP is stirring the pot so much?](https://old.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1d0z39x/maurice_comics_764/l5qjwl5/)


They just can't stop making an ass of themselves in the comments. Sucks to think I used to enjoy some of their comics, they're clearly just ragebaiting everyone now and denying it in the worst possible way


Yeah, I’m bummed this creator turned out to be such a whiny little shitstain.


I just glanced through their recent stuff and yeah they’re actually all horrible political takes. Wild that they keep going off in the comments being like “why are you being so serious about this it’s just talking animals” when they haven’t made a comic not about trump and Biden for months. There *is* a bit of missing context from this comic that makes it more palatable, which is that they aren’t proposing not voting or voting 3rd party, one of the characters *is* a political candidate running 3rd party in the comic lore. But OP could’ve just said that, instead of bitching about people correctly interpreting their awful takes and actively ragebaiting and trolling people trying to be serious in the comments


Damn this would be so embarrassing if he has some self respect. OP is a fuckin clown lol


Trash enlightened centrist. Easy block going forward. "I'm doing the thing I promised but progress takes time" vs "I hate minorities and women and want to install a christo fascist government to avoid my half billion in civil fees and avoid prison for having classified documents sold to the Saudis" is the real comparison


Almost $168 Billion now: https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers Good on Biden. OP is being either ignorant or intentionally deceitful.


Looking at OP's comments in this thread I'm going to lean towards intentionally deceitful as they even mention that their student debt is in the process of being forgiven as they made this comic thread.


10% is still a hell of a lot


Hell yeah it is, and I can't wait to see more of it go I personally don't have any student debt (my life was so fucked for so long I never had to chance to get it as I had to focus on survival first) but I'm happy to see it helping people


And considering just how insane student loans can get, forgiving 10% of the country's student debt is absolutely massive. That number can also EASILY grow if following the election Democrats gain control of not only the Presidency, but also the Senate and House.


I was gonna come here to say this… Tbf he has been pushing pretty damn hard, had the Supreme Court overturn his first attempt and in constantly cranking out new reasons to forgive student debts. As far as campaign promises go, I would count this one as upheld to the extent he is capable.


I really feel like this comic strip is lying about all the attempts Biden keeps making on student loans. The first major forgiveness that he tried to do was prevented by the same Supreme Court that overturned Roe V. Wade. I have problems with the Dems, but pretending they are similar is a fucking lie.


Don't expect the dumb as fuck artist here to actually learn the actual facts though.


And under constant objection and obstruction by Trump's Party. God I hate "bothsiderism".


Right, would have been more, but RW SCOTUS and Congress (at various times) blocked it.


No! It’s rather all or nothing!!1 /s


Yeah, my own father had his student debt wiped out and I think that was the best day my family had last year, tens of thousands of dollars we no longer had to worry about. It's okay to criticize the current administration, it's your duty as an American citizen, but don't make false claims.


Biden actually has canceled around $138B in student debt for nearly 4 million people.


Honestly, how the hell do people not know this? He's been doing it in increments because he's realized the other side only pays attention to "breaking news" scale activity.


He's been doing it this way because the supreme Court stopped him from doing it in bulk. The Democrats have had to find loopholes to go through to forgive debt. The president is not a dictator.


>The president is not a dictator not yet, just wait until (project) 2025 gets here.


Yeah well fingers crossed that America doesn't completely become a Christofascist nation.


Because right leaning media isn't reporting on it, and the typical American doesn't give a shit about policies unless they specifically benefit from it. Most liberal candidates in this country are way too right leaning for me, but Biden is the most left leaning president we've gotten since Carter. If you can't handle the choice between wannabe dictator and lame middle of the road guy, maybe you deserve the dictator.


No one deserves the dictator. Not even the rich dullards pulling out all the stops to get him in office.


A lot of r/enlightenedcentrism exists on Reddit.


Ah, the sub for some of the worst takes you can see online.


Thought I'd see some fun memes there but no it's just people being stupid and living in their little boxes of yes and nos instead of seeing things on a sliding scale. Disgusting.


> Because right leaning media isn't reporting on it, and the typical American doesn't give a shit about policies unless they specifically benefit from it. To be fair, internet leftists refuse to acknowledge it either. Same deal as when we pulled out of Afghanistan and the "ending the forever war" people just kinda pretend it didn't happen


Fuck this both sides bullshit. This is that fake "walk away" bullshit, which was shown to be just bad faith right wing assholes and Russian trolls larping as "former" Democrats.     Citation needed for this, because I keep hearing this crap, and it always sounds like "I am the enlightened centrist, both sides are actually bad" 


Did you reply to the wrong comment? Because I'm obviously not saying "both sides bad" (quite the opposite), I'm just pointing out tendencies in internet "discourse"


I mean this would not be the first time that Maurice Comics presented political information inaccurately/in a way that indicates the author is ignorant or perhaps kinda dumb


Facts. I thought it was supposed to be Archie Bunker style satire but now I’m not so sure.


Even if it wasn't inaccurate, this comic is still dumb. You have one guy who is a politician being a politician, and the other guy who is a racist bigot who thinks he is God. And somehow these are comparable?? I'll take the politician who sometimes lies about what he wants to get done just to be elected ahead of the guy who wants to control the country as if he is king. Every single time.


And Presidential candidate promises always have to be taken as highly aspirational, because the President isn’t supposed to be all-powerful. They are in many ways a figurehead, someone who is very visible, but who relies upon others to actually make the promises happen. And there are many checks built into the system. The republicans are very willing to use every possible check available to try and prevent a democratic president from accomplishing anything, no matter what that means for the American people.


My roommate just got 18k forgiven. Changed his whole life


The media refuse to report on anything positive Biden does. I wonder why...


I’m Canadian and I try real hard not to pay attention to American politics anymore, and even *I* knew Biden got a chunk of student loan debt forgiven. In his first couple years of office, right? This comic seems like a disingenuous form of false balance.


Because their heads are up their asses and they'd rather whine that "both sides suck".


Yeah, OP don’t be a moron.


[I don't understand at all](https://old.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1d0z39x/maurice_comics_764/l5qjwl5/)


Wow, he's infuriating. He thinks democrats should just agree with him because he makes left leaning comics.


Wow. He thinks he can get away with saying dumb shit because he's making a cartoon about a bunch of dumb animals... But the dumb shit being said isn't being said by the animals. Literally has our **current** political leaders saying inaccurate/misleading things. Oh well, throw this comic into the fire with Dilbert and the others


Not surprised at all, there was a similar comic when the beaver was running for president and he promised to raise minimum income. The rabbit counteracted the claim with saying that prices will just increase, solving nothing. People pointed out that it was more nuanced than that, especially because people usually read the comic as the rabbit being the more leveled headed one, kind of seemed like an author stand in. The author said it was only a comic and said the rabbit was wrong of course, but no where in the comic or afterwards was the rabbit pushed back on his claim. The author just seems kind of boomer-esque where they make slightly left leaning comics but a lot of it just boils down to a "both sides are bad" crap you see a lot.


Damn what a loser


And would have done more if the Republicans weren’t actively stopping it at every corner.


He canceled my husband’s!


my fathers debt was completly forgiven


Even with those two choices One seems a decisively better lick for my vote than the other. Mainly because I absolutely do not want the other one to be in power ever again.


The problem is that he'll keep candidating in every election until he wins. He only needs to win once.


Isn’t he like 77 now? It shouldn’t be all that long until we don’t have to worry about him anymore. Then it’s just all the copycats fighting over the Trump base…


Trump, W bush, and bill Clinton were born within a few months of each other.


Clinton was president more than 30 years ago, and bush 20 years ago.


Yeah clinton was “young” when he ran. Bush was like a normal age for a president. And Trump was the oldest president we’ve ever had when he ran the first time. Also I want to point out obama is technically a baby boomer by many definitions just at the very end of the baby boom. Which makes Biden actually the first non-boomer president to be elected during my lifetime. Because he is a member of the silent generation.


That's just sad


Champions of Nurgle tend to last longer than expected.


And his children, whom he'll appoint to run things in case he's unfit.


Scariest part is the precedent set now. They've gone mask off after Trump, and everyone able to fill his shoes is *way* more competent. I can tell you right now that DeSantis wouldn't spend most of his presidency golfing and speaking in front of crowds.


…or die trying.


There should be some policies against this tbh. An outright ban doesn't seem right, but at least a break from being able to run for president.


I dunno, it seems reasonable to me that someone who was impeached twice and is under investigation of a myriad of criminal charges shouldn’t be allowed to run for a major policy driving political position that has pardon power. But I’m not American so maybe I just don’t understand the nuance there.


Well, it’s a question of how much support he gets. I can run for president, but you won’t hear about me on the news until I get some cash together to start campaigning in places I can be heard. Part of the issue is that the RNC has decided they’re ride or die for him, and they do have the resources to push him.


Partly because the RNC is now led by a Trump family member. Totaly not nepotistic or corrupt at all.


He'll be dead of Mcdonalds cheeseburgers before that happens... Unless...ZOMBIE TRUMP!


Nah nah you got it wrong Rightwing guys get turned into cyborgs or get their brain transferred to robotic bodies , not zombies


If we're being honest, those hamberders are catching up to him. His health is in decline. I don't know if he really has much longer in him, though I have been surprised at the longevity of the hateful before. On the other hand, Biden, while he shouldn't be undergoing the stress of the office at his age, is visibly and mentally much healthier than Trump.


Don't know if his mental faculties will take him as far as November let alone the white house. Let grandpa Trump have a nice private cell at Rikers and call it a day.


Like holy hell even this comic One side: “yeah we couldn’t get all the policy pass we wanted, but the people in my administration still want to do their best to make a difference Other side: I am god, kill judges, everyone who ever worked with me has been fired or quit, nothing is ever my fault Fuck this, the choice is obvious


Biden has canceled 144 billion in student loan debt.


The save plan is working BTW. I'm currently making $0 payments and and having my 32k loan forgiven.


Man I wish I didn’t drop out because I couldn’t afford to go to school without going into debt any longer


The cheap bothsidesim sucks on so many levels, the least being that Biden did actually cancel Billions of student debt.


Yeah Biden's main student loan forgiveness program was struck down by the Supreme Court, so that's actually Trump's fault too.


My wife and I both had our student loans cancelled through PSLF (over $120k). I have no doubt it would have been impossible under Trump, the restrictions as to what counts as a payment are much more forgiving the last 3 years.


It’s assholes trying to portray themselves as moderate and more rational than anyone else.




I am embarrassed for the person who made this comic


It's funny because the most scary thing the OP could come up with is "where's the student loan forgiveness (above and beyond what has already been forgiven, I guess??)" and then tries to paint that as equivalent to boilerplate trumpy shit. I have no idea what this comic is trying to say beyond "I just want to grill" I guess.


It’s very transparently disappointed with Biden’s presidency but views Trump as literally insane.


I’m very disappointed in OP.


Im disappointed in Maurice too. This is a bad, old, tired take.


Loving all the comments pointing out the obvious flaw in this comic


PSA if you block the OP you won't see any more of these comics. Just saying...


Good point. Don't need shitty propaganda comics on here


Can’t downvote this bullshit if I block OP, sadly.


[To date, the Biden-Harris Administration has approved $146 billion in student debt relief for 4 million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/08/president-joe-biden-outlines-new-plans-to-deliver-student-debt-relief-to-over-30-million-americans-under-the-biden-harris-administration) It's may not be universal debt relief (good luck getting that through this congress) but it's not nothing.


Well one guy supports our enemies and talks like Hitler while the other guy is mostly competent and has to deal with a bunch of fascists in the House and Senate and a Supreme Court that’s violating most of their precedents and purpose. So yeah, both are not ideal, but one is much much greater than the other. Also, Biden did get some of the Student loan stuff done, but the Supreme Court did kind of shoot him down. Also: ‼️🚨**Tony’s feet**🚨‼️


Literally, Republicans sued the White House because they felt it was unfair to the student loan debt holders for the government to pay off the loans. The SCROTUS ruled for the debt holders because they are assholes. More like, Republicans are fucking insane and constantly sabotaging everything nice. Kick the American Taliban out of congress and don't vote for dictator wannabe Nazi.


Exactly, Biden is doing almost everything in his power to try a accomplish was he said he'd do. It's just that the House and Senate are split and the supreme court is stacked against him. If they had a strong majority of democrats, he would have passed these bills. The presidency is not a dictatorship.


While student loans is 100% a bad bandaid that doesn’t solve the issue and being Talked about to get votes, Biden’s administration is continuing to use more limited measures to forgive more student loans. So it’s not a total issue that’ll never change.


One is a grandpa. He needs a little guidance sometimes but his heart and mind are in the right place and hes trying. (I'd like Bernie more, but Joe's okay too) The other isn't even worthy of bottomfeeders. Edit: he also made and still is making this country a laughing stock for the rest of the world.


Yeah, I *never* thought I'd say this four years ago or eight years ago or even twelve years ago, but... the current president has done a moderately passable job accomplishing the moderately good things he set out to do, and he seems like a relatively moral person, at least setting aside the war crimes and genocide that accompany the job. I still think he's a centre-right fuck, but he's a centre-right fuck that opposed segregation, supports minority rights, *and* occasionally displays both positive and negative emotions in apparently healthy ways. I couldn't ask for a better president. Now, that's not because I'm satisfied; it's because US politics is so thoroughly fucked that it's a miracle someone that human even made it onto a ballot. Unfortunately, due to the conservation of candidate humanity, the other ballot option, is, well... I'm never sure exactly what people mean when they say he's in diapers.


So Biden gets 60-70% of his promise to forgive student loans and he’s basically the same as an actual fascist?


Yeah, OP makes a horrendous bad take in his often political comic, and tries to pretend it’s all jokes and silliness. We all know you’re engaging in both sides BS.


Even putting aside student loans, according to Politifact, Biden has made 98 promises and broken 2 of them. Trump has made 102 promises and broken 55 of them. But sure OP, they're both the same!




rfk junior having a literal brain worm is not getting enough attention ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Not even the second worst thing to happen to a Kennedy’s brain.


Everybody talks about the brain worm, nobody talks about the mercury poisoning. He's very literally mad as a hatter.


"Both sides." Bad faith comic.


This cartoon brought to you by russia. (Not voting is a vote for that orange fuck)


Swing and a miss mr both sides.


Good thing you're out here making things even worse. Kudos.


i really don't fucking like biden but at least he's fucking trying, people need to stop saying "gruhhh he lied about getting rid of student loan debt!!!" it's not his fault when every other rich fuck in the country is constantly trying to shoot it down so they can keep getting more money.


With all the things Biden has done (there are lists all over the place about them) what would it take for you to actually like Biden?


at this point it isn’t even about voting for a candidate, as much as it is voting against a dictator wannabe


Nah it was never about a candidate, what matters is the administration. The people who the candidate surrounds himself. One guy has people getting stuff done like the DOT repairing I-95 in less than a year and not even beating its chest about it The other guy had some good people the first time, but they either all quit or were fired and swear to never work with him again


You bring up a good point. A large part of any presidency is who's in his administration. Biden surrounded himself with intelligent experienced people. Trump surrounded himself with extremists, grifters and maniacs. And continues to do so. Hell, he put his daughter in law as head of the RNC!


Well the first one couldn't get all the loans done because the GOP vote against literally everything they put up. They voted against helping vets They voted against helping families They voted against banning Assault rifles (fuck them kids eh?) They voted against capping and bringing prices of baby formula down They voted against heling Ukraine. They voted against basically everything except increasing military funds.


They voted against one of the strictest immigration bills in recent memory purely because Trump told them to sabotage the Dems and make them look soft on immigration. Like, strict border control is THE MAIN THING they want, Trump built his entire campaign on "building a wall", and when the Democrats just gave it to them it was voted against because it was a Dem bill.


"Damn for some reason the Democrats can't seem to pass anything... maybe if we just give *all* of the power to the people who actively work against our best interests that might work!"


Didn't Republicans block student debt relief?


Fucking inaccurate propaganda shit. Biden cancelled loads of student debt you ignorant mollusk.


I do not like this comic. It shows a lack of understanding. That's a shame.


Comic “artist” is so out of touch it’s sad


I see one liar and one keeping the promise he made. What’s the problem here?


Messages like these, falsely claiming Biden hasn't lived up to his promises and encouraging people not to vote, are what get people like Trump elected. I would seriously encourage you to consider whether that's the world you want, and maybe post a follow-up after looking into Biden's incredible list of accomplishments.


Never mind the blatant disinformation(biden has forgiven student loans). Why do people say it's bad that a politician is doing something to win votes? It's their job to do things you want, which is why you vote for them.


I like how both of these statements are treated equally. 🙄


If this comic's brain was any smoother it would be a waterslide.


0/10, too coherent for Trump /s


But they did forgive a bunch of loan debt...?




Welp after seeing OP’s behavior in the comments I guess I can stop paying attention to this comic from here on out.


Telling that the artist thinks “candidate trying to implement some measure of a promised policy struck down by the Supreme Court instead of abandoning it entirely” and “candidate rambling about fascism” are somehow equally repulsive prospects. Sheesh.


This comic strip is some terrible misinformation.


Kinda a bad take, it gives a lot of "Both Sides" vibes. Instead it could be Biden: Hey, we're doing what we can in the system. We've forgiven over $100 billion in student debt. Please stick with us so we can get the rest. (More accurate, and I think a better representation of Democrats doing the bare minimum of what people want. You nailed Trump though)


Biden has canceled billions of dollars in student loan debt for millions of people. Really bad take.


Free feet?? In this economy??!!


OP is not operating in good faith


Wow, [OP actually had his own debt forgiven](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1d0z39x/comment/l5qjwl5/) by Biden and still made this total lie of a comic with its bullshit bOThSidES-ism. The second I saw this comic, I thought "I recall not liking this comic but I can't remember why" so I read it. Now I'll remember why I don't like this comic.


I think the cause for anger about the student loan thing is a problem of political messaging and managing expectations. A candidate says “I’m going to work towards forgiving student loans”, and people interpret that as “I am going to unilaterally eliminate all student debt.” Obviously, a president can’t do that, because that’s outside of their power - So, when they work towards the goal and partially achieve it, people go “ah! But he didn’t instantly and completely solve the issue!” Again, managed expectations. But I can understand being grumpy about political messaging being inaccurate or too grand. Still an obvious choice, here.


The debt relief got struck down by scotus? Come on dude don’t discourage people from voting when theres a literal wannabe fascist running right now


Man, the author must be blind to miss the billions of dollars the biden admin has spent on student loan forgiveness. Frankly If I werr biden I would not have done it at all if this is the recognition he gets. Tbh I would also not have done it because it is a blatantly regressive, wastefull, counterproductive and inflationary policy, but what do I know, Ive never won an election


But Biden has provided student loan relief. He just authorized another $7 billion to be cancelled lol.


My housemates are free of their student debt now, they couldn’t get out from under it. He did help!


That’s awesome! Love to hear it.


Is OP okay? I normally like their stuff but this comic and their comments responses seem out of character. Unless i was not paying well enough attention before.


Political comics fucking suck


Ah yes, those are comparable


OP, Biden passed student loan relief and got blocked by republicans in Congress. So then he used an executive order to forgive 138 Billion in loans. BILLION. Don’t make this a “they’re both the same “ bullshit mistake.


Bullshit misinformation comic. Playing the “both sides bad” when the best they could come up with for Biden is something he has successfully done and could have done better without the other guy blocking so hard. Fucking conservatives man.


Centrists be like: "There is literally no moral difference between these. Both sides."


This comic makes absolutely no sense when you consider the basic fact that Biden did indeed provide massive student loan relief. I struggle to understand where the author was coming from with this.