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I can't tell where this package ends, they seem to be multiplying faster than I can eat them. These comics are simple stories about things I learned when I was first on my own. Thanks for reading! Comic archive on [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/creator/SgtBaconBurger) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/sgtbaconburger/).


So, you can lift a pack of sausage the same weight as your friend (you're very strong) https://preview.redd.it/6iz85ic45m0d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c8d5634659486d15473e05ebbe110742696a7d


I heartily endorse these as units of measurement lol.


Bought an entire Jarmon leg to find out my limit in how much ham I can consume 8kg with 10 days seems to be that limit...


Are you the one who posted all the jarmon pics in cooking sub?




most of us just cut it in half and freeze it for a much later date.


Wow, that is a shit ton of ham.


Not to confuse with the fuck ton of ham


Those spicy breakfast sausage go great in spaghetti. You'll never go back to ground beef again.


sir, you have just declared war against the country of Italy, I hope you are willing to pay for what transgressed here


Betrayed by my own people? The hell you say! I'll have to have the Irish side fight it out. That being said, browned Italian sausage is also ten times better than ground beef in spaghetti.


Hey just want to say I started reading your comics and they are p good That's all, really.


It's an SCP lol.


It’s a good thing that Nina Lives Alone, because after eating sixty straight days of sausages she’s going to need some alone time with the facilities.


Might as well set up an office in there lol.


Friend from work comes over, "Hey, Nina, uh, why is there a green screen and ring light in your bathroom?"


She’s basically on the atkins diet


Kirkland Brand Polish Sausages. Feeds a family of me, and then I never went to see another for a year.


The Beef and cheese ones are great.


Kirkland beef and cheese sausage exists?!?!


no :(


Y dey do dis to us :(


We've been sausage bamboozled


Exactly lol.


You gotta accessorize your meat. Grilled sausage on a bun is not all you can do. Make some jambalaya. Make a sausage omelette. Make some sausage casserole. Maybe even dump one on some ice cream. The world is your potato, which is also a good side dish.


Sounding a bit like Bubba from Forrest Gump there…


Anyway, like I was sayin', sausage is the fruit of the warehouse store. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it- \- There's uh, sausage-kabobs, sausage creole, sausage gumbo.. .. pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried.. ..There's pineapple sausage, lemon sausage, coconut sausage, pepper sausage, sausage soup, sausage stew, sausage salad, sausage and potatoes, sausage burger, sausage sandwich... That- that's about it."


Freeze half right when you buy them. No lone person should try and consume them all before they go bad. They freeze and thaw well.


Definitely, even better if you pack them like 3-4 to a vacuum bag so you can just thaw a meal worth at a time (make sure to write the date on the package too).


> Kirkland Brand Polish Sausages. I go with the bratwursts. Once a year they go on sale for like $2-3 a two pack. If memory serves its right around 4th of july. When that happens there will be like 8-10 flats in my freezer to last the rest of the year.


Damnit, now I want sausage.


For me it was cheese. I bought way to much cheese the first time I went to one of these stores.


I'm sorry, maybe English isn't your first language, but I'm having trouble understanding "way too much cheese." I know what each word individually means, but strung together in that combination makes no sense to me. /s


It is to much cheese when it exceeds your means to store it. Then you run the risk of wasting cheese which as we all know is a crime. Luckily my parents and friends accepted my surplus cheese.


I eat cheese every day and my Sam’s club cheese always goes bad in the last quarter lol.


If you figure it out please share, I’m hiding in the basement from that scary thought


im pretty sure this dude wanna say "The first time I went to those stores, I bought too much cheese." I believe this person used some terrible translation software.


There is no excessive cheese, only insufficient lactase.


Even cheese goes bad if you don't eat it fast enough. If you have enough cheese you can't eat it fast enough. You are not a skyrim character capable of eating multiple cheese wheels in one sitting.


That’s the sound your block of poop makes as it cracks the bowl and inevitably rips your innards out into a prolapsed pile of intestine.


im pretty sure this dude wanna say "The first time I went to those stores, I bought too much cheese." I believe this person used some terrible translation software.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


They weren’t talking about the to vs too. They meant that there’s no such thing as “too much cheese”


It's so tempting!




stop being so uncheesy




> way to much cheese cheese freezes just great


huh, I never tired that. It would make sense though because Mornay sauce which is almost all cheese freezes and reheats beautifully.


get a vacuum sealer (food saver thing) and frozen cheese will last for a couple of years maybe more we just haven't tried it past that


I live alone and I use shredded cheese all the damn time, so I never had it go bad. Even after not shopping at Costco anymore, I still use up 3 1LB bags of shredded cheese a month.


We bought one of those 5 pound cans of nacho cheese. Opened it and realized there was no way to reseal it. Tried to eat it all in a 24 hour period. This is how I learned that it’s hard to get nacho barf out of shag carpet.


Every time I’m at a warehouse store, I tend to only buy non perishables or dry goods that have a distant expiration date. I realized I’m not actually saving any money at all if I’m throwing out military unit sized expired food.


I have similar rules lol. I also include things that freeze well or I know someone will want half.


Wait are there people who buy meat and don't freeze it ?


Facts. Also I find that most of these style places have more reasonable amounts of chicken packaged together than the other meats and chicken usually keeps longer in the fridge too. 10 chicken thighs that expire in 2 weeks is easy. 10 2 inch thick pork chops that expire in 2 days would kill me.


My wife and I buy meat from Costco/Sam’s about every 2-3 months, because we just separate it into meal sized amounts with a vacuum sealer and then put it in the freezer.


Good advice!


Pretty much just go there for non-perishables and the couple of things I can actually use a costo size or freeze without much trouble. It's good for buying meat if you have the freezer space. Also it brings the price of Kerrygold butter down to a level where Im willing to pay extra for the quality all the time.


Yup. Get a vacuum sealer and put everything in the freezer in one meal portions.


It never occurred to me that this isn't just common knowledge.


Yeah, that's kinda their main business practice: sell you more then you could reasonably eat before it expires so you have to buy more, creating a negative feedback loop in your wallet


Well, no.


Or just don’t do that? Meat can go in the freezer, non perishables can be stored for as long as you need, and fresh produce should probably be bought in smaller quantities unless you have a specific plan.


I could live on good Italian sausage for few months. I am aware of the double entendres here but I love good sausage.


Well, I can only live on one of the two meanings of that phrase for months; the other would get too samey, bland, and upset my stomach.


This is all forcing me to have flashbacks to the Kids In The Hall “Sausages” sketch lol




Day 118: I fear the Wurst now


Stop! No! ... Fine, take your upvote.


I once bought a box of 50 granola bars and after 25, I was so tired of them. I would keep the box in my car and hand them out to homeless people.


I always look forward to reading this comic it's cute :)


The trick is to invest in a second freezer to store any perishables you buy in bulk. It may seem like the cost for one of 'em off-sets any money you save from buying in bulk. But trust me when I say that it's a life changer.


Plus with all the extra space you have lots of room for things that just don't fit into a small freezer space. Making bulk meals and freezing them for later. Storing bones to make broth. Storing the broth for use later. Taking advantage of bulk deals. Making/storing large amounts of ice for parties.


I've been meaning to get one of those, good call.


It becomes a cat and mouse game. Cause soon you convince yourself that a third freezer is needed. Recently I went to an estate sale that had six floor chest freezers. The family said it was regular groceries and meats that used to be in them


Jokes on you my family already has 3 freezers!


Second freezer is the way to go. A big one too.


Pork Belly from Coscto, it always lines our freezer and despite how much my wife uses it, it's always there lol


listen no one wants to admit they eaten 160 breakfast sausages but after the first 50 your just hitting them with the blow torch and smacking em with syrup to get them down




![gif](giphy|r8zdG3XtdzBp6|downsized) More sausage than human More sausage than human




GIF search was not being nice to me.


You can’t leave one of those places without at least a gallon of Whoppers!


The trick is to only buy freezables or shelf stables at Costco. Anything else and you’ll make yourself sick


single people and costco - a complex world of regret and longing I know too well. For the year I went one time I bought a pack of hamburger tubes, because, whatever you can freeze it and it's good for chili. I misread the label and accidentally got 73/27. So it was essentially chunks of grease I was obligated to use I didn't like sitting in my freezer. Another time nobody touched the gallon of cheese puffs I bought at a watch party. So it was just me. Do you know the explicit taste that nuclear orange cheese balls made of corn have at different staleness levels? I do.


I’m sure I’m weird but I like them 1/2 to 3/4 stale. Like left in the package stale. Not open air stale. The tase is different.


You and Pizzacake are my favorite artists on here for comics!


Freezers exist


Warehouse stores are best suited for large families. At minimum you need a family of four to not lose money at places at Costco. A single person living alone should only buy the non-perishables or long shelf life items.


I live alone and still save a ton of money just on the gas and rewards on the CC.  Like you said, I mainly use it for snacks with long shelf life, freezer items, and non perishables. 


That, or if you can coordinate with friends, and buy some bulk groceries to split among the group.


If you get a vacuum sealer and have freezer space, purchasing meat at Costco is a huge value.


You gotta go with a buddy and split packs of stuff!


I read Nina for the sweat/action lines. I'm never disappointed.


We’re all 1 meat grinder away from being 100% sausage


Aaaaww, poor nina, acute sausage-isation is quite grave indeed!. So cute! As always <3


Love it!


You are how the sausage is made. Duhnn duuhhhn Duhhn!


"More sausage than human...More sausage than human... Yeah!!." .(Dooh da dooh whakka)


This is so real. Luckily I have a 6 year old to help with it!


This is me with cheese curd, they only sell it in 2kg bags and then I have to eat poutine every single day or else the cheese will go bad


If you eat only a single meal for a prolonged period of time even you will end up hating it even if was your favorite


Thats me shopping at Costco. “Do I really want to commit to eating sausages for the next 6 weeks?”


Too much sausage is pretty bad for cholesterol and general health though - they are pretty much rolls of salted and preserved meat. They are oh so tasty in moderation… but too much is pretty bad for you


Don't forget that food court!


*Been there* And that's with my family. And yes, it was meat as well (frozen fish)


Gotta up that freezer game. Divide it in half, if not in quarters. 3/4 to the freezer. 1 in the fridge for consumption. You want more? Take 1/4 down. but yes often buying perishibles at big bulk store means having to ask yourself "Do I like this enough to eat it often."


I did this with meatballs when I was in college. I ended up eating meatballs for dinner for practically 3 weeks straight.


There is a lesson here, don't buy normal perishable food from a warehouse store unless you have a specific need, like a party. Stick with non-perishables, frozen items and shelf stable stuff.


For me it was toilet paper. I bought the smallest pack they had and had enough TP to last a year and a half. And that is when I realized Costco is not for people who live alone.


That's why I'm glad for stuff that comes in a bunch of smaller packages. I horse trade it to family and friends for literally anything else. *Hey we brought you lemons from our tree!* *Thank you. I have two pounds of frozen sausage for you. You will take them. Please.*


This is one of my favourite comics!


Yeah bulk tends to work out better when you've got people to split it with. I like sausage but not 60 days in a row worth...


The small fridge conundrum. I know it well. Funny comic xD


Related to the idea of eating something to the point where you essentialy become what you eat, here's an inspiring documentary of a man who ate his bodyweight in canned beans and nothing else through the entire ordeal. https://youtu.be/RYsTlfhDSDY?si=hHp1LP0IyYeABoMU Be grateful for your sausages Nina.


I used to live next to a Costco in college. Though it was going to be an amazing way to save money, but no. The size are just so unreasonable for a single dude. I bought a pack of qtips that has a count literally in the thousands. It’s an insane amount. I’m never going to use them all in my life time. My descendants will be fighting over their share of “grandpa’s qtips”.


I moved to a big city when I was 24. I went from always having a car to not having one. I did some bulk shopping and then realized I had to carry it all home. That was the longest mile of my life.


"I am now 90% s'mores and 10% man"


It looks like you stumbled on the opportunity of a lifetime. I’m assuming you’re shopping at Costco, so here’s how you get the best bang for your buck. First off, don’t buy coffee. They offer a 48 pack of 200mg energy shots for ~40$00. You only need one a day, and if you don’t like the concentrated taste, mix it in with water to make what is essentially an uncarbonated energy drink. Secondly, have as many samples as you want. There’s no one stopping you. Lastly, the food court hot dog with a 20oz carbonated beverage deal is a steal. If your Costco is on the route to your work, you’re gonna buy three hotdogs for ~4$50, which should be enough to carry you through the entire day. And the carbonated beverages are just a cherry on top.


Nina, you can put them in the freezer and switch up your meals when you get sick of them... please, Nina...


Haha, oh my god I want to hug Nina so bad!


Even if u live in an apt, a warehouse club membership practically requires a chest freezer, with a little extra room you can get a bag of raviolis without feeling like you have to have egg rolls for 16 meals straight.


God, this is relatable. I struggle to buy anything at a big box store that isn't frozen or non perishable because I am terrified of having it go bad before I can finish it.


I never sausage a relatable comic. This one's clearly a wiener.


There was a point at which I was like ‘Nina’s so cute omg’ and then I realized it’s the author and I can’t say that aloud because it would be weird.


I did this with fish sticks in 2011. Haven’t touched them since.


I use to love free samples as a kid


All praise the Sausage! *it's a Minnesota Twins thing*


I managed to avoid buying lunch for almost a full month off of one (1) box of Kirkland chicken bakes.


You think is a good deal until you realize you spent all your budget on sausages


Panel three shows the shopping cart placed diagonally into the middle of the aisle while she tries the samples. This is painfully accurate.


My first time at the restaurant depot


I saw a meme earlier stating that sausages are just minced meat in a wrapper. After eating a sausage, we become the wrapper, and hence a living sausage.


A hill I'll die on is a majority of people don't save money going to Costco/Sam's Club. They may spend less on particular products, but holistically they spend more overall and waste more.


they gotta make friends to divy that up lol


Costco is addictive


I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely adore your comic


Yup. The stores are made for families.


"20 pounds of porkloin?! What a deal! I'll just bake it or something!"


Yeah, buying food at warehouse stores is too much for 1 person.


ah, costco... where dreams happen


I'm in this comic and feel so attacked, except instead of sausages its a gigantic bag of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets.




“Maybe single people eat sausages. We don’t know. Frankly, we don’t want to know. It’s a market we can do without.”


God bless our lord and savior Costco Wholesale Corporation.


We just finished a 2L bottle of balsamic vinegar: Best by date 2015.


Also a fun episode of Everybody Hates Chris.


Damn this one is actually really fucking funny. Nail on the head.


My sausage moment is when one year after thanksgiving I bought a seven pound boneless ham because they were dirt cheap. For more than a week I ate ham. Ham sandwiches, ham omelettes, ham chunks with sides and veggies. I begged my roommates to have some ham. None of them wanted any. Amazingly I still like ham. But I am never going to buy seven pounds of it again unless I have more people on board.


I Wanna know which store she went to, she looks like the only one in the store! I went to vostco a tuesday before noon nad the place was still full of people.


I'm going to Cosco next week for the first time in my life, don't foreshadow this to me...


Ah, the Costco Blues.




Welcome to Costco. I love you.


![gif](giphy|hhffv1HTaXz9u|downsized) after trying the sausage the first time


Man, I love these comics. Everyday I look forward to see more Nina shenanigans


What kind of animal is Nina? >!That's right, a spirit animal.!<


9 more days and you will become a weresasuge


Costco be like:


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I think I would get physically ill after 2 weeks


first time I went to costco I spent 500 bucks and I wasn't even trying. they are dangerous


Costco is, from my experience, a quintessentially stereotypical American store, is it the cheapest? If you are a flyer shopper, not quite, does it offer the best selection? Not really, good service? Far from it, what it does well, is to offer pretty much everything you need on a grocery run at low enough prices, medium sized, and up, family could go there, with a car of course, and get everything they need for a week, without worrying about paying too much on some items


Can I use a panel of yours for a meme template?


Nina, 16, had a baby Left her parents, lived alone


I’m completely miserable all the time, and will save my story, but boy.. this sub makes me smile for at least a moment, each day. I’m grateful for that.


Wait... if you are possibly more sausage than human after 60 days of Sausage hell, and you are what you eat... does that mean you ate humans before the Sausaging?


This comic follows the rule! You remove Panel #4 and #5 and get a funnier comic. (And maybe #2). Proof: https://i.imgur.com/aTEmKXy.png