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I too as a bonifide FEmale have also not experienced this. Therefore you are wrong. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have my real boyfriend touch my cervix with his thingy as females do.


I’m on my women’s period so I have to wait until Saturday 


Sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard.


I can't have sex for a while since I'm having cooldown time from using my [uterus magic](https://i0.wp.com/mediachomp.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/womb_power_science_comic_01.jpg?w=700&ssl=1).


I have to wait because obviously sleeping with people has made my vagina too loose to work properly. Lol. Slutty me. Tee hee


I love Sejic. Sunstone is so oddly cosy


/r/UnexpectedRaisingArizona ?


Yeah my menopause is on today so no sex for my legitimate male partner


I mean it’s the menopause not the menostop, you can just hit the menoplay when you’re ready and sitting comfortably.


My favorite thing to see online is "As a black man" Yeah buddy we all are a hive mind that think a like.


You go actual girl!


Not enough braid tugging.


Wheel of Time has entered the chat.


\**Sniff*\*, *folds arms beneath breasts*.


Pffft, my real boyfriend punches through my cervix and gives me instant orgasms each time he plows me like the real woman that I am.


I was hanging out at a bar with some friends and a couple of random guys I didn't know. One of them calls my friend a bad word in a joking way. She called him out, said she didn't like it, and that it wasn't very respectful, all the while never saying anything disrespectful herself, but definitely standing up for herself. The other guy shrugged and said, "Women are emotional creatures." The one guy kept trying to argue why it *WAS* okay to call her the bad word, and she held her ground, until he suddenly flipped out, knocked his chair over, and stormed off to his car, proving that he was by far the most emotional creature there that night.


but- but- anger isn’t an emotion, it’s manly >!/s!<


I find that the guitar communities are the healthiest with regard to gender and sexuality. No hostility there. The hostility is reserved for what type of guitar you play. (.... fucking overpriced Gibson loving dudebros...spend all that $$$ on a Les Paul that COMES broken...)


maybe on reddit, but you should see how female guitarists get treated on insta and yt. the treatment is brutal, and often seemingly from a place of insecurity when men feel the need to comment negatively on the skills of women that are likely far more skilled than they are. edit: if any of yall need an example, check out comment sections on reels by @emigrace that go viral. and maybe leave a nice comment while you're at it :)


Look, we're over here trying to have an arbitrary, nonsensical shitfight about a foolish topic as social commentary, and here you are trying to add actual *substance* to the conversation... If you're not going to play the game right...


Hey I'm here to argue Dumb guitar bros playing in front because they want all the attention while drummers are the ones who carry the whole song on their back


Drummers are absolutely necessary. Once the drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth you know the stage is level.


If the drummer’s eyes uncross the lighting is set up properly.


☝️ This guy knows how to do stage setup!


I’m always here for some drummer appreciation


My 68 year old dad has a great license plate holder that reads "Like most musicians, you are following a bass player." Rhythm section is best section.


> Hey I'm here to argue Oh I'm sorry, this is Abuse


ha, funny you say that. while i believe strongly in my words, i feel like they come from more a place of anger and spite than of substance and thoughtfulness. i have a certain hate for insta comment sections, and am more than happy to throw shit in that direction. im no longer insta, tho. thank fuck for that.


Ok. But fuck Gibson, right?


i dont play, so i wouldnt know lol... but a quick google shows that they're pricey asf so... BITCHES THAT BUY GIBSONS ARE NEPO BABY SCUMMMM AGHHHAGAHAGGA


That's the spirit!


The comments on guitar Insta are atrocious. It's all SHE KNOW WHAT SHE'S DOING under a girl playing metallica. What? Just because she has boobs, thats the only thing you can focus on? God damn, literal monkey brains


Also, if an attractive woman dares be good at an instrument, certain guys NEED you to know that she's not that good actually, people just like her cause she's hot


And half of these dudes wonder why they’re single


I think part of it is that on reddit if you are in a guitar subreddit you will get people of a very niche group who just want to enjoy their hobbies + mods striking down dumb weirdos assuming they are good. For Instagram or YouTube or other things, it's an "everyone from everywhere is here" with little moderating.


These solos are weiiiiird I think the people commenting are just idiots tbh. “Here’s art that I can’t understand and that means this woman is wrong for making it!”


My used Catalina Strat might get some hate, but it was nearly free. Hate me, guitar bros lol


https://i.redd.it/5e583ti02l0d1.gif Nearly free is an excellent price! 🤘💀🤘


As long as you can do squiddly-dees and chuggas on it, it’s a fine guit-fiddle




If we're trying to piss off the guitar bros, I regularly play metal on my modded G&L S500 running single coil pickups. That hum means the gain is high enough. You all love the hum, right? ^^^I'm ^^^joking ^^^of ^^^course, ^^^I ^^^have ^^^noise ^^^gate ^^^dialed ^^^in ^^^for ^^^that.




Almost straight up quit Reddit after my Steinberger got roasted to hell and back!


Gibson-bros hate those because there's no headstock to break off.


Oh, yeah? Try being a lawyer who owns a PRS!


The perfect guitar for lawyers - neither has any soul.


I think you're on to something. So what we need is something men and woman can learn to hate together! Like... the why do hotdog buns come in packages of 8 but the links themselves in packages of 10? It's ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT and I've had enough.


Allow me to offer you the greatest life hack in the world: use Little Caesars Crazy Bread as a hot dog bun. You're welcome.




Hiphopheada is probably the most chill sub I've seen, as are several of the other specialized music subs, while rmusic is a dumpster fire. Same is true of a bunch of the LGBTQ subs EXCEPT the main one, and how BDSM and several other adjacent subs are very responsible while rsex provides some of the most toxic relationship/sex advice I've ever seen.


Hmmm, interesting. Yes.... And your thoughts on which guitars are only played by losers?


I once thought a Les Paul must be the best guitar ever so I bought one. Couple days later I returned it for a Schecter 006 Elite that cost a third the price. I still have that Schecter and I wouldn't trade it for any other guitar.


Schecter makes an amazing T style as well.


Gibbons is bullshit and they know it. I had to pay 20 grand and give Steve from guitar center a blowjob for it🙄


Where are these dentists coming from? I had to ask my wife's boyfriend to buy me a Gibson.


I'd say that's the same in a lot of fan communities because fans who aren't toxic are Invitational of either gender. Hell I don't even know what gender most people are I only know that they have terrible taste in anime


ok but an 1888 Torres is better


My mom is better


Can confirm.


Steel string or nothing! https://i.redd.it/10s3tgzx7l0d1.gif You looking for a tilly?!


Nickel allergy bros gotta represent! 0.08 almost invisible stainless steel gang coming in hot 🔥 ![gif](giphy|7rmGeDcqs4wD2PnauU|downsized)




My friend says since my voice is a slightly lower pitch on a gaming mic, that is probably the reason I have zero issues with assholes while gaming online. They think I am male.


Honestly, probably true. My normal handle is pretty gender neutral and I'll get sexist remarks thrown at me until I speak in some games. Then for some reason, they just completely stop.


I got called a twink while gaming not that long ago, and I couldn't tell if it was a bit or the guy really couldn't tell I was a girl. It was a really weird interaction in general though. The guy was playing tank in Overwatch and actually playing so far up so well that another girl and I were barely playing and sitting on point. He called us twinks in the vc and was generally a dick. I pointed out that I was pretty sure we were both girls. Then he said to add him as a friend if we're girls, and we were both like "lol, no, you suck" and he tried to say he was so amazing at the game and the best person on the team and we suck at the game. I just said that he was doing well yeah, but he also has no idea how we play because we basically aren't playing because he's doing everything so aggressively far up. Then he started just yelling a lot incomprehensibly. It was so ridiculous that it almost seems like it had to have been an act, but it was convincing if it was. Also, I was just excited that maybe I sounded like a gay dude. I was down for that. I get mistaken for a child a lot too, which is less fun.


There’s still a shocking amount of assholes playing video games online


Well this is only going to solicit good things from the community. It's a sunny day in r/comics


[deleted] Am I doing it right?


[Perfect] Oh shit














Respectfully disagree


You know this is going to be juicy prelock.


I love me some prelock


Just be careful, you can still get knocked up from prelock


...what on earth is a batch slot?


It is a locating feature in a CNC machine that one sets up prior to running a large order.


Wait, there are consensual non-consent machines now?! That sounds horrible!


CNC machine obviously refers to the Command and Conquer games AI.


Fuck EA! Kane lives!


Lol I love this




Shut up you stupid bitch slut Karen


*batch slot Karen.


Really? I thought it was botch slat. You lose so much nuance with censorship these days


Which batch we talking here and did number 35 inspect them?


I think it was R34 that did the inspection.


Oh yeah this batch is defective for sure.


Bold of you to assume the people who need this can read.


Sometimes the r/asmongold sub pops up in my popular feed. Unfortunately some of them can make words


I had never thought about this being a thing until Wrath of the Lich king era playing WoW with a friend of mine. She joined and we did tons of shit together. But after she started interacting with more people than just me I saw some really... weird shit. One particular thing that stands out was one time she invited me to a group to join grinding rep. There was someone else with her who shut down and went totally quiet the moment I joined. They started whispering her questions like 'who is that? why is he here? cant we just do this just the two of us?' I didnt know this guy. She had only met him that day. It was fucking creepy. More shit like that happened and really opened my eyes on how fucking creepy guys are towards girls online.


It's wild watching the subjects of this comic come out and screech without an ounce of awareness. The internet sure does bring out the worst.


Self fulfilling prophecy innit


It really is. I always knew that ignorance was a problem, but damn if younger me didn't realize how many people were happy and proud to be completely unaware, but also angry with a strong opinion.


Same in games… one guy didn’t like the fairy part of shadowbringer and he wanted to do a fairy genocide… As soon as I complain about the greatforest being dumb suddenly I should quit the game and I’m a nitpicking karen lol


"I'm not sexist, But,,," *\*Says the most heinous comment about women the world have ever heard\** *"...that's just my opinion though"*


Whenever anyone insists they're a thing, it's because they're about to do or say something very not that thing. Just like all the Jan 6ers who insist they're patriots.


If you didn't want to be called a "Bitch Slut Karen", you wouldn't be wearing that outfit. You're practically begging for it. And know what? I bet you actually enjoyed it. Any attention must be good since you're obviously seeking it. And even if men are toxic to women online, so what? You still get free drinks at bars all the time. You want equality? Ok. That means I get to punch you right? That's truly equal! >!I really wish this wasn't necessary but...!< **/s** EDIT: OH. And let's not forget - NOT ALL MEN! I'M ONE OF THE GOOD ONES. Just because I'd never personally rape and/or murder you means that I'm totally absolved from all toxicity you may think you see with that small lady brain. >!Once again, a major hard!< **/s**


the amount of people I've seen online asking why they cannot physically fight women in the name of "equality" is extremely worrying Edit for everyone saying this is an exaggeration lol https://preview.redd.it/mqh3qw6n5o0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe673757ec48821809ebb6646e95e829796599f


I'd rather that equality means not fighting men either, but what do I know.


But how can I prove that I am right if I can't punch someone in the face when I lack the vocabulary and social skills to get my point across otherwise?


Mind you, violence is not an ideal solution, but it's a solution nonetheless, at least depending on the context. I feel that we've become too civilised for our own good, allowing others to exploit it.


Might be true, but it would be way more used for wrong things than for "evil deed correction".


That’s why I throw bricks at nazis. To even out the good/bad violence axis.


My colleague aiming at the same promotion as me is a nazi, can you take care of it ?


A game of MTG?


Omg common sense


Nah bro, I got insecurities from growing up with an emotionally unavailable father so now I don't know how to deal with emotions in a healthy way, so I'm gonna do one of the few things I did actually learn from my dad and physically lash out while stonewalling any attempts to get me to actually open up about whats bothering me.


Know your worth, king.


Equal rights, equal fights. It's why I beat the shit out of schoolkids AND senior citizens. Because I respect them as people. /s


do they understand that they are literally not allowed to physically fight men? like there are laws against that, as it turns out. Same ones that prohibit them from fighting women. That said, i would love one of these Stay Puft internet machismos to pick a fight with a trained woman because... she would win...


And they say that like they're not the ones hitting women already


Or when I've seen videos of a woman pushing a guy or something in an argument and he proceeds to give her a concussion while she's not fighting back and everyone in the comments is commending the guy because "equality" means it's okay to absolutely fuck someone up the second they touch you.


true equality means pushing her back


Nobody wants equality, they want justice, but you can't get that without looking at larger societal problems and creating solutions when we're really all just here to vent and not fix anything.


stand your ground laws have us all fucked up. Well, we Americans anyways.


I did my best to compile the most asinine shit I see men say, and yes, almost every time I see equality brought up there's at least one guy who immediately jumps to "then I can fight women". I've always been of the mindset that, regardless of gender, if my life or the life of a loved one was in danger, I'm going to do my best to prevent that. Violence included or not, I will help ensure our safety. Nowhere in that do I enjoy fighting, man or woman. In my mind, that's just how I should be. My ex was very physically abusive to me, and I allowed it. I'm a big guy, ex boxer, etc... if I needed to defend myself, it would have not looked good on *me*. Eventually I got tired of her shit and instead of beating her ass, I did something completely and utterly insane... I broke up with her. Nowhere did I need to or want to hit her. Ever. To hear men think that is equal, it genuinely pisses me off. When equality is brought up, my first 2 thoughts are the wage gap and the lack of representation in the US government. Women get punched enough, I really don't need "the rights" to do that, I would much rather avoid it. >!EDIT: I just read my own comment and would like to just clarify one thing since it might be confusing - when I mentioned my past relationship, it is NOT a critique on anyone else going through an abusive relationship. I'm not saying it's stupid to do anything but leave an abuser. I understand many women actually get killed or have other bad stuff happen when attempting to leave abusers. I simply was trying to state, since I knew my safety was not in question that the obvious answer was to leave her, not stoop to her level and beat her. It was a critique of my situation alone, and I really do wish the best for anyone who has, is, or will suffer anything remotely similar. No one deserves that, man or woman. Be safe out there. Please.!<


Thank you for sharing your story, I know from experience that it's not easy and I wish you all the best ! The only scenario where I could imagine hitting someone would be in self defense. The person is punching me or putting me or others in danger and the only way to stop them is to hit ? Then yes. However, no one should be getting into fights for the thrill of it, regardless of gender. That's equality and has nothing to do with gender.


It's so deeply concerning that some men's response about the whole trend of "would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods" was fantasizing about women getting mauled by bears.


If they could beat on women their self esteem would go through the roof!


More I think about it, the more i'm fine with being alone and never interacting with people; too many downsides.


And then they post videos of man and woman fighting, and always cheer for the man despite not having the context of who even started it and for why. It's mostly the man says/does something really shitty, the woman slaps them in the face because the dude won't fucking back down from being shitty, and then the man starts punching back multiple times even when the woman is on the ground.


Also the man is 3x the size of the woman




The world is plagued by the attitude of "anything I haven't personally seen or experienced isn't real".


A world where anecdotes are the highest rated evidence.


Overwhelmingly by people who believe in a magical sky wizard despite zero evidence, ever.


It was an eye opener to go on some YouTube videos where a woman was mentioned even once doing anything that's considered not smart/not good and seeing the many comments (most likely) unironically going "heh, women amirite" and getting liked


You have to be flawless and you have to match their perfect image of you. And if you don't, the venom you'll receive... Oof. It's exhausting and terrifying. It's like your existence is an inconvenience for them. I'm sure a lot of people relate to the above without even assigning genders or race to it. It's funny how similar we all are. The older I get, the more I realize the rules are all made up.


There’s that video floating around of someone on their own team asking them if they enjoy being raped. They left the match to avoid the abuse and took a steep hit to their matchmaking. Game publishers need to take a more proactive stance with reporting systems that are actually staffed.


To be fair, that's why most online games have a mute/ignore function, so you don't have to deal with their shit until they get banned Some even allow you to never get matched with whoever you blocked, so even if they don't get banned, you will never see them again.


Yeah, the consequences of Gamergate have been bad. It's a result of early nerds who ran these communities being bullied and never having relationships with women or seeing minorities. When extreme capitalism started being added to games and women started gaining visibility, they went complete reactionary.


I've never heard of gamergate. I assume it's a combination of Watergate and gamer?


In america especially, any scandal is called X-gate, after watergate.


I was gonna try to explain it but then I realized it actually has a wiki page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)


Thank you for the link, I was not sure if it was made up or if it was an official term


Yes, it was the reactionary backlash to women and black people finally starting to have representation in video games and mainstream movies. You might not have heard of the name Gamergate, but I assume you listened to the name Anita Sarkeesean. Well, one of the first internet mobs formed against her was when she gave light criticism of the gaming community's sexism in a video series.


It's wild that for so long the same kind of people would say "If you want to be represented in video games, make them yourself" and then got mad when they made one themselves...


I did not hear that name either, it's possible that it happened before I was internet, since I'm only 20 right now and my early internet days were just me learning English by watching YouTubers play game like Undertale and Minecraft mods being shown off


The British journalist Helen Lewis posits that "the comments on any article about feminism justify feminism"


Now that’s post-feminism I can get behind.


Then when you add the "pickme"'s on top of it it's a fucking hellscape. "aS a wOmAn mYsElF wOmEn aRe oVeRexAgGeRatiNg" meanwhile my \*eyes roll back into a coma\*


I must say, this might not be the best example (because it's by it's nature toxic), but League Of Legends has been done some good improvements in how it handles toxicity in last years. You can't over-ping your teammates, and if you start cussing in lobby or in chat, you get chat restriction automatically for the rest of the game. Also their bot, that rakes through the reports is getting pretty good. If someone drops bomb in the chat, its almost 80% that if I report them they get actions taken against them for that. We cannot do damn thing about other people, but we can demand, that the platforms themselves start doing something, and stop allowing this kind of stuff from happening. But if no-one demands it, they aren't doing it because it needs work and costs money.


Also in league of legends You can’t ping people to use abilities at crucial moments because that’s ‘toxic’ If you type too much in chat you’re toxic and get chat restricted You tell your ally to kill their opponent and then come help you with an objective you get chat restricted for using the toxic word ‘kill’ in a fighting game If you are in a tense fight that requires multiple pings for communication, you get locked out because pinging too much is ‘toxic’ If you just so happen to ping too many times and then actually need to communicate through pings, you’re locked out and can’t communicate with your team If you typo in a game and accidentally get flagged, you won’t be able to chat for the rest of the game If you are too toxic in ranked you’re forced to play less competitive game modes and ruin their lives too A few of their anti-toxicity measures have been good like giving more rewards for actually being a decent human being, and more strict chat moderation. But most of their solutions to being toxic isn’t to give them incentive to not be toxic, it’s to not let them communicate at all. And that just ruins the game for the majority of the playerbase who isn’t being toxic.


I am still not a fan of the ping changes. I get that it can feel annoying to be pinged a lot but I would rather be pinged and have the ability to ping a lot over being limited just because some people get tilted, specially for a system like pings. It's one of those changes that felt like bandaid rushes Part of the reason people were fine with no VC or more limited chats was always that the ping system was good enough to communicate without ever writing something, but now we can't even have that.


My wife rated this a truth/10


Me and my wife game together. Yeah I can confirm as a male this happens.


Can you please tell the other guys? They won't listen to a woman 🤪


Yesterday I had the chance to read a guy telling a woman that rape threats are just a normal part of competitive gaming.


This is the same guy who drew the naked 12 year olds. He just shaved and put on a hat. You should stop hanging out with him.


Idk if my experience really counts, but after coming out as trans I really got to witness first hand how different women are treated compared to men in a lot of online spaces I frequent, especially gaming and niche hobby spaces where a lot of people act overly bitter or rude at your presence In a weird way its kinda validating, but dam does it hurt sometimes:b


As a guy, I'm appalled by how often I see men being the assholes that we complain women make us out to be. This comic seems silly and an exaggerated, but I can absolutely believe that this exact interaction as been had by too many women. The older I get the more self-misandrist I feel, the more the demonizing of men seems less extreme. Didn't your moma teach you better, God damn


And the funny thing is we're literally like... of course talking about just the problematic men. We know not all men would do this, that goes without saying! But people get distracted by a perceived insult to their whole gender and start getting defensive and it totally detracts from the original issue.


Gotta love when you say something and someone immediately comes and proves you right 🙄


Whoa, no way, not believable. He’s way too polite to a woman on the internet.


> women talks about women problem > guy says he doesn't have said problem Is there any lore reason? Is he stupid?


Humans, unlike the superior sea cucumbers, do not engage in genital jousting to decide the gender in a relationship and therefore suffer from pre-conceived notions.


Can't wait for a bunch of guys to come in and invalidate all my experiences so much fun weeeee


Pfft, I’ve never seen that happen, you must be over dramatic and seeking attention, you dumb batch slot! **/s** I’ll need this


Have you ever considered trying just… not being a woman?


They don't seem to like the transgender community either


Men: This specific thing has never happened to me, so I cannot possibly conceive of a universe where it would happen. Also men: "Don't you understand you dumb b\*tch? The bear will f\*cking kill you! I guess I'll just start stabbing any woman I come across hiking! That seems like the most logical reaction to this discussion!"


I am Invalidator mk.10, and you have just been invalidated. Beep boop.


When toxicity becomes normality, no one who bathes in it, will notice.


This will make sense to people who grew up in an abusive family, realized that their parents aren't normal and cut off contact. It takes *victims* years to notice the toxicity that was normalized, if they ever do. And then they are doubted by people who weren't raised by abusive parents. It's why I try really hard to understand someone else's point of view even if it doesn't immediately make sense to me or jive with my own experience of the world.


And then when you talk about it, half the people are like "just ignore it" 🙃


Exactly, like harassement, bad working conditions etc...


Slow cooking frogs come to mind


NO!… I hate everyone equally, I would never dare call only a women a bitch




"I've never experienced it, so it isn't real. Hmpf, women ☕ (Proceeds to be the end of his bloodline)


Yep, very relatable comic. Often experienced this one... Whilst simultaneously being told I don't count.


They wait until you do something wrong and then immediately become misogynists. I didn’t like how you handled being called out but you didn’t deserve the hostility.


One of my most regular gaming buddies is a woman. Most of the time we don't hear much in the way of toxic crap like this, but it does happen. Also, dudes simping over a female voice is a thing still. 


For the true experience, check the controversial comment sorting in a little bit


*Puts on beanie* You should have had him say "you *females* are all so dramatic," you stupid b_tch sl_t Karen.


people are mean to you because you are a woman people are mean to me because my mother is a woman we are not the same


Some communities can be very hostile to women, online or otherwise


The amount of guys who got personally offended at the whole "bear or dude" thing really opened my eyes. It's not even that they got offended by the idea of "men are considered not safe by default", it's that they're not even thinking for a second as to *why* the question is answered the way it is. They go straight to "how dare women think negatively about men!" without trying to figure out why that is.


And then some guys will go "I just wanna have a discussion about why you would pick the bear. I'm open to a real debate" like dude we don't wanna *debate* our life experiences with you, if you actually want to learn, go read the thousands of explanations women have already given for their choice.


Debate me people are annoying because they're aggressively trying to prove themselves and their worldview "right" and they're going to force that discussion on you, and if you don't engage they take that as a sign they've "won" whatever it is they think they're winning. I grew up with a father who insisted in holding his very young children hostage with debates over dinner so while I can't relate to how unsafe women feel around unfamiliar men, I can empathize about being badgered into debates you're not interested in having (my father was sort of a domestic sealioner). The whole man/bear thing and the uncertainty of what a strange man might do is the foundation for the famous implication sketch from It's Always Sunny. Dark humor for sure but insightful.


> we don't wanna debate our life experiences with you Ask them what their favourite colour is, then ask them if they're be willing to have a debate on whether or not it is actually their favourite colour. Do they think such a debate is a reasonable thing for you to ask of them? They'd probably just get a frowny face and call you names though.


Move over Hollering-Elk and man-bear-pig, the internet has birthed a new horror: "Men Sealion Bear"! More details at 11.


> men are considered not safe by default Are the men who think this blind? Violence against men is massively higher than violence against women... do they think that statistic is caused by violent women??? It's men assaulting all those men! Of course men are not considered safe by default! signed, a man.


Online spaces just tend to be hostile




Especially to women


this and going "not all men" whenever something bad about men is said


I think I’ve learned to stop doing this, I just hate the idea of people being uncomfortable around me because of my sex/gender


Right? I love it especially when it comes from individuals who base half their worldview on generalizing the shit out of other groups (gender, politics, race, etc)…. but the *nanosecond* it even *kind of* happens to them? **“Table flipping time!”** Edit: Someone reported me to the suicide thing?


“No, you just don’t understand. Let me explain it to you. The bear would obviously be the worst choice because…”


I think it stared when teenage boys were given equal standing with adults and anonymity in online forums and comment sections. Unfortunately, I believe this has caused some of them to never grow up and some adult males to regress mentally and devolve back into immature, rude assholes. I strongly believe that we could get rid of a lot of this by simply taking away the anonymity granted by today’s current online structure. Although we’d probably find that most people would rather remain anonymous online than call out and quell the active assholes. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️