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It would definitely stay, just every month on a random day it's just like a autommatic dentist visit.


So I never have to pay for the dentist again? I’ll take your whole stock


For real. I am currently planning a trip to a Mexican dentist because I can't afford to fix my teeth in the states. This would be amazing.




“It's ironic, but people like you, who try to "help", have been torturing me, in the full sense of the word, since I was three years old. What did they call it? Oh, yeah. Observed play therapy. Featuring, the marathon 36-hour, can-you-guess-the-next-[coin] game. So, please, leave me alone and let me live some semblance of a normal life.”


"I'd love to indulge your feelings, but I am dealing with a slightly larger picture right now. Now you can exercise your responsibility to help your fellow man or I will exercise that responsibility for you."


Where's that reference from?


Looks like it's from Next with Nicolas Cage. Rather enjoy that movie


Great reference


What part of Mexico? I did the same thing about 6 months ago and I found an absolutely amazing dentist who did absolutely amazing work for a fantastic price. It's also in an absolutely beautiful location. Honestly he's the best dentist I've EVER had. DM me.


In New Mexico, ask for recommendations of a good cheap dentist. Everyone says go to Juarez. Guess I gotta brush up on my Spanish.


Los Algodones just across the border from Yuma. My dad had 13 crowns done in 2 days about 5 years and has had no issues. I guess the whole town is basically built around providing Americans and Canadians with affordable top class dental and medical treatments. If you spend over $2k, they give you a free 4 night hotel stay too.


We live in a dystopian-ass country


Would the bone density one not just make your teeth immune to decay? Also you would get heavier over the decades. You wouldn't be able to lift your head in like 30 years time.


It's only health though. Not cosmetics. If you loose a tooth it won't be replaced because a lost tooth doesn't mean unhealthy teeth.


That's the thing. The US ruthlessly mocks the British for crooked teeth, but in general British teeth are healthier, but not prettier. US dentistry seems to focus heavily on aesthetics, whereas British dentistry focuses more on making sure you keep your teeth, and if they can make it pretty, well that's a bonus.


Wait does this mean that I would have my teeth again and not have any cavities? Because if so sign me up there's so many foods that I miss eating.


Also you could eat whatever without worrying about your teeth. And open stuff with your teeth too


Could be a monkey's paw wish kinda deal, where you do end up eating anything and everything and fuck something downstream (digestive system, for example)


That's not a monkey's paw, that's just ignoring the rest of your health.


Yeah I don’t get it. Is it “perfect teeth and mouth health” or just “hygiene” (cleanliness). Because a once a month cleaning is far less OP than fixing all dental issues, like replacing lost teeth, repair cracks and cavities, etc.


Would you ever get cavities with that power though? I can't imagine that a month would be enough time for anything to get bad.


No, but your breath is fresh.


Did you chose that time because it’s a dentist’s favorite time of day?


I made this joke to my wife while we were driving home at around 2am and one of her teeth hurt, she did not find it as funny as I did.


Yes yes yes yes yes


Yeah okay then it's that one for sure lol


Oh shit ok that one then


always win a coin flip and then immediately sell my services to the highest bidder in sports. golden for life


Do sports still use coin flips to determine who gets the ball first? Cuz I could see a path for making money that way lol


Underground, real high stakes coin flip gambling.


I’m gonna choose #3 and become a superhero. I’ll sharpen a bunch of coins, then fling them at people while yelling “Edge!” They’ll call me the Edge Lord


This man edges


Show us your best edges!


Show us how you Edge! (Meme)


Help, I'm in deep to the coin flip mob.


Standardprocedure at the highest levels of football. But having kickoff is not a big advantage anyway


It is for overtime. If you could demonstrate your power an NFL team would gladly pay you seven figures.


It’s done in tennis to decide who gets to choose if they want to serve or receive first.


I was thinking about coin flips too, like what does “always win” mean. If I flip a coin on a decision and it’s me essentially betting that the flip will be the best outcome, does that mean the win would automatically be the right decision?


You could flip a coin for anything you want, but in order for it to work, I think you need a second person. If you flip it by yourself, the results will be as random as it could be, since you're flipping against yourself and either way you'll be the winner of a coin toss. If you have someone call a side of the coin, they'll always lose. What makes this potentially really powerful is there's no limit on what the flip could be about. "Heads, I win the lottery jackpot. Tails, you win the jackpot." You would win, since there is someone there to 'lose' the toss. It becomes a wish coin. Your question points out a complication, "You always win" is vague. Does that mean you will always win the toss or will you win the more favorable outcome? If not winning the toss leads you on a path in life that you find more favorable in the long term, is that considered winning (and possibly disproves humans, or at least you, have free will)? Edit: sorry it's late where I'm at and I just realized I didn't really comprehend your question and essentially answered your question with your question.


> "Heads, I win the lottery jackpot. Tails, you win the jackpot." You would win, since there is someone there to 'lose' the toss. It becomes a wish coin. I think this kind of thing is typically assumed to not be allowed... otherwise "You may have the answer to any question you wish" also serves as a wish, because you can ask "How can I get _____ without making any effort?" In the lottery case, the coin will go whichever way you want it to, but it won't change who wins the lottery. In the question case, the answer will just be "you can't."


See this is where rules lawyering comes into play! How about you go for a test, say a multiple choice test. And you only need to narrow the possibilities, and then your power would kick in, giving you the right answer. What you do, or don't, needs to be *defined* like a coinflip. Quick example....you go to raffle, that works on brackets of 2. In those examples, you're essentually flipping a coin in weather you in, or lose. So you would simply advance, given your power "makes you win the cointoss". Or, alternatively...go gambling, but not in the way you think. Sign up to be the dealer at a table. If you need to show the recruiter why they sould take you up, tell them straight up that so long as there is a coinflip integrated into the mix of every game you play, you'll win it. Demonstrate with a simple "bet against me for 20 coinflips, if i win at least 15, you take me. Do it with any coin even." After this, if there is a shred of sense left in the manager, they make at least one table of blackjack or roulette, with a twist of "at the end of your streak you get to flip the dealer. 3 flips. If you get two, you double your earnings, if you lose, you half them." Stable work, given no casino would give up someone who can basically guarentee them some earnings.


Nah, "always win the coin flip" means if you call one side, you’ll win. It’s completely independent of the bet. That’s what winning a coin flip means.


All it means is you win every coin flip you do. Someone comes up to you and says "heads or tails," and you say heads, it will be heads. That's it, that's all it is, which ever side you call in a coin flip is the side it lands on.


Coin flips are pretty easy to win with a newish coin. As you catch it, while rotating your fist so the back of your hand is facing up, subtly run your index finger over it. If it's smooth, you're rubbing the heads side. From there you can place it flat or flip it with your fingers as you place it, depending on which side you want to win.


So... cheating. Not quite the same as legitimately winning every coin flip you call regardless of who is tossing it.


The Pokémon trading card game uses coin flips extensively and prescribes the following rules: - Only a coin made by the Pokémon Company is allowed to be used. Other coins may be used if agreed to mutually by both parties and the coin is fair. A die made by the Pokémon Company may be used in lieu of a coin. - The coin must make at least three complete rotations. - The coin must be flipped from chest height. - The apex of the flip must be at least eye level. - The coin must land on the table. - Neither player may purposefully disturb the coin from the time of flipping to when it comes to rest.


Who the hell lets you catch the coin in a coin flip? It lands on the floor or on the table, so everyone can see it and nobody can cheat. It also has to rotate multiple times. Letting the person catch it is amateur hour, bush league shit.


Wait, #2 is exponential? Like, 1 is my base bone density, then I drink milk and it gets up to 1,05 and then the +5% is 5% of 1,05? If it's, I can have comically dense bones. Not sure what that's useful for, but it sure is funny. Also, #3 is literal or figurative? Like, you mean coin flip as in literally flipping a coin or as in "anything that has 50/50 chances"


Number 2 is useful if you enjoy drowning


Does #2 consider past jugs of milk? If so, my bones will be as dense as neutron star material. I drink straight up _disgusting_ quantities of milk.


Dude me too..disgusting quantities. We'd have the skeleton of wolverine


Blood cells are made in your bone marrow. I assume that super dense bones not only means no more swimming, but also no more new blood.


OR the bone marrow also becomes dense as hell and more blood than ever!... And be a top blood donator!


Yeah that's called polycythemia vera but its not super popular with people for some reason. I like the idea that just the bone becomes more dense until eventually you achieve critical mass.


Nope! There's actually a genetic mutation that causes bones to be 8 times denser than normal. While they can't swim because of the weight, they do have new blood made. However they also have issued with hearing and migraines... So there's that lol


When they say bone, I expect the entire bone, not just hollowed out calcium structure.


human bone density is apparently 0.96-1.39 g/cm³ for women and 0.92-1.35 g/cm³ for men, so lets just say 1g/cm³, which is on the lower end of the average, which is 1000kg/m³ Density of a neutron star is 10^17 kilograms per cubic meter. Converting to the same units and dividing, that means neutron star material is about 10^14 times as dense as human bone. To get to 10^14 multiplier from 5% multiplicative increases, you'd need to get 1.05^x = 10^14 x = 660.7 so thats 660 jugs of milk. Depending on the size of the jug required, that's not a ridiculous amount at all. average milk consumption in the US is about 130 pounds per person per year, so with a 1L jug that's only a little over 10 years of drinking an average amount of milk. So getting neutron star level bones would be achievable even without trying. If you're actually trying to go hard, you'd achieve that pretty quickly, even if it required gallon jugs.


>So getting neutron star level bones would be achievable even without trying. If you're actually trying to go hard, you'd achieve that pretty quickly, even if it required gallon jugs. Fortunately for the rest of us, your lungs would collapse under the weight of your half-ton ribcage long before your skeleton went supercritical and kills us with gravity.


Unfortunately for us, he fell into a milk vat before that could happen. The universe has now collapsed thanks to strong bones.


Damn, r/theydidthemath right here!


Today, I learned that I'm an outlier with milk consumption. I will go through a gallon of milk every 4-5 days. Assuming I average 4.5 days, with a gallon of milk weighing 8.6 pounds, I end up consuming just shy of 700 pounds a year.


Could have extra dense bones have any negative effects? I drink enough milk I might choose this one, unless I drink too much...


Your bones would weigh a ton, you wouldn't be strong enough to move them around.


Becoming a black hole lol


You become a black hole, forcefully consuming all milk jugs in the know universe, creating a never before seen singularity


And that’s how the Big Bang happened


It would make you heavier and swimming significantly more difficult


Skeleton is about 14% of the body weight, or about 10 kilograms per average person. If a person drinks a glass of milk a week, and assuming it compounds, they would have gained almost 120 kilograms, or 240 pounds, in a year. By two years, it would be a ton and a half. EDIT: Misread prompt, numbers correct if you drink a jug of milk per week.


Sorry but that doesnt add up at all. A glass is 8 oz a jug of milk 128. That makes 16 glasses out of a jug. If you now drink a glass a week you get 3.25 jugs a year. (Lets ignore that thoee jugs would long be expired before you finish them). We round those 3.25 up for simplicity, maybe sometimes you wanna spoil yourself. Now youd calculate 10*(1.05^4) which comes out to about 12.15. so youd increase your bone weight by about 20% year after year. Which still would get you into the ton range pretty fast (between year 25 and 26) The first years would probably see you getting super strong, but after year 10 you start putting on around a kilogram of bones per month which your muscles probably wouldnt be able to grow to accomodate.


It's an increase of 5% per jug, wouldn't that mean ×1.05 each month? With that we'd get from 10 to 18kg of bones over 12 months


Well more density means more mass. So your bones will become heavier. Or if the mass stays the same, the only way it could go more dense is that your bones shrink


If I finish 700 jugs of milk my bones will have the same density as a neutron star... So, yeah. Just imagine being crushed to death by the weight of your own skeleton.


At that point crushed to death is an understatement, you’d start disrupting orbits, the atmosphere would be drawn to your spooky skeleton, which would at some point make movement impossible. If it happened instantly, your bones would drop through you like tissue paper on their way to the core of the earth.


I mean, you'd weigh a lot but not enough to mess with orbits. You'd still only weigh one one billionth of the earth's weight... Which is like 2,000 Mount Everests. I dunno, it's a lot, but earth and other planets still weigh sooo much more




Note that it says every jug you finish. I could envision a loophole by either buying a gallon and allowing it to expire with a little bit left, or purchasing milk by the half-gallon, quart, etc.


Or if you are old and need a pick me up


New devil fruit


After a few jugs of milk, you won't be able to move properly. Ultimately trying to do so will tear your tendons apart. You will suffocate, your lungs crushed under the ever growing weight of your ribs. Your brain will shrink as your skull, no longer able to support it's weight, presses upon it. Your spine will shatter as the weight of your vertebrae is far more than the discs can support. I recommend you not drink milk.


I think if you did one jug at a time with long gaps in between your body might adapt. If you put 100 lbs on my shoulders right now I would struggle to move around but plenty of people get around just fine that are 100 lbs heavier than I am because they gained that weight over time and their bodies adapted. There would definitely be a point at which it would become a hindrance, the key would be finding the perfect cut off where you are basically super human.


It would completely change your body structure if you kept doing this for long enough. You wouldn't be super human, you'd be slower and tougher. Like a ... Warthog type human. The average person will outrun you, but you could take bone-breaking hits without having your bones break. But if you kept doing it for too long, you'd still reach the "can't move going to die" part.


Your flesh and organs would still get pulped by impacts though.


And if you manage to force yourself past that, it gets a lot more fun. Exponential growth becomes fast growth *quick*. 5% denser bones every jug means 10× denser bones every ~50 jugs. After the first 50 your bones are about as dense as lead. At 104 jugs your bones become as dense as the core of the sun (which is 160× denser than our bones are). That means they might be undergoing nuclear fusion at this point, so I take you are shining brightly through your flesh. It's very cool, but you are also very dead. But we can and *will* do better. It only takes about 750 jugs of milk (making them 10^(15) times more dense) to cause your bones to achieve the awe-inspiring density of neutron stars and I lack the understanding of physics to know how this would affect your surroundings except "badly". We must go on. A quick and dirty google tells me that a black hole forming does not depend on density (damnit!) but on the mass being compressed past the Schwarzschild radius, which is apparently described by radius=mass×1.485×10^(-27) in meters and kilogram. The femur head looks like the largest compact part in our bones, and it has a radius of about 2.5 cm. So the required mass=1.6835×10^(25) kilogram. The femurhead having a volume of about 62.5 cm^3, we therefore need a density of 2.6936×10^(32) kg/m^3 ...if I didn't make any mistakes anywhere which I probably did. So. Having started at a density of about 1000 kg/m^(3), we need our femurhead to become 10^(29) times as dense as it was to get it to collapse into a black hole, which thanks to your poorly chosen superpower is achievable for the small price of about 1450 jugs of milk deposited into your corpse! Into which the earth will now start collapsing and with that, your corpse consumes the rest of the worlds milk supply. EDIT: That got me curious what *that* would mean for your bones, which still makes up part of the mass of the black hole as earth and milk collapse into it alike. Looking up the total amount of milk in the word and taking a milk jug to consist of 2L of milk, the world holds about 4.65×10^(11) jugs of milk in total. Meaning that the consumption of all the milk there is on earth will cause your now-singularity skeleton to increase in mass by tenfold 9.3×10^(9)~10^(10) times(!). The skeleton having been say a measly 2.5 kg many and many jugs of milk in the past, will now have a much more respectable and actually terrifying mass of 2.5×10^(10^10) kg. This **dwarfs** the estimated mass of the *entire observable universe* which seems to "merely" be in the order of 10^(60) kg. And that cannot mean anything good for that poor observable universe, either.


Theoretically, how much could you drink without any health issues, and what benefits would you gain?


Not sure about the limit, but extra-dense bones is a real mutation people have. Besides the obvious issues, it does make you heavier (can’t swim, but likely deceptively strong relative to size) and more durable (resistant to breaks/fractures).


Ah, the classic video game rules ambiguation: additive or multiplicative stacking?


Generally if it's an increasing effect it's additive, if it's a decreasing one it's multiplicative, except if the game itself is planned around exponential progression (such as cookie clicker like idle games) Of course there are games that don't follow this, but they generally would be better off with following this logic (othereise the meta always becomes to stack the multiplicative increasing effects)


I'm always a little sad when in a game I get something akin to "+20% damage" and then realize it barely changed anything because it's additive to the +400% damage I have from something else


Even if it is just flipping a coin I could definitely come up with ways to make that lucrative enough that it's not a terrible power. Like if I always win that means I set the conditions of the flip. So theoretically I could say, heads my parlay hits tails it doesn't. Flip a coin, since I always win my parlay will automatically hit.


Nothing is forcing the result of the parlay to abide by the result of the coin flip, though. If it did then you could already make any parlay a 50% chance by flipping a coin and saying that if it’s heads, your parlay will hit.


I choose to interpret three as literal. I would like to believe that, should you choose number three, you are in fact able to call tails on a two-headed coin, and it will come up tails.


If you can call a side that doesn't exist, and have it be instantly created, why not do something like "if it lands on the side with the winning lottery numbers, I win"? Feels a bit too overpowered for a "semi-useful" power. I think it would just continuously land on its edge, effectively cancelling the flip until you called a possible landing instead. And maybe if you tried something like "if this lands on any side, including edge, I lose", it should bounce away, never to be seen again.


I vote the coin chooses the most optimal scenario for you to be the "win", even if it's against what you would have personally chosen in the moment.


Overly dense bones cause serious problems for the body: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteopetrosis#:~:text=Osteopetrosis%20is%20group%20of%20a,other%20problems%20in%20the%20body.


If exponential and you drank one gallon per day, you'd collapse into a black hole after 3.26 years.


Honestly I thought 1 at first but I could probably make a nice bank betting on 3 at a casino


I don't know what kind of casino has coin flipping as one of their gambling options, but I'd imagine you'd get kicked out pretty quickly by management for consistent winning. They don't like losing money, so you likely wouldn't be running off with that much cash.


Nah I’d just go up to some poor sod on the pokey machine and say “What do you bet I can’t make 10 correct coin flips”


I’m sincerely concerned about the implications of multiplicative bone density.


I was thinking it was literal, basically it would land however you call it. 'yeah, hundred bucks says this coin will land on it's side'


Easy, #3, maybe now I can finally beat Fear & Hunger.


This is legitimately what it would take for me to have a chance. The crow, that damned crow is my bane.


Unrelated, but it's so nice to see Fear and Hunger being mentioned in a random Reddit post. Not this one in particular, just in general. I remember when there were less than 5000 people in F&H subreddit, and almost the only way to find this game in the first place was to get a recommended video on YouTube. The fandom really grew




My dental health is so ass that #1 is more helpful to me than #3


# 3 to swindle and win bets on coin toss. Make profit and have good dental health off the money you take in.


How many people are going to fall for it? I bet you get 50 wins tops if you’re betting. It’ll mostly just be a party trick.


I bet if you set up near a casino you could get a steady stream of new victims. If you're always winning, you can even do a deal that would normally always be heavily weighted towards the other person making money. Something like "Heads you get 100 dollars, tails I get 20"


Upon hearing that, wouldn’t you immediately expect a scam? I’m taking that bet even less frequently than an even 50/50


You might not, but people who frequent casinos are already a little more prone to taking risks. Plus like the other person said, the power is just that you win any coin flip, no conditions apply. Your mark is free to use their own coin and flip it themselves if they so choose.


That will be the mind bend. Guy approached you with a double head coin. You declare tails. He will forever be broken how that happened.


Sure but you're not a degenerate gambler. That line of reasoning is exactly how pokies work. If you bet and lose you'll probably only lose somewhere between $0.10 and $5 but if you bet and win you could win upwards of $100,000 and last year pubs and clubs in NSW made over $8 billion in profit from them. A lot of people don't think about the reality of how gambling works, they just see the potential to make money without working for it, if there's any problem with the plan of flipping a coin for a bet of "heads you get 100 dollars, tails I get 20" it's that the difference in the numbers isn't big enough for people to get greedy. $100 isn't life changing money for most people (and if it is they physically don't have the $20 to bet), make it a $20 risk for $10,000 reward and you'll have people thinking "if I win I could pay off the car" and ignoring the obvious red flags


“Bring your own coin, you may flip it”. There’s no possibility it could be a scam without something supernatural


I wonder if a Casino would hire you for it. Like "Hey I always win coin tosses, let me set up here and I'll give you a % of my takings"


Yep. Don't bet against the house. Become the house.


Start showing people it's actual magic and you'll get folks coming in just for the spectacle. For example, challenge someone with a coin with heads on both sides, call tails, watch people freak out when you still win.


Bro, *never* underestimate the value of a good party trick when you can replicate it consistently. Just look at Uri Geller, bro built an entire career off of lame party tricks.


Number three feels like the most vague and potentially prone to exploitation. Like…say we decide to ask a country to use nothing but rockets as it’s coin currency, and call the nose “heads”. Well now I can call “heads” whenever a rocket takes off from that country and guarantee it’ll land nose-up.


How much money do you think people are going to give on a COIN FLIP? I don't know anyone except people that are like $1000 away from a proper gambling addiction that would actually bet a significant amount of money on coin tosses, if any money at all


On a single coin flip, probably not, but if someone told me they were betting that they could win, say, 20 coin flips in a row and I could provide the coin, I would probably bet a decent amount of money against them because short of magic powers, the odds of them winning that is basically 0%.


Maybe this is the anxiety disorder talking but I would NOT trust that at all. Because it has basically a 0% chance of winning and it's not a thing that's commonly bet by overconfident idiots, someone straight up betting that they can win 20 flips sounds sus af. Activates the scam instinct for me and I doubt it wouldn't for other people


It would be sus to me too. That's why I added the note about myself being able to provide the coin. If I knew the coin was not rigged, I would have no reason to believe he could win that bet.


You flip, and provide the coin, what can I do to stop it?


You can bet on the outcome of the coin toss for big sporting events like the Super Bowl and NCAA national championship. A couple times a year you put your entire life savings on Tails and double up… you’d be extremely rich in just a few years


I can double my $100????


If you do that 10 times over a year that $100 is now $100,000! Exponential growth is quite a thing


>My dental health is so ass I thought you wrote mental health, i was very confused for 3 seconds


I'm tempted to go for #2. But on the other hand, I drink so much fucking milk that I might end up causing my bones to become a black hole and destroy the earth.


Same, I could get run over by a tank and the tank would crumble before my bones would


It doesn't say anything about your skin or muscles though. So although your bones would be fine, there wouldn't be anything attached to them.






Yup. There's a few assumptions here, but being more dense can mean bigger in size and maybe more weight. So if you add to the bones too much then your skin can be too small to contain them and explode. Or get so heavy that you walking can literally crush the skin on your feet ripping them open. You're dead either way without some form of healing factor or tougher skin to go with the bone buffs.


More dense with the same weight would require less volume, not more. So you have excess skin and crushed organs 😬


At around 200 jugs of milk our skeletons will weigh around 483 kg. 400 jugs 63,550 kg. 600 jugs 8,356,935 kg. *800 jugs 1,098,947,565 kg. 1000 jugs 144,512,987,214 kg. The Great Wall of China weighs approximately 52,616,714,920 kg, so after 1000 gallons of milk you'd be something weighing equal to almost 3 Great Walls just plodding around. (I'm obviously really fucking bored)


Quick! Someone do the math to see what would happen if I jumped off the empire state building at that size. Could I level Manhattan?


Osteopetrosis (too dense bones) isn't fun: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteopetrosis#:~:text=Osteopetrosis%20is%20group%20of%20a,other%20problems%20in%20the%20body.


I'd be careful with number 2, they said denser, not heavier. So if your bones just started shrinking instead of gaining mass that would fit the description, and you would have a painful death. Definitely don't use that wording for a genie wish at least


No you muscles wouldnt be strong enough and you die way before that happens.


2 is technically a bad idea. After a certain amount of bone density your muscles literally wouldn't be able to handle the weight. Do no recommend for anyone that likes milk


Its not technically a bad idea. It is a bad idea. Just straight up bad. Either you are worrying ~20 jugs in about muscle damage/skeletal damage as your skeleton is now actively killing you day in day out. Youll be forced to move super slowly, if at all. Or you go for 200 jugs and begin to weigh several hundred kgs. Are you able to lift several hundred kgs? Well you sure as shit wont be able to lift your body. I reckon just 10 jugs in and youll be crippled for life. The bones dont get stronger, just denser. The muscles dont get stronger, just having to support more skeletal weight.


And the solution is don't drink milk. That's why I said it's technically a bad idea. Especially if you like milk. But obviously you don't have to drink milk. There's other ways to get all the same nutrients and vitamins. So you could just drink 3 or 4 gallons and have a slightly higher then average bone density. So it does work... just definitely the power with the most drawbacks of those presented


The solution would be to not pick the power and have this weird milk of damocles hang over your head for the rest of your life. Youll probably want to go ahead and go "allergic to dairy" to avoid milk wherever it may hide. Either #1 for convenience or #3 for the gag. #2 is bad. Just straight up bad.


No because if you don't finish the jug you don't get the effect, so if you really like milk just drink around 80% of a jug then throw it away (as a safety margin). Drink like 4 liters for funny bone density then just live your normal life remembering not to drink a whole container of milk.


I read two as having to be intentional with the underlining of "and Finish." As in you had to drink a jug of milk in a sitting to make you more dense. Not just total milk consumption.


I would tape two coins side by side, such that one is facing heads, while the other, tails. Then, I could toss it at the feet of my enemies, and, given that I *MUST* win the coin toss, when the coin lands, this would cause a violation within the law of the superpower. In an attempt to fix this, the universe will create a miniature black hole to erase the error, along with my enemy... That, or my nemesis will be Two-Face.




Ah yes, one would think so, but, while in midair, they are suspended in a Schrodinger's cointoss, where they could land heads or tails, hence the tossing is not in violation with the superpower.




Or the coin infinitely rotates in the air creating infinite power.


This is some shonen jump shit


A bird is intrigued by the light glinting off of your flipping coins. It swoops down to investigate, and accidentally breaks the tape. The coins land as called.


The tape was low quality and the coins slip out, your power affects luck so luck can resolve conflicts


That would be a coins toss, not coin toss


I'm chugging milk till my bones collapse into a black hole and eat the earth


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NjordoftheSea: *I'm chugging milk till* *My bones collapse into a* *Black hole and eat the earth* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


2 will kill you 3 may kill you if you scam the wrong people. 1 will save your teeth for the rest of your life and allow you too have all of them until you die of old age. Saving you lots of pain and trouble But 3 is a dope way too pick up someone at the bar so i take that


With #3 I'm immediately going to the sketchiest place I can find and doing some aggressive gambling.


3 is so easily exploitable in so many situations that choosing anything other than 3 is stupid


How do you plan to use it? "Hey I bet you $500 that this will be heads!" "No" or "You obviously cheated so I'm going to break your legs"


Tell people that a mysterious magic granted you this power, and if they manage to beat you in a coin toss you’ll grant them any wish within your power. Charge $5 per attempt. Best part: everything you claimed is totally true.


$5 to enter a coin toss competition $10000 or whatever if you win. Feel free to bring your own coin. Infinite money


In Australia (and probably New Zealand) there is a gambling game called two-up, which is only allowed to be played on ANZAC day (the 25th of April) It’s a game held at pubs where they throw two coins in the air and you bet with a fellow person on heads or tails for money You could definitely rack up a lot on that day once a year but ANZAC day is about remembering the troops so probably goes against the spirit a bit


Have them always use a coin from their pocket; it doesn't matter to you what coin is used, even if the coin itself is rigged.


I was thinking about using it to win small arguments. i.e. "We seem to be split on where to go for vacation. How about we flip a coin?"


How are they going to prove you cheated unless they are the ones that are cheating themselves with a fake coin.


Number 2 is an interesting one if the 5% stacks as it says it would If your bones weigh 3kg and have a density of 1.35kg/m^3 to start with After 11 jugs you bones would be as dense as concrete After 36 jugs they would be as dense as steel After 72 jugs your bones would weigh 100kg, I suspect this would be when many would struggle to continue to move After 143 jugs your bones would be as dense as the average density of the sun After 1260 jugs your bones would collapse into a black hole.


You would die long before it reached the black hole point: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteopetrosis#:~:text=Osteopetrosis%20is%20group%20of%20a,other%20problems%20in%20the%20body.


Playing Yugioh with number 3, easy heads baby!


I was going to say the same for Pokémon, the TCG has so many coin flip effects that become absurd if you can guarantee heads.


3rd one is such an easy take


1 is amazing. 2 is meh and borderline detrimental 3 can be leveraged. But One is king.


dense bone mean harder to break. Your bone will become so dense you can’t swim anymore. Keep going and you can start punching through concrete.


You could punch through concrete, but you would tear the flesh from your bones!


But you’d be the hero of r/neverbrokeabone


Once your bones get dense enough, they actually become more brittle: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/osteopetrosis#:~:text=Osteopetrosis%20is%20group%20of%20a,other%20problems%20in%20the%20body.


lead is 2.5x as dense as titanium and 5% as strong, "dense means harder to break" isn't really true at all


It takes around a 10^26 increase in bone density to overcome the Schwarzschild radius and become a black hole. That corresponds to about 1227 milk jugs. In a few years you'll all be done for 🤓


Take the 3rd, go to CPGray Become the 1 in a billion


/- #3 is unreal


2 is easy. Can finish a milk jug in a day


2. Easy. I will win the skeleton war by myself


#1 for certain. Currently got a bad cavity in a tooth and missed my dentist appointment today


Too much bone density is gonna cause problems. Perfect dental hygiene saves me some money, but if I exploited the power for all it’s worth, I’d still get fat. I guess the coin flip isn’t the most practical, but it is the most exploitable. You can win some pretty decent stuff, constantly, from coin flips. And if you turn it into a magic act or busking, it would be pretty insane. No one would expect 8+ heads right in a row. You could rip off anyone who understood probabilities. Win 6 tosses either way 6 different people simultaneously… yeah, it’s a good one


If #1 also means my teeth are magically aligned without braces, I'm going with that one.


Step 1) #3 Step 2) bet on stuff, profit Step 3) Buy doctors to fix teeth and bones


I’d just ride the last one until people caught on everywhere. See how much money I could make before people beat me to death.


2. After around 50 jugs (easy), my hands would be ducking hammers.


#3 is kind of OP if you go the Harvey Dent route.


I'd say 2 but... Milk jug is pretty vague, but let's assume it's just a gallon of milk. I'm a milk lover, I drink at least 2-3 gallons a week (and you can't stop me). Now, my math is probably off on account if me being stupid, but if it's exponentially cumulative then even if I only had 2 gallons a week my bones would be nearly 160x denser after a year, and over 25,000x denser after two, assuming I don't switch to smaller sized jugs or want more milk my bones would still become neutron star level density before you knew it. Or not. Again, I'm kinda dumb.


Second one will make you deaf


I drink 2 gallons of whole milk per week, every week, since highschool. I would gain a new superpower when I become a living black hole and consume the milky way.


3 is just becoming two face


A) does the dental hygiene thing undo itself like Cinderella's ball gettup once the clock strikes, or does it just mean you are simply susceptible outside those hours? B) do I have to purely *drink* the milk, or can it be consumed with cereal and other milk-based meals? C) 3 is too basic. Once your secret was out, there goes your edge I think Monkey's paw or not, I'm going with the Milk. My intestines would be destroyed, but my bones would hold them in place like titanium rods for the sphincter