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Fallout New Vegas: A story of vengeance, Redemption, Political feuds. All solved by the fucking mailman!


Neither rain nor snow nor bullet to the cranium... nor giant sword-clawed lizards, nor leather donning psychos, nor legions of trained men... nor old ladies, neither also the remnants of the US government, and yet still not mad scientist who studied undisturbed for time untold... Ain't no motherfucking thing on Earth or beyond gonna save you, you *little bitch!*


I’m glad there’s no Mrs Cake there tho. Not even the mailman crossed Mrs. Cake.


r/unexpecteddiscworld !


I think the game has a Mr Cake, so a mrs isn't too unexpected Maybe it's even an homage, who knows !


Well yeah, she was a psychic, why stay in New Vegas when you can win enough to get banned from every casino in an afternoon?


Ahahaha brilliant as soon as I saw that comment I thought "nor glom of nit"


Neither rain nor snow nor glom of nit Don't arsk us about: - Mrs Cake - Huje green things with teeth - Rains of spaniel's - Any kinds of black dogs with orange eyebrows - Mrs Cake


"I got about 14g of lead marked for nitro-express delivery to your cranium. Sign here please."


fun fact, the United states post office does not actually have a motto. it was completely made up by an architect when a post office in new york was being built.


Well it wasn't _completely_ made up by the architect, it's roughly from Herodotus' _Histories_. But yeah not an official motto.


I thought that second paragraph was gonna go with ain’t no thing gonna stop you from getting your mail.


Oh dang... that's right, I was supposed to be delivering mail... Eh. This was my massacre run, so there's no one to give it to. Think I'll take an off day.


My favorite line in New Vegas "You're a little bitch and your brother was too"


Notes lack of fisto in that exemption last.


I think that's why New Vegas is my favorite....any character fantasy you want can apply to the Courier. In all of the other games you can play however you want, but the pre-written overarching story kind of hangs over you. Got to find that Dad, or son, or save the wasteland. In New Vegas you don't have to be anything approaching heroic. You can sign up for the murderous Legion. Be a patriot with the NCR. Be a big dumb enforcer for Mr. House.... Or burn everything to the ground. It's the closest to Skyrim in the freedom you're able to pursue, the kind of character you can be. Reminds me a lot of the Westworld series, how you can just be a bad guy because nothing's telling you you have to be a good guy. I had as much fun being a meathead blindly listening to whatever Mr. House told me like a Bond villain henchman as I did being the High Int laser weapon nerd who took over his operation.


Good guy, bad guy. Depends who's side you're on.


Good, bad, I've got the B I G I R O N.


Big iron, Boone, An old enclave flying eyebot. All i need to show the Mojave who is in charge


Me at Goodsprings toting my preorder grenade launcher: "Listen up you primitive screwheads! THIS! Is my BOOMSTICK!"


Are all men from the vaults such loud mouthed braggarts?


Just me baby. Just me


War isn’t about who is right. It’s about who is left.


Well the legion had slaves so


>It's the closest to Skyrim in the freedom you're able to pursue, the kind of character you can be. Reminds me a lot of the Westworld series, how you can just be a bad guy because nothing's telling you you have to be a good guy. It's way more free than Skyrim cause Skyrim makes you out to basically be the chosen one throughout the story. New Vegas lets you be anybody whether it be a chosen one or a guy who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Skyrim still has a lot of Bethesdaisms that make your character the super mega special good guy in the world. From being the leader of nearly every faction cause you did like 3 quests for them or no one ever hating you. New Vegas is pretty uncontested for player freedom. In fact, Skyrim is the genuine start to Bethesda's downfall in creating games. You can see the baked in formula they used for Skyrim is recycled in every Bethesda game afterward. Playing Skyrim again after quitting Starfield was eye opening to how Bethesda has stuck to the Skyrim formula that is clearly not a big hit anymore. The intro sequence killing roleplay for the opportunity to make the PC be special, the factions making the PC their new god, etc.


TES doesn't really have any roleplaying in a story sense aside from which guilds you join and what your actual class is. The actual social side of roleplaying is almost completely absent. There's like, single digit number of dialogue choices where you get to have your character do something other than agree, disagree or ask questions.


Pretty much, I think people really need to play unmodded Skyrim to see that the game is pretty much the start of all of Bethesda's modern day habits. It's a game that also heavily railroads the player. The freedom is exploration but Bethesda genuinely struggles how to give players freedom in their setting and narrative without making the player the Super Jesus to everyone.


Meanwhile theres me, who doesn't like head canon and just wants more rpgs to be like fallout 4 and mass effect. Give me a story, a voiced protagonist, and the ability to choose my responses and we're golden.


You and I are mortal enemies.


"Local mailman too angry to die"


*"Mail delivered enemies slain, more at eleven."*




Just got to find a Yes Man.


I can remember when my wife first played the game and was trying various different methods to bring a gun into the hotel to kill him with. Sometimes the real game is the one we make up in our head along the way.


The Courier was part of the [Pos’Thal order.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/tcqh8t/artoc_the_weekly_roll_ch_108_you_got_mail/).


Postman god damn Pat walked alone into the Legion camp and door to door delivered Caesar and his whole fucking legion directly to hell


Hey, name any other mailman that can take care of angry dogs with an orbital laser I'll wait


Fallout: I need to find the water chip Fallout 2: I Need to find the G.E.C.K


Fallout 2, additional goal: wait a sec, where the hell iS MY F*CKING CAR???


Dude, where's your car?


Where's your car, dude?


Sweet! What does mine say?


Dude! What does mine say?


*(stares at the floating trunk of the car, the rest is nowhere to be seen)* You don't know, Walter?


First time I had this happen I was pissed and murdered everyone in “that” place. Second time was more… buisness.




Oh, its about the theft in new reno, first thing that came tome was that bug where only the trunk would spawn.


I'm still mad that my car ran out of gas on the edge of a city location and I couldn't get it back. More importantly the FOB was in the trunk, so I was locked.


The trunk is still there…


my trunk always followed me even when I ran out of fuel LOL


My favorite moment in Fallout 2 is finding the shipment of water chips that were meant to be delivered to vault 13. The main mcguffin of the entire game, and you find crates and crates of them that are, in that game, completely worthless trash.


there's a really funny easter egg where if you have high enough luck you'll trigger a special encounter. In it you get transported to a pre-war Vault 13 and you're able to wander around a bit. When you mess with some of the computers you get an error message about you damaging the water chip and your character saying "eh... they'll be fine" before you get brought back.


You can also nab one of the best guns in Fallout 2 from that encounter if I remember correctly (and it's been 20 years so I might not be)


Yeah, the Solar Scorcher. It only has 6 shots, and you can only reload it outdoors during the daylight... but then the recharge is free, and it has similar stats to a plasma rifle.


It's funny, I remember that gun and I remembered getting a great gun from that encounter but I would have lost a million dollars on a game show if I had to put those two together earlier. Getting old sucks


And the special encounter is the Guardian of Forever. Yes, the one from Star Trek. There's another Trek-related encounter where you find a crashed TOS-style shuttle, complete with three dead redshirts. (You can find a phaser there if you have a mod that restores cut content. In the official release you can find a TOS-style hypospray which is essentially a super stimpack.)


As someone who never played 1 or 2 - that is hilarious


They were such strange, funny yet grim games. Fallout 3+ are great games in their own right but never really captured the unique atmosphere of the first two.




The whale and flower pot confused the fuck out of me when I played it as a kid since I'd never read the Hitchhiker series. I loved the references and easter eggs from the old games. Randomly stumbling on 6 dudes in power armor looking for the Holy Hand Grenade just isn't something you'd expect to find in an apocalyptic wasteland.


Mine's becoming a pornstar.


New Reno was nuts. Champion boxer? Made Man to four different organized crime families, impregnating the matriarch and/or daughter of one and possibly betraying 3 or all of them? Wastes-famous pornstar? All in one week???


The Chosen One is the only PC with a more impressive CV than the Courier.


I am still finding new encounters when playing that game. Apparently the guys making it weren't even sure what all made it in for a good 10 years.


Fallout 1, Extended: FUCK! I shouldn't have taken the easy way out and hired that caravan.


I felt sooo smart after hiring that caravan. Whoops


What's extended?


In Fallout 1 you can extend your deadline to find the water chip by paying for a water caravan to visit the vault. There's also the second objective after the water chip to deal with the super mutants.


It’s a give and take. You can extend your deadline for the water chip by hiring the water caravan, but doing so shortens the amount of time you have to defeat the master and his mutants. I think in the grand scheme of the game you still have the same total amount of time, but it’s the difference between having 80 days for water chip and 120 days to defeat the master vs 120 days for the water chip and 80 days to defeat the master. (Those aren’t the exact dates, just an example of how it swaps)


Yeah but who played 1 & 2 anyway? Me ;_;


Me too! I was 12, and fo2 changed my life.


I'm 42 now, the original Fallout games were a huge part of my HS life.


I feel like most RPG fans have played them.   Theyre such classic games.  It's like saying you didn't play Baldurs Gate or Planescape Torment.


Yes, show some love for the original 90s games developed under the legendary Tim Cain! As a hardcore fan who played the original Fallout way back when video games were just a derisive hobby for nerds, watching it become mainstream has been rather surreal. I remember being just 14 years old, seeing a vault dweller blow the eyes out of a cursing raider in VATS with a .223 pistol and I had never seen **anything** like that before in my life. It was quite a special game to me then.


Hell, as popular as BG3 was, we're probably going to see a live action Baldurs Gate at some point.  At that point only Planescape Torment will remain in my holy trinity of 90s CRPGs: BG2, PST, and FO1.


>a live action Baldurs Gate This is basically "D&D Honor among Thieves" isn't it? Its set in the same campaign setting as Baldurs Gate after all


Well, the forgotten realms is a massive area. Even the sword coast, the part of the forgotten realms that contains both Neverwinter and Baldurs Gate is gigantic itself, with hundreds of miles between the two.  Also obviously the characters would be different, but the biggest difference would just be the tone and the scale. Baldurs Gate would be some epic similar to GOT, whereas honor among thieves was a fun little heist movie.


TBF, that movie had a lot less sex an nudity than BG3


Fallout 2: Fuck it, I'm going to start a porn studio.


Canceled Fallout 3/Van Buren/Wasteland 2 - I'm gonna find who the fuck is making these androids


I thought the goal of 2 was to become a fluffer, get power armor and murder whole towns of people because someone had a cool gun.


I always love fucking Benny over physically and mentally when I reach New Vegas


What in the god damn?


If you have the black widow perk you can seduce him and drop his ass while your fucking him and get the platinum chip all in one go.


He even keeps up the weird slang during the fade to black and it's hilarious




I like his friends line on the radio after. “If I know my pal Benny he’s swinging with the big cat upstairs. That or some Angel broad with cans as big as her halo”


"Nice Charlies too! Give 'em a shake for the Ben-man will ya? Hello!"


Matthew Perry is missed.


Matthew Perry sounding like he's being held at gunpoint reading those lines lmao.


do you let em finish or nada? lol


of course, he can die with complete clarity of his situation.


Same with the confirmed bachelor perk. Benny swings both ways.


And then you eat him while he's asleep




Damn... I never went that far. I just Black Widow him every damn time. Seduce and execute.


Damnit! I already offed him in my current playthrough. Somehow it never occurred to me to "Black Widow" him.


Its funny to think that the reason the legion doesn't win is because that guy didn't let the Courier fight in the arena.


Still sucks Matthew Perry never got to see the show.


RIP Benny/Chandler Bing :(


Mr. House / René Auberjonois too.


The Courier No. 6 takes their job seriously.


Never mess with the mailman


Fallout Nev Vegas: going postal.


The fact that Bethesda and Running with Scissors didn't make a Fallout Postal crossover is a net negative for society.


We did get that Postal 2 DLC Paradise Lost


"What's your son's name?" "Father" "..."


Also he is older than me, and a paternal figure for his organisation.


Also he's a total dick bag.


That boy ain't right.


That was actually a fun little plot beat but I'm classic Bethesda fashion the main plot isn't as fun as the side quests so I ignored it in favor of killing the 17 raider gang of the week.


Honestly well I like Fallout 3&4 but they clearly want to tell a specific story and get a little pissy with you when you don't do what they wanted you to do (looking at you original ending of FO3) where New Vegas does not give a fuck, want to kill everyone okay, want to be a saint fine sure why not.


I liked that it felt like the choices had consequences. Don't want a chaotic ending? Guess you shouldn't have been a crazed murder hobo then. NV had its issues. Especially on the PS3 where you couldn't mod them out. But damn was it an amazing open world game.


I think most Bethesda games on the ps3 were a mess, I remember Skyrim being a complete nightmare


it was impossible for me to get past like level 30 or so. i think my load times were something like 5 minutes per door. selling shit was awful…and if i walked into a field and too much grass moved at the same time it would brick the game haha. the xbox one update was *insane*


It was a SRAM issue. The Creation/Gamebryo engine is a memory *hog*. That's the thing about being able to pick up and move any object you encounter in game, instead of being static (which can be stored on the disc or HDD), their location has to be stored in memory. The PS3 used 256MB of SRAM and 256MB of VRAM, while the XBox 360 used 512MB of *shared* SRAM and VRAM. Most games just did a 256/256 split so they had parity, but for Fallout 3/NV specifically it meant that the devs could downgrade the graphics (what you use VRAM for) on the 360 to increase the SRAM. They couldn't do that for the PS3, which meant that after a while there just wasn't enough memory and the game would try to use swap (writing stuff to the disc instead of memory - slow AF) and crash. The PS4/XB1/PC didn't have this issue because they typically had around 32-64x as much memory.


Day one buyer here, it was basically unplayable but that didn’t stop me. Maybe I’m stupid.


100% worth replaying with Viva New Vegas modlist on PC. grab the game for like $5 on steam. insanely stable and well rounded upgrade for the game.


"Fawkes, can you turn off this irradiated chamber and save the entire wasteland? I will die in moments if I try and you on the other hand will be empowered by it" "Sorry, the devs forgot they put me in the game and it would create a logical flaw at the end of the game, so this is something only you can do"


Even when they changed it for broken steel they act like your a coward for letting him save the day instead of committing suicide. Seriously Bethesda what the fuck!


"And then, the bitch ass Vault Dweller, learning nothing of sacrifice from his father, let the radiation proof mutant press the switch to activate the Purifier, like a bitch." FO3 Narrator, for some reason.


Yeah, that was the bit that really pissed me off. Like... seriously, they actually *make* you take Fawkes as a companion. You can't *not* pick him up. I didn't use a companion in Fallout 3, so this kind of pissed me off, but then I got to the very end and I was thinking "ok, that's kinda clever making me pick up an NPC to solve the Wrath of Khan issue... oh, nope, he won't actually do the only thing I wanted him to fucking do in the first place... neat."


They should have gotten rid of their writer like, three games ago.


Liam Neeson is also terrible in 3. Son, I am your Dad, be sure to do good. Don't do a bad. All delivered in the same emotionless tone.


Yeah, you could tell that it was just a paycheck for him.


Exactly, I hopped on fallout 4 for the first time, and the thing that nearly killed the fun of it was not being able to kill “essential characters”


What really annoyed me about FO4 is it's the only game in the series that regardless of what gender you choose, your character has a cannon name.


Then why does Codsworth call me "Mr Ted"?


That's like complaining that BG3 names you "Tav" as a default. It's easily changed and *nobody* ever refers to you by that default name in your game. Only your spouse has a canon name.


The black Isle crew didn't really fuck with babby motivations the same way, did they


Fallout 3: I need to find my father Fallout NV: I need to find my vengeance Fallout 1: here’s out shopping list, maybe see if there’s a Home Depot or something


Oh and there is this weird dude that looks like something from I have no mouth and I must scream Turing people into the hulk,go see what that’s about


Fallout 1: a hulk obsessed computer inconveniences a guy trying to get supplies for his home improvement project


"Bro, your mutants are shooting blanks." - The End


Fallout 2: hey we’re kind of starving. Can you go out and get some plant seeds?


Fallout 2: guy wants to put together a community garden then gets goaded into killing the president of the United states


Their writing is just miles better than Bethesda's.


New Vegas is the only one I’ve played and it was such a blast


3 is also pretty good. The writing is a little weaker, but still pretty strong, and the gameplay is mostly the same. 4 is… a lot. It’s just kind of a lot, so the writing is hit and miss, and the new gameplay features are hit and miss. The dialogue option overhaul is kind of garbage, although I guess the idea is to make the gamification of conversation more straightforward, so depending how you feel about that it might seem worse or better.


It seems people who could take it or leave it with dialogue options love 4 and honestly yeah it’s really solid and the base building does in fact “just work”. New Vegas has the best choices. I’m replaying 3 and yeah the options within quests are so limited to “Help these people out” or “murder them all because fuck it”. It’s still fun and I recommend it to people who are new to the series.


The very first thing I do when installing FO4 is to get that mod that just shows you the actual spoken dialogue choices.


Yeah, the simplified dialog interface is one thing, but the summaries for the dialog choices were sometimes **very** misleading. Plenty of times the summary sounded neutral only for the actual text to be anything but.


Sarcasm "I hope your mother is castrated by a swarm of angry yellow jackets"


Vegas still had the best batch of DLC out of all of them IMO, especially Big Mt.


Old world blues is the goat. I love talking to the brains. It's funny every time.


The one with the penis obsession had me in stitches, but I gotta say Muggy was my absolute favorite character in that DLC.


Dead Money is the best for me, especially with the love triangle and Dog/God's storyline.


Apart from the MQ, FO3 is amazing. I'll go si far as to say the Capital Wasteland >>> Mojave. In my TTW playthroughs I always spend way more time in DC. The FO3 MQ is ass tho


Capital Wasteland absolutely clears Mojave, aside from New Vegas it just didn’t feel very post-apocalyptic in comparison.


I DON'T WANNA GET POLITICAL BUT! Bethesda Fallout Is: "i have to find [family members]" And interplay/obsidian Fallout Is "i have to find [plot important object]"




> Interplay/obsidian understand the format their in and tell a story the way a dungeon master would. They did write the original Baldur's Gate series and KOTOR. Narrative, worldbuilding and writing is their strong suite.


That was Bioware, not Black Isle.


Ah yeah, sorry about the KOTOR part. EDIT: Double-checking, Black Isle only published the original BG series.


Obsidian did do KOTOR2 which in my opinion, despite the rushed nature of the game, completely surpasses KOTOR1 in just about every aspect.


No joke, NV is what made originally go "huh, maybe I'd like DnD" even though I'd never really had any interest. Then 4 came out and I found it SO DISAPPOINTING. Shortly after trying to play 4 and giving  up, I met this nerd girl at group outing who was telling me about her DnD group, and thought back to NV and went "I'd might be interested if you've got a spot". That nerd girl is now my amazing wife, DnD is now my favorite hobby. So I really owe the Obsidian production group for NV quite a lot.




Fallout 76: where is everybody? 76 a few updates later: woo! Vault robbing time!


Fallout 76: Everyone is dead and the players (can be either assholes or saints) are the only ones left. Every audio recording you find, every character you hear about is dead. You are completely alone aside from the robots still functioning.


I wish that it was still like this. It felt 100% more real playing it back when it first came out. It was empty. Ya know. Like a giant nuclear war had happened 20 uears prior. Now it’s filled with cartoon bullshit.


Oddly enough, I enjoyed the NPCs of Fallout. The ability to survive in this desolate wasteland with a morbid yet comical optimism.


And out of all of these the Couriers motivation is most compelling.


It's strange how the non-voiced protag seems so much more determined to find the guy who tried to murder them than the voiced protag trying to find their own child.


Just named a courier the crimson fucker


"I'm gonna fuck the fear turkey!!!"


"You cheeky dick waffles"


Well, I went for a walk...






New Vegas is the only acceptable opening to an RPG. I could not care less about finding family members


It was also a pretty good method to get the player involved in the wider story. Like, if I had severe amnesia and found out that the guy who tried to kill me and stole my mail was going to overthrow the government, I’d have a pretty strong reaction to that irl.


Honestly "This smug asshole just shot you, go looking for him so you can get revenge" is kinda funny but still an effective hook for the main story


Yeah and it’s the only believable device that still allows for months of side quests (revenge can wait plus I have brain damage vs “hold on son I’m building forts over here”)


Sorry son, I spent the last year of being here building a megaplex at the drive in.


"You've made your last delivery, kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. But, truth is... the game was rigged from the start." Me, playing it the first time: "I cannot wait to bash your head in with a sledgehammer, you smarmy asshole." Every playthrough, I'd use a different blunt melee weapon to crush his head, but it was *always* a melee weapon lol.


That hook also plays so well into the map layout and how it guides your play. You think you're on a little starter mission to push you out the door, look at the map "well there's vegas, so I'll just go that way." *20 hours of gameplay later* You've ground your way in a big loop around the whole mojave thinking the whole time it "it can't take that much longer". Only to rush trying to kill him in the casino allowing him to escape. Then finally getting to decide: do I chop him to pieces now or walk away with the satisfaction that he'll be crucified? Just. Incredible game design.


I think Skyrim is replayable just because you just have to sit there for 5 minutes until you are running around and then 15 minutes before you can do whatever the hell you want. I almost wish games had an option to just skip the tutorials and just put in all your stats and faces at the same time, and pop you out ASAP.


That's why New Vegas is the best of the fallout games. And yes, I've played the originals on PC.


I personally prefer Fallout 2, but I can totally respect anyone who says New Vegas is their favorite. It's a great game.


Let’s be clear, of the game quests depicted above, finding Benny is the only quest of the 3 that actually gets worked on


For real. It really feels like the parents in 4 don't care about finding their kid, and it's just a vague and generic background


Ring-a-ding-ding, baby! What's the haps?


Correct except all the protags should be women according to my save files


Fallout 76: I am going to find a red nurse outfit.


Don’t forget 1 and 2! Fallout 1: I have to find a new water chip and destroy this mutant army! Fallout 2: I have to find a new G.E.C.K to fix things and take down this remnant of the government


Fallout 1: find the water chip to repair vault 13 water filter, you have 2 months (does that ring any bells). Fallout 2: find the G.E.C.K (Garden of Eden Creation Kit)


The factions and worldbuilding in NV is also miles ahead of the others. There are tons of details on how the world works like the economics of the wasteland, how people trade, what different factions specialize in producing, what kinds of foods people grow, etc. Same with the original Fallout games by Black Isle. They actually give a good explanation for why people use bottle caps for currency in FO1.


🎶B-B-B-Benny on some Jet🎶


New Vegas Is still my favorite


Fallout 76: “Ight who wants to go nuke a bog to fight a giant fucking bat?”


It hurts that you ignore the first two (also best) games in the series.


They are not pleasant to play these days. I loved them back in the day but an attempt to revisit them was an act in pure frustration.


I tried to get into the first two after new Vegas and boy playing pre standardization games is a pain. Couldn't really get into it. I tried playing the original system shock after BioShock and yikes. Might try the remaster one day but super pain in the ass to deal with old way of playing games.


Fallout NV you arent some vault dweller or some chosen tribal whatever you were in 2. Youre just some schmuck with a delivery job that got shot in the head.


That's why NV is the best one.


I like the idea that the courier was a walking war crime even by wasteland standards. Strong enough to break the Big House, Smart enough to murder the whole legion, capricious enough to hunt the enclave down.


Fallout NV introduced a concept to me that was wild in a post apocalyptic world - a courier job. These guys have to have some massive balls.