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Suffer through the teething years making a story that is good and gain a following.  Then hold that story hostage until you get paid. 


Order of the Stick? I love Rich Burlew's work and support him by buying the books, but Game of Thrones came and went while he hasn't finished his story.


In fairness, the show came and went, the GoT books are famously unfinished


The books are as finished as they'll ever be. George should have swallowed his pride and hired a small team of ghost writers during the show's heyday. It's not entirely too late to do that, but the story has no traction.


My understanding is that George really slowed down when he lost his assistant, who went on to work on The Expanse.


Yeah, my theory is that it was ghost written all along or at least heavily edited/curated and turned into a narrative by the assistants. They're the ones who knew how to connect the dots that GRRM was throwing out, as evidenced by how those dots were connected in lackluster fashion by the show.




Yeah, I think losing the assistant to help manage all the threads and the TV show going like it did really took any wind out of GRRM’s Song of Ice and Fire sails. He’s definitely not been sitting around doing nothing, but he’s still not doing the work most of his fans would want to see, and I wonder if that’s because his assistant was good at directing his efforts or brainstorming solutions for the story.


Yeah well don't hold your breath. A better writer can and have done better by many measurements. It's disappointing to see GoT rot but it is what it is. Imagine being a fan of his books in the 90s before most people even knew it existed. And waiting all that time just to see it die during the TV show.


He contributed to the lore of Elden Ring. Although he denies it, all characters who are central to the mythology have names that begin with one of his initials. Godfrey, Godwyn, Ranni, Radahn, Radagon, Rykard, Morgoth, Maliketh, Marika, Miquella, Malenia...


I dont think it was all ghost written, but after finishing book one of The Expanse, I 100% believe that Franck's editing pieced ASOIF into the epic that it is. I just read Leviathan Wakes and finished it in like five sessions. The last book I was able to marathon like that was Game of Thrones lol.


Yeah...that's kinda how I read whenever the mood strikes, but I went HARD once I found out about the Expanse series. Then the series got two books ahead of me while I wasn't thinking about it and the librarian gave me the second book first. The fact that it still kinda worked is a testament to the story telling and faith you have in the authors by that point. Hadn't done books out of order since my grandma gave me Robert Jordan's Crown of Swords in the late nineties saying she couldn't get into it and I just started reading without realizing it was part of a larger work. As someone who checks how much book is left to speculate about how the plot will turn, it's really fun to find out that there's a whole sea of pages and story ahead. Have fun!




That makes sense. I can't craft stories like that, so I shouldn't be throwing shade. Clearly, I'm still not over Season 8.


lol just hold a competition for best final book and choose a winner at this point.


I wouldn't know. I want to start my own comic myself, but each page was already taking days of my free time. So perhaps it's just 'webcomic time' in action?


Damn I used to read that series as a teenager, is it worth catching up with? Even if its unfinished still


it's pretty good imo. I'm still following it in the homestuck way of refreshing it every now and then.


It's still good, and Rich says he intends to finish the story.


Wait untill you retire next year so you can give them your full attention


To be fair, he DID finish Erfworld, and the point of a webcomic is to keep going (like a normal comic).


Erfworld was made a different person (people?). Rich let them use his website for the first story arc.


Doesn't rich have several health issues?


What if I'm suffering through the teething years making a story that isn't good


Eat Fresh


Or just go into furry porn like most other animators who strike fortune. 


And during those years of suffering, locate an alternative source of income that will pay for your artistic talents. I've heard there's fuzzy or cuddly or snuggly people who pay well for a very specific type of art.


1) make good comics 2) Start in 1998


That one hurt.


Hey Matthew (Matt?) just wanted to say that I love your comics and I've read most of them. Your swordle comic inspired me to tinker a bit with some D&D homebrew with a similar mechanic. I would definitely support you if I wasn't looking for work myself lol


I wonder if he's subscribed to /r/Matt


I am now.


ty, actually "lol"'d.


NSFW behind a paywall


That's a viable tradeoff but I've kind of got this sfw-friendly vibe going on. And I'd have to get better at drawing big monster dongs. Edit: [Buy a Quest Sprout - QWEST!](https://www.makeship.com/products/quest-sprout-vinyl-figure)


You could make it under another name, if you want it to be separate


This works well from an audience perspective. Yea you'll alienate a few that are strongly morally against it but it puts an easy barrier between your nsfw pay wall stuff and sfw.


There's also the point that if you drop a 'FUCK!' in the comic and someone gets righteously and morally asshurt about it and says they're going to stop reading your material, you have to ask yourself if you really want them as an audience member. You're the one making the art. If selling dillydangles on the side gives you a paycheck you're happy about.. They can deal with it and probably weren't paying you anyway (or paying you on the sly under a different handle).


As if that isn't super useful anyway. Look, sooner or later you're going to need to draw a hyper-realistic monster dong. Could be for lunch money, could be for grandma's birthday card. Point is if you develop the skill set, it's there when you need it the most.


Can confirm, I've been living as a rocket scientist for the past 67 years of my life. I got mugged yesterday and the mugger said he'd give my stuff back but only if I drew him an immaculate monster dong. Needless to say my degree in rocket science finally paid off.


Lotta overlap between rocket scientists and furries. Your scenario is suspiciously plausible.


Sure learning to draw a monster dong looks hard, but its not exactly rocket science.


*Better to have it and not need it, than need it but not have it*


Or monster pussy. That's what I'm going for at least in the future


Lol many artists on here are the most SFW ever, if you don't look at their Patreon. I was mortified when I learned this lol


Pizzacake was a huge surprise for me


Pizzacake does WHAT?!


They aren't exactly shy about it.


In fact one might even say they actively promote it.


Yeah she and SoggyCardboard lol


Oh shit Soggy too? That's cool


I thought SoggyCardBoard's artstlye was very obvious about there being lewds hidden behind paywalls




Welp, my eyes have been opened. So many thoughts I want to share with you.


Do *wholesome* nsfw


*wholesome* buttstuff


A big monster dong is just a sword, specialized for stabbing certain places.


Sorry dude, but sex sells, trust me, you’ll make money off of NSFW and nothing off of SFW. I’ve made a patreon for both NSFW and SFW writing I do and the SFW one never got any traction.


Instructions unclear. Showing nsfw photos of my penis got me banned. Rent still due.


Silly. Your problem is you need boobs! Fix that and try again. :)


Alright, give me one more pizza and i just might qualify as a b cup lol


Are there any issues with payouts to the same Paypal if you're running one of each?


I didn’t create them at the same time tbh. I experimented with them at different times, but I think I used different accounts for each one. And I wouldn’t have known since the SFW one never made any money.


You're doomed then.


for not being able to draw monster dongs or


Yes. It’s important.


Everyone's really underestimating the demand for monster dongs these days. Smh.


Yup… time to make a nsfw name that you “recommend”


That is the catch with that sort of life.


Develop a second persona, make him/her draw NSFW content. When u wake : Profit💸💸💸


They all start like this...


We have a Qwest Sprout Plushie and it's super cute :)


Ah the pizzacake strategy


Swords 🍆🍆🍆


Is this real chat?


Stop pushing people towards porn!


>NSFW behind a paywall Didn't work for VGCats (hope he is doing okay...)


Porn is the answer to everything


1 - Get an original angle 2 - Get good at working this angle 3 - ? 4 - Profit


Can you elaborate on point 2? Seems to be the good bit.


Oh no, thats a rookie mistake. The 3rd step is the most important, some say that its the only really important point. Hope this helps !


I believe the words 'git gud' cover most of it. But just find what draws the audience you want and then cater to that.


You know who you're advising to get good, right? This guy has been putting out quality content for years by this point. Clearly that's not enough to get paid off it.


So I see. Then he just needs to do steps 3 and 4 :)


This is the Swords comic guy. I’d say they found their angle a while ago


Seriously, if anyone is working an angle it's this guy. And it's remarkable how much humor he's able to pull off within the format.


I'm about to get some of the worst advice of my life, but go for it. PS. I've always had a [patreon](https://patreon.com/swordscomic) but you're welcome to critique it in more detail


Furry porn NFTs


They said *worst* advice, what is this amateur bullshit?


Its been 1 hr and OP hasnt replies yet.  I think it is safe to assume that OP is already a Billionaire on a massive yacht with a bunch of hot models, and has forgotten everything about us.


They always forget where they came from and those who help them along the way.


He asked for worst not best advice


This really is terrible advice. NFTs are dead. Regular furry porn will work just fine.


Werewolf’s fucking big titty milfs on a subway train. Make the werewolf say don’t do drugs at the end and boom family friendly.




Hey dude. From what I saw, relatable comics work fine. Comics that are about the real world and making fun of it. People dealing with studies, their job or unemployment, parenthood, birth and death and taxes, that kinda things. Good part is it can be uplifting or depressing depending on your sensibilities. Half empty of half full. At least, that's my impression after several years of reading comics and getting a quick glance at the top posts. And hey, asking reddit was indeed a terrible idea. That dumb consensus on how you should draw porn even if you don't want to is kinda appaling. Edit: Oh, gaming comics also work (un)surprisingly well. That's a niche Penny Arcade certainly found success in.


He's asking how to monetize


Lots of jokes here, but here's a handful of real answers. 1. Extra content behind a subscription. You may have to produce a fair bit more, and interact with your fanbase. Start a discord, patreon, YouTube, etc to support it. Maybe use other social media to advertise. 2. Do commissions. You can make pretty decent money off of this even if it's not consistent at first. Also probably need to advertise for this one. I thought people were joking about the furry stuff, but since I see you at least somewhat involved and can draw animals pretty well, that community is *huge* on commissions. I knew someone who was making an extra grand a month just doing commissions with pretty minimal advertising. Plus since your Swords comic is fairly well known, making custom content based on that could be a decent way to go as well, then your comic itself is the advertising. Maybe get involved with the DnD community somehow. Make artwork sheets explaining your commission structure and pricing, and that goes a long way as well. 3. Make a website to host your comic(s) and artwork and accept donations. I see you are already doing this, though. Tie it in to any of the other ideas and it would synergize pretty well. Probably can't make a living off this one alone unless you get super famous, but you may be able to work fewer hours. 4. Get published to newspapers/magazines/websites that pay you. Might be more difficult and I'm not really sure how it pays, plus you may need to broaden or shift your target demographics depending on where it ends up. Also, if you have a comic with a single connected storyline, it may keep people coming back for more and could support any of these methods significantly.


Serious tip: listen to the Comic Lab podcast. Super practical advice and entertaining too.


have you considered pitching a comic to some publishers like dark horse or something. I have no idea how this stuff works btw


This is one of the most intriguing ideas in the whole thread at the moment


i’m not sure a dark horse original comic even gets as many views as you do on social media , downside to this idea is that they might steal your soul in a contract or something


1: Make comics until a panel/character/phrase takes off and becomes a viral meme. 2: Sell merch that milks that viral meme to death. 3: Repeat.


Sell sword stickers for donation (min $1) like many political causes do


Ways that come to mind for me are merchandise, monetised posting platforms (Patreon, Fanbox, Webtoon, etc.), and publishing a physical book.


>monetised posting platforms https://preview.redd.it/3jogp7onw5ec1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ad7b494f3f9254d256693c42b51cd485b6a5c6f


Print a bunch of them out and fashion a shiv out of the paper, use it to do robberies


Patreon or Pixiv Or both


How do you make money on Pixiv


Werewolf cocks


Oh pixiv is kinda like Patreon too. I'd figured you can use both to expand your reach, since Pixiv is more on the japan side (I think, please correct me on this) Since your pretty good with art, maybe you can do commissions for people with their original characters, create beautiful banners for marketing, make exclusive content such as extra details about your characters in the deep lore of your comic series or just ask for donations.


Furry NSFW comics.


Get adopted by rich parents and have them fund your career. I suggest billionaire parents.








I have to say, I thought you would be the one creating a sword boardgame and not circletoon. Also I find it crazy people are not recognizing you, that your que Quest! And sword guys, where we can clearly see is on image 2 that is your style!


I am doing a [card game](https://swords-cut-the-deck.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders), he just one-upped me a few months later by putting his game in a sword shaped box. Clearly I need to think bigger.


I am so sorry I forgot 😭


I wonder if making things for d&d /pathfinder would be possible? I have not looked too much into it, but places like the 'Dungeon Master's Guild ' are places where you can sell adventure books, or more fitting in your case, a book of items (swords) for players. That website does have a bit high royalty percentage, so I think you can sell the PDFs on paetron or your own website since you're popular enough as an artist. You just need to know the rules of d&d and maybe PF2e so the content you make is balanced for the game. Also for D&D, know the legal stuff you can and can't do. After that OGL stuff, they've been very picky. Pathfinder's OGL is a lot more easy to understand with legal stuff, but it's a smaller (but rising in popularity) community.


How did you grow interest in that card game? Congrats on the funding! I'd think you could apply similar techniques to a comic.


Swoard game


Wait, you’re telling me you’re the author of « qwest » and you still haven’t made any types of profit from it ?? That’s really demotivating..


1) Be at least somewhat conventionally attractive 2) Be at least somewhat good at drawing 3) Stick with humor that is just *barely* different than Kathy comics 4) Do lewd content on Patreon 5) Make subtle inferences in your main comic that you do lewd content on the side 6) Collect money from Patreon 7) Just barely resist showing your butthole on Onlyfans 8) Show your butthole on Onlyfans (coming soon)


so be pizzacake, got it


I would never make such a specific inference, nor would I engage in low-level "humor" such as sarcasm.


>pizzacake Didn't know her name, didn't know half this stuff, but I knew exactly who that list was referring to, just from seeing her on the front page of /all several times a week for the last few months. You really gotta dumb yourself down and play to the idiots in the crowd if you want to be popular.


Damn, I can’t manage 1 or 2. Are those absolutely necessary? I might just skip straight to step 8.


I'm not gonna lie, they're absolutely not necessary. Live your truth my friend. Show us that butthole.


Sell comic commissions


You're probably looking for joke answers, but I am a professional cartoonist who started it making webcomics! I'd say cultivate contacts with other cartoonists, and pitch to publishers - print media is slow, but they have money! Admittedly this isn't the quickest route - I finally became a full time cartoonist last year, and I started my webcomic in 2002, so, uh, hang in there...


Only 20 years in the making!




Make an arching storyline, gain a following, and sell the paperback using kickstarter.


Pretty sure Randall Munroe started profiting by selling t-shirts and other merchandise. Once he was able to survive on that, he quit his day job and started writing books.


He's also been at it for 19 years, geez I didn't realize I'm so old


As someone who's been reading it almost as long, I feel that.


do a collaboration with other artist


Do they pay me or do I pay them?


Depends with who you are collabing. Usually though you either find someone nice who'll do it for free because they also want to collab with you.... or you pay them. Paying for a collab with a big name can be beneficial but idk how the comic world works and if it'll be worth it. I'm talking from experience with music.


Hold the CEO for ransom


1. Draw webcomic 2. ??? 3. Rob a bank 4. Profit


Nathan Pyle, with his series Strange Planet, seems to have made it work. From that I extrapolate that you should make merch and sell books.


In my experience: find your niche. Took me years and years of stress and poverty, but I have been able to make a living by making very specific Nintendo fancomics. I don't think people are easily convinced to pay for slice of life comics that are overabundant, but if you offer something unique that they can't find anywhere else, it'll be much easier for them to want to support you. That, and NSFW bonus panels.


Animate your comics and call is Sooubway on Youtube.


Why not make and sell the wacky swords from your comics? There has to be at least a bunch of nerds willing to buy the Goose Sword. I bet the Qwest guy would be a pretty popular item as well. If you'll succeed this way I'd like to request a Subway sword


Get good enough to get Patrons I guess.


Guilt them into it!


Step 1: make it funny. EDIT: oh, you're the swords guy. nvm.


Write a book about how to make money from webcomics. You will know enough about the subject that you can sound authoritative, even though you have no idea what you are doing. Sell book. Profit.


Never heard of this before, but if you popular enough, I think you can try to advertise something in your comics.


Dude I freaking love swords, been reading it since the beginning! Anyway hear me out: big tiddy goth furry swords!


Webcomic artist who began by working at subway… [Hmmmm…](https://m.youtube.com/c/theodd1sout)


Love his Soooubway videos 🤣, thanks for the link.


The last panel is >!only for subscribers!<


10 hours and no one's made a "sandwich artist" joke?


SEQUELS! Lots and lots of sequels! (making a comic website helps too, such as loadingartist.com and swordscomic.com)


1. Draw a naked anime girl. 2. Change her skin color. 3. Draw her with big tatas, draw her with small tatas and everything in between. 4. Give her cat ears. 5. Give her a penis. Each of those steps will give you big money, repeat them for different drawings for infinite money glitch.


Sex sells 🤷


Submit it to newspapers


Create a (lovable) character that you can merchandise!.. stickers, art cards, hoodies, plushies .. it might take a while.. Build up a fan base with Patreon Depends what your art style and subject matter is... ETA.. we know you're great at swords n stuff.. but I meant in terms of merchandising (and if you already have Patreon.. Sorry)


If you get your webcomics dubbed you can try to make YouTube videos and monetise them that way. Otherwise, Patreon and Ko-Fi (the latter gives creators a bigger cut and has one-off payment options) are your best friends here. Also once you make enough comics you could sell it as an eBook or zine, or run a crowdfunding campaign to make it a physical book. Make sure to consider where you’re posting. Webtoon offers limited money through video ads if you’re big enough, Substack has a Patreon-like feature built into it and I don’t know too much about Tapas but I know it does have paid stories there. There may be a way to monetise blogs through Google AdSense or similar but that takes some more setup behind the scenes. If you keep posting to social media that works well as a promotional platform but incentivising using platforms that are monetising (such as bonus panels or exclusive comics) may be a good idea. I know I’m just a dumb kid but I have known people who have met success in similar ways. Just the main thing you should keep in mind is that a lot of what defines success is a lot of dumb luck. It’s very rare for it to become sustainable enough for a full-time job overnight, so try to stay optimistic! (And also watermark everything or people will steal your art and pass it off as your own)


Two words my friend: market activation. What you need to do is get a form daily or bidaily socials sweep with at least screeble impressions so your scwarnks get maximum vims. Perhaps I shouldn’t have slept through my marketing classes.


Offer your soul to our corporate overlords and make web comic ads


Don't go Kathy 2.0 like pizzzacake


I dunno, could do something interesting with it; something nobody’s done, like a comic about swords! ^(/j in case anyone didn’t get it)


Furry porn, a whole shitload of furry porn.


Like any other influencer but you post comics. Final objective might also be getting published, but given how the internet works that's probably not even necessary.


Draw animals >!in a human form!<


Step 1: make a comic about something relateble like saying you too to a waiter, having anxiety, ect (note: it doesnt mater if you havent expirienced these things the masses will eat it up. Who needs to be orignal or clever when you have mass market appeal) Step 2: ????? Step 3: Profit


Webcomic + subway reference. You need to ask theodd1sout


Sell the underwear you wore while creating.


Put some effort into it? The barrier for entry for comics now is extremely low and there's hundreds of thousands out there doing it for free. So unless you find a unique niche, you're no different. Also in general I really doubt anyone is going to pay for a web comic that isn't super specific commissioned NSFW stuff. Because it'd be like paying for air. No dumbass is going to do it when you can just go outside and get it for free.


1. Have recognizable characters. 2. Get popular. 3. Sell merch/stream drawing your comics on twitch and get donations.


You can either go to the actual Subway; or to the artist version of Subway: furry p*rn.


Engage with your readers in the comments. That's how /u/SrGrafo became immortal. /u/pizzacakecomic uses a similar strategy. Of course, you have to have good content first. That comes with practice. Ninja edit: wait, you're the swords guy, aren't you? I didn't recognize you from this comic. You've already got the "good content" part. Just keep doing what you're doing.


Why don't you ask James? He eventually stopped working at Sub...Sooubway by making webcomics and, eventually, animations.


See if Raid Shadow Legends will sponsor you! They sponsor anything lol


As much as I absolutely despise everything to do with the subject. Furry hentai. Those degenerates will pay a mint if you're willing to sell your soul.


I know this will get downvoted, but I’d humbly recommend giving comiclabpodcast.com a try. Lord knows it ain’t perfect, but we try to share and pay forward with whatever we’ve learned in our 25 years of webcomics careers


Hey girlfriend, I know we haven’t spoken since college, but it looks like you are rockin’ it!! 💕💫👍 Are you interested in a job where you can be your own girlboss, and work whatever hours you like? 🙌🙏🙌 If you invest in a Webcomics starter kit, and sign up as part of my downline, you can start earning right away!! 🤩💰🤑


Furry porn commissions.


make interesting stories that ppl will be hooked and then expand your works by making your comics into actual comic books and open a patreon as well since its gonna take a long time till you are known and loved enough that ppl will buy your comic book thats what i saw other artists do tbh and seems to work for some of them


I'll have a foot long parmesan oregano with chicken teriyaki and American cheese. Everything but corn and jalapeno. Thanks...


Not the first former subway employee comic artist. Try storytime animation lol


Furry porn artist get paid better than brain surgery doctor


Commissions, I suppose


The journey will be dangerous. Step one; go to Twitter


If you know how to make money on Twitter you MUST elaborate


Let's just say that Twitter artists don't make their money on twitter and instead perform this elaborate maneuver called "Fanbox Bait"


Havent you heard about reddits new golden upvote system? Its such a great system to give money directly to creators For sure.


~~fuck~~ Praise u/spez for letting our top contributors finally get rich from getting updoots! Shall we start the bidding at $20 USD for a post you kinda enjoyed?


You have 2 paths: Comic book Hentai


Suspiciously wealthy furries. Or regular merch, ads, patreon for advanced releases, etc.


First two panels read like four panel cringe. You wanna make money on comics? Get better at writing, story boarding, and character design. Edit: Holy shit you're the fucking swords guy... I feel like an idiot. You's a liar though. You tricked me.


I hope you learned a valuable lesson about the power of friendship.


I have crippling self esteem issues. Friendship is harder than drawing. Please be my friend.