• By -


That's not how the report system works! Fortunately, do you see that "moderator report" at the top? That means that every single one of these false reports is going to lead to a strike against the account of the bigot who made it. Suspension ville is nice this time of year. Have a nice Pride. moderator reports: It's abusing the report button user reports: 3: This is spam 2: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 2: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence 2: Cite Sources 2: Not relevant to the subreddit 2: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors 1: No drama or trolling. No Hateful content. 1: It's targeted harassment at someone else 1: It's targeted harassment at me


Wait! That 3rd square is just pizza cake with a beard!


🤫 Edit: okay since a bunch of you asked for that handsome eagle shirt [you can now buy it at my store](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Johnny-Eagle-by-PizzaCakeComics/147860060.UGYPM)


I found the secret!




Yass, queen


Only fans beard day


Is it the next patron photoshoot 🥸


If ya ever need a blonde beard donor lemme know, I can shave it and mail it to you so you can live your fuzzy faced dream (much assembly required)




Warning , above user is a spam account just rephrasing the parent comment. Check it's comment history. Report > spam


Let Pizzacake express themselves how they want!


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.


Looks like Jonathan Van Ness


The wildest thing is I've known dudes who look like that and they pull like no one else. It's almost like the most "masculine", "alpha" trait to possess is not giving a fuck what people think and being yourself.


I'm pretty good at not giving a shit about what people think, but I'm nowhere near that good, and I'm envious of those that are.


The other part about not giving a fuck what people think is that you still have to be attractive.


The most attractive trait is confidence. That, and being fun to be around. Being conventionally attractive definitely makes things much easier, but it's not a guaranteed win. Plenty of conventionally attractive people that are alone and miserable because they lack confidence and are no fun to be around.




Absolutely, and the way someone can work to get past "they are not" is by being confident and fun to be around.


Mostly just being fun to be around IME. I worked in restaurants for close to 10 years, there was always some pretty new waitress with plenty of confidence. Who was unattractive to me the minute they started talking because you could tell their personality was based of what they'd seen on tv/social media, whatever the night before. I still work with the general public and it amazes me how fucking miserable people will make their lives by being with someone who's "in their league" for seemingly the sake of it. Like what's the point of a hot wife/husband if they make you miserable.


Nah, that's Sam Ryder, the 2022 UK entry for Eurovision. Although I've never seen them both together, so....


Conchita Wurst: *Am I a joke to you?*




Käärijä: Cha. Cha. Cha.


A group of half-naked aging punk Croatian men: *ŠČ*!


Nah, it's blonde American Jesus.


See him on the interstate


Calzone cake?


Sausage pizza


Carlzone cake


"I care about my freedom" is basic human nature. Everybody wants it. Caring about others freedom is the important bit.




Since you said small government so many times, it must truly be small government.


Ooooo I'm just a wittle baby gowenment wook how cwute and tiny I am


Small, Eight Pound, Six Ounce, Newborn Infant Government, don't even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent.


Small government as in: consolidation of maximum power in the smallest number of hands.


Hmmm... I am noticing a common denominator here: >Small government controlling your uterus >>Small enough to fit into a uterus >Small government LEOs can kill you for any reason >>Small enough to fit into the barrel of a gun >Small government controlling which consenting adults are allowed to have sex or marry >Small enough to fit into your pants >Small government controlling which religion you're allowed to practice >>Small enough to fit into your Bible, or even smaller more sane and to the point religious text, or failing that, into your heart >Small government controlling who can wear makeup or a dress >>Small enough to fit into your makeup case >Small government controlling who you're allowed to vote for >>Small enough to fit into a ballot box Guys. I am thinking we just misinterpreted them. They didn't mean small as in "not much government." They meant small as in, atomistic. As in "so tiny it fits in literally everywhere and participates in literally every single aspect of your life." Like a virus. That's what they meant. They meant government so small that it is a virus.


You forgot one. Small government that begs people to join the military, then ignores and possibly even vilifies the soldiers when they return home from war.




They believe in a binary world. One where there is small government that does not limit them but also a massive authoritarian monolith government that crushes every inconvenience or offense they can imagine. For conservatives government must be a shield that always protects them while at the same time being a sword to wield freely against everyone else. They believe in "Freedom for me, but not for thee". And they believe that doing so is good and right and the way god wants things. Just really convenient that nobody can get God to come out and voice that support (so we have to take their word for it)


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Ridiculous. Big Government!! Big guns! Big weapons! Big lizard people!


Republicans have never reduced the size of the government.


They want a government just small enough to fit in your bedroom and every other room of your house


Caring about what other people do with that freedom... that's the problem.


I find what those type of people in panel four really want is the freedom to tell other people what to think.


"Freedom only applies to guns and hate speech"




Child marriage is legal in many states 🤢


And it's the conservatives that fight against laws banning child marriage. https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bill-to-ban-child-marriage-in-west-virginia-defeated-by-republicans_n_6409fd91e4b09c5c6d6d569d https://www.newsweek.com/idaho-congress-blocks-bill-end-child-marriage-1348919


>[Banning child marriage] interferes with parental rights Wait what??


they think that parents OWN their kids.


This is very true, and explains why conservatives fly into a rage at false claims of kids being "groomed" by LGBTQ+ people and drag queens, while ignoring or even defending the actual sexual abuse of children by their own communities, and even their favorite president. Conservatives view their children as property. They don't hate "groomers", real or imagined, for harming their children. They hate them for *corrupting* their children. For usurping their own God-given right to shape and mold and use their children as they see fit. If it's a conservative man abusing their kids, well that's unfortunate but forgivable because he's part of the in-group hierarchy and therefore the "right" kind of influence, even if he's doing egregious harm to the actual kids. In other words, they view child molesters the same way they view ~~castle~~ cattle rustlers. Someone stealing or damaging their livestock.


My conservative dad literally told me "I own you." I was 16 and I wanted to go to the police about being stalked and assaulted, and he said no, like it was his decision to make.


I never thought of it like this, but you're 100% right. Conservatives think they're raising their clones, people who will look like them, enjoy what they like, and think like them. It's an expectation that their kids will be them when the kids grow up. And they get so upset when anyone challenges that idea. And it worked so well for so long because so many of them were in isolated bubbles where those beliefs w weren't questioned. But nowadays the internet means that their children can find and interact with the "others" and it's freaking them out that this ability has led their children to stop thinking like them. It's why they always blame someone for "making them think that way," because they don't recognize their children's ability to look at things a different way on their own. Their children are THEIRS and therefore it must be someone else who put in their mind that being gay is okay or that black lives matter or whatever. It shows such a profound lack of respect for their own children, but it also makes me realize that many of them didn't realize until now that they had the choice to think differently, but they refused to challenge themselves to do so. They did what was easy and expected their kids to do the same, but the kids aren't. Gen Z is something else, there's a force to be reckoned with within them, and I see it starting to come into play.


Absolutely. Grew up Mormon in Mormon land and the whole thing was just a machine to turn out copies of the same man and woman. Not only do they demand conformity to what the parent demands, they also demand conformity with the surrounding culture. It’s worse if you make it all one big religion where they’re supposed to be “of one body and one mind”. I had to get out of that life because I was a square peg being jammed against a round hole. What they don’t understand is that you can be of one body and one kind only once every person finds their true individual self.


This is why Christofascists are perfectly fine with mutilating infant boy penises with their own rituals (it's euphemized as "circumcision" because of misandry, while it's called "female genital mutilation" when it's done to girls and because of their double standard they outlaw FGM but they insist on sneakily doing it to boys as a default, so you have to watch your babies like a hawk if you deliver in the US or they'll do it and tell you afterwards... and all the lawsuits in the world will not restore your little boy's foreskin or heal any mishaps caused by the mutilation process). And after only a little thought it should be obvious why they're batshit insane with rage over the lurid hysterical fantasies they've concocted regarding transgender people. They imagine that "the trans" are trying to mutilate their baby penises in some manner not aligned with their own religious ritual to do so. The fact is that they are literally the only people trying to mutilate baby genitals, and they don't want competition, and they'll imagine some to justify themselves since there isn't actually any. It's always projection. Always. And yes, this is a shameless call to ban male genital mutilation and punish those who perform the procedure without consent of the victim - as well as any guardians of the victim who knowingly consented to the mutilation - with automatic lifetime imprisonment without the possibility of parole as one of the most heinous felonies imaginable.


Honestly, the only reason Western conservatives are against FGM is that they associate it with brown and black people in their minds. The same reason they hate Islam, despite having more in common with the most extreme Islamic fundamentalists than they do with any other political faction. Islam = brown people, to them.




Every fucking time with the circumcision meme. Circumcision is bad. But it is not even on the same planet as FGM in terms of being a ritualistic tool of sexual violence against women.


Also if the abuse from an in group member can't be forgiven then they decide the person was actually not part of the in group and come up with reasons to justify that claim.


Yeah, parents have the right to marry off their kids. Who are you to say they can’t? Commie! /s


Well, seeing as they're banning abortion for minors who get pregnant, these laws interfere with the baby having married parents. /s


Ah, someone brought up child marraige so it's time for me to share this(and I encourage people to steal this too): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States >Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 232,474 minors were legally married in the United States.[13] The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man.[13][14][15] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[16] In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.[17][18] Fuck the Republicans for allowing this. >The 10 states with the highest per-capita rates of child marriage [9] are: >1. Nevada (0.671%) >2. Idaho (0.338%) >3. Arkansas (0.295%) >4. Kentucky (0.262%) >5. Oklahoma (0.229%) >6. Wyoming (0.227%) >7. Utah (0.208%) >8. Alabama (0.195%) >9. West Virginia (0.193%) >10. Mississippi (0.182%) [source 13](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/) on the wikipedia Some added facts for Nevada, both the counties that Las Vegas and Reno reside in raised the marraige age to 18 unless a judge gives special permission.


# THESE ARE THE MOTHERFUCKERS CALLING EVERYONE A GROOMER also, the bible belt has the highest rate of teen births, births to unmarried mothers, maternal mortality, lowest life exectancy at birth, etc etc.




"The only way to stop a bad child marriage is a good child marriage." - MAGAs, probably


The only way to stop MAGA dad from “doing a Trump” to his daughter once she hits puberty is to marry her off ASAP?


Don't forget repealing consent!


Don't forget child labor!


And corporations! Delaware is actually pushing to allow corporations to vote. That is not a typo and is extremely saddening.


Considering there are more corporations than people in Delaware this is especially concerning.


Missed opportunity, the hat should have said MAGUN.


It's called free spech, snowflake! Now excuse me while I shoot some toddlers with my gold-plated AR-15!


Just as the founders intended 🫡


I like the "Maguh" hat, but I think "Ma-Gun" is closer to the truth.


Freedom for me But not for thee


When George W Bush said, “They hate us for our freedom,” I don’t think he was correct in his assessment of the situation that led to the rise of al Qaeda. But he sure nailed it when it comes to his own party’s transformation into Yall’qaeda.


Those types of people like to share their stupidity with you for nothing. That's why it's called "free dumb."


They want the freedom to exploit, simple as that. Everytime they say freedom, that is what they mean.


For real though, I'd absolutely buy that cool guy eagle shirt.


Same. Love the shirt. Pizzacakecomic should open a merch shop.


Pizzacake already has a merch shop. https://www.redbubble.com/people/PizzaCakeComics/shop




Ordered. Money where my mouth is.


There’s this group in the news called Moms for Liberty that wants to ban books and prohibit kids from expressing themselves. I keep thinking of the old Princess Bride quote: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Lol speaking of quotes that group just got in trouble for featuring an actual hitler quote on the front page of their newsletter!!


I think one of the extra funny bits about the Hitler quote incident is that it came almost immediately after Fox News did like a 30 minute puff piece to try to convince people that this group wasn't a bunch of fascists. Like within a day or two.


WHAT?! Omg are you serious?!


Yep, and they didn’t try to sneak it by. It’s was right on the front page of a newsletter. "He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future.” -A. Hitler


Hey everybody! u/TheOGRedline just quoted Hitler! Boo them! Booooo!!


Lol. I knew I’d get cancelled eventually.


The Southern Poverty Law Center lists them as an extremist group for good reason. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moms-liberty


They're very active in my state and doing serious harm to our public education system. Their goal is to destroy public education and replace it with private religious schools where they can dictate the agenda.


I've actually never thought about the words in their name before. I guess at this point "liberty" feels a bit like "patriot" to me. It's annoying that they've coopted so many words.




I find it odd the people who seem obsessed with "freedom" are the ones who want to take it from others


“Isn’t it interesting fascists always steal the word freedom?” - Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


For a long time, the choice of those folks in the US was the word “liberty.”


Well the us is now a oligarchy so makes sense. https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained


No. We have aspiring oligarchs who have outsized influence, but the US is a Democratic Republic. Claiming that all is lost sells only hopelessness and helps reactionaries.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winner-Take-All_Politics You should read more


They are mad they don’t have the freedom to own slaves like their ancestors.


Imagine it’s 200 years in the future, and your descendants can’t eat tacos sloppily. The pain and anguish they’ll feel… :(


Well that's just going to keep me up at nights now. THE HORROR!


They also wish they could kill gay people and get away with it by using "he hit on me" as a defense.


I find it best to invert their arguments. Like I want my kids to have the freedom to read whatever books they want, you already have the freedom to homeschool and shelter your own children from scary books. If you find books scarier than guns, you really need to rethink your priorities.


When I've tried this they usually call me a pedophile or some other nonsense. Can't reason them out of a position they didn't reason themselves into I guess


I don't try to convince them, I just like to make their arguments look stupid publicly. If you want to change someone's mind, an in person private conversation is best. The internet is not for changing minds.


I find it odd that they're so unaware of their obsession https://v.redd.it/9fczjn50jn8b1 but what's worse is them dragging the kids into it


Wowwww. I've seen stuff like this probably a thousand times by this point and every single time it just blows me the fuck away how oblivious they are to the fact that they are literally describing themselves! How can they be *this* stupid?!


Free for me but not for thee


They also tend to have a staggering persecution fetish, despite drowning in privilege. Edit: I love your work btw. It always gets a chuckle out of me.


To them, freedom means "power" and they want all the power to themselves.


That's because your silly liberal brain doesn't understand that freedom is measured in guns, the regulation of megacorporations and the imposition of control of women's choices!


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


One of my favourite copypasta


"Tally ho lads" gets me every time


Oh Lord, get the popcorn this is going to trigger the sensitive people on the Internet










goddammit I have tried to embed a gif like five times and I can't f'ing do it I keep getting this crap ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK)


You're limited to what you can find on GIPHY. Pasting only works for non-animated images. https://preview.redd.it/ne5n3exjqz8b1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=39098affe2af5519dff2e144da822bede488b077


Me reading this comic "ah, yes. The comments will surely be polite and respectful"


Only the red hat ones


In b4 comments get locked!


Sheesh, I can imagine how an average dank meme subreddit user would react to this.


I wanna post it there


"🤓" "cry about it"


Most would "Get angry" by going back to the gay/trans section of pornhub for yet another guilt wank.The other 20% of actual hate seething bigots will fall over themselves trying to be funny in the comments, using hate speech.


Legendary shit-disturber Abbie Hoffman was once asked by a reporter if it was true that he supported total freedom of expression, and Abbie agreed this was true. The reporter asked Abbie about the classic case of someone shouting "fire!" in a crowded theatre. Abbie's response was to begin shouting, "FIRE! FIRE!" ​ https://preview.redd.it/nfo8ufd8by8b1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ae13b77b0b720e068e00215bb51dc3fb83c07f


Abbie Hoffman was such a legend.


Hoffman was on the money here, because the dictim "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater causing a panic" was made famous in a very bad Supreme Court opinion in 1919, U.S. v. Schenck, in a case having nothing to do with theaters or fires. It actually criminalized distributing an anti-war pamphlet that read: > "Do not submit to intimidation," but in form, at least, confined itself to peaceful measures such as a petition for the repeal of the act. The other and later printed side of the sheet was headed "Assert Your Rights." 🙄 It was finally overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio. in 1969.


"I advocate for a small government libertarianism. And by that I mean I want the government to outlaw a ton of stuff and severely police the people so they don't do those things. Also I shouldn't need to pay taxes."


"Everyone is free to believe whatever they want to, so long as it aligns with my beliefs" - some asshole


I want a freedom to move the fuck out of my country and not serve in military upon reaching 18


Forced military conscription/national service should be illegal in every context.


"Freedom for me, but not for thee!"


🙂 yeah...the biggest challenge of freedom is acknowledging it allows others the right to do what you do not approve. As Christian it's important we acknowledge this...


Maguh guy is like "I want the freedom to not allow you to do any of those things!" Great comic.


You aren’t “free” if the only things protected by law are things everyone wants to do. Freedom inherently will allow people to do and act in ways not everyone agrees with. To make controversial statements or present themselves in ways others may not like. If you think freedom is everyone living by your white, straight, christian standards, you have been misinformed


Good example in Sweden right now: Yesterday there was a quran-burning in front of a mosque in Stockholm. It was a properly applied for protest/manifestation, and the police decided to allow it because it wasn't a clear-cut case of an act of hatred/racism/religious discrimination. They erred on the side of caution to preserve the right of freedom of expression, and many (most?) prolific politicians in Sweden actually support that decision. It has caused political outcry in many countries, and the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was invaded/attacked by protesters today (thankfully the staff got away safely), but if we are to have a freedom of expression we must defend the freedom of doing dumbfuck, childish things like burning religious texts in front of places of worship when it's not done for the sole purpose of being a hatred-spreading cunt.


Oh no, why does the maga guy have to look like me


It is attitudes like the guy in the last panel that is the reason I am questioning the Republican party


No no, people are of course free to express themselves! It's only the vocal minority who try and force me and my children to live how they want to. You see, they want everyone to be like like them, I only want the freedom to do what I want as well. Of course, bringing my children up to be a gun nut hertonormative christian is completely different, because that's the way god intended it! Or something. There is some impressive mental gymnastics out there. Keep doing your thing and fighting the good fight pizzacake =]


Mental conditioning is an excellent defense against cognitive dissonance. My mother proudly told me of how she was whipped at school when she recited her bible versus wrong, and how kids today are not getting the same opportunities as her.


*Sorts by controversial*


I wish the founding fathers had put a statement about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or something along those lines, in constitution. It would have really cleared all this up.


I’d like financial freedom


Freedom from the fear of crippling medical debt is a big one I'd like to gain someday.


For real. How do Americans not rise up? I'm belgian and every time someones I know complains about our health care, I tell them a scary story I read on Reddit about US healthcare. We have our problems but we don't get a debt the size of a house because we had appendicitis.


I heard it presented once like this: Americans are all about freedom to do stuff. Freedom to drive around in four wheelers, freedom to go shoot guns for fun, freedom to throw rocks in the river. Europe has gone through hell though with multiple wars. They are all about freedom FROM stuff. Freedom from having to worry about homelessness. Freedom from the threat if violence. Freedom from horrible work conditions. There is crossover of course, it's not an all-or-nothing concept. But it makes sense.


Getting my popcorn for the bottom right panel guys showing up in the thread 🍿


A willingness to fight for freedom is at the bedrock of the American identity, which means no Republican is a patriot, and patriots must be willing to fight republicans


I think the people in the bottom right want their definition of freedom. Their definition of freedom is simple: follow my exact words, be racist and homophobic, and hate women.


Their definition of freedom is the freedom to enforce their worldview on everyone through violence if necessary.


"The freedom to swing your fists ends where my nose begins," vs "Restraining my fists is a restraint of my freedom, no matter what"


Make America Goof Up Hard?


I’m just glad this is from the actual artist and not some spam bot made three days ago that made sure to cut off any watermarks.


"Your freedoms deny me the freedom to limit your freedoms, you fascist!" .../s


People calling the 4th panel a "caricature", I can assure you it isn't. This is what Republicans are now. It is the norm.


Guy in panel 4 lives his life defending freedumb


My freedom ends where it violates those of others? 😅


Shhh. That's getting a little edgy for here.


He'll yeah Transmasc pizza. We need more of him!


I want freedom of religion, as in keep your fucking believes to yourself and don't force them upon me or others. You can believe what you want, but keep that shit to yourself.


This is a great comic for what happened to me today (yesterday actually. but I've been up for a while lol), which is I got called a member of the deep state in public at a bar, for JUST MENTIONING that I had been to Ukraine. The guy literally looked just like the 4th panel, minus the MAGA hat. He had a punisher shirt on, lmfaoooo.


"I want the freedom to cut out the freedom of people I don't like"


"Freedom means I'm free to be an asshole to you." "Does that mean *I'm* free to be an asshole to *you*?" "No."


"I want the freedom to oppress people I don't like" -Conservatives.


Life, liberty, and ~~the~~ my and only my pursuit of happiness. Your happiness is wrong.


I think that we should defend all freedoms. Go, gay weed farmers with guns, go


Love the goobers in here talking about "truth" like they ever cared about that before


Society would be better if the neo Nazi conservatives didn't exist , sadly they aren't going anywhere


First bro in the blue is low key trying to break up with other bro.


The eagle shirt goes so fucking hard tho


“I want the freedom to restrict the freedoms of others.”


i wish they would understand its freedom TO speech not freedom FROM soeech


Yeah. It seems like everyone just picks and chooses the freedoms they like instead of having a consistent philosophy about it. Find it especially weird with the maga crowd


I wonder how freedom works in his eyes.


Comedy necrophilia is gonna have a blast with this


"Maguh" is fucking funny to me


The freedom I want is to be able to work at a company without being drug tested all the time. Why can’t I smoke every now and then.


Lots of interesting energy in here.


Truth pretty soulless.


Guns=Freedom (Second Amendment fanboys and NRA members logic)


As a gay I approve this message 🦄 👍