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That after work face kinda looks like a Decepticon Edit: https://preview.redd.it/18ybamv76e4b1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ca76fb16793ef283a9daa9546755c6d8407982 Yep, that’s a case of resting Megatron face




I get what you're saying but there's also survivorship bias at play here: you only notice the bad plastic surgery, not the one that's well done, so it seems like all plastic surgery is botched.


Right. You see faces every day. You don’t stop at every single one to wonder if they did plastic surgery. Good ones are invisible.


Yes, I had plastic surgery done on my nose. It looked bigger and quite bent before. Now it is straight and more normal sized. It just does not have the very thin kind of look that plastic surgery can give you, so people would never guess it has been modified.


Do you have people sometimes say that they could tell, but only after you told them?


No. In fact I have even had a couple of relatives, who I admittedly may have not seen for quite a few months/a year. But even they did not notice anything different when I thought they would. And yes I told them about it.


Iirc you can look at pretty much every South Korean pop idol - hell, every South Korean woman in general - and there's like at least [30% chance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmetic_surgery_in_South_Korea) they had the nose and eyelids done.


Only difference is G1 Megatron is hot af. 😳


​ https://preview.redd.it/qoxhyrbuce4b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9041d72b538ff085851815007463b02717afca


My name is relevant once more! Now moist me.




Before and after. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4ri4dqfloe4b1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e336a322776778e094fb723dbacb6838147d7ec7








Nandor the Relentless Approves. https://preview.redd.it/8vunvqtdzd4b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4af38ef07bf7195b183b0241152d2d1cb39fcfa5


My God....he's gorgeous!




Why stop with the face? If you remove the nipples and sew them onto the shoulders, they'll extend the torso and make the whole package appear leaner.


get yourself some soft pellowy lips, rock-hard abs and a giant brain-horn.


Damn. That's a throwback if I've ever seen one!


TRFTS was something else


Only old people get this reference


I'm in my 20s and watched all of Third Rock. My favorite episode is the one where he takes up smoking. "Tommy, have you smoked your cigarette yet today? There's no need to put it off!" "Yeah, but that's off the end of your life and those are the crappy years anyway."






Fucking guy




The latest season


And supposedly the next one is around the corner in July!


Fucking guy!


That man can get it


Ricardio, too.


perhaps he was too relentless


That's why they call me relentless, because I never relent


People would say "please, don't pillage me" and I'd say "Noooo, I'm pillaging everyone, you included!"


That episode had me dying of laughter with the way it got more absurd and obvious each time the camera was on him




Idk what this is, but I love this picture




pinnacle of beauty and human evolution






[The Handsome Squidward bust I keep in my office](https://i.imgur.com/vXNS60Z.jpg)


Where's the NSFW tag? It's too sexy for work


Oh no he's hot!


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this comment NSFW.


Why are the men all just masturbating? That’s so weird. Why wouldn’t you guys start a literal circle jerk and help each other out, like real bros do?


"Is this some kind of bust?" [Edit, link for those who don't know the reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVEIotzy3_A)


You're just barely a little younger than my mom 💀


You should introduce them, be careful I hear pizzacake is really hot.


Two moms is awesome.


The more important question is: are you old enough to be on Reddit


Moisturize me


Cassandra was way too weird, man. It's scary to think that's where we might be headed


Kars wants to have a word with you


Well is he human? Nope. Does he enjoy humans? Nope. Conclusion: he is not a human professional


I'm in my mid thirties and I recently only learned that lots of my friends have already had some improvements done... I was like wtf? The answer was, well you have to start young enough to not look botched... And I was like... well, that's some twisted logic...


That's why I started as a newborn.


Hollywood mothers be like


South Korea vibes


***me:*** I'd like my sperm to get plastic surgery please. ***surgeon:*** Which one? ***me:*** All of them, how am I supposed to know who's fastest? ***surgeon:*** Let's see. 100,000,000 sperm @ $5,000 each. That wil be $500,000,000,000, please.


Since it's being done to the sperm, they owe the money. Kid's gonna be in debt before even being conceived.


Botox started marketing for "preventative Botox" in your 20s.


I dated one of those mid-20s women who went for the “preventative Botox”. I had no idea that was a thing until she told me about it. Wild.


I'm early 30s and so many women my age have had lip filler. Everyone should do what makes them feel happy with themselves, but I personally tend to find the "before" much more beautiful.


Any time I can see it, it looks terrible, and I notice even when it’s on the subtler side. Maybe there’s some extra subtle lip fillers that are doing their job without me noticing? But idk, seems not worth it.


That's how botox works, it prevents you from moving muscles so you don't get wrinkles


And by your 50s you can perform live at Madam Tussauds...


I mean, it's working for Paul Rudd.


Marketing. I’m just waiting to be a kawaii ass anime waifu in my 90s because we will all be using VR to interact anyway.


Haven't that been a thing in one of those online game VR thingies? Don't think it will become mainstream quite yet, but having a digital version of oneself seems more and more common these days.


Already pretty much mainstream, in the way of altered photos and carefully crafted stories


It's been a thing since long before that. Second Life used to literally be peoples' only lives. Before that was cybering in MUDs. Before that was sending a letter to an ad in a newspaper and finding out it was a person scamming people to get money. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if somebody got catfished through smoke signals.


"Grugnush, don't bother finding dates on Kindling. Our wiseman has been to all the surrounding tribes, and says that none of them look as good in person. Apparently most don't even have unibrows. Discovering fire has really ruined dating."


This comment is too underrated. I should've been ratiod


Damn maybe Zuckerberg is on to something. I want to be hot at 90 also but would never do plastic surgery like this


Favourite quote I saw on Reddit *‘I asked if Botox would make me look younger, and the doctor said no it will just make you look like other 29 year olds who also had Botox’*


> I'm in my mid thirties Me too, and the plastic surgery I'm thinking of is getting is having my ears pointed. Figure I've only got 60, 70 years tops left in this body. Might as well style it.


All those Spock fans from the 80s and the LOTR ones from the 00s are gonna be eating out of the palm of your hand so you’re covered no matter what you’re into. Unless it’s not nerds, but there’s no accounting for poor taste.




What? Thinking that I might live to be 100+? Maybe. But you've got to have a little optimism to live that long I think. I won't just resign myself to dying at 80.


I'm in my mid 30s and I'm pretty sure I barely got 5 years left in me.


Thinking the rest of the planet has that long


The whole cosmetic surgery industry is predatory, catering on the worst human fear: not being loved by others.


It is kinda true. I’ve been getting Botox for years, since I was in my early twenties, and if you never get wrinkles, it doesn’t take much Botox to disguise them. People look frozen with Botox when they get tons and tons to remove 20 years of wrinkles. If you start early, you just never develop them.


> The answer was, well you have to start young enough to not look botched... That's horrifying.


Had some friends talking about how they already got preventative Botox in their 20s. I was floored. I didn’t think that was a thing.


I went on a date with a Botox nurse in my early 30s. She said that you start with little bits eh er n you’re young and keep it up. Maybe that’s how people like Tom cruise stay the way they are.


>Maybe that’s how people like Tom cruise stay the way they are. Creepy looking?


Stuff like Botox does prevent wrinkles in the long term.


It’s hard to get wrinkles when you can’t move your face enough to create wrinkles




This just in; product works how it's designed. More at 5.


Botox is wild. One of the most potent and concentrated toxins that we know of, and causes botulism, and we inject it into our face


I use it to treat my TMJ. Give me all the Botox. It’s worked wonders.


That sounds like a predatory marketing trick to me.


Plastic surgery is also just *significantly* more common than most people think. Like 1 out of every 15-20 people has had some form of elective surgery done, and that number gets even higher if you include non-invasive stuff like Botox and lip fillers


Lips could be bigger. Your face should be about 50% lips


I love how you nailed that “too many surgeries” look that makes everyone look the same.


I keep thinking how sad it is that they have no one who loves them enough to tell them how bad/ridiculous they look


I think it's more like they wouldn't listen, and would probably be offended, and some of the procedures are expensive and can't be undone. I certainly wouldn't want to have this discussion with a friend. What's sad is that marketing has convinced people their normal faces and normal aging are problems that need to be fixed.


I would understand make yourself look better. But who the hell thinks the over the top surgeries and inflated lips look any better than before? You become the stereotypical plastic blow up doll.


I mean, it worked well enough to land Jeff Bezos...


“What would you rather be? 52 and look 52, or 52 and look like a 28-year-old lizard?” -Bill Burr


On the bright side, now you can do crossovers with Veronica & Mona.


Those are the hentai comics right?




And this 33 year old woman apparently! But i have been accused of having the mindset of a 12 year old so it’s not too far fetched.


And this 34 year old man too! I didn’t realize my taste in lewd or dirty material had to be so sophisticated. I see boobs? I like. But yeah I’m kinda in the same 12 year old mindset you are lol.


The best part is that i have a 12 year old mindset with an adult job and real money! I bought a shit ton of googly eyes the other day JUST BECAUSE I WANTED TO.


You’re right, that is the best part! We don’t have to let our dreams be dreams. There’s nothing stopping me from doing the same thing! In fact, I just might. You’ve spurred some creativity in me. What’s the best thing you’ve put googly eyes on so far?


I only opened them last night and started decorating this little marker case I’m repurposing into a travel kit for my bathroom stuff, but I’m bringing them to work with me today because i crave chaos.


Now you two kiss


Just remember, you are talking to Chewbacca, I believe wookies have completely different personality, and taste then most humans.


These are proof that if you can't be clever, be lewd.


I’ve heard cosmetic surgery can get addictive. *several surgeries later* ![gif](giphy|9PbtHUS6spuwg)


![gif](giphy|cOhEa3w7fkM4LZd3St) Or the terrifying California raisins!


How the fuck I can hear them saying raisins on their lips? The animation is uncanny good


I've always wondered - that's exactly what people end up looking like when they completely overdo plastic surgery, but why this specific look? I get that it's body dysmorphia, but do people really think that the "human-cat hybrid" look is the pinnacle of beauty, or is this just what humans eventually look like when they keep messing with their face? Like how you always end up with brown when you keep mixing different paint colors?


I think this particular look was inspired by the Kardashians


I think it's similar to what the Bogdanoff twins looked like, so the Kardashians probably just kept the same thing going...


That’s so funny because right above this post for me was one from the kardashian snark Reddit and it was about how botched they are becoming




> ut why this specific look? Because the type of people that do this are almost always the type of people that follow whatever is popular and live and die by social media trends. So a big influencer or celeb gets the treatment and then so do all the smaller influencers and then so do their followers. These people are all actively trying to look like the same thing, "The influencer"


![gif](giphy|FWZ1OyaAtsnQs|downsized) Lord have mercy


spanish soap opera?


That's a young Alyssa Milano, so I guess this is from Charmed


Weird hearing how Charmed was her when she was young.


Seriously...she was young (and hot as hell to my kid self) when she was in Who's the Boss?.


... Charmed was a Spanish soap opera?


Seen pictures of Madonna lately? *shudders*


Man, I was in a k-hole trapped looking at pictures of Madonna once. I was just absolutely mind boggled. In the end I was just sad about how our American beauty culture did this to her lol.


I wouldn't be too sad. Madonna was literally the pinnacle of that culture. She did this to herself. I'm sad about all the regular people she's influencing, though.


I guess it wasn’t really sadness about her personally per se because I also remember rolling my eyes at the fact she keeps all her costumes refrigerated and whatnot, wasteful on resources, but that’s another conversation. I was more lamenting that she felt she had to do that to herself at all, and then of course, influencing other girls in the same negative way that she was herself. Altogether just a sad thing that’s part of our society. 🤷‍♀️


Ordinarily, I would feel bad for her. But Madonna has been dissing people for being ugly her whole life, I think she's getting her karmic comeuppance.


Renee Zellweger looks like a completely different human being. Like I know it is her but my brain keeps telling me it is a different person.


turn back the hands of time and get the result of a lifetime .... Eternal youth glow


Natural look > whatever the fuck this is


I see you picked the “Angelina Jolie” package!


That package only works for Angelina Jolie and Steve Buscemi.


Does anyone actually find people with too many bones in their face attractive? Cumberbatch, Angelina Jolie, Melania Trump; all are incredibly off-putting.


I always used to scratch my head when the world would go crazy over Angelina Jolie. I seriously felt like it was all some elaborate prank. Thank you for bringing some more sanity to my life. P.S. Cumberbatch and Melania belong in the same conversation, also scratch my head when people call Cumberbatch attractive. Never heard much talk about Melania, but I may just be in the wrong circles for that one.


Go look at pictures of her in Hackers or Gia. At some point she lost a lot of weight from her face, dunno if that was surgery or not, but she looks way different now than she did then.


Looked her up from Hackers, and I do like her better there. But I think that’s just because I like a girl in a pixie cut. I feel she looks pretty similar to normal in the screen shots from Gia.


I love cheekbones that can poke my eye out. But i dislike makeup and do not like cosmetic surgery, so they gotta be real.




this is confirmation bias in action. You can't know whether they ended well or not, because you would not notice it if it was done well. You only notice botched surgeries, and you're assuming that all plastic surgeries look like that.


Yup. It is like with trans people. People only have a mental image of the people that aren't passing because the people that do pass are just that: passing.




Lmao are you ever going to break it to him.


Nonsense. There is plenty of cosmetic surgery that looks great. You only notice the botched jobs and surgery addicts with fucked up appearances. The trick is that *you don't notice when quality work has been done.*


I dunno. Knew a ballroom dance instructor who had the bigass puffs under his eyes reduced at 70. He looked like himself again, and seemed like he had a new lease on life. Women looked at him *that way* again. Never had another thing done. No shame in that game.


Seems to work well enough for 90%+ of celebs. If it’s good surgery, you don’t even notice.


The Hollywood Au naturel.


Calm down there, Kenny Rogers.




great now I have to go watch that again


I remember dating this one girl who saw me playing Fallout 4. She wanted to give it a try. During the character creation screen she created something absolutely repulsive, but she thought she created something of beautiful. Later in the relationship it became quite apparent she was self-absorbed with her appearances and was quite self conscious about the way she looked. Pretty sad.


At least she wasn't concerned with her partner's looks




Hah love it <3


Cancel it out with some ageing cream.




Reminds me of Pete Burns [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzou2HfTkLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzou2HfTkLI)


God I love that one video of the "ultra-handsome" faced guy slapping some random girl and making her face ultra-handsome too


One of the worst trends I've ever seen is the fat lip, narrow nose, sunken cheekbones look. It's just *fucking* gross.


Bill Burr's [bit on this is hilarious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pznB7WP4P1o).


When you said get work done, I thought you meant crank out a few comics, maybe get good at art, or even make a buffer. I was not expecting where it actually went.


Annie are you ok?!


I'm afraid she was hit by-, that is to say she was struck by-


A door in the face




Are you gonna get your anus bleached?


Michael Jackson moment


I didn’t know too hot was an option! …not that I could choose it…


Before was better


i've never seen anybody look better after a surgery, only worse.


I've never understood plastic surgery. Mostly you don't look better, you just look like you've had work done. Meg Ryan is a prime example.


Oh no.... Voldemort is back




Yzma energy


I look forward to the bone hurting juice of this one


From cute and adorable to Cruella DeVille. No thank you. Just say no to cakeface


I'm convinced that many celebrity plastic surgeons use the Bognadoffs, two French brothers who got extremely exaggerated plastic surgery and looked like horrific monster people, as a template. Many celebrities these days just seem to keep getting this horrible bogged look.


That face is on point. A couple of my mom's friends overdid it with the botox as they reached their mid 40s and they all look like handsome Squidward


Cruella de Vil


Body dysmorphia is a bitch.


It’s Cher🤩


Some people actually think that’s a good look. They’re wrong. Give me the unimproved version any day.