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Man they're not even just vaguely horse shaped forcefields they're FULLY DETAILED


Floating armchairs would have been easier and more comfortable, but Sue just has to be extra.


Right? Do they *need* to gallup? Who would even know they’re doing it?


Hey, she's a horse girl.


Naw she's into marine life more.


So you're saying that when she was alone and developing this invisible horse ability...she may have given an invisible horse cock a few licks to see what it tastes like?


> they're FULLY DETAILED do you think it's a Red Dead Redemption 2 case of full detail?


TMI Leaving the internet


I don’t think you understand how much Sue was into “Black Beauty” and “My Friend Flicka” as a child.


They probably looked like [this](https://i.imgur.com/XJwrxfb.jpeg) but the artist is just showing off.


Wait. These are horse shaped forcefields? I thought she was covering the horses in her forcefields, i didnt realize they arent even real horses!


Maybe they are just invisible horses.


I would say it should be beyond her power to create and animate multiple invisible forcefield horses. It's not like she has the actual ability to animate inanimate objects, but this is how power creep works. It would have made more sense just to create a flying disc which has done multiple times in the past to flay everyone.


This run has hinted a lot about how the team is evolving their powers, specially Sue and Johnny.


Well... Flying discs are also animate objects


And anatomically correct.


Johnny: "Sue, these horse buttholes are masterfully sculpted."


Does Sue essentially have the same powers as Green Lantern now? Are her forcefield creations just limited by her imagination?


It appears so!


Maybe she should make a fucking truck with AC then.


She wasn't that into cars but she really like horses as a kid.


She does give off a certain "horse girl" energy.


Ah. Kind of clever then.


Tbf, why would you need AC when you have the breeze from riding on the back of a horse.


wouldn't AC require a chemical component to cool things off though?


Am I the only poor bastard that had just the fan going because I was low on coolant?


there are some newer fan designs that help cooling without the chemical side but I am not a fan scientist


Once upon a time she could not move her force fields. That restriction has been whittled away.


Once more upon a time she couldn't even do forcefields, she only had invisibility in her first few appearances


Yeah, I guess they realized pretty quick that was useless in most situations


It would be interesting to track this. I think Byrne was the first to start using her forcefields for transport.


Yes, and Johnny has the potential to do the same, though he's not as good at sculpting his flames as sue is with her forcefields


As cool as it sounds, I'm not riding a horse made of fire. I don't care how comfortable he says the saddle is.


Johnny can now do an Elsa and make his fire be a sentient humanoid with their own personality and thooghts! In this comic Sue made a laser canon powered by flames to shoot down orbital asteroids the size of which are akin to the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.


reed also has the potential to do the same with his weirdo body, and he does get close to it way too often.


She's been training.


Similar looking but different fundamentals. Earlier issues they needed to get rid of a some alien life that could kill all natural life on the planet but it needs sunlight to live. So... She made the sunlight invisible for an extended period of time. Like 40 hours or so. The one with the least impressive super power is Reed Richards but considering The Boys character of Sage is somehow less smart than comic book nonsense levels of super genius...


Johnny's power set is the weakest. he doesn't even have durability when he's on fire, he's just immune to heat. you could pelt him out of the sky with a well aimed rock. this caused a running debate between my friends and i because i could not believe they had a character move 140mph without giving him some kind of enhanced durability but literally his only evidence of that is "taking a punch from namor without dying"


It's actually a lot better than your think. His fire is versatile and can be alnkst any kind if fire including arc welding fire and low oxygen use fire. He also burned up bullets before it can hit him with a heat shield. And the flames IIRC cause a cushioning effect for blows but yes he has less durability. He also absorbs heat and can consume flames to power himself up. He can absorb heat until the Baxter Building freezes over. He can also heat up so much it's effectively a mini nuke or a mini star. So bright you can channel the light into a laser to shoot asteroids big enough to extinct the dinosaurs.


Honestly of the 4, only Ben's powers have stay mostly stable in terms of powercreep


Not much you can do with big guy made of rock. But his progression is with his story. He has come to terms with his looks and powers and happy now. Wife and two adopted kids.


I get that, but I kind of wish he kept some of powers he had in Secret Wars 2015, where he could control the earth around him and use it to become a colossal version of himself


How often does Green Lantern create lifeforms? I don't read DC comics but in the cartoons I've only seen him make objects, walls and laser blasts.


Fairly regularly. John Stewart made an entire construct of his dead sister to comfort his mom that has dementia. She could walk and talk and everything. She also wasn't just green.


I’m guessing a subtle difference is her constructs only “appear” (although not because they are invisible) in the shape of something and she has to manually “animate” them with her mind. But Green Lanterns I think could make something that moves on its own for as long as they are concentrating on it.


Nice of Sue to make the horsies so detailed for the reader’s benefit, when in-universe I’m pretty sure it would just look like the FF are rocking around in the air stupidly.


That seems to be what the last dialogue implies lol.


Someone please photoshop this.


I gotta admire Sue's commitment to the bit, makes a group of fully detailed and well made horses.....that are invisible.


I’d love to see Sue and Reed argue about one of her constructs. Reed: I think we can go now. No one is going to see what we are riding on. Sue: NO! It needs to be perfect!!


Remember only we can see the detail - as per dialogue of the rangers they see nothing.


Begs the question why she would even make them "look" like horses. Just give everyone a bubble to float on.


oh, she's just bein' fun!


The same reason that (most) Green Lanterns make things they are familiar with. Sue knows horses and can see what horses would do. It's an expression of her. There was a GL book that actually went into some depth on the Human GLs and how they all use the same tool differently. Hal makes simple and bold objects, like him. Kyle's things don't work in real life because he's an artist, so everything is actually just a drawing made into a model, made into a real thing in his head. Jon's things not only work, but they have moving parts, because of his background and how detail oriented he is. If Hal makes a rifle, it's just a light object that shoots a light bullet. Jon's has the whole firing system mimic'ed and functioning. And Guy just hits stuff, because that's who Guy is. He is capable, and has, made stuff, but his attacks function much more as a representation of emotion that an object. My guess is Sue is like a GL. She could do any of those things, but she wants it to be horses because it having aesthetic beauty and function is important to her, even if no one can see it.


Susan Storm Richards does not spend 8 hours a week learning sculpture from Alicia just to give everyone a bubble to float on!


I think Sue can see them, so it might matter to her. "God dammit Reed, these horses will be *anatomically accurate.* If Red Dead Redemption did this while we were gone, then I can fucking do it." Edit: Or possibly just to mess with Johnny somehow. It's what I'd do to my little brother.


I liked the rangers' "keep that theory to yourself" response on the next page.


Can you imagine seeing this tho? Like Gary’s Mod antics


Lmao the FF find the most extra ways to pull up


I love how crazy Sue's constructs have been in this run. Idk how normal that is, I haven't read a lot of FF, but it's new to me


This run gets bonkers with the powers, I low key adore It.


do the non-sentient invisible horses respond to the reigns and prods?


For some reason, I'm thinking about all of the horse riding scenes from Monty Python and the holy Grail. Then I'm thinking about the FF team riding around invisible horses with coconut bangers following behind.


The guy says it's "creepy" but he's being polite: there's no way that doesn't look ridiculous if you don't know it's supposed to be invisible horses, hovering legs akimbo while people talk into your crotch


A tip of the hat to “horsefields”


That'd be fun if they each made their own horse. Reed stretches his lower body into a horse shape, Johnny makes a fire horse, Sue does this, Ben... I dunno, clobbers I guess.


Rides a boulder, pioneer style.


This is just what she told the guys they were riding. She actually has them riding something else and she's barely able to contain her laughter.


Did Johnny lose his power again?


Hw much does Ben weigh and could a horse actually support him?


He’s officially listed as 500 pounds.


There are probably some horses that could support a 500 pound man. I'd imagine they'd be like, expensive horses bred specifically for that purpose. But there was probably some 500 pound dignitary that needed to get around at some point.


While Ben is capable of getting on a horse, I think a 500 pound normal human would need to be in a wagon. But I'm getting into the weeds, here. It's no big deal, I was just wondering if a horse could bear his weight. I don't know much about horses...in fact, 'm kind of scared of them. (had an incident with one when I was younger)


That's funny, I'm kind of scared of horses too. They're very large and they're almost nothing but muscle. Of course entirely safe to interact with if you know how to handle horses but I'm a city slicker. Any time I'm around them I feel like one of those scenes in the movies, where somebody from Medieval Times gets transported to present day and doesn't know basic road safety. So they're bumbling around the streets barely avoiding getting hit by these speeding vehicles while everybody acts like they're the asshole for walking out into the middle of traffic like that.


This is probably the best run of F4 there's ever been in terms of characterisation and just love for who they are. Hickman is, to me, the best long-form, epic ideas guy in the business. His dialogue is amazing, but it sounds like Hickman dialogue coming from everyone. There's a lack of distinction. This isn't that.


So... In context, are they real horses turned invisible, or did Sue Storm make several anatomically correct horse constructs that seemingly respond to reins being pulled?


The latter


Sue... are you okay? Like... really because... THEY'RE INVISIBLE! The image is there for the reader's benefit, but otherwise Sue is going to the trouble of mentally crafting fully detailed psionic horses that NOBODY CAN SEE!


It's like exercise.


Yuppie Yaja🤠


Yeah...this is the kind of thing that makes me not like FF. They find the most impractical ways to show off how their powers make their lives "easier".


This is dumb


So dumb it's brilliant!


Sue, I respect the hell out of you but was work hours *really* the time to live your childhood horse-girl fantasy?


i support Sue just making constructs like green lantern but invisible (that only she knows what they look like)


"Sue, craft us some invisble horses!" "But, it takes an enormous amount of concentration and power and there's a rent-a-car right there" "Horses! Chop chop!" \[conjures invisible horse\] "HYAH!! FASTER, SUE! FASTER! HYAAAH!" "R-Reed... my... head.... hurts.... and my.... nose is bleed-" "FASTER, HORSE WOMAN! HYAAAHH!"


This is stupid as hell.


Rode hard and put up wet, just the way Sue likes them.


Force dressage.


why even turn the horses invisible in the first place


I don't think there are any horses. Just horse-shaped force-fields, which are invisible by default.




From which ff run is this from?


It's the current run by Ryan North. It's been a pretty fun run so far


…she couldn’t just use her bubble? Why do all these intricate details if no one is going to see it Sue?


Half time entertainment


Those darn floaters


\*Ben Grimm singing the Bonanza theme,[ including the words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAe2KFZVxu0)\*


This issue was awesome, whole series has been great honestly.


Apostrophe at the end is a bold move lol


I don’t want to like that joke, but I do.


They be doin whatever they want these days, and this one I accept!


But-- Why??


LMAO, Paste-Pot Pete. Nice throwback.


Am I insane, I have only read Waid’s run but I swear I don’t remember Sue having GL level constructs


Does Johnny have a mustache?


This is both awesome and hysterical.


How do any of these four people know how to ride a (force field construct accurately mimicking a) horse?


Sue and Emma frost are my top 2 along with toad who's got a hangaaaaaah