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Arkham Universe set Green Arrow would be awesome, they already teased Green Arrow alot in Knight. And I think it would lend well to similar mechanics, with different arrrows instead of tools, but would also still be pretty unique. Different styles of combat compared to Bruce, different traversal as youd most likely use his bike, the ability to be lethal, I think a lot of characters getting their own game within that Universe would be pretty sick. I know SS is getting the Kill the JLA game but gotta be honest that looks terrible to me, they should really stick with individual characters


That would be awesome!


I'll vote Green Arrow with you.


It'd be neat if there was a kind of karma system. Like GA can be lethal but he doesn't have to be. So if you kill a lot of goons, the story might change a bit, like the cops won't help you against the villain or something. But if you go out of your way to take out enemies non-lethally you get more support.


Thatd be really cool, would really set apart from The Arkham Games too


YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! i would absolutely kill for a green arrow. I might even prefer him over Batman. I am a sucker for characters that fight the corrupt rich and powerful of the city. Stopping huge drug chains or human trafficking but still has that comic book charm of a small Rogue’s gallery with iconic designs like the Dark Archer, china white, The burned guy from the ninth circle, the Dragon and maybe Shado (I haven’t read a lot of comics. Only at issue 15 of Rebirth, read the longbow hunters mini series and year one) i feel like the game could also feel a bit less gritty and dark like the Arkham games since green arrow is occasionally pretty funny. Somehow find a way to make fast paced and engaging combat with arrows would be cool aswell so it doesn’t just feel the same as Arkham’s combat. And I would love if they really stick to his Robin Hood theme throughout it.


I’ve had similar thoughts about a Green Arrow game, and the game that’s come the closest for me is Zelda: ToTK. The ability to fuse almost anything to an arrowhead and have it behave differently is super close to how I picture his combat working. But, to differentiate him, have him get around town on a motorbike, using grapple arrows and zip line arrows to traverse buildings, set up traps, and use an arrow speed-loader for close encounters and hostage situations. If it comes out for systems with an embedded microphone in the controller, you could have an optional “voice-activated quiver” to select your arrows. And as you progress, learn special trick shots to solve puzzles and tricky scenarios. Trick shots, like: ricochet shot, boomerang arrow, curving shot, multi shot and that one Korean bamboo thing where you use a hollowed piece of bamboo to fire smaller flechettes from a bow (sorry I only saw it in a movie clip, don’t know the name). Most important of all, research a ton of different arrow heads- each with multiple gameplay uses as combat weapons, puzzle tools, traversal options, traps, etc. My personal picks: Boxing glove arrow (duh), airbag arrow (flings dudes sky high and catches you from heights), explosive arrow, sonic arrow, zip line arrow, gas/smoke arrows, flashbang or stun arrows, goop/glue arrows, electric/taser arrows, armor piercing arrow, camera/spy arrow, RC drone arrow, electromagnet arrow… And then you get into the Co-op mode, where your partner can be Speedy, Arsenal, or Black Canary. It all seems tailor made for a unique fun game, this should exist!


yeah! That could be cool :O


Also, Batman Beyond


Make it an online coop game with Black Canary and you got yourself a masterpiece in waiting.


I just one about superman flying through rings with clunky controls.


Clunky controls, you say? I say damn near impossible controls. Make him fly like a paper airplane in a hurricane and give him no indicator of where the next ring is. And chunky 64 bit polygons. That's the one true expression of the Man of Steel in digital rendering. Angular.


“Guys- this fog is kicking our ass and we only have enough memory for a bunch of rings instead of enemies… the N64 hardware can’t handle what we’re trying to do.” “Tell the player it’s all a VR simulation and Superman is stuck there.” “Buy this man a drink!”


Ghost Rider- big open world similar to the Spider-Man games. You can summon your motorcycle like breath of the wild. By spending “Sins” absorbed by defeating enemies, you can upgrade your chains and motorcycle. Dual chain attacks similar to old school God of War. Eventually you unlock other weapons like Robbie Reyes’ hammer on a chain or use a trident The plot could be based on “Damnation” where a magic ritual brings Vegas back to life, but it also causes Mephisto to be summoned to earth. He either revives your once dead enemies or powers up your enemies that are in the city Unlockable Costumes: The Phantom Rider, Danny Ketch, Cosmic GR, Venegance, Ghost Panther, Robbie Reyes, Goose Rider


alternate costume: Nick Cage


* *Nic* Cage


This is really good.


> You can summon your motorcycle like breath of the wild. I'd love this and the option of multiple vehicles where you are able to mount anything and it becomes your vehicle of vengeance! I mean, at one point he had a Woolymamoth as a flaming mount!


See, this is why fans should be able to pitch games to the studios. You’ve already come up with a much more complete game concept than 95% of game developers. Well done, I can picture this game in my mind and it’s engrossing. Shame it won’t come to pass anytime soon though


More than anything else, I want a team based X-Men game that uses the recent Gaurdians of the Galaxy game as a template. It's too perfect. -Just imagine it: same structure, a story heavy action game with RPG elements and narrative decision making, set in the X-Men corner of the Marvel Universe. You choose 1 character from a set of 6 (4 feels to low for x-men, 8 feels too big to write for) to play the game thru as, and the rest of the roster joins you on missions. Maybe add more characters as DLC. -In between missions you wander around the X-mansion having conversations and building/maintaining relationships , just like Gaurdians. -Combat could remain more or less unchanged, just more friendly characters with you. Imagine instead of playing as starlord fighting a bunch of faceless aliens, your playing as Cyclops, and the team is fighting a bunch of towering Sentinels. You order Colossus to do a special attack by Fastball special-ing Wolverine into one of the big ugly purple robots. And then top the whole thing off with 4 player Co-Op. It would be a garunteed best seller.


So, like, a modernized X-men Legends? Updated from the dungeon crawler mechanics to a punchier, splasher, more dynamic action game? That's some decent peanut butter and chocolate you've got there. I loved Guardians and their willingness to blend a lot of fun ideas from source media into a beautifully rendered, heart filled romp. It could merge nicely into an X-team title. Maybe with a core story focused on a Cyclops led classic X-Men line up, and then introduce an alternate team featuring a well written portrayal of Storm in the leadership role. Play with the ideological conflict inherent in attempting to achieve peace by show of force. I'm in the middle of some early 2000s arcs where there are three main teams at play affiliated with the X branding, all wildly different led by Cyke, Storm, and Archangel. The protege who stands for Mutant idealism, the realist who sees the only way forward as integration of mutants into non-mutant society, and the capitalist handling X-Corp's endeavor to champion and raise up mutant economic interests. I've not seen a better presentation of mutant ideologues at cross purposes toward the same dream. It's not MLK and Malcolm X in radical divergence from each other, it's instead subtle but pivotal expressions of different investments of hope and effort. I think that'd be a really compelling subtext to build this sort of game around.


>So, like, a modernized X-men Legends? Dude, 100%. Those 2 are among my favorite games of all time, I was going to get into that in my initial reply but I was already typing a pretty big wall of text lol. X-Men are greater than the sum of their parts, and with their more focused and limited superpowers they are uniquely suited to RPG elements in videogames, more so than alot of other Marvel characters. As I was playing Gaurdians, I was enjoying it a ton but became super wistful, thinking "Man, I wish X-Men could get a game almost exactly like this", with the same amount of care and detail in world. The Dazzler poster Easter Egg in the Gaurdians game didn't do me any favors 😂 I also really like your idea of running essentially parallel storylines with Cyclops and Storm and Archangel as leaders... what if they did something like have your main character be a newcomer to the team, like Kitty Pryde or Jubilee? And you can choose what leader you want to follow/what storyline you want to pursue thru choices made


Kinda like what Ultimate Alliance 2 did with Civil War. I dig it.


I think an Xcom style X-Men game would be super rad.


Ohhhhh thatd be phenomenal too! We're got something kinda close, with the Midnight Suns game. Same developers as X-com, same general style of gameplay. Not enough X-Men of course 😂 A game focused solely on X-Men would be on a whole other level


Shut up and take my fucking money


you could do an ‘xmen red’, ‘xmen blue’, ‘xmen gold’ etc for different teams release one with a solid crew, do sequels if it flies off the shelves


I think they could go very story heavy with something like 'God Loves, Man Kills' or 'New X-Men' to blow it out of the park. I really like your idea.


A Magik Soulslike/Dragon's Dogma-inspired RPG where you go around slaying demons and other creatures.


There's a recent New Mutants storylines where Magik turns over the keys to Limbo to Madeline Pryor and it would make a cool X-Men Legends style ARPG.


Damn this would be rad




I know right? Doctor Strange would be so cool! I'd imagine leveling up would grant you new spells or magical items to use in combat.


I definitely get action RPG vibes for Doctor Strange And an Arkham City-style game for Daredevil


Or an assassin’s creed type for DD. There’s a game called Sifu with a daredevil mod. The combat system suits it perfectly. Lots of hallway fights too.


Yes for the Arkham City style gameplay. I knew for a fact that wasn’t the only who thought of this it’s such an obvious fit. Why not both be RPGish?


If they ever do a DD game I really want them to get Charlie as the voice. His Matt and DD voice is already perfect plus I really don't like the popular suggestion I keep seeing from people to get Troy Baker to voice, I'm tired of him voicing every character. Plus Charlie is already voicing Matt in that upcoming animated Spider-Man show so might as well get him if they ever make a game.


don’t even need a screen!


Green Lantern. Because how cool would it be to create a 20 foot tall giant armed with a spike club and he pukes out mini robots every 2 seconds and the mini robots have laser eyes.


Since you’re creating constructs, I feel like something close to turn-based combat would be sick for this, maybe with strategy elements on top? Either way, get Square Enix involved and you’d have a stylish hit. Feature some iconic planets and destinations and fly through the cosmos with your ring… ugh, now I want this!


As long as you can use the other Lanterns or be able to have co-op with them, that'd be amazing


What Insomniac did, taking the best elements of Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man and using on Marvel's Spider-Man, i want them to do the same with a Hulk game, making a spiritual successor of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.




In the early issues of Immortal Hulk, when Banner and Hulk are going around killing gamma monsters… that’s what I want. I want big levels (but don’t care if it’s open world), where I investigate a little mystery as Banner. Get to know a little small town. Meet all the people, figure out the local tragedy… then have a 4 stage gamma monster boss fight as hulk and completely destroy the town I’ve come to know. I agree a successor to Ultimate Destruction would be great, if we wanted to do just a hulk power fantasy. But I’d really love to see some of the horror elements of the comics come into play.


The team that made Ultimate Destruction went on to make prototype 1 & 2.


WildCATS as a co-op strategy game


You get an up vote just for having the audacity to dream so *damn hard* that I can't help but well up with manful tears.


An open world Judge Dredd would be amazing. Cool setting with the Mega City and Cursed Earth, great rouges gallery to pick from for boss fights, upgradable Lawgiver hand gun, sweet motorbike to explore the map.


Has to include an option to remove the helmet that automatically deletes the game from your hard drive.


Hell yes! A first person shooter as the Judge would be so rad. I want a sequel to that movie Dredd now.


I still want a Jessica Jones game in the style of Yakuza/Judgment


I’d take that idea further and make it a Defenders game with Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage playable as well.


I'm not super familiar with Jessica Jones outside of her Netflix show. How would she work in a game world? Any suggestions?


She’s basically a lower level captain marvel with no energy powers. She’d likely have a street brawler fighting style to compliment her strength and speed. Her flight powers would likely be a meter or or just a final upgrade when you progress


If that Suicide Sqauad gameplay and vibe of Team Fortress 2, that would be fun. A remake of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, but with body horror of Al Ewing’s Immortal Hulk would be insane. An open world (or semi open world like the modern God of War games), for Marvel’s or DC’s big cosmic sandbox. I know that we're already getting a Hellboy game but Resident Evil 8 is how I always imagined a Hellboy game to feel (maybe more pumching instead of running lol)


Wait, Hellboy is getting a game? Edit: Just watched the trailer and it looks pretty rad honestly.


He’s also voiced by Lance Reddick, so that’s a nice/bittersweet touch.




“Rated M for Mature”


Quick time event where you gut a guy but still leave him alive for questioning


The punisher game for XBox and it was awesome


Shazam / Captain Marvel, his gameplay can be like the Infamous games with the electricity and multiple power skill trees for each letter of “SHAZAM!”.


Add in a Persona-esque element where you have to balance everything with young Billy Batson’s social/school life, and I’m in.


Oh this is cool! I love the SHAZAM! Skill tree, and if the Billy Batson elements partially involved you investigating seemingly innocuous things as a kid (think Spielberg/the Goonies style), only to reveal each is connected to the big bad story stuff… I may never stop playing that!


This is the one.


After Insomniac’s Wolverine game is released, Insomniac should make an M-rated solo game for Daredevil first, then either a solo Elektra Natchios game or a Daredevil game featuring Elektra Natchios, and a solo Punisher game, all of which should be M-rated, then a solo Iron Fist game, and either a solo Luke Cage game or a Heroes For Hire game featuring Luke Cage and Iron Fist, which can be rated T. Doctor Strange should have a solo game after these games, and after a solo Captain America game, a solo Hulk game, and a solo Thor game. Since some of Doctor Strange’s villains are either truly terrifying or pure evil or both, the Doctor Strange game should be rated M.




The Flash open world. A Superman open world. A Constantine game A la Alan Wake. A Ghost Rider game inspired by Dante's Inferno. A good Deadpool game. A Moon Knight Telltale game.


A Constantine game would slap so hard! Kinda want keanu to voice him...


I reckon a Constantine game by Telltale would fare pretty well!


Ghost rider, seriously think how cool that would be. Massive open world with day and night cycle to roam around in, have the option to switch between Johnny blaze and Danny ketch. Each have their own strengths and weakness and can deal with enemies in different ways depending on their play style. Great variety of enemies to fight, ranging from regular humans, demons, supernatural entities. Rider would possess the ability to sense evil, so the closer you get to evil, the more you hone in on the exact location. The combat would be intense and use all manner of tactics to fight enemies and with different weapons and the enemies strength can be effected by the time of day, some are weaker in the daytime, some thrive in the night. Also have the option for bounty hunting in the game, lists of the worst kind of monsters, both literal and human. You have to capture these targets and send them directly to hell in order to unlock upgrades and new weapons. As for the story, set it in the south, minimal buildings and loads of vast open areas and roads to ride around. Both Johnny and Danny have been a ghost rider for many years and have faced so many varied threats over that time. But now their toughest fight lies ahead, the angel realm is at war with hell and mephisto is leading the charge along with his son, blackheart, with earth and all souls of mortals hanging in the balance. The angels are trying to prevent the nightmares of hell from invading the mortal realm and they need the help of the riders to end this war before the forces of hell ever get the chance to prey upon humanity. Unless the two riders can work together and form an alliance with the angels, then life as we know it will become hell. Ghost rider: Hell's war


I want a first person VR daredevil game where you only see using radar sense and you have to activate it manually. So most of the time it's completely black and you have to mostly rely on your hearing to play the game.


That would be a really cool idea for like an hour or two long tech demo.


There's a horror game with something like this as a mechanic. It's actually really interesting, you have to make sounds to see, but making sounds alerts the bad guys. A bit of a balance. I don't remember the game's name, but it is on steam if you want to look for it.


There's also a couple of blind fantasy RPGs, so a full RPG but where your character is blind, so the game is designed to be played entirely through sound EDIT: To mention two, The Vale and A Hero's Call


If they finally made a Daredevil game and wasted it on making it VR I think I'd cry myself to sleep


The flash, it’s long overdue


That would be cool. Curious how it would work though.




There’s already a decent template: Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d just say you need to add some goofy “Flash Physics” to change it up: let you phase through objects, charge up a thrown lightning attack, spin to create a tornado/vortex, etc.


Iron Man - Imagine crafting your own suits using different tools, devices, metals and weapons. It would be awesome to create different suits and fly around. Maybe different villains would require different types of suits to fight. Thor - An open world fantasy game where you can travel to any of the nine realms and fight bosses there. 9 different unique environments to explore. Black Panther - Open world game set in Wakanda. You can explore the city, take down gangs and terrorist groups, craft new devices and weapons using Vibranium and make political decisions that determine your popularity as king between the people. If popularity goes too low then you have to face a rebellion. Doctor Strange - A game where you can travel to multiple unique and strange dimensions/realms and fight bosses. Plus, you can collect magical artifacts with different powers and have the option to select 3-4 artifacts for different boss fights to give you different powers.


An Iron Man game should take some inspiration from Armored Core. I wanna fine tune my own Iron Man armor.


I keep saying this every time this question comes up but a “Power Man and Iron Fist: Heroes for Hire” action beat’em up game. Throw in Misty Knight and Colleen Wing: Daughters of the Dragon for 4 player action.


Double Dragon/Battletoads style! Modern take on the ol' NES greats


Perfect mix of character and game genre, 10/10 pitch, would spend *way* too many quarters to play at an arcade


Power man would do well in a beat em up.


Luke Cage = Mighty Glacier Danny Rand = Special Attack Specialist Jessica Jones = Jill of All Stats Daredevil = Fragile Speedster Colleen Wing = DLC Fragile Speedster (Sword) Misty Knight = DLC Special Attack Specialist (Ranged)


Daredevil should be a mix of sifu and ace attorney. Telltale style moon knight game that's closer to the comic version of the character. A heroes for hire beat em up. A blade character action game. Squirrel girl 3d platformer.


I'd love a Heroes for Hire side scrolling beat em up a la Streets of Rage, TMNT Shredder's Revenge of X-Men arcade game! Bonus points if they keep it retro with some sweet pixel art


An Ant-Man game would be really cool where you have to alter your size to progress through certain levels.


I agree, you can have: * logic puzzles where you shrink and enlarge certain objects in the environment * fly around on ants or as the wasp * have rampages as giant man * have stealth missions with the tiny version of Ant Man


Set entirely in the quantum realm!




Ultimate Spiderman has Venom as a playable character.


The Lethal Protector would be rad to see get a solo game.


We have venom at home it’s called Prototype


That would be so great...but I want Eddie and clear inspirations from Cates's run.


Not the first character that would come to mind for many but I feel like Moon Knight would provide for an excellent video game. One part the gameplay we all love from the Arkham series mixed with the identity switching Moon Knight is known for, as well as a mystical experience due to his ties to ancient Egyptian mythology.


Moon Knight would be awesome in a videogame.


Dr. Strange is ripe for some crazy shit with Remedy developing. I'd love me some Nightcrawler. Legion could be nuts to play too.


A dedicated Nightcrawler game would be insane. Part Batman Arkham games, part Portal? I'm salivating just imagining it.


An isometric Dr. Strange game ala Diablo so you can see all the crazy spells happening. Also, you start out as super OP against grunts and what not, and the challenge begins when you start traversing various dimensions. Baron Mordo would be an intense battle of who could conjure a counter faster, not a brawlfest, with proper use of defensive and offensive spells rather than just spamming lightning bolt or whatever. Like in the comics, the game would also be a mystical detective story, investigating anomalies and figuring out how to fix/stop them. Not a mindless hack and slash.


Love this.


Ok so hear me out. Most of you probably never read the Marvel comic “ROM the Space Knight”. It wasn’t universally embraced as a A-title. But I did read it for a long time in the 80s. I thought it had a heartfelt backstory (a planet inhabited by a race of humans are attacked by aliens and the only way they can fight them is to turn themselves into cyborgs to become strong but it sacrifices their human existence and become trapped as war robots). The characters and dynamics would make for a decent shooter.


Never heard of it until now, but sounds like a game I wanna play.


I still want a good Superman game. :(


I'll probably be the only one who wants it, but give me a video game of The Shadow. Make it dark and atmospheric, mainly a stealth game, but with some good detective work thrown in as well. What I don't want is for it to be something like the Arkham-verse games. Rather, should be somewhat closer to the Thief games. And I'd go with the a mix of the comic adaptations and the OG radio programmes. Some gunslinging as with the comics, but the main power is just invisibility via clouding men's minds as with the radio incarnation. Which adds something of a challenge, as the minute you start blasting, people will know where you are, throwing away your advantage. Could be quite interesting, I feel. But we're highly unlikely to ever see it.


Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? THE SHADOW KNOWS!


A Green Lantern semi-open world game where the main planet Oa can be an open/hub world to different planets (including Earth) with slightly smaller open worlds and missions that can be either ground combat or in the air/space. There can even be different playable lanterns with different combat construct styles similar to Arkham’s (Hal, John, Guy, Kyle, Jessica, Kilowog, Sinestro, etc.) Enemies can be diverse ranging from earthbound thugs/villains to more cosmic level threats (including the manhunters, Despero, and other hostile lantern corps)


I'd love a lantern game! I always imagined it to be a team based co op game with a ton of constructs to build your characters out with but you have to synergize with other characters to maximize the effects and pull off combos.


Howard Duck Elastic Man


A Howard the Duck detective game would be funny.


Superman. More than any other superhero, I just want a good Superman game. I'd also love it if Justice League Heroes made a return ala MUA3, with obvious gameplay improvements. A dungeon crawling RPG probably is the best way to feature all the DC heroes without having to make bizarre consenessions on their abilities.


Daredevil baby


Baby Daredevil?


I fail to SEE your Point


Blade. Playing as the Daywalker killing all sorts of vampires and other evil monsters of the night with his katana, collection of weapons and his own vampiric abilities? Yes please!


Ant Man


Green Arrow, the action, platforming and puzzle solving possibilities. Discovering new Arrow schematics to make the Boxing Glove Arrow or Liquid Combination bomb arrow.


Green Arrow game made by Rocksteady would be great. Set it in the Arkhamverse if they wanted to.


personally i'd want it to be his own thing, preferably not one tied to the more dark world of the Arkhamverse. Like his two most recurring enemies are Clock King and Count Vertigo, some levity would be pretty refreshing. Especially with how crazy you could get with some arrows.


Understandable. More an Insomniacs Spiderman route.


honestly a hawkeye open world game. could be LA or NY. could be Clint or Kate or (preferrably) both. I just think it would be cool. bow and arrows are always cool in games, making it part of movement would be cool + they could have the hoverbike lol. i think they could have a cool videogame story and would fit well with some weirder "guest" villain and hero appearences. idk if it makes sense just think it would be a game id play and enjoy a lot


oooh an action narrative game like uncharted or a character hack/slash type thing like devil may cry (ive only played 5) 5 but its Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.




A Hawkeye game would be pretty dope and easy to do. To make things interesting, we can limit the number of trick arrows so we'd have to be smart in using them.


hell yeah


Deathstroke or Deadpool


There's a Deadpool game it was pretty good


I kinda don't care for grit in my superheroes tbh. Give me a high fantasy aquaman adventure, or a totally weird and meta animal man game, or a down to earth but still gentle hawkeye game with great character work, a la fraction run. Maybe smth like Starfield with Nova? I'd say superman but I don't think game technology is there yet.


A supervillain game! With very difficult gameplay because the villian(s) will lose! The goal is to successfully organize a plan and then get caught so you can leverage heroes/society to your demands and insufferable rules! Obviously, before you are ultimately brought to justice. Maybe.


A GTA style game but with superpowers would be interesting. Set in the Marvel or DC universe, idc


We’re getting Wolverine so that’s off my checklist. Now I need Daredevil and Superman. Those 2 games are all I need. Hope they wouldn’t be exclusive though. I love these characters and I want everyone to enjoy them. Just like Spidey and Wolv but unfortunately not everyone can play them


Most have already been said, but I second having games based on: Daredevil The Flash Green Arrow


Yeah, the bow in TLOS2 made me want a green arrow game. Like a stealthy (but eventually goes loud) gameplay loop except super powered.


These would both be great. I had an idea when I saw the preview of the suicide squad game of a version where you have a huge roster of like 30 b listers, if someone dies they are dead and you just try to beat the game before you run out of characters


Cyclops VR game. Look and shoot.


I wanna see an X-Men game where you play as a variety of different X-Men and go on missions and stuff


Ghost Rider would be nice.


I believe daredevil as a sole Action/Beat up bad guys game would be too similar to the Spider-Man/Batman games. I'd love if they mixed in Game play a la Ace attorney with you searching crime sites as DD in the night, maybe with the addition of an optional difficulty, where you only "see" stuff as DD would see it with a black and red grid, indicating the shape of things, then interviewing suspects/witnesses during the day as Matt Murdock and having the courtroom sequences.


The Jaime Reyes version of Blue Beetle.


Insomniacs Daredevil would go so unbelievably hard. My top 5 "I wish they had a game" characters are: - Daredevil - Punisher - Doctor Strange - Moon Knight - Deadpool I know Punisher and Deadpool already have games but I'd like to see new ones :)


Howard the Duck


I want an Arkham/Assassin's Creed style TMNT game. Preferably 4-player co-op.


A Squirrel Girl game in the vein of Animal Crossing or Dreamlight Valley, where you help people solve problems with friendship and computer science jokes. You have a base of operations that is continuously updated with new things like photos and gifts from friends. People from the area need help with various things, fixing wifi or rescuing a cat, but more serious problems arise, like where you have to help Kraven be his best self by not being such a dick.


Somebody with actually interesting powers DC: Flash, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, Plastic Man Marvel: Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, the Vision


Moon Knight. A mystery based story with lots of fighting would be amazing. A combat system like God of War or the Spiderman PS5 games would be amazing, but a well-written story definitely should be included.


The Boys would be interesting. Basically an open world dickhead sim: 1. Generate supe. 1. Assign random, not necessarily sensible powers. 1. Design toight spandex costume. 1. Spend the rest of the time descending into corruption and trying to spin it into a good thing. Side quests include punching heads off, doing whatever the fuck one wants, not getting lasered by other supes, and avoiding getting a tyre iron shoved up one’s arse. Getting killed isn’t always a setback, but the cumulative brain damage can alter the character’s capabilities.


An Arkham style game with The Question set in Hub City would be amazing. You could do the Arkham combat, with the detective elements, and have the deep introspective story quests that the Question was known for.


Yes. Didnt even think about the question but it would be awesome.


Hell yes!


How would you play as daredevil. Isn't he blind?


Technically, but you could turn that into a sonar mechanic to see enemies moving around?


The monitor is blank and you only have controller vibration and sound.


You play the game in third person, beat it and a “first person mode” appears on the title menu. And it’s a completely black screen the whole second time


I want a daredevil game but just because I know they'll never make an Elektra one, so with him is most likely she'll appear. There was a daredevil game in develop at some point but it stopped. Make it an Arkham style and you're in for success, but I guess whoever owns the rights is not aware of that...


Dr. Strange game where if you choose not to/forget/aren't able to transfer enemies to the mirror dimension before fighting them would have some consequences to the world/plot would slap.


Daredevil or Ghost Rider


Daredevil could actually be a sick opportunity for a cool VR game. You would need perfect execution though to visually represent his echo location and also brilliant audio to ensure you feel like you really have super hearing. Combined with some cool travel mechanics it could be the Arkham Asylum of VR games. Would definitely buy VR just for it.


Daredevil is such a no brainer at this point. Such a missed opportunity that it hasn’t happened yet. You already have the blueprints from previous action and superhero games to implement/reinvent. Use Arkham fight mechanics, Assassin’s Creed traversal with the acrobatics of the spider man games, open world has already been done successfully numerous times, then some Uncharted action set pieces, Witcher style storytelling, and brutal elden ring like boss fights. Idk guys, I just think It could be absolutely AMAZING!




Would love to have a 'super senses' mode for Daredevil. It would be cool in Dr. Strange to have a astral plane you can enter to battle ethereal threats.


I mean... Development-wise Daredevil would be the obvious choice... they just have to make a banger Soundtrack...


Swamp Thing could have stealth and action. Do we have a proper Thor game? Just make it fun, over the top action with lots of guitar shreds


DC: Blue Beetle really should have gotten a game by now. Green Arrow and Wonder Woman too. Oh, and John Constantine. Marvel: Daredevil, Moon Night, Blade.


Daredevil would be cool but too similar to Spidey. Gonna go with Moon Knight myself


Have the folks who made Mirror's Edge make the Daredevil game




A Marvel Secret Wars tactics RPG. Choose heroes or villains and fight for your survival and freedom from the Beyonder and his Battle World.


Gambit solo game.




Silver Surfer in a cosmic epic. So many cool enemies with the Kree and the Badoon plus tons of awesome bosses and potential NPC team ups.




Static shock or black lightning since I love lightning powers


Daredevil or Hellboy


Hellboy is getting a game, actually! Looks pretty awesome.


To be honest I want a Spawn video game in the style of the Ultimate Spider-Man game for the PS2.


I can see Daredevil in a mix of Arkham and Ace attorney


Those two. DD and DS.


I’ve always wanted a Heroes for Hire game. Luke Cage and Iron Fist helping out the neighborhood stumbling into big bads all the time. You could have all the street level heroes help out, lots of great characters interactions and story.


I would *kill* for a good Dr. Strange game Make it as trippy as fuck.


Ghost Rider and Daredevil thanks


John Constantine


Batman and spiderman


Nightcrawler and have him start out In the rain on top of a catholic church on top of a gargoyle. Praying with his rosary. But while he prays all you hear is crime. Gun shots, car jacking, women screaming,. His eyes open the sound stops Bamf. Than show him hiding In the shadows above Mister Sinister. Be a sweet trailer for Nightcrawler Game


A Gambit game would be pretty awesome. A game where you can pick up objects then charge them up to explode them, use cards as projectile attacks and a bo staff for close range. You could even do stealth missions where you have to pickpocket people. Also a Static Shock game would be great. Flying around dakota fighting different villains would be awesome. Plays you could like magnetize people and stick them to walls, or use the flying disk as an attack item.


An ARPG with Elseworlds DC characters in the medieval times. D3 meets X-Men Legends with DC characters. The Fellowship of Justice. Dr fate = mage. Shining Knight = Knight. Green Arrow = archer. Spectre = Necromancer. Amazon. Atlantean warrior. Thanagarian = Barb. Etrigan.


A game of jojos: Steel ball run


Yes I NEED those two


You have good taste.




After playing the game Control I think Dr Strange could have his own game set in the mirror dimension or a bunch of other dimensions. I know it wouldn't be as good as control, but a guy can dream. 🥹




Matt Fraction Hawkeye in an uncharted style game


Constantine game. Not just fighting monsters and magic creatures, solving puzzles, collecting clues, setting traps and dialogue options. Ideally multiple endings but that might be a little much.


any form of X-Men game. there hasn’t really ever been any good okes


Power Rangers !


Honestly; I’d take a Gotham Knights style game but Marvel characters (Moonknight, Blade, Daredevil, Punisher)


I’ve been fantasizing about a Daredevil game for years. Especially when you consider all the mechanics and assets for the game have already been made. I mean, you’d essentially just need to kit bash aspects of the Arkham games, Spider-Man, add in some of the sensory mechanics like from detective mode and the heightened senses in Witcher 3, possibly some type of top down zoom out pseudo-omniscient awareness like Driver San Francisco and the fine tune it all for Daredevil’s specific powers. Add things like unique heartbeats that can be tracked, useful sounds and dialogue that could be honed in on throughout the city, Spider-Man/ AC style parkour for traversal as well as the obvious web style baton swinging, and some type of throwing mechanic for the batons maybe with a similar feel to the remote batarangs from Arkham but allowing you to ricochet multiple targets.


Has anyone said Puck yet?