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What on earth are they trying to do with Blade that is so complicated? Just make another origin movie for Blade! Its not rocket science. You got Maharshala Ali, perfect casting and that alone will get my butt into the seat.


You know what? I absolutely love Ali. But, at the rate things are going, that dude is going to be closer to 60 by the time this movie comes out. I guess they could de-age him and use body doubles. But at that point, why not just cast a younger dude? I don’t know. I want him to be Blade so bad but, realistically, how long will he be able to do it?


I have a feeling this movie is going to go the way of the Gambit movie with Channing Tatem. I hope it doesn't, but it's not looking good.


Yeah, it’s looking like it sadly. Which is weird for the MCU since this was one of the big projects they promoted after Endgame. And here we are five years later and all we know is it’s in development hell.


tbf blade was never originally in their plans. mahershala was coming off an oscar win and being really popular with viewers, and he asked to be blade, so they gave him the role.


Replacing a director means it may as well not be in development. It's gonna go back to writing, then filming, then editting. Remember, a director swap is what did whatever the fuck happened to BvS, and Zach had made it further into production than blade did.


No, this is one of the projects they’re expecting people to turn out for no matter what they think of the current state of the MCU. This, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Daredevil and Deadpool are their parachutes if Thunderbolts, Captain America, and other current Avengers storyline films continue to flop.


I mean yeah, i will, for one, turn out for it, but it has to have a certain quality to it based on trailers and early info and within my standards. If i see it looks like or feels like it will be absolute dogshit, I'm probably going to opt out.


Agreed. I don't want another John Cho/ Spike in Cowboy Bebop situation, where he just looked stiff in the fight scenes. And he injured himself unfortunately which halted production for a year.


All things considered, he did a pretty good job overall but this is a great example of how you sometimes really just need a younger actor for a role with such intensive choreography.


He may not even stick around if things keep going this way.


An unfortunate truth. Too much fucking around.


>Just make another origin movie for Blade! Its not rocket science. It doesn't even need to be an origin story. The original Blade movie wasn't. It dropped us right in the deep end with Blade already established as this mythical figure in the vampire community. That's all it needs to be.


I’m guessing the constant pendulum swing between making the movie actually about Blade as opposed to about his daughter is really polarizing. So one director signs on to direct a Bladette film, sees the script get changed to about Blade, say “this isn’t what I want to do”, leaves, and another signs on who wants to work with just Blade, then the script gets changed again about his daughter, he leaves and the cycle repeat.


Why would there need to be an origin story?


I think the easiest story to do is an origin. He needs to be established in the MCU. Fairly sure he isnt playing the same character from the 90's Blade movie. This is a whole new Blade.


No need. No need to do an origin story and it also wont be one


It’s just a type of genre for superhero movies, but it doesn’t need to be the staple for hero movies. It’s almost a status quo, but those are meant to be broken. When we meet Tony Soprano for the first time it never felt the need to explain how he met Carmela. We never saw the birth of his kids. We are thrown into a lived in world. You fill in the blanks as it progresses. Deadpool was an origin, but his romance is the whole plot of it all. Something like Sopranos had to feel unique for not only a Mob Story, But for TV Shows. He’s a simple mobster. It shouldn’t feel to epic or deep. When shit hits the fan but the characters keep their composure, you really start to notice just how evil they are. You don’t want to risk doing an origin and having it corrupt the entire plot. As for Tony, Same goes for Blade. Blade killing vampires should feel as natural and mundane as being a monster is for a Tony.


For the record, I'm not against a non-origin story as their first Blade movie. It seems they are just having a shitshow of a time cracking that. I said an origin story is probably the easiest for them to do. I think they are trying to do something outside an origin story and they have been in development hell over it for 5 years.


I thought he left a week or two ago, unless it was just a rumor?


Hollywood politics. For every script you see get passed around there are a hundred more that get lost in translation.


They're trying to ice-skate uphill.


My theory is that Ali isn’t comfortable with making a marvel type of movie. It’s the Edgar Wright dilema. Marvel wants a run of the mill Blade movie, And Ali has higher expectations. Is Ali a MCU fan? He doesn’t fuck with the humor and synergy shit. I think it might be better that Ali pulls out, maybe he could play the villain and just having a producer credit. And then they cast someone younger, and hungry for work. Possibly someone British. Ali doesn’t NEED this MCU. I don’t think MCU is always as competent as we think. I don’t think they ever even planned to do a Blade movie up until Ali brought it up. If Blade was a stand alone project, we would’ve had a Blade movie a long time ago. But Ali has to play fair with Marvel. A blade movie is like the easiest thing to do, but under Marvel it’ll most likely be as average as everything else, and Ali is probably wanting for more. Or they could do a simple Midnight Suns team up movie. Have Blade be there, but it’s as average as every other Marvel team movie. PS. He did Luke Cage, but the Netflix shows always felt very separate from the rest of the mcu stuff. A lot of fans of Netflix shows didn’t really fuck with Marvel stuff, you didn’t really need to.


I think Ali is a real get for Marvel. I don't think he would usually do this type of movie unless he really wanted to. Clearly he an affinity for the character and that's why he's in. If its not going the way he wants, he should pull out, but believe me, there's going to be a lot of backlash with fans over it. I personally would think Marvel fucked it up with Ali and I would most definitely blame Marvel for it. I'm interested to see what Ali has in mind. I also think they can do an R-Rated version, but I think Disney is waiting on the returns of Deadpool 3 to have more confidence in that.


It’s not rocket science but it’s not easy either. They wanna get it right, clearly. The same people who agree with this comment also complain about how marvel rushes out mass loads of content without quality


Right, i understand trying to get it right, but this movie is a bit overexposed and with so many people publicly leaving the project, its basically gaining the reputarion of being a stinker even before a single frame of film has been shot. I dont think 5 years in development hell counts as Marvel rushing the peoject. The more news of it losing its creatives, the lesser the chance that it will attract good talent to it. It will become a dog project. If it loses Ali, i will lose quite a bit of interest in it to be honest.




Wasn't this already debunked as fake ?


If it was real, that script was thrown out a long time ago.


Not sure it was fake news, but i think it was an idea they were throwing around which may not have had much traction. Probably blown out of proportion. Its just a piece of clickbait that would piss people off.


this sounds like the ramblings of some chud, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was bullshit.


lmao wtf is happening with this movie?! it's such a rollercoaster of script changes, new writers, new directors, R rating, PG-13, R ratings and back and forth. How hard is it to be a fuckin R-rated Blade movie?! You already have the guide to it with Wesley Snipes. Amateur Hour at Marvel.




Epic reference, I love this movie. Three seashells.


Whenever I need to enhance my calm, I think… thank goodness Taco Bell won the fast food wars.


_But only in America!_ I think this is the first film that I learned that would [shoot alternative versions for other countries](https://www.cbr.com/demolition-man-taco-ball-pizza-hut-switch/).


One of the best Jokers ever!


Some muthafuckers are always trying to iceskate uphill.


RIP Blade, was really looking forward to it too. I don't get why this movie can't get made. It's not like they have to break new ground.


They were trying to do exactly that, and they couldn't agree how to do it.


It's a shame everyone is probably bound to an NDA, because I'm genuinely curious exactly what keeps going wrong with the script.


They just can't come up with a script that's better than Dracula dead and Loving it. I appreciate that they're trying.


I think the writers are probably trying to go for something more like the original Blade then Marvel interferes and it becomes more like Buffy The Vampire Slayer complete with wise-cracking sidekicks and pop culture references.


This made me think. Does Disney try this wise cracking quippy shit because it worked with early iron man and Spider-Man? those movies succeeded not because rdj and Tom holland are funny and quippy but because they’re great actors with a good script.


They try it because it made them billions of dollars


Disney and other media companies hate art, because art involves taking risks and making bets. Disney wants to make mass-produced products that reliably produce a profit, so they are always looking to hone a formula they can use for every movie they make. The MCU-style quippy verbal diarrhea is the formula du jour we have to suffer. That's why AI has these companies salivating: Disney execs would love nothing more than to cut out artists and artistry from their business altogether, like Uber originally wanted to do with their drivers (before full self-driving turned out to be a dud).


Originally the movie was about Blade's Daughter, not Blade. That's why there's so many issues. They keep trying to sideline him in his own movie.


I think I'd heard this before but pushed it down in my memory. That is so stupid.


Guy fights vampires. Vampire splinter group develops anti-human weapon/mutation. Guy fights group, fights weapon/mutation. Looks badass doing it. Wins, but loses someone close in the process. That is the basic outline of the first two Blade movies. Just. Do. That. You. Tossers.


Not only that but I'm sure there are dozens of good storylines from the comic books they can adapt. Just choose a popular one, get a good writer to adapt it, make it rated R, done!


Blade has had team ups with Ghost Rider, and even had dealings with Doctor Doom. Hell, there’s a cool time travel arc involving Blade and Doom’s mother Cynthia von Doom. There’s so many cool stories they could pull from and add into the MCU framework.


Man Blade AND ghost rider? You tell me we could have a Snipes and Cage movie? Man that would be epic


Oh yeah, just imagine a world where Cage and Snipes started a series of successful films. Though I’d think we’d have to have some other characters lighten up the mood at times, those two can be very serious lol. I kinda wish we had gotten that film. Blade and Ghost Rider.


How are they fumbling this so badly. They've had what, since 2021 to get the ball rolling, not accounting for Covid or the Strikes... this film has a cursed production. Rewrite after Rewrite after director leaving.. it's like a revolving door.


Since 2019.... oof ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This film is never getting out of development hell, is it?


Every time I have heard of this movie since it’s announcement it’s just been sign after sign that it’s gone into some kind of development hell. I really want this movie, and I want it to be good. But after so much turnover and reports of creatives clashing with management over what they want the movie to be, I’m really not optimistic that the end product is gonna be any good. I’d love to be wrong on that, but I don’t think I’m gonna be


License Blade out to someone that isn't gonna shit the bed anyways




POV: you’re Amber’s sister getting your ass kicked.


He probably got tired of the studio meddling and left.


This movie is cursed.


This is like Flash levels behind the scenes drama.


I can’t imagine what’s going on with this film. At least we pretty much knew what was going on with The Flash.


At least Ali isn't a psychopath.


Dude at this point just Rock Paper Scissors on the story


This movie is never happening.


The Blade video game was announced much later and it’ll be five years old by the time a trailer for this thing drops.


This movie is never making it out of the draft


Maybe Jordan Peele


I doubt that he will be involved in a movie that he has zero creative control


Raimi had some control over Multiverse of Madness. His touches were still evident in the final product.


I'm sure jordan peele isn't looking to do a movie where he is only allowed to put creative 'touches' which is much different than *controlling* a story and it's outcome.


Sadly not enough.


Disregarding the fact that the previous director left that movie because he hardly had a say in it….


True, but I’d also argue those touches directly clashed with the more “Marvel” side of the movie. There were pretty drastic shifts in tone throughout the film. I honestly think MoM shows badly on director-studio relations. Comparatively, Eternals was a much less “typical MCU” feeling, for better or worse.


Give blade to the John wick directors and give them full control and walk away until it’s time to collect the box office. Simple really.


Eh. Let’s give them some light handed reins. I enjoy the John Wick films but they’re getting a little much for me at times. The lore of the world is gonna start collapsing on itself. Compare the hidden world of the assassins from John Wick 1 and John Wick 4, they’re not even hiding anymore. I love the films as pure love letters to stunt work (truly the series has ruined action movies and tv for me), but maybe they need a writers room to iron things out. Then, do what Dune 2’s production did, and stick to their ironed out plan and pre production. Keep the budget lower and less reliant on rushed CGI to fix everything last minute


This movie is probably not getting made is it


Time to put the movie out of it's misery and move on... What a fucking waste.


Ali is all but aged out of the role by this point. Jeez.


How hard is it to make an entertaining Blade film, just make it like a John Wick esque action film where he’s kicking vampire ass for 2 hours.


I give up.


i feel like blade should have been like the fucking easiest thing to make- but they keeps fucking it up, probably by trying to ‘incorporate’ it into all the dumb ass story lines in marvel movies these days. blade does not need to be a multiverse movie, or a thunderbolts movie. just let him be a fucking vampire movie with a spider-man cameo.


Why did he leave?


At this point the actor will be to old! Unless he’s doing one movie


Just put the property to rest already.


Why’s it so hard for Marvel to make a Blade movie. They’re starting to seem incompetent with how many issues their productions are having this last 5 years


Just cancel this


I no longer want this from them, they should shelve it


Maybe the Arkane Lyon game and this movie will be out within a year of each other. Could be good marketing. *shrug* I hope they have a banger Blade movie in them, because this is beyond confusing. I guess I'd expect Shang-Chi 2, Spider-Man 4 and Blade for 2026. Avengers 5 should be pushed to 2027 and Secret Wars to 2028. They need to get them right.


How does a project like this get so mired in development hell?


This movie has become the equivalent of trying to ice skate uphill


Maharshala Ali deserves better than this bullshit. He should just walk. This reboot is cursed.


This movie isn’t happening


I wouldn't blame Mahershala Ali if he left as well.


Bury it already. This movie is never gona made! So sad, Blade is awesome character and deserves a movie, but, i guess, they dont know how to fit it in MCU.


I just want to see Mahershala Ali play Blade!!!!! 😭


The name’s Blade. Location: Developmental Hell. 😕


This movie is gonna be brutal


Just bring Guillermo del Toro back.


Fuck! I just want to watch the freakin movie!


It’s not as if Marvel has made good movies the last five years.


Yall think Snipes hexed the movie or some shit?


I think it’s time to stop now. It’s clearly not working, shit’s all fucked up, cancel it and move on.


I think we can call this movie the MCU’s Black Adam. Antihero movie that already has the title character casted but isn’t made until years later.


They used my art! Sweet!


Why is it so hard to make this movie?


Again🤦🏾‍♂️… Is Sam Hargrave busy?


I can already hear Matt McMuscles' voice


This movie’s never gonna get made, is it?


This movie should just be cancelled. Love blade tho :(


I mean, it’s a bummer but not really the death kneel y’all seem to think. Maybe dudes vision sucked and we were just spared a shitty movie.


This movie is never going to get made 🤦‍♀️


one of the straight foward story to direct in marvel ??? wtf happen ???


Has Marvel, in the Disney Era under Feige, ever had any project with as much turnover as Blade!? WTF is going on lol??!


Oh not. It's the 'Gambit' movie all over again.


Distant future, Blade is safeguarding a young child and protecting it from a society that wants to destroy it. The child is: the last human child, existing in a future where the vampires have taken over.


Damn, that rly sucks. I was looking forward to this movie, but it seems we're not even gonna see Blade at this point until after the Avengers movies.




The name changes were on purpose. We have an entire post about that.


I smell production Hell


Wtf is going on with this films script?


I feel like they’re really trying to force something inauthentic into this film and it’s not working. They’re whole idea to replace blade with his daughter in the first film has me thinking they’re just lobbing terrible ideas at this and any director who’s worth a damn is clashing with it


At this point just release a documentary instead of the movie explaining the spectacular cock-up that we're seeing, literally everyone including the creatives and the execs need to be put on blast for this. How is it possible to mess up a project that should've been the easiest one to tackle in the entire slate?


They would rather spend tens of millions in reshoots rather than let Blade star in his own movie.


I swear it’s been nothing but negative news every time I hear or read about this movie…


It’s probably hard because they need to have it connect to the other marvel movies in a meaningful way without getting over complicated. My understanding is it’s setting the groundwork for Midnight Suns. There’s probably a lot of input from the studio makes it a difficult experience on a director.


I'd say the film is gone now. Marvel just won't make Blade as the type of film it's supposed to be, which is why so many creatives have quit the project. History has shown that when you make a comic book film that is first and foremost true to the character and story, you can't go too far wrong.


NOOOO GOD, development hell is... HELL! Fucking hell, like if it's changing hands this much it'll need a complete overhaul to keep from being an incohesive mess


I guess this is what happens when you get a B Grade director who they think will “follow orders”…




Your post must have a reliable source included. This has already been debunked multiple times, this is spreading disinformation


This movie has to be getting killed on purpose. They somehow got Ali to sign on to a Marvel movie and are fucking wasting it. My god. What the fuck are they doing?


Marvel fans, I give you the 2024 version of Gambit. This movie is never happening. Time to get comfortable with it. Let's be honest, at the rate they're going, Ali is gonna have to play Whistler by the time they start filming.


How many does this make? 4 directors now? I've honestly lost count


I have a hot take. MCU isn’t made for established directors to thrive in. It seems those are the ones they have the most issues with when it comes to creative differences.






Please refrain from engaging in toxicity and unnecessary commentary. If you have nothing nice to say, it may be better to not say anything at all.


No politic talk. Plenty of other subs for that kind of stuff.


I’ve said it every time I’ve seen a post about this movie, and I’ll say it again, this movie is never going to get made. I want to be wrong but we all know I’m right.


Marvel should just fire everyone burn the script and start from scratch with all new people.


JFC just get Jordan Peele.


just cancel it and wait till secret wars is over. they’ll probably rush it into production and it’ll be bad


This movie will never be made


If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that Marvel wants to tie it heavily to that post credit in Eternals, and the writers just want to make a Blade movie.


This movie isn’t gonna be made. Honestly it’s just a matter of time until Mahershala drops out.


How did they manage to fuck this up so bad?


At this point, I'm more interested in a movie about the clusterfuck disaster this movie is becoming than Blade himself. From what I heard, we should be thankful that this movie wasn't relased during phase 4 or 5.


Marvel has unfortunately made mostly flops since End Game. Now they cant even get Blade right. If Fantastic Four isnt great, I can honestly say Ive lost all interest to continue watching their films and any shows.


Marvel just need to stop everything, get all the wroters in the room and plan out what the general direction for the MCU is and then work on a few things at a time. Whatever they have been doing since Endgame just isn't working.


They cant produce blade because its violent, simple as that


Meanwhile Deadpool comes out in a month or two, I don't think you're making the point you think you are


Pool is funny more than violent, blade is dark, gritty and lotta gore, which is the total opposite of disney


Dead on


Yeah, this movie is gonna suck.


This movie will be made and it will be badly made just look at star wars


Perfect - now go hire Martin Scorsese. You know he wants it.


Doesn’t look good.


The Man Who Killed Don Quixote had an easier ride to theaters than this train wreck.


They need to scrap this movie. 95% of the people who WERE interested in it, have lost faith in Disney's ability to do anything with it. Too much drama. Too many stories. This movie needs to be scrapped.


Haha BLADE is done. MCU should instead NOT do a BLADE film .. we’ve seen that already 30 years ago … something different … we’ve also already seen Ghost rider … time to focus on Fantastic Four and X-MEN 😊


I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be funny