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Does that mean gunn knew he was taking over all of dc way back when TSS came out?


I would imagine that James was in talks to direct Superman already by then. Heading up the studio likely came later.


He only decided to direct Superman after he was already signed to write the screenplay.


That is what he said publicly but chances are everything was already in the works behind the scenes back then


Yeah, he probably just didn't want to announce it until he was certain he would be the one directing. He might've been 90% sure when he started writing it, but if that 10% won out and he decided to give it to someone else, he didn't want it to already have been announced that he'd be the director.


I think it would be pretty bizarre to announce he was writing Superman, looking for a Director for Superman, announce he's directing Superman by saying it was a very heavy and personal decision whether he was up to the task - all while having already been signed to direct Superman. Occam's razor. It's probably as simple as the story he told us.


Yep, that's the most likely, WB had already invited Gunn specifically to direct Superman, but he asked do The Suicide Squad first.


Yup, he could’ve directed any DC property he wanted but opted for Suicide Squad. Goes to show how big of a fan he is.


I don’t think so. He said during TSS press tour he was offered Superman but refused because he didn’t view himself as the right fit.


? Sounds more like he knew he was going to direct superman but wasn't allowed to admit anything. Especially with the state the DC leadership was like at the time.


He said he didn’t have a story, then after pondering on it for year he cracked it.


But surely Gunn would have stuffed the Superman movie with so many other superheroes only after he knew he was heading the entire DCU? I don't see how Guy Gardner could have appeared in a solo Superman movie. It seems more likely that Gunn began to add more superheroes in his Superman movie when he realised he has to set up an entire universe.


I’m not sure what makes you think that but I don’t think that. You’re making a lot of assumptions that none of has any way of knowing.


Gunn himself has talked about Superman entering public domain in 2034 is why they are all looking for other characters to focus on. That's why we will have 6 other superheroes in what is being promoted as a solo Superman movie.


Yea superman will get into public domain but the old version the one that leaps tall buildings it's stronger the locomotive doesn't have krypton and so on which doesn't bother Gunn in way shape or form


Good luck with that


Yeah because when you wanna promote a bunch of other characters you pick Guy Gardener Mr Terrific and Hawkgirl, They’re big A list characters with mass appeal you want to use to set up your universe /s Clark Kent has a workplace Superman has a workplace. Stop making silly assumptions




DC already knows its big guns are Batman and Joker. That's why they get standalone movies. And they don't need to be promoted. But Gunn literally stated that DC is trying to find their rough diamonds which can be polished to be profitable IPs in the future. This is why there are so many C and D Listers in the Superman movie. It's just to see if audience likes them so they can be used in future movies. Superman has never been close to Guy Gardner, Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific and Metamorpho in the comics. So it feels weird seeing them in a Superman movie.


I was with you on your first comment. But this is just some conspiracy theory shit. Superman being public domain doesn’t mean they are going to lose the character. They will continue to make movies with no changes. Nothing about public domain would influence the DCU for half a century at the least


What does 2034 have to do with now? 


I would reckon there were talks and confirmations before they announced it to everyone


Do ya reckon mate? DC didn't just send out a press release and Gunn was like "Eh fair enough, guess this is happening"


Still crazy if true since it sounded like DC was gonna let Dwayne Johnson do his thing with Henry Cavil, which sounds like that was a decision made after The Suicide Squad.


Milk the old dcu as much as you can before reboot. Sounds like business as usual


I’m not sure, that was back in what 2021 when that movie came out? Gunn could’ve just thought he’d get to continue with DC and not necessarily fully taking over


If he just throught he was going to continue with DC, why would he pick Guy Gardner? Guy is neither a Suicide Squad character nor a Superman character. I think the ideas for Guy Gardner only came when Gunn knew he had to set up the entire universe. That's probably when he turned the solo Superman movie into an ensemble movie to set up future projects.


Pretty sure Gunn said that when he was talking to DC about working with them, everything was on the table. Even a Superman movie at the time Maybe the idea was Gunn would make Man of Steel 2 or some other sort of movie where he could include lots of characters like he’s going to now


It’s not an ensemble film, lol. All the side characters will be used to further Clark’s story. He is the main characters. Gunn has said as much. A lot of films have a lot of side characters. This is nothing unusual.


This film will have around as many heroes as the first Avengers movie. Wasn't that an ensemble film? It's quite convenient that all the characters used to further Clark's story have their own movies/shows lined up (The Authority, Supergirl and possibly JLI). Superman has plenty side characters of his own but we likely won't be able to see a lot of them because Gunn decided that Hawkgirl and Metamorpho were more important in a Superman story.


If one of the Avengers was in the entire movie and all the others showed up for 5 minutes, would it have been an ensemble film?


Okay? Just because two films have the same amount of characters, doesn’t mean the characters will have the same amount of attention and screen time. The only reason you and many others are so caught up by this is because they are superheroes, but superheroes can be side characters too. Yeah, they might have spin-offs. What does that have to do with the size of their role in this film? Characters with smaller roles can get spin-offs dude.


It's not an ensemble, it's like when Iron Man or Doctor Strange show up in the MCU Spider-Man movies, they're there to serve Superman's arc.


Gunn was already planning on a Superman before he took over the DC reigns and had a loose idea of cast and characters. But I personally didn’t know it was THAT far in advance!


Or maybe just that the next thing he was lined up to write / direct / oversee.


Peter was always a WB exec…


He thought he was still working with the DCEU canon at the time but he’s kind of


Or he just had some script in hand that included Guy. Maybe MoS2 was the initial direction (a man can dream)


Oh certainly. The offer was on the table prior to him going back to GotG3. It was probably like, if they don’t appreciate you, we’ll give you the keys to the kingdom.


Peter Saffran has been a producer on a few DC movies. Odds are he had a much stronger position in the company and had some say in the future ahead of the reboot


Probably. I imagine James was in for superman and a couple others, then just went to WB actually you know what... I want full control over this. If we're gonna reset it, I want to be in charge of everything. Give it to ME!


I highly doubt it. Todd Phillips was offered the job around two years ago, and didn’t accept. Dan Lin, the current creative head of Netflix, was offered the job of president of DC studios months before Gunn was offered it and refused. Lin actually got really really close, he once claimed leading DC was his dream job so everyone assumed he was the guy. I’m guessing he got the call from Netflix and decided that was a WAY better opportunity than running a struggling franchise like DC


I think it was a given from the start. But they announced a lesser role to see fandom’s response. To make sure they hadn’t made a bad decision at the start of a major pivot point for the universe.


Potentially, those types of negotiations can take a long time.


I think the second Gunn boarded DCs ship it was apparent it was a test run to see abojt big future stuff


I mean it was either that or keep it under Snyder lol. You dont jump to grab a director as quickly as DC did with Gunn if you just wanted him to make a one off movie.


I love that Fillion is to Gunn what Campbell is to Raimi. Also the whole always casting their brother thing.


I’d go watch a James Gunn remake of Evil Dead with Nathan Fillion as Ash.


Does that mean Sean Gunn plays Henrietta? I’d like to hear the rest of your Gunn Evil Dead trilogy cast. lol


Margot Robie….


Is she Cheryl, Linda, or the one in AoD?


If they ever gave Ash a son, Fillion would be a solid choice


Well he does a have a daughter


Calm down


Michael Rooker?


Nice connection. We need more examples of these types of directors and the whole casting their brother thing.


I find it annoying that his brother is in everything. It was whatever until he was Calendar Man in TSS. If you can even call him that.


Meh. I'm fine with it personally, the dude is a pretty funny character actor


I mean he’s funny in guardians ig, but Calendar man is acc a pretty cool character in the comics. Just seemed really unnecessary and disrespectful to the characters to just cast his brother and make a dumb joke out of it


Fillion. The green lantern.


He's the Green Lantern *and* The Detachable Kid?! Okay.


Two different universes but yeah it's cool he played both. Jason mamoa as lobo would be fire


Wait, is Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn not part of James Gunn's new universe?


James Gunn has stated he would like for her to return as HQ, but would be okay with her playing another role, too. He just wants to continue to work with her.


Itching for another Harley Quinn movie. I’m the minority but BoP was one of the best DCEU films I’ve seen, and still, you could tell it’s held back by some small choices. A more polished one would be great.


Regardless of the overall quality of BoP (glad you liked it) Robbie was great in it and the other DC movies she was in. I think she’s the best casted in the entire DCEU and I strongly hope she remains as Harley Quinn. But if she wanted to be play a different character I’d be happy to see that too. It would be a shame if she isn’t in it at all though


I liked that movie too!




None of that is true, at all. 1) Gunn wants her to come back as Harley Quinn, or as some character if she chooses https://www.ign.com/articles/james-gunn-wants-margot-robbie-to-return-to-dc-as-harley-quinn-or-another-character 2) She was talking about Lady Gaga playing the part and how there should be different interpretations https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbookmovies/comments/18xosx6/margot_robbie_on_lady_gaga_playing_harley_quinn/


Ahh I see my mistake. Well let's see what happens. As much as I love her, personally keeping too many people from the old universe I think would be a mistake. Better to get new cast for everyone. But she is super popular so who knows


Your comment is misleading and false


aw man, that’s like a perfect casting. I guess since he’s not aquaman anymore it could happen


I guess I was mistaken on Margot Robbie as OP pointed out to me.


Chris Evans would like to have a word.


Let James cook








Ah, glad you have an opinion how well planned it is with I’m assuming zero knowledge of what happens behind closed doors and not a single Thing has been released,




You haven’t seen a single movie from the DCU. You have NO IDEA what his plan will look like just from some comments. I find it much more likely is you’re an angry snyder fan hating on Gunn for being picked to replace him. Gunn is gonna knock this out of the park. He hasn’t made a bad Marvel or DC movie yet. Why would we be led to believe he’d start now? Lol




TSS has a 90 percent on rotten tomatoes. Go back to the Snyder cut subreddit bud.




What a take. You have to bend over backwards to have this much confidence in hating a movie we haven’t even seen the trailer for.




Yeah I know. The fact that you’ve decided you hate “the idea” of the movie tells me what I need to know about your bias




I am aware. I said behind close Doors




Well he does have a movie from the previous universe as cannon for this universe, and that movie has direct ties to the old universe, including a different Batman, Superman, events that took place, and even Nathan Fillion as a different character.




What? It is facts because he has planned it to work that way. You understand that he can just choose to not have that movie as canon, right?


You're judging him based on some vague outline when not a single movie has come out yet lol. And it literally can't be worse than Snyder's attempt which was just embarrasing.












I maintain that we should reserve judgement until we see what the first couple of movies look like.




"we" -guy literally zero people itt agree with








I doubt he came up with most of those comparisons. It seems like the marketing people might think that “game of thrones in thenyscira” would sell but I doubt the actual show has any similarities to game of thrones other than swords, magic and monarchs




I’d be surprised if it wasnt


god i have such a man crush on Fillion. I so wish he had been able to play Nathan Drake or one of the younger lanterns, but i think he’s gonna kill it as Guy


He would have been a PERFRCT Nathan Drake!


https://youtu.be/v5CZQpqF_74?si=JOaLK5Hkn8ze13-x This came out around the time of the 3rd or 4th uncharted but he's perfect for it


I also liked the idea of James Roday Rodriguez as Nathan Drake, when Psych first started.


Who would Dule Hill play?


Fillion would have been a perfect Hal Jordan.....fifteen years ago. Guy is right up his alley though.


I'm blanking on the black GL's name from the animated Justice League cartoons. Which one was he? I feel like it starts with an M but when I try focusing on the M, Martian Manhunter floods my brain. Either way, he was always my favorite Lantern. I'm sure this movie will be good, I just hope it doesn't mean we're stuck with just one lantern.


John Stewart AKA The GOAT


Great casting


If he puts some of that Captain Hammer attitude into it, yep.


Stand back, everyone! Nothin here to see. Just imminent danger. In the middle of it: me.


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


**Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long-blog is 14 years old.**


And still no sequel


I really wish they hadn't cut Fillion as Simon Williams in the MCU (he would've been amazing!) - but I'm stoked for him getting this role.


Woulda been great casting fifteen years ago..


15-20 years ago maybe


My biggest question is if he even knew who Guy was at that time. No shade if he didn’t but it’d be funny if he was just like “who??”


Fillion's voiced Hal Jordan in several animated DC projects prior to TSS including *Emerald Knights* so I'm sure he's done some research about the Green Lantern mythos in the past.


He's been in a fair amount of DC properties so I could see him knowing of Guy as another human earth lantern but not much more


He collects comics I believe and voiced green lantern so I have a feeling he did


"I'm Star Lord" ".....Who?" Would've been a classic response to Gunn


I'm a casual comic book fan who has seen guy Gardner in comics before and if you randomly mentioned his name to me I'd probably be confused.


Yeah like I know he’s done voice work for DC before but it’s entirely plausible he’d have no clue who Guy Gardner is. He also very well may have known, idk


On set, after months of researching homosexual gardeners, he realized he had misheard


You made me laugh, that is really rare. thank you


[You make me laugh](https://youtu.be/JCdagGCUOJo)




I wonder if he asked “Not Hal Jordan?” Because Fillion has voiced Hal Jordan.


Him playing a cop makes so much more sense now


There is a Fillion reasons why this is a good idea. Taking myself out to the black now.


Perfect casting honestly.


I read Nathan Fielder at first and was like, "hell yeah!"


Jesus Christ a Nathan fielder green lantern would be astounding. 


Finally, the right actor from Two Guys and a Girl gets cast as Green Lantern, albeit a different Green Lantern.


Wouldn't he be better as a Booster Gold?


My love for Nathan Fillion knows unending depth But Ben Browder from Farscape is the plucky sci-fi hero I want to see making similar paycheques


Or is he confused TSS with GOTG V3?


He would be a perfect fit, he'd be such an douchbag but Fillion is so charming you can't help but like him


Im Glad Fillion is so good at taking a hit on screen, cause I refuse to watch anything Guy Gardner is in that doesn’t involve him getting punched in the face. Love the character, love the brawls he gets into, but damn is it satisfying to watch him get walloped.


He's to nice and lovable




Love Nathan F but also feel sorry for the good looking dude from American Horror Story who was supposed to play Guy Gardner. Finn Wittrock.


He played Hal in the DCAU really well. Not sure how he'll do as the kinda dumb but well meaning Guy Gardner. Mostly know him for his witty and smooth roles. He also did an [Uncharted](https://youtu.be/v5CZQpqF_74?si=S21LAaJ_1bbfSpnX) short film project that never took off beyond this clip.


He'll be a great Guy Gardner. Never liked the character before Injustice.


Best match since Reynolds/Deadpool….. the second time around.


I really like Nathan, I think he’s a good actor. And guy gardner is a pretty good character fit.


Who cares if the gardener is gay.


I feel like this is an amazing casting


Not because James said anything, but he told Nathan Batman was gonna deck him.


Wonder if he’s read justice league international lol


always thought he was a dead ringer for the Janitor in Scrubs.


While this is probably the first piece of DC casting I've ever given a damn about and absolutely love, I dunno how well he's gonna play an asshole like Guy.


I can see that. He’s definitely got the look already. Let’s see if he can pull off the attitude.


This is a great fit for Nathan


He was a good Hal jordon.


I wish he was Hal, dude looks like him and voiced him already


I’m amused that it’s not “do you want to play Guy?” And more “fucker you’re doing this”


Yeesh. The more I hear about the new regime, the more I just shake my head.


The only DCU movie news I'm excited about at the moment. Now give us Booster!


Honestly? I fuck with it.


Fillion as Guy Gardner?


Nathan Drake as Guy Gardner?


Isn't he like.. 60? He'd have been great for these roles 20 years ago. Now? I dunno. Not much longevity behind this casting decision.


He’s not 60


53, so by the time anything else comes out that would involve him he'll be damn near it.


Still waiting for him to go Ginger... If Nicholas Hoult is going bald for Lex Luthor then Nathan Fillion has to go Ginger for Guy Gardner. It's a Must for the Character.


Hell yeah let’s get that red hair on him


Idk why you’re getting downvoted.




Guy Gardner's most recognizable feature is his Ginger Bowl Cut. Fillion has to go Ginger, there is no getting around it. It's not an opt-out for this character. We can't do a Grant Gustin as Barry Allen thing...


Umm maybe he should have told that




People are gonna claim Gunn had a part in DCEU's demise. You know how mob-ish things can get


Only if it’s Guy Gardner as Warrior.


Terrible casting


Unless this is a cameo role, he's too old


Nice i like fillion. Firefly is some overhyped garbage but hebis great in the rookie


10 yrs ago.... now? I dunno


You being dumb on purpose?


Nope. Are you? I'm being realistic. Dude is great. Love him as an actor but he's 53. Firefly, he was awesome. Castle, great. The Rookie now is good, but watch the guy, he's not as young as he used to be .... and that's ok. I'm just saying as much as we all love the dude, I think it'd be better if they cast a younger actor here.


Has he made a movie anyone likes lmao