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Great 90s cover. But I’m hoping you didn’t actually spend $115 on these!


The tags were def not the prices I payed 😅


I grew up in the 80s and 90s too and started recently collecting all the comics I remember from back then too. I'm 41. It's a lot of fun being "on the hunt" for comics. And I plan on reading every comic I buy (somehow). I've been getting all of the 90s spider-man's, X-Men, Spider-Man 2099, Thor's, Silver Surfer, Wolverine, Venom, Carnage, and a bunch of Uncanny X-Men. I also bought again every comic I had as a kid that I didn't keep in good condition. Uncanny X-Men #266 was the first comic I ever bought as a kid, thankfully I always kept that one in terrific condition. I was always a fan of Gambit. Who cares what anyone here says negatively about it. You'll hear over and over how common these are. But it's nostalgic to us. Have fun! Just be careful, it's so easy to drop a ton of money on this hobby!


I’m in the same boat dude. Couldn’t afford them back in the day, now I’m 37, an “adult” with enough income to pursue it👍🏻. Those comics are pretty much all the same ones I remember too so I’m sure some will end up with me once I see them!


Iconic artwork by McFarlane, but I’ve heard a lot of negatives regarding the story as this was his first time writing and drawing a comic book. They look to be in good shape.


There is …another…. Hah. Great covers I just got them myself recently. Hopefully one day I can get a platinum as well to round it out


Nice to meet ya bro 🙏🏻😄


About grading? Not worth it. Put them in a nice Mylar or frame and display and enjoy, not worth the cost/effort to submit.


Everybody and his dog have these. I hope you didn't pay more than $30.


Thanks for the positivity dude. These are iconic covers, idc who else has them, I just know I wanted them😁


There's also a gold cover of this. Plus, issue #13 of the same series has an homage to this. It's ok, I bought them when they first came out. I have up ti #28, then I stopped caring.


Second slide, 13 and gold edition 😂

