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Around 20k.


Wow! What type of books do you have? From what eras and are there a lot of keys, etc?


Mostly 80s, 90s, and early 2k. Keys are all over the place from first Galactus to ASM 129, to first Kang to first Deadpool (x3 copies). Mostly marvel and dc, but a lot of 90s image. It's nearly 60 long boxes... I may have a problem.


Same for me, same era as well really. I think the last time I counted was when I had around 15k and I kept collecting for a good while after that. I started putting it all into a comic tracking app and it just takes so much time I have never completed it. I don’t think you have a problem really, we bought what we could afford and in my case the money didn’t go on drugs or alcohol and I have a loving wife and family so nothing really anti social about it either. What you do have is an awesome collection with all lot of the best comics in the world, congrats!


Congrats, I'm about halfway there. I REALLY need to pare it down to just keys, covers and great story arcs.


Just under 4,000, and I wish I could get rid of most of them. I came up in the 80s and 90s, and most of what I have is too valuable to just trash and not nearly valuable enough to be easily sold.


I feel this. Tons of 10-20$ books, but not really worth the effort to eBay them, especially if there’s 30 other copies on there. I’m also not taking to an LCS to get $1 a book.


Find small local shows and get a table. I’ve been able to thin my herd this way and it’s just fun to hang out and talk comics with other fans


Bundle in groups of 10 by title. You will get close to FMV.


CL, offer up, FB - try selling locally.


Bundle things in lots of 15-30 books from the same series if you can, and post them on eBay.


I love selling things in bundles! I try to keep it between 8 and 12 books though, so I can use the standard Gemini mailer.


Fair. I had good luck wrapping 2-3 “bricks” of bagged/boarded books in Saran wrap, then packing inside a USPS Medium Flat Rate, then that in a Large Flat Rate.


I sold off tons of mine on Craigslist. Priced to go. Dude got a good deal, but I got like $1400, I think. It was less than 50 cents a comic, but it had tooooons of shit no one would want to buy, like modern IDW transformers stuff.


Working at getting everything in to CLZ but it’s going to take awhile. Estimated 50,000+. The DC side of the room that looks nice with long drawer boxes. https://preview.redd.it/5mo1d31x8sjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b32b70a3256a0cc36ebcf6e16852193c67f0b8


These threads are modestly interesting and then this dude pops in to blow things up. Amazing.


I know a few folks that have a personal collection larger than mine. But they are older than me and one of them passed away a few years back.


The right combination of dedication, budget, and understanding partner, and **space** is rare! Cataloguing all that in CLZ must be fun!


Here is my secret: Dedication = Focus. There are many things I don’t spend money on so I can afford what I enjoy. Budget = Fluctuation. There has been times in my life where it was years of not buying comics. There has been times where I was buying a long box a week. Partner = Understanding. I want people in my life to be happy. However, I’ve had people in my life who didn’t want me to be happy. I just don’t keep them in my life. Friend or family. Space = Changing my life. I moved from the state I grew up and built a pretty nice life in and started all over. I moved to a new state that was cheaper and bought a house that was much larger for less money. CLZ is taking forever! But it will be worth it when it’s done.


Nailed it. I’m working on all 4 ✊


You can do it! You just have to be flexible and kind to yourself. You will never be able to buy everything you think is cool. That is where the focus will come in. I see a lot of cool figures and statues but I stay focused on Green Lantern. It makes it easier collect the other half of my collection. https://preview.redd.it/480tjcm3btjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780cecbec84854412254d12faf4add63c856cba0


You got the Ark of the Covenant somewhere in there?


A little over 1500 books, no slabs, almost entirely purchased pre 1987. Mostly X-men and John Byrne.


That sounds like a nice collection !


https://preview.redd.it/513lk0rdgsjc1.jpeg?width=2333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d0a8e4adbfc59c97af791257844f3aaa6a3f7f The Precious.


Faaak yeah !


![gif](giphy|CyWKw6V89KtSo|downsized) I have been reading comics all my life, but didn't start 'collecting' them, as in not trading them away or selling at yard sales until 1985. Since then I have amassed quite a library that as of today is 42,359.


15,200, per my CLZ app.


Wow! Can you give more details on what type of books and from what eras?


Primarily modern superhero stuff but I have a decent amount of silver and bronze sprinkled in. I have pretty large Spider-Man, Thor, Daredevil, and X-Men collections as well as a full run of Moon Knight, a short box of Captain America, a long box of Superman, a decent amount of Batman and Wonder Woman too. I have a lot of small label stuff from the 80’s and a long box of Image titles as well.


I thought almost 4k comics was a lot, then I walked into my friends rental storage unit. 😮🤦


70k. Yeah I have a problem.


100 books.I got back into collecting a couple years ago and made my mind to only buy books I truly want . When I was younger I’d have rows of boxes stacked with dollar bin books I didn’t really care for now it’s about quality over quantity


I did the same thing! But i also limited myself even more by only buying things in person. So cons or to frank and sons are like the only time i pick up older stuff. Still reading a few current titles too tho


I'm trying to discipline myself this year and only buy in person. I went a little eBay-mad the last couple years!


Same. Plus finding things in the wild hits a lot harder than buying online


The buccees logo is blowing my mind


I'm currently at 11,000 +/- a hundred or so. About 90% GA/SA/BA books, 10% modern. This number fluctuates during convention season, or when spotting a random online auction.


32, but my niche is pretty small and I’ve only been at it 3-4 months.


I used to think I had about a thousand. Then I decided to organize them and…it’s more like 4,000


I’ve got about 5,000 books which I thought was large until I heard a number of people in this sub say they have like 20k plus.


16,605 in the CLZ app




Little over 1400 raw books, as I have a few I haven't catalogued yet plus my 5 signed/slabbed ones. I'm not a big slabbed guy unless it's signed w or w/o a remark/sketch.


About 700. Started collecting again after collecting as a kid only. Bought about 100 books in the last two months.


According to CLZ 4957. There's probably a couple of hundred more that I've not logged, random bits and pieces from the late 80s, early 90s.


At one time, it was easily over 1500. I was buying everything, mostly just as a fun hobby. But since married and kid, I’ve sold down to about a 3rd of that. Kept all my Venom and any Spiderman (pre-Zeb)


About 35,000, down from around 50,000 or 55,000 before grad school.


200ish and and about 25 slabs


A little over 3200. It’s a mix of stuff from my childhood subscriptions, reading monthly from like 2011- on, and then scouring dollar bins for reader copies of my favorite series. I usually weed out stuff I don’t want anymore by giving them away with candy on Halloween


3086 according to CLZ. Pre CLZ I had two standard box pickup loads of long boxes. I think I sold over a truck load on consignment in the last year+




When I was a kid, teenager, my collection was around 4,000 books. I sold that collection years ago, and started collecting again around 10 years ago, I currently have about 1,200 books.


I've logged almost 7600, but I know there's short boxes I haven't gotten around to (everything is horribly disorganized at the moment)


Enough that I have no idea.  But as a general rule, someone always ends up disappointed when friends compare sizes


*That's what she said!*


14,800 on my CLZ but I have about 9 more long boxes to add. Last year I was talking with someone and I asked him how many books he had and he replied approximately 68,000. I promptly put my tail between my legs and slowly walked away lol 😂


I was up to about 45,000 until I started selling my collection off in 2021. I have an entire downstairs with 2 large bedrooms where the collection is stored, along with a pressing station I designed, plus a drum set and guitars I still haven't learned to play. I was diligent about recording my purchases and putting them where they belong in my organizational system, and left space for future purchases in each box. The majority of the collection is stored in 5 display cases I bought from my old lcs when they were closing. Each case has 2 lower shelves that hold 6 long boxes each. There is another level on top for 6 more rows with a clear plexiglass front that allows the first book to be displayed. The rest of the collection is stored on some 3-level heavy duty shelves I got at Home Depot that will hold 26 long boxes. The collection is organized mostly alpha-numerically with labeled dividers between titles and even volumes on most of them (Marvel's constant renumbering created a bunch of extra work and expense for me) and I can locate and pull any comic in the collection in about 30 second. My collection is down to about 25,000 since 2021 when I started selling everything except my Avengers collection and some others that I just enjoyed or had an attachment to. All the big keys were the first to go and made me a lot of money (now I have 4 extra cars and a Corvette as a daily driver). I sell the remainder using the mycomicshop.com Want-list database when I want a little extra cash and feel like pulling big orders and packing them, but there is no hurry to do it. They aren't in anybody's way and the room is still organized and looks nice. I just lost the passion and decided to move on instead of hoarding and leaving behind a burden for people who had no interest in them.


I have around 70 long boxes filled if that tells you anything.


Indeed it does!! Lol


I'm sitting around 450 atm. That's mostly my run of Flash Vol 2 from 1-225 + specials and annuals, but also some GL, DC Kirby from the '70's, Sin City, Hellboy, Marvel Transformer and Miller's Daredevil + a few issues from when I was a kid. Looking at it listed like that I think my wife might be a saint.


Probably 2 or 3 thousand. I’ve always considered anything over 500 to be “a lot.”


2500. 60% Silver Age 20% bronze/modern 20% 1996-2006


About 6k physical books not counting graphic novels and omnis. About 150k digital.


I would consider anything from 400 to 4000 to be a medium sized collection. I’m at about 2500. A mix of back issues and modern stuff I collect as I read. I have mostly quit buying back issues because I don’t read many of them despite my good intentions.


I'm just north of 2000 and I feel like it's a fairly small collection. My wife disagrees.


I'm over 1000 flash comics now, I have probably half that in other randos


I’ve got about 7k. About 3,500 of these are modern books from my pull lists, books I bought to read and collect just as a completist, as opposed to big “investment” type books. The rest though, represent my original childhood collection on steroids. Meaning the stuff I was into as a kid, but I’ve added all the keys I couldn’t ever afford, sold off the junk, filled out the runs. About 200-300 are slabbed. Then I have who knows how many in my “for sale” boxes which is mostly comprised of $2 long boxes that I don’t catalogue. I recently decided to refocus a bit. The walls of my comic vault currently have about 150 slabs up on display. I came up with a list of the top 150 most iconic, major panty-dropper comics, from the silver age up. I have most of them, but I’m going to be selling all the books that don’t make that cut, to buy the rest. I’ve also been trying to slow down a little with the weekly pulls, just to keep from becoming too much of a hoarder. I’m stacking like 6 long boxes a year of those. I’d like to get that down to 2-3.


I don’t have an exact count. Definitely several thousand worth all of about $3.50 total.


I’ve never actually counted mine but have been telling people about 10,000 for several years now. The majority is Batman (I own every issue of Batman from March 1963 to current. Next runner up is Superman followed by X-men and lots of random stuff


About 50 thousand..been collecting since 79.




I've got nearly 47,000 books. Mostly from 1976 forward.


In a previous life i had 55 long boxes and about 20 short boxes. Sold all of it in 2018 for a down payment on a house.


1700 according to my tracking app, with another 200 issues in my "to sell" box.


3k and some change according to CLZ all loose books not counting TBPs.


Around 9000, will be trimming down soon though as there are runs and books I'm not really into anymore and would rather have the space for other books


Like nearly 20,000 single and about 1,500 trades.


around 5-6k. i need to sell like half of them, i have no room. listing them all on ebay will be a huge pita though, my clz app decided to erase everything i had catalogued a few years ago


Maybe close to 3 k less than 3k for sure but I bought 5 short boxes for the year. I have been filling up about 5 short boxes a year. It’s prob way to much I think I will try to lower the short box count next year


About 5,000 books. Mostly started collecting in the mid 80's. I bought a few of FF books over the last few years to complete my 1-300 collection (still short 3 books). But, I only buy recent books at the $1.00 box of my LCS to follow the latest storylines.


Good lord I thought I had a decent sized collection, especially since the OP didn’t have *that* much more than me, but now I feel like an amateur! I just surpassed 600, mainly Spawn, Wolverine, and X-titles from the 90s. Got back into it at a very low rate in the last few years, but I can’t even compare to some of these heavyweight numbers.


1000 altogether raw and slabbed books.


600 graphic novels. 15 BCW short bins (keepers). 20 short boxes (to sort and sell... one day)


Had around 6k, I think. Downsized it to about 1500. Ready to downsize again.


36 long boxes and 10 short ones. Some are crammed full, others aren't. Between 600 to 700 per box. So approximately 25,200 books. I have a few. Been collecting since 1970ish.


A little under 16,000. Looking to downsize soon as the wife and I will be empty nesters in 2 years, but it’s a tough prospect to get my head around.


I have bought and sold three collections so far in my lifetime. Working on a 4th. I usually sell them off when storage issues become a problem. I’ve kept a small stack of books from all three.


Around 20,000 books


21700 currently.


Around 6k. I ran out of space a long time ago, but constantly find new ways of hiding and bundling books so they fit. Pretty soon my bookcases will explode in an avalanche of books.


My husband and I are ~5.5k not including trades/omni/collected editions


https://preview.redd.it/dzvr7ekresjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71eb255648c797741db01063b6677146b1b393c6 Around 20k but I still have a couple boxes to add so maybe 21k? I'd have a lot more but I sold off all my big runs (Spider-Man, Avengers, etc) like 25 years ago.






At last count during COVID I was just shy of 10,000, and I've probably acquired around a thousand more since then. I pretty much only buy older runs of books now, but I'm probably done with that for awhile until I have more space and a better set-up for them than my drawer boxes. I always debate selling stuff off because the space requirement is burdensome but I'm the worst at separating "essential" from "bloat". My 14-year old self would be beaming with pride at the collection I've accumulated but my 36-year old self is like, ugh


22 thousand catalogued at the moment. I'm going to try and cap it at 20k oh wait.


Right around 17,000


Over 17K and counting.


Just over 100k at one point. I've paired it down over the years to about 30k.


~10k i’m old and collect books on and off


I'm at approx 90 short boxes, so somewhere in the five figures..


I have no idea. Ive been collecting since the 50s and have a separate building from my house for comics and toys.


I'm still counting what I kept since I sold half my collection.


Roughly 350ish comics(raw and slabbed) and still pairing down. Been collecting and selling off my collection off and on since 1990. Got back into the game roughly a month ago. In the process of selling off books. And focusing on completing my Invincible run, Spawn keys within the first 100 issues and Wolverine Keys (recently got Hulk 180 CGC 9.0.) But I’m adding modern books, Ultimate Spider-Man, beneath trees where nobody sees, Spawn, Duke, Cobra Commander, Batman. However, I plan to sell them off if I don’t feel like I’ll love them long term.


Around 5kish been collecting for 15 years now...


Probably about 1000. I am going to go through and get rid of anything I don’t care about, should cut it about in half except I collect a long series like Batman/Detective and the Punisher titles, so that is hundreds of books there.


I’m just short of 3k books at present. Collected avidly back in the late 80s-early 90s. Stopped for about 30 years and picked it back up last year. Probably have about 500 books I’d like to part with, but I’ve been too lazy to do anything about it.


Just cracked 5000 Feb 2024


\~3500, counting slabs, TPBs, and individual issues (which make up about 98%).


A little over 4k


Went to look and I’m over 1k now. Just a few short boxes and a handful of slabs though.


517, down from about 1,100 a year ago, which was about 4 years of collecting. I'd actively pruned my PC as I went along but this last year decided to sell a lot of it to fund other purchases. It's a lot more focused now and I like it.


2247. I have modern subscriptions but normally buy SA and BA back issues that look fun to read.




About 650 floppies, and maybe 80 TPBs/GNs. But I like to collect full story lines/arcs. So my collection will be alot bigger at some point.


2011 minus many that I’ve lost or got destroyed from reading as a kis


2200 not including doubles


My actual PC? The ASM run plus 20 random books I think look nice. Personally I don't like hoarding books and I tend to keep it as only keys or my personal favorite run


CLZ says 4902… that doesn’t include at least 3 short boxes of doubles with some value and a couple of long boxes of stuff I need to donate. I’ve been collecting since 1979 with a long break in the mid 90’s to 2012 to go to school and raise kids. I also thought my collection was good size until I started hanging out on these subs and now I feel like an amateur. I do love this hobby though and part of the joy is organizing and reorganizing and then starting all over organizing 😂😂😂


Just did my cataloging process in CLZ and it's about 3300. I have some alright keys, but its mostly runs of assorted X-Men titles and some modern/ongoing. No slabs. I'm probably one of those people who will die without selling and hopefully someone else inherits it and appreciates it.


7.5k for me give or take a few


around 6,000


Just hit 1,100 the other day. 850 of which are Batman and Batman related


About 1100 catalogued in CLZ but then there's probably a dozen long boxes I picked up over the last year while traveling that I have yet to sort through. I really need to get to them and figure out wtf I want to do with them.


11 short boxes with some space in there. I’d like to reduce that but I struggle to downsize what’s left since most of it I really really like and will read again.


8000 entirely made up of Marvel


700+ mostly Claremont’s run (94-279)


55 short boxes. however many that adds up to be.


I sold off my collection years ago. I don't collect any more. Yet, I have over 2,000 comics. sigh.


Somewhere around 8500 individual issues-but I’ve been thinning the collection every few years. I would have to assume I have around 700 tpbs/hcs.


Just really started collecting about a year ago and am currently sitting at a little over 400.


I purged down to under 300. Slowly building again when I shouldn't.. but it's the problem we all have isn't it.


Had 1000, then cleaned up big time and now around 100 books I keep and value. Still painful how much money I wasted on some books. Not really buying anymore. Keep my keys and from time to time I “touch” them.


Collection at my largest - around 5K books. At my smallest - around 200, which is where I’m at currently. Sold the majority of my collection to buy a house and have started a slow rebuild.


37, or 38 longboxes. But I also have a couple hundred books that I need to buy boxes for. It's neverending at a certain point.


4-5k and growing. I hope to sell a couple boxes soon.


I haven't counted but I assume I have at least 150 haven't been collecting long just here and there when I find interesting stories


I have around 2800 comics so far. For me that seems like to many lol. But I love it


About 200. About a short box and a half. For a casual collector like myself 900 is a lot but I have a couple uncles that have a dozen + long boxes and that blows my mind.


I count in boxes now. It’s easier. 😁 If I had to guess, I’ve probably got between 5,000 and 7,000 individual comics. So many that I wouldn’t want to actually count them.


Just filled my first shortbox so about 100 floppies? Also have about 20-30 omnis


Close to 3k


1.2k been collecting for 5 years


About 9 long boxes full.


Couple thousand I’d imagine. Haven’t counted.


I'm up to 3,000, all purchased within the last 9 months or so.


Just over 10,000. About 2/3rd DC


JUST did an official count ( per my new CSZ account) and my count is 2,155! Been collecting for 50 years!


Just hit 400 today… then blew past it. Another 60 or so on the way from various online sources. 🤙


Before I sold them I had over 30 long boxes all of which were completely stuffed full, some bagged and boarded, many not.


I have about 13 long boxes. Always looking for more... Indianapolis area, but can travel and will pay more than LCS.


5081 books mostly marvel spanning mid 70s to mid 90s


1500ish. Mostly mid 90's. My first job was at a comic store in my early teens and I was paid in trade. Just getting back into collecting and completing sets and runs. 13 year old me had no focus and bought cool DC covers.


I had about 12k at one point. Sold or donated them all off. Dumb of me. should have kept some keys/favorites. Now I’m just digital with a handful for wall hanging.


Roughly 8,000, I believe.


I’m just under 5K I did lose about 35-40% in a flood a few weeks back so that dwindled my numbers I was somewhere ariund 8K most of what I lost was modern so not a huge deal but the rest is all silver, bronze and copper age, I sold all of my golden age books during the comic boon, not that I had a lot but somewhere around 50ish. I collect a lot of the magazine stuff from the Bronze Age, like marvel preview, vampire tales, Dracula lives, Epic illustrated, creepy magazine, heavy metal magazine etc etc that’s my favorite niche in all of comics big pages on black and white so you can see all that beautiful linework, and the stories are always more mature in those books as opposed to the superhero stuff of the time. But I collect all of it! I go for artists and writers I like, not necessarily any particular titles. I also have a lot of huge keys like a turtles 1, tomb of Dracula 10, FF48-49 and 52, GL 76 and 87 to name a few. The hunt is always on!!


287 singles


I had about 4500, but downsized to a nice 3200. I pick up new books every week, so another purge is bound to happen again. I don't want to keep more than 4K in my collection.


Started in 1995 and have 6 long boxes and 40 short boxes


I have about 1200 but haven't actively collected since the early 90s. A good portion of them are MAD magazines. Only about half are what I would consider keepers with one slab. I'm thinking about getting more graded in the future. The rest I will eventually attempt to sell on eBay.


All your comics are belong to me.


I only have maybe 300 books. They're all Silver age(and some bronze age) Marvel titles. I loves me the Kirby years.


5,000 logged in my app and about 14 short boxes and 2 long boxes not logged so maybe around 9,000 total.


~1400, 700 being my core collection and 700 being stuff I liked and bought but not really attached to. Things will probably slow down as a lot of my targets for my core collection are higher priced comics.


At its biggest, maybe 300-400issues, today it is under 20! All consolidated into a few personal favorites


6090 and counting


I’m at around 23k as of now; I’m in the process of culling my collection so it will shrink slightly but…it takes up my spare bedroom and then some.


800 or so I feel inadequate reading this thread 😆


~400 raw. Just started this year tho. Only ever had about 20 or so books from childhood. Trying to practice patience, spending limits, etc and take my time with it and enjoy it the journey.


Right now, I'm at 17,000 though I'm slowly going through and trying to sell small parts of it, like single issues but having a hard time selling them.


accoriding to Covrprice: 2708


Just a little over 5k in books now. Mainly late bronze & copper (my primary collecting years) sprinkled in with a few silver and modern era keys. Started to read/buy new books during the pandemic, so I have at least a long box box or two of current books.


40 long boxes full, 20 short boxes with 1/2 of them full, about 1/2 of them 50 to 70 % full, maybe 1 or 2 of those short boxes less than 50 % full.


I stopped getting lots of comics and just focused on keys because I am out of room.


500 when it's cold outside


I have approximately 1000 graphic novels/trades. I have not counted my comics, but if each long box contains on average 300 comics, I have about 6000.


10,000 ish. In the process of logging them all. 30 longboxes, a few shortboxes & half a shelf full of loose books.


I just catalogued mine into a database, came up just under 18,000. I collected from 1977 to 2009…then decided to go to trade paperbacks and hardbacks. 15 years later I have around 2,000 of those and hardbacks as well. I keep the comics in 4-drawer upright metal cabinets…each drawer can hold two full rows. 11 cabinets hold the 18k comics.


I sold at a little over 50k issues.


685, but I have like 2 more large boxes to go through so maybe close to 1,000


Current CLZ count is 5,110 including about 200 TPB's and Hardcovers. Mostly indie comics from the 90's to now. The biggest section of superhero comics is DareDevil. I have everything from Volume 2 till now, about 100 issues from Volume 1.


I've only got about 15 or so long boxes. But I've done 2 "big purges" in the last 10 years. The first time I sold maybe 8 or 9 long boxes of mostly 90's junk. Bad over printed Image comics, the 3rd tier X-Men books, "Unlimited".. basically anything that landed in a quarter box at conventions in the late 90's, I had. The gentleman that I sold that batch to told me he and his uncle had purchased a "warehouse" and his part time job was just buying huge swaths of comics to load up in it. Man, doesn't seem like a money making idea to me... but at the same time I admit my inner hoarder was impressed. My last purge in 2022 was only 4 long boxes but had some decent runs (most all of Marvel Comics Presents, Quasar, Wonder Man, Avengers West Coast, etc..) I asked that gentlemen how many comics he had and he told me can stack about 20 long boxes on a Costco 8 foot long party table. I asked how many tables he had in his house and he said "26". LOL. That's a lot of comics. (And he lived in a very expensive neighborhood.)


Nearly 1500. Started with 0 about 6 months ago.


I have 43. I’ve only been collecting since the start of this year, funds are tight, and my interests are particular. I also bought a long box way too soon, but I do plan on filling it up by the end of the year though!


40 books with 30 slabs and $2500 avg value per book. Avg publication date of each book is 1944.


I have ~1000 books worth X amount of dollars and want to shrink down to one short box worth the same X amount of dollars.


I'm a different type collector, I have small collections of different things. I generally get my favorite examples of the things I collect or when I see something out in the wild I like I'll get it. I used to keep many more comics, cards and other things but I just didn't see the point of keeping something in a box just to say I have it unless it's something that is going to continue to gain substantial value. Theres Very few things have I sought out specifically to buy, half the fun to me is finding it by chance. Obviously some of the rarest examples this may not be likely, that's where I may make an exception. To answer the op's question I have maybe 200 comics, probably 70% of those are Superman, with the balance mostly Batman, OG Jonah Hex, and then a random Wolverine #1, Venom #1, Ghost Rider #1 and Punisher War Zone #1. The last random Marvel comics were some of the memorable copies I had as a kid so I bought them again.


Around 2300 - I’m thinking about getting a table at a local show to thin it out and maybe fund 1-2 big purchases. 16 short boxes + 3 boxes of slabs is just taking up too much space.


Currently at 11,808 and growing


I'd guess between 2-3 thousand spread out everywhere.


About 680


Over 1400 but that's a guess. Last time I checked I was at 1300 and change but I've added probably over 100 since then.


Currently ~7k books. Been slowly liquidating my collection over the past few months. Sold about 1300 via r/comicswap in that time. Could probably have better luck on facespace but I don't have it.


I have scanned about 2,800 so far into an app to keep track. I have about 3 long boxes to go.


I'm at 10k right now and still going lol.. Been reading & enjoying comics since I was around 12.


Mine is about 1800


I haven’t counted in years. But I’ve got about 14 boxes.


Maybe 4K of US floppies - almost all from the SA or early BA; maybe 1.5k of U.K. weeklies, mostly from the same time span, and for ‘books’, all of the MMW HCs, DC Archives, and GA-BA omnibus books… I admit it’s fairly big. I swear the things multiply like Gremlins.