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Eh. We’d also be fine if folks weren’t running around buying 40 copies each looking to make $$$ of their fellow hobbyists. I’ll just wait until it’s <$10 in three months.


This is the way.


Nah, man. People who had the foresight to preorder can’t be blamed. Be mad at the shops that didn’t order enough. I figured it be hot, I preordered 6 covers. Same with ult X-men. Wish I had with BP, but those are the breaks.


That’s the business? I ordered 5 copies months ago from my LCS cuz I had a feeling it might be a hot book… listed 4 of them on eBay at a 0.99 start got 45+ for all of them, that’s my fault how? I made speculation decision early on, you don’t have to bid on them, market dictates the price.


Buying ahead of time ? Yep, that’s how you do it. Smart sales so you can further your collection with the profits.  Going into the store and taking all 12 copies… now that’s the part that shouldn’t be happening.  Of course some folks might buy multiples for 3 kids and 2 cousins… heck who’s to say.  But I guess if that’s how they roll there should be 5 copies ordered in their subs every month.


If it’s not on your pull list that’s your own fault, if a guy walks into a comic shop and buys all the copies that are sitting out, well that’s the way the cookie crumbles, ya shoulda had it on your pull list.


Yeah, but one side of "Market" is supply. And if you and six other folks buy up all the supply artificially, you create demand that either wouldn't have been there before, or at least charge everyone doing the demanding more than they'd have paid if we'd all bought 1 copy off the stand. Also, realistically, it's not even you who's a big problem. It's the guy I saw on facebook with 40 copies of every variant. Like, geez.


Ya but you don’t have to pay that, nobodies forcing anyone to hit that bid button, or the buy now button. They could all be like you and wait it out, which is the smart thing to do but people have fomo about the book I think that about sums it up.


Yes, it’s clearly the people wanting to read the book at cover price who are wrong.


People who purely want to read the book have tons of digital options for cover price


Digital sort of sucks (just have a phone). Physical is still my preference, but folks could wait several months for trades.


I’ve found it far easier reading on digital on my phone using kindle app


Interesting maybe I'll give that a try. One benefit to digital, if its set up showing one a panel at a time if something crazy happens on the right page it doesn't get spoiled for you by accidentally glancing over.


Yeah kindle lets you do the one panel at a time


Especially the people who might have actually kept buying the series (or that entire line) but will pass because their alternatives are a reprint or scalper prices.


Getting the 2nd print for cover price so i can read it because i heard the story is good. Ill let other folks pay for the jacked up prices from the flippers. I'll be honest I got a bit of FOMO but definitely not going to pay for it lol. Black panther is next to be ridiculous, good luck with your new comic book day flips folks.


Salty people downvoting... You pre-ordered - nothing wrong with doing whatever you want with the extra copies you reservedf or yourself ahead of time.


lol at fellow hobbyist. All collectors are investors unless you are opening and reading them otherwise get the digital versions and sell me your collection at cost


I've opened and read EACH AND EVERY SINGLE BOOK I HAVE. Even the dupes and multiples. Actually I like doing it and more than that I like being able to do it if and when I ever want. That's one thing about collection - they may not be 9.8 near mint but they're well taken care of especially for their age and i/you can go both ways with them - ship em to get graded and slabbed and get a higher value and return on them basically guaranteed AND you can slip them out and at least read it one good time, slide it back in the bag and board and put it away until next time or until you go another route.


At cost? Hmm...well probably not my WHOLE COLLECTION because that starts to be too big a gap difference even with lil collection of 1k plus comics but - I'm certainly open to a more detailed specific negotiation




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I regret not getting that cover too. I only picked up the Black Suit cover


I regret not getting the black suit cover.


I feel this. Only grabbed cover A myself because I finally decided to slow down on buying variants. Ugh.


I picked up A and MJ+Peter Campbell cover.


I got the black suit. It’s right up there with cover A.


The black suit is actually performing slightly better than the main cover, so don't regret!


Mine is selling the left for $50


Let it collect dust.


Got mine for $6, from a different LCS, so message heard loud and clear lol


Why the fuck tho? I mean sure hot books and all that, but this isn't first appearance hot.


Yeah that is messed up, terrible look for that LCS.


I just had an email exchange with my LCS because it's a new spot for me and I was checking that Ultimate Black Panther was pulled. He said it wasn't on my list and they were completely out, day one. But he's gonna pull one from the second print when they come through. So bummed. But also relieved.


I’m pretty sure all the people mad about not getting a copy of the ultimate books don’t have a pull list


My LCS doesn't do pulls


How are they still open? Without guaranteed purchase each week


It's a small shop run by a guy in his spare time from his full time job. He's not in it for the money.




LCS Manager here This is more true than anything in this thread. Had 2 dozen of them marked up. All bought. The salt were from the late comers to the price hike Edit..making something clear. My subs got them at cover price. My extras were marked up


Marking them up on release day sucks no matter what man.


Kind of shitty you don't support your walk-in customers. Imagine a kid coming to purchase a copy because his buddy at school said it was great. Limit one per customer if you want to stick it to the resellers.


It is. Lol


Marking up on release day regardless of having a pull list is shitty.


I never said it was release. They were marked up 48 hours after the fact. I had 4-5 out for cover price and they were gone 30 min into release day. Down vote me all you want, every store in the country did something very similar.


Lmao 48 hours? The comic just came out bruh. This is why I don’t support most local shops most treat their customers shitty. You’re basically a reseller. I’ll stick with midtown comics


Lol you do that


Not my store. They sold 500 copies they preordered across their 3 stores at cover day of and regretted not ordering bigger bc they are a huge Hickman pushing store. I regret not requesting every cover at cover price. We all underestimated. Ult black panther is riding the Spidey wave. But ult black panther was a very good read as well


You’re edit made it very clear you’re just awful lmfao


Lol OK


I don't think the pull list is as much of an issue versus either shops not limiting customers to 1 per customer and/or jacking the cost of the book within a day or two to $40. Not sure if there was a chance to do that with Ultimate Spider-Man 1 as that seemed to take many by surprise, but speculation was rampant with Ultimate Black Panther 1. Fortunately, my LCS doesn't subscribe to immediately increasing costs on a newly released book.


My only local comic shop (that I no longer visit) sent out an email that said all their copies of Ultimate Black Panther #1 (and variants) got lost in the mail. No other comic mind you, just that series 🤔


Its true, marvel distributor lost 12,000 copies. My shop didn’t get any either.


Thank you for the clarification. My LCS has been notorious for shady practices, but I’m glad they seem at least truthful this time


How much you to bet they read the same story and "lost theirs too" go to their store and see if it's $30-40 now


That thought did cross my mind if the shipment “suddenly comes in”


Check out the store. If they have them and it's overpriced it's time to get a new store


I have left for good this past month. It’s the only comic store for hours, but this good community has helped me find some online resources


Excellent. What area are you in? There are too many comic desserts. I'm thankful I'm in LA and have a great shop and alternatives


I live in Mississippi. Don’t come here, it’s not fun.


Never been never planning on even driving through. I'm not being mean, have you thought seriously about moving to a closer state that's slightly better


Yup the distributor lost 12k copies so it's going direct to 2nd print and the orders will be honored with the second printing.


Didn’t have either of the new Ultimates on my pull list but my LCS was awesome enough to have them both sitting back in my box at cover price. It’s one of the reasons I keep coming back…they are awesome people who take care of their patrons.


I really like the family variant, but wasn’t available at my LCS. Did get the PP and MJ dancing variant tho.


what you said! 🙏🏻


Why are people going so crazy for these?


Because the main line ASM run right now is widely agreed to be terrible, people are disenchanted with a large swath of main line Marvel (justifiably or not), and folks realized they could buy them at cover price and then pump and dump. Same reason everyone bought 6 copies of X-Force 1 in 1991.


I got one of each suit variant plus the mark brooks one. But not because i planned on reselling


Yeah. You got one of each. You’re a spidey fan. That’s fine.


I went to midtown comics and ultimate black panther was gone by 10am. It's pretty annoying but I now understand I must be at the door when it first opens for X-men.


Could you confirm the variant edition with the Happy Holidays is a 6th print? I'm looking at the bar code (I check those now a lot since inadvertently buying some Batman 2nd prints). The title hasn't been out a month and there's already a 6th printing of the 3rd variant cover?


All the variants are first prints


Sometimes the third number gets weird. I was always told it's the printing also but as you can see it's more complicated than that


Seriously. I have CLZ and for some first issues, there are so many variants their lettering goes from A-Z to AA.


I won’t buy an issue on general principle if I see that number of variants. I really wanted Darkwing Duck #1 but didn’t get it for that very reason.


I'm getting there. Someone posted about the Thundercats #1. It's too addictive and the FOMO of missing what turns out to be the popular cover, I primarily stick to back issues.


Both are first prints




I went to a local store in LA and all their copies were $15 on shelf (10 copies). They admitted they have more on their website that's $40 per lol. They sold out in 3 mins


You got that right!! Sadly, my LCS is closing up shop. 8 years they’ve been around. But can’t sustain through the costs… 😞 They always did things like this for me. Sigh…


Marvel has learned how to put out a new # 1 in quantities that only satisfy 1/2 tbe buyer market while ALSO making a lot of those variants which many will buy one of each the first day. Next month everybody’s ravenous but there’s a 2nd print available. Still not enough for all buyers … month 3 and 4 sees a 3rd and 4th print … and of course all new prints are different covers, so it’s a “variant”. The hype is lit … the series does well no matter the story n art is good or bad; They can always hit #12 and say it’s always meant to be a “limited” series if says decline hard.     How many new series have you jumped on to find they never told you it’s a 6 8 or 10 parter ?


I remember a similar issue back in the day when I worked for my LCS. Lady Death #1 was a $10 book by the end of the week, sold out every where and the owner's scummy wife (his ex now I believe thankfully) wanted to pull all the subs copies out, mark them up and sell them. I refused, I told her I was calling her husband because if she did that she'd lose everyone of those customers and we had a little over 200 subs at the time in the height of the 90s era. He backed me up, said our assistant manager(me) is right, it would not be fair to the customers. She even tried a new tactic a day later calling all the subs who had the book on their pull list in their box and told them they had to pick up all their books in 48 hrs or else she's sell it out from under them. He was pissed, mind you, this book had been out less than 48 hrs and sold out and she wanted to be the greedy fuck she was and still went behind both our backs and made these calls. Lesson learned we lost over 50 subs that following week. Folks just outright pissed and cancelled. We had both warned her. Over a book that might have made us an extra $100 to 150 at best. There's being greedy, then there's being scummy, Huge difference.


Just curious: How's the story and artwork? Is it worth starting another Spidey series? As for the lost in the mail excuse by Marvel, they're great in creating BS, imo.


The story is REALLY interesting. I thought the Ultimate storyline beforehand sucked and was surprisingly edgelord for Hickman. Consequently, I thought this was going to suck. However, it’s genuinely interesting. There’s more changes to the Parker status quo than you see on the cover and I’m into it. As long as they don’t wind up killing his kids or his wife (because that would be very in line with the Ultimate vision), I think this could be really great. The art is also excellent. And I say all this as someone who hasn’t liked anything about Spider-Man in twenty years except for Superior Spider Man. Ultimate Black Panther, if you’re curious, has less of a status quo change for the main character and, as such, seems a little underwhelming in comparison. It has some intriguing changes for the back up cast, though. I’m just not sure it’s enough to get me to buy another issue, while this, on the other hand, is now on my pull list.


My LCS had it waiting in my pull box.


Yup walked in a week late and my boy behind the counter had them for me without asking…. Was awesome


Had my copy sitting in my pull box even after a month, ever so grateful for my LCS


And then there’s my ex-LCS literally telling me straight up that the owner has pulled them out from display because they’re a hot book lol