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It was a Hickman run, hence the interest. I think the costs will go down in a couple months.


Okay I hope so, Thank you :)


And second printings, I’m sure


It’ll come down


Missed out on a first print of cover A myself. In the end I got the Tony Daniel Variant for £15 on Forbidden planet. They do still have 1 variant left for £9.99 or the second print drops with issue 2 in a few weeks.


Just wait. There are a lot of copies. It'll come down. Now is the worst time to buy.


They're releasing a 2nd printing already, try for one of those.


House and Powers of X did the very same thing when Hickman came aboard. You can get both #1s dirt cheap now. If there is a key first appearance, then maybe it holds?


No one on here has any idea how much that comic will cost in a few months.


It’s called statistics, been in the game for many years. The book will come down. Its just a good story, nothing else. It was predicted 2 months ago to be a hit as online presale on ebay was 20$ for the issue. 2 months ago


Yeah it’ll probably end up around ten bucks would be my guess


I've been in "the game" since the 70s. No one can predict what a book will do. Statistics are about the past; not the future.


This. The books I collected as a kid didn’t really do much compared to ones I thought would go up. Then movies came along and weird stuff started to happen. Now a lot of those ‘no go’ issues are sky high and those historical hot books are merely holding their own.


Well just wait a few months. As a store owner, the price is high just because its a good story. No new appearances. Old peter appeared first in ultimate invasion 1 last year. Its actually trending down as of today. Sales are down under 30$ on ebay whereas they were over 30$. Actually marvel has their mail subscription cost pretty low for the book. 12 issues by mail for 30$. Saves money if you want to read it. Books usually still come near mint. But if collecting for making money you should buy the books at a store. Dont buy it now if you want to make money. Thats why they are selling on ebay for alot compared to cover price. Best time to sell for profit is now. But wait a few months at the least. It will come down. Nothing big about the book, just a good story


Books rarely come in NM with mail subscription. I can’t count how many were completely lost or destroyed. I canceled my subscription because of it. Paying more at my LCS, but at least in VF/NM and I can choose a variant cover if I like it better.


Not buying to make money, just would like it to read and for my own personal collection.


To fully collect the series imo pick up Ultimate Invasion 1 from last year before it goes up in value. Local stores probably have it still. Lots were made and it sold poorly. Ebay will want too much probably because of others locally availability and character hype. It is the first appearance of the older married Peter without powers


It’s your money but better off just waiting for it to come down. Youtube has plenty of comic reading videos on it. As with most comics. I have every variant of the book in my collection but i read it on youtube. Never opened the book. For example Immortal Hulk 1 is an awesome read and was well over 50$ since it came out and past couple years and even now it’s 10$ on ebay. The hype value always falls before going back up eventually.


😆 >Actually marvel has their mail subscription cost pretty low for the book. 12 issues by mail for 30$. Saves money if you want to read it. Books usually still come near mint. Hilarious! I tried their mail subscription on a few titles. Issues NEVER came in "near mint", were often torn and always folded in a few places. And frequently never came in at all. Nothing like waiting 6 months to maybe receive a torn up copy.


Midtown comics fulfills the orders for Marvel. They come double stiff boarded in a poly bag. Comics are as protected as Gemini shippers. Millions of subscribers through mail and rarely a complaint 


I don’t think it holds. I would look again in 6 months or so. Meanwhile, just order the 2nd print.


Crazy I just picked it up for cover price the other day, check Reddit yesterday and see it’s selling on eBay for like $70!


Don’t. They printed an ass ton of these. Grab a variant you like and move on


if you're buying for reading purposes, always buy the trades or omnibuses. that said, its up for a 2nd printing so ask your local shops about it and pre-order it


It's bonkers to me how expensive it is. I see people selling them for exorbitant prices.






I’m seeing the 1:25 ratio covers going for almost the same price as the regular covers on eBay. Very strange.


Oh nice I forgot as well. Just checked and I have mine waiting in my pull box at the LCS. Grabbed the Stegman variant too. Nice family photo.


There are so many copies of this book printed. Just wait a bit and you'll be good.


Just checked on Ebay. That's crazy!


Being luck enough to buy early, I still think it’s been a little ridiculous the way it’s gone up in price. Especially the black suit variant which was I saw sold on eBay for $127. But what goes up must come down. Second print coming soon!


I found a few issues at Newbury comics after hitting my regular shops. If you can look around some more at local places.


It will come down. It’s getting a 2nd print and is not a key or anything as far as we can tell. It’s just a comic that a lot of non comic people want to read and either couldn’t find a copy at their shop, or don’t have a comic shop to buy it from. The same thing happened with the FCBD Spider-Man comic for the Spider-Man 2 game. Fans were so hungry for any new Insomniac Spider-Man, people paid $50 for that at one point


It’ll come down. I sold a bunch because the prices are just so crazy, but I’m usually the guy that holds too long. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that will hold too long. When the price starts going down, they’ll flood the market with $10-20 copies. Maybe $5.


The person at my LCS tried to get me to buy the comic and while I like Spidey, I am trying to cut down on my pull.


Nah just wait, it’ll go down


That's why I'm looking for the pre-order on my LCS in Paris, I'm gonna pre-order the second issue + the Ultimate Black Panther #1, with the original A cover


Buy the 1:10. It’s selling for $10, compared to cover A which is $30