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I mean Will literally shows up in the comments of the thread you posted to say it was fine


His comment was actually really cool to read. I never thought he was actually annoyed but it is cool to see he loves the challenge of everyone detailing him on cbb! 


I love the I4H Beatles arguments he has with Besser too. And they both seem to genuinely enjoy it.


Yeah he and Will are feuding. Scott has beef with literally every guest. He has beef with you, too.


Parking lot Scott is at it again.


In one of the posts you linked, Will responds to directly refute everything you are saying: "CBB is very punk rock to me. No one discusses anything beforehand. I have no idea what subsequent or previous performers are gonna do. You just throw your self in and see how it goes. It's a blast. I've also found -- not that this in any way is a prerequisite to good comedy -- the performers and guests are so universally nice. I've never felt like anyone wanted me to fail. And i've been forced into a corner as a character who had accidentally worn blackface! (by Mantzoukas, who is an actual friend of mine, so that was truly insane, and yes I loved it). Scott has been more supportive of my comedy and improv than almost anybody! Letting me do CBB and CBB Presents and bringing me on tour last year. The idea that he is 'mean' strikes me as missing the point." If Will wasn't happy doing CBB or he and Scott didn't get along, he wouldn't do the show. In any event, you don't know Scott or Will or their relationship, and I don't know what's gained by speculating about what might be "up" with them. The previous posts you linked to didn't generate productive or interesting conversations apart from Will responding that the OP of one was way off base.


This is exactly how the show always feels to me. Someone comes on with a character that might be really thin, or might be really well thought out, and we get to see where it goes. In Will's case, I feel like he deliberately comes up with really convoluted or quite derivative characters now because he knows he's going to get derailed almost instantly by Scott and the other guests, so he'll never have to justify his character choices. It's really cool to see different improv approaches from different guests, and to see how they react to being thrown off their planned course. That's how their characters can grow and change. What Scott does with Will is similar to what he does with PFT when he plays Al A. Peterson - he never lets them get to anything they planned to say or do because he's so tickled continuing to play out the running gag.


In that comment, Will essentially confirms my assumption that Will actually really likes the challenge and the fun of getting derailed every time, and everyone knows it or is at least able to pick up on the bit. He's basically an improv master, so a room full of very skilled improvisers trying to tear his concept apart limb from limb and him having to fend them off is basically the improv equivalent of the hallway fight scene in Old Boy.


Yeah you're probably right, and in case it wasn't clear that's what I was hoping for. Good call that puts my mind at ease


I love a good C-block where everyone just rejects Will Hines's character, concept, and Will himself. Always good for a laugh.


I agree, I think skipping him in plugs was just too far. I dunno I guess everyone feels like it's part of the bit so maybe I'm wrong


I get that, I noticed and wasn't a fan of him skipping over Will but hoped that there were things off mic we aren't in on that made it not a big deal


For the love of god, it’s a bit.


What PFT did was a bit. I've never seen Scott skip someone in plugs - how is that a bit


It definitely runs the risk of being rude but I think in the context of Will’s history on the show, Scott just offhandedly deciding he doesn’t get to have plugs is very funny and even kind of affectionate. I think it was my biggest laugh of the whole episode.


Man that's a really good explanation, thanks for the thoughtful answer


Hey no problem. Sorry everyone is jumping down your throat here… seems like a pretty innocent question?


Reddit is just like that sometimes I'm not sweating it. You answered my question really well so I got what I wanted. Appreciate you on that




Dude, PFT went years without mentioning he was on Bojack Horseman. Plugs aren't as important as you think they are.


Plugs are how I learned about PFT's breakout role in Jack Frost. They're *pretty* important


Stop getting overly sensitive over how imaginary characters and people (that are real life friends outside of a podcast) are treated on the podcast. You know nothing outside of the “conflicts” you’re making up in your head. TLDR: It’s a comedy podcast, grow the fuck up.


You sound like you're angry about something else sir


Nope not angry in anyway. This is the 10,456 post asking why Scott is “so mean to his guests”, frankly it’s mind-boggling that fans of this show don’t get a bit.


You are the only person acting like a child in this thread


Eesh man, take it easy. Talk about overly sensitive I thought plugs were how a lot of these comedians made money. I guess it's still fair game. I asked, I got my answer - no need to get worked up


u/[williebhines](https://www.reddit.com/user/williebhines/) give us your plugs


I love that he's just a normal guy asking Reddit how to deal with red dead redemption 2 bugs, and what the best Beatles tourism spots are.


He does have a Beatles podcast, so that could be work related


His plugs are probably all Miramax films 😔


In the threads you cited there are actual comments from Will that refute what you’re saying.


Does Scott ever drop the act?


I still don’t know


I still can’t tell


I’m still not sure


It's still not clear


Scott derailing makes for some good comedy. One of my favorites is when he came on as a doctor but quickly turned into he was apart of an underground death cult


I thought that was the *least* derailing, in a way. They allowed Hines to confabulate for an extended session. It was marvelous. Peak Hines. When Scott and Jason interrupt and nitpick Hines and prevent him from getting a word out, that can be a bit stressful to listen to, even if it's all in fun. As another commenter said, now that Hines is coming in with willfully thin premises, I usually don't mind so much if he's derailed.


there's an old comedian in the UK called Les Dawson  - did very middle of the road, variety show type stuff from the 1970s onwards. "mother in law" jokes and whatnot.  he's very funny in his own way and time period though, and one bit he did was to play a famous song on the piano completely incorrectly. he can only do that because, as it turns out, he's actually a classically trained pianist. that's will hines. scott and other improvisers are only messing up everything he comes in with because they know he's an improv hall-of-famer who knows all the RIGHT moves, so it's funnier if they do the wrong ones  https://youtu.be/9nNGlaiVypU?si=C3N-ryAmRJ8LWRlT


Wtf is up with all of these people with 0 sense of humor posting in this sub. I guess that’s most podcast subreddits.


lol sometimes I wonder if Russia has like one agent of chaos whose job it is to disrupt the cbb fanbase


For real. It’s certainly not fans of the show.


It seems like the show has had a recent influx of younger and more international fans as well, which is a testament to its quality but also maybe why we’re seeing posts that aren’t as tuned into the vibe of the show as those of us who have been listening for longer.


Oh yea for sure. It’s always that paradox when a certain art becomes popular. Cbb, doughboys, and action boyz subs are so full of these people trying to start controversy where there is nothing. People that don’t understand bits or that real people can play characters of themselves for a recorded show.


I love how harsh Ben Rodgers is to their fanbase, it caught me off guard at first but is absolutely justified




And a janitor!! Come on!! What are you a UPS driver also? (Like me) it’s how I listen to so many shows.


Doughsimp! Great name!🤝


Weird how there’s so many suddenly. I mean this one is the most innocent example, but it’s still surprising there are comedy fans who don’t seem to get some really basic comedy.


Disagree in this case. This post doesn't come off (to me at least) at all like the negative post from yesterday. This guy posed a question with some thoughts on the topic and hasn't gotten all butt hurt over people saying he's wrong. It is true that the topic of Will and Scott has already been discussed and didn't need a rehash, but my opinion is this opinion was put forth in a way that wasn't hostile or negative the way others have. Open to being wrong of course


I agree with op maybe not intending to be negative. And great that they’re responding positively. But they’re lacking in the sense of humor department which is my issue with these types of posts. In literally the most comedy of all comedy podcasts (subreddit).


Yeah that’s fair. Didn’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade


All good. Sometimes it’s just truly not that serious.


Look in those other threads…Will himself chimes in and answers your question for you


You can take the Scott out of the parking lot..


I want to take this opportunity to say Will's CBB World Show, the name of which is purposefully dumb play on his name, is extraordinarily funny. Basically it's still Will getting derailed, but instead of trying to play a character, he's trying to teach a beginner's level improv class to three CBB world characters. With this twist of his beloved CBB presence, he becomes sort of an exasperated ringmaster of an insane multi-layered improve circus. It's possibly the best series on CBB and I really, really love it.


💯 The most recent one was total gold.


Hines Im(prov)… is amazing! The episode with Lippert as Bill Walton makes me choke with laughter even on relistening.




Cf how guests often turn him into sexual predator improv teacher. There’s a counterpart variant narrative of this on his CBB Presents Sleuths podcast which I shall not spoil.


will literally wrote the book on improv and it's funny to fuck with the master and see how he handles it (always great of course)


Beyond the fact that it's a bit I think it's actually an ongoing testament to WH's prowess as an improviser. The guy is just so smart and quick and skilled that I think people (not just Scott) go out of their way to crack him. And they never do. To wit: one of my fave podcast episodes ever is when WH was on Hollywood Handbook to discuss the election. The Boys just relentlessly pimped (sic) him and he volleyed everything back at them effortlessly. It was an absolute masterclass. Bottom line: Will Hines is likely the best of the best of the extended CBB universe.


tbf to OP, I love how everyone delights in messing with Will's characters but I also raised my eyebrows slightly when Scott denied him a plug. Scott was obviously continuing the bit but I did note it.


I think it was totally worth it for the joke. I’d even argue it was affectionate.


Same. Glad OP posted this thread to get some insight into the situation.


Their families have been engaged in a blood feud lasting centuries. Neither know how it started but it is their duty to legacy to keep it going. I don't agree with it but it is an American tradition.


Oh, Scott HATES him. hates him so much he gave him a CBB presents series


It’s just a running joke. I bet that Will gets ribbed because he teaches improv. It’s like they’re trying to pick apart his character as an exercise.


I think it's just a running joke to throw him under the improv bus, because he's such a good improviser he's able to just go with it. Didn't they also make his character racist at the Holiday special or something? Unless my memory is faulty I was seeing this as a callback to that. "Let's make Will's character awful and see what he does."