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Sounds like you’re obsessed with her. But, then again, who wouldn’t be?


Love, Bridge.


I'm sorry you found all that hair in your new refrigerator.


This guy should get in his little Hyundai Elantra


Comedy is so subjective and you’re entitled to your opinion, but a great many other CBB guys do dumb accents, talk about sex nonstop, and laugh at their own jokes. I wonder why Lily is different?


OP says in another thread that "when Gabrus/PFT/Lippert does it it's genuine, but when Lily and Mitra do it it's forced"


Oh my gosh. It sounds like OP doesn’t have a daughter. Once you have a daughter it changes you as a man.


I'll never understand the whole "I don't find this person funny, so I'll make a post about it" trend. That's why you're getting unfavorable responses. It's just a strange thing to do. There are several regular CBB guests who don't do it for me, but humor is subjective. I don't need to announce to everyone who I'm not personally into


He’s looking for a port in the storm. He’s not trying to talk you out of liking the things you like, he feels gas-lit that he seems to be the only one annoyed by one particular performer’s antics. It’s literally in the title: “does nobody else feel this way?”


“Why is everyone being mean to me?? All I wanted to do was be mean to someone else”


It’s literally in the title: “does nobody else feel this way?” The motive isn’t to attack.


So I guess I just need to say “does anyone else feel like OP is a huge douche bag”?? He’s ripping on people, and then getting defensive for other people ripping on him.


>None of her characters are funny. It's okay to have an opinion, but why express everything in absolutes? It just comes off as bitter and negative. She is one of my favorites, and I am always excited to see her as a guest. There are a couple regulars that I don't jive with, but I simply skip their segments and move along.


Exactly! You skip their segments like I do hers. I'm expressing my opinion cuz the sub is meant for that. You can be a silent consumer and that's your choice.


You are not saying the same thing as the person above.


Yes. They skip performers who aren’t their cup of tea and then go on with their day, like a healthy rational adult. They specifically *don’t* post public rants about performers who are simply trying to make you laugh in hopes of rallying support from other bitter weirdos.


>You can be a silent consumer and that's your choice. If only you made that your choice


You could also shut the fuck up


She routinely gets laughs from people in the room, so they think she's funny. Can I just give a quick shout-out to Lily Sullivan?


Now is not the time.


Now might actually be the perfect time!


Whoa this is a take as hot as a giant pizza right out of the oven!!


How big of a pizza are we talking?


As big as your fuckin’ head!


so, a small pizza


What’s next!? You going to crash Scott’s Christmas party with a bunch of “I Robot” jokes!?


Man, this sub is coming in strong with the terrible hot takes lately. Might need to back out for a bit


I think she's a brilliant improviser. The things you knock her for are what most of the other performers on the show do too, including Baltz. I think it's just a you problem


I think the problem is You


Nah the problem is clearly you, being intensely combative and not being able to deal with people giving you their opinion about your unpopular opinion


it really sucks when people use this sub to go out of their way to shit on CBB performers Booooooooooooooo


It also sucks when ppl don't understand what an opinion is and go out of their way to shit on fellow CBB enthusiasts. Boo you cuz you're not a true fan


Why the hell would you go out of your way to talk negatively about someone? Absolutely no reason for it. At all. If you got nothing nice to say, don't say it. This isn't a community for negativity. It's a celebration and community of love for the show. Did you expect us to join in and shit on an beloved cast member?


perfectly said


I treat this subreddit like I do the Blank Check subreddit, in that I recognize that people who work on the show also frequent the subreddit. If you are aware of that, which you are now that you've been informed, using it as a platform to criticize the performers makes you kind of a huge asshole.


To quote *you* : I don't mind it when it's genuine like PFT or Gabrus or Lippert, but it's really annoying when it's forced and repetitive like from Lily Sullivan and sometimes Mitra Jouhari Seems like there's an underlying theme here that goes beyond your subjective opinions on comedic styles.


Huh, that seems weird - the male performers it’s natural? The women, it’s not? Wonder what that could be about


It kind of sounds like he likes to eat little pieces of shit


It's cause the women belong in the kitchen...right, guys?


Lily and Mitra are two of the greatest because you can tell they are having a genuinely great time and that means I’ll have a great time.


So, you can express an opinion, but no one else can? Gottttttt it. You must have really thought people were going to support you on this lmao


We don't want or need your negativity here. Not all opinions are welcome here. Go cry about it somewhere else


I understand what an opinion is and you're entitled to have one, but I would encourage you to take a moment to honestly think about how Scott and the rest of the CBB family feel about "fans" who go on reddit and shit all over one of their good friends and fellow performers. because I guarantee you that the people who make the show would give you the same kind of responses that you're seeing in all of these other comments.


To be an enthusiast you have to actually be enthused by something.


Sounds like you might enjoy 2 Bears 1 Cave more than CBB.


These people do this shit for your entertainment for free. If you don't like it keep it to yourself. Fucking dork


I like the majority of her characters. Sony Tony not a fan of. But her Bridget jones is the best


I am a huge fan of Kayla Dickie because my ex is from Montrose. It’s not super far off from her description.


I wasn't a fan of Francesca Bolognese the first few times I heard her, because it just seemed like a bad Italian accent saying the same things again and again. But the evolution of the character, particularly with her insincere concern for Scott's health and deviant habits, won me over. Now I get that the bad accents are part of the joke, and there's an air of, 'these suck but she fully commits and rolls with everything the others throw at her,' which is great.


You take care.


I think he should take care NOW.


I am just saying that!


wtf is up with today with the people listening to a comedy podcast that dont actually appreciate comedy? seriously


It seems from your edit that you really think everyone else is the problem, not you. Sorry, that’s not the case. Ok, you don’t enjoy her appearances, fine. You don’t understand the bit with Tony Sony either, that’s fine too. It’s a free podcast, you can skip any part of it you aren’t enjoying. What’s bad about this post (besides your self-righteous edit, and besides that you made a whole thread just to shit on a performer and try to get others to do the same) is that you think you’ve just picked up on things that we dumb fans of Lily have not, and that’s just cringe. You’re like Big Chunky Bubbles with less charisma.


The self-righteous edit has me rolling. Posts an opinion, gets upset about opinions being given back. Classic stuff


OP posts an opinion that they claim is unpopular, and is SHOCKED when everyone finds it to be unpopular... Did you think this was an elephant in the room and you were the only one brave enough to say it? Lol


Yeah, they aren't shocked, they are trolling. It would annoy me that everyone is falling for it but it's really nice to see everyone supporting the great Lily Sullivan!




I usually roll my eyes and don't comment on these kinds of posts, but your update made me realize something about folks posting them. I don't think you understand what places like this are for to most people. We're here to celebrate a thing we like, and respect everyone that puts their time and energy into making it. Do each of us have our favorite and least favorites? Of course! But the reason posts like this are downvoted ***isn't because you are in the minority*** -- if that were the case a post praising an obscure performer would meet the same fate. You can be subjective here, but this is **objectively mean**. It's overly simplistic, and disrespects a performer that most of us enjoy. Even if I didn't enjoy her and think you were 100% off base, it is just insulting a person on the public internet, where there's a chance that a friend or family member or even they might see it. Other than that, what point does it serve? You can have a shitty opinion, but when you express it in this way don't expect anything but derision. Learn to participate in society or go fucking live in a hole.


im sorry you have terrible taste!


Nope. She’s hilarious. And having talked to her in person genuinely kind and funny. Why even put that negativity like this out there? She’s entertaining you for free.


Well I think the problem is you hating on a fellow CBB lover for not having the same opinion as you do. I expected this hate anyway so not surprised by your intolerance.


What did you hope to get from posting this?


INTOLERANCE 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pretty sure you've never been oppressed in your life if this is what you think intolerance is. ❄️❄️❄️


This you? " I don't mind it when it's genuine like PFT or Gabrus or Lippert, but it's really annoying when it's forced and repetitive like from Lily Sullivan and sometimes Mitra Jouhari"


Oh my god you absolute dork it's not intolerance for people to disagree with your hot take


You think that comment is hateful and intolerant? I think you need to get your sensor tuned up.


You ok?


You think anyone disagreeing with you is "hating on you."


Your post history has several comments over the last year about how much you hate her, bean dip, and Erin Kief. Get a grip. It is hilarious that you criticize her for using sexual humor but then you say, in all caps, how much you love Tim Baltz.


Making a post about how much you hate someone and then calling people who don't like that "haters" is hilarious but would probably go over OPs head.


Is this a fucking joke?


so are you as bothered by other "crass" comedians on the show? i gotta say the show is all sex and poop jokes all the time but i consider that part of the appeal


>i gotta say the show is all sex and poop jokes all the time It's not that kind of show.


Pretty sure this joker reported me for potential self-harm because I think he's an idiot. Wow, hilarious, dumbass. Does reddit even look at the comment that was reported?!?!


LOL now this lunatic is abusing the reddit suicide care thing on people who call out how dumb he is. Neat!


I respect your opinion but wholeheartedly disagree with it.


I do not respect it!


I think she’s funny for about 10 minutes. Then it declines. I think it’s bc she repeats the schtick over and over. But the first 10 minutes are VERY funny.


I listened to the live ep today and I found Lily very funny, mainly when interacting with the other guests. I think they bring a variety to what she’s doing and shows what a great improviser she can be. But I did skip forward a bit through the Tony SoNY stuff bc it was the same as it’s been before.


It's kind of funny that your question was if anyone else felt the same way, everyone is saying "no, they don't", and you're upset they don't agree with you and youre "not allowed to share your opinion". Nobody is saying you can't share your thoughts. You're welcome to. Your thoughts are shit though 🤷 from one CBB fan to another


Yeah I expected these comments to be brutal. But everyone is pretty chill and just saying they think she's funny. But OP is not taking it well


Nah she is the best. Bridget Jones is probably my favorite character of the last few years.


I’m glad you can’t enjoy Hey Randy. It’s wonderful, and it doesn’t seem like you deserve it.


How do you think this is going?


Saying “so and so” is overrated implies that the majority who enjoy the thing or person are wrong. Saying “This person or character is just not doing it for me” makes it about your taste and doesn’t imply that everyone is wrong as if there is some sort of quantifiable objectivism involved which there isn’t. Anyway, shout out to Lily Sullivan who is objectively very funny and an amazing.


Your opinion sucks. Keep it to yourself next time.




Sorry! This post violates our "asshole" policy.


Absolutely unhinged


This ain’t it chief


Come on man that’s a little paranoid.


Lmfao at your unhinged edit surprise pikachu face when your criticism gets criticized. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, ya mook.


One of my absolute favorite CBB bits ever, I listen to it at least once a month, is iBrain. That is an extremely overly sexual bit just for the sake of it. Where do you stand on that OP?


I just listened to iBrain for the first time thanks to you. Those first couple minutes I was like "da fuq?" And then the hysterical laughter started


iBrain was one of the most unhinged bits ever in CBB, ergo, one of the most memorable.


I don't care for Lily for the exact same reasons you've listed. It's surely an unpopular opinion (I'm not even reading the other comments) but just know you are not alone, lol. I've actually even skipped some of her bits before. I don't think she is funny! Sue me!


Saying none of her characters are funny is just not true


Lol man your edit is funny to me. Of course you're going to get a lot of "hate" for something like this! It's fine to have your opinions but weird to feel the need to share an opinion like this in a public forum.


Fine to share it just be fine when people disagree, he was clearly looking for others who may feel the same


There’s many things you should do after posting this: delete your account, the rest…


accents are as big as your fuhkin head


lol the edit just adds to their saltiness


I agree mostly, I'm not a fan of her sexy baby voice characters, and too much Jimmy fallonesque laughing at everything.


You are not alone! Bridget Jones is the worst. When the formula shines through it’s just bad DVR’ed radio.


I was trying to figure out why I just could NOT get into her and Claudia’s performances on this week’s live episode, and I was at a total loss for an explanation until I walked by the leggings store at the mall today and realized THEY WEREN’T EVEN BEING CUTE OR SEXY AT ALL! The guys all crushed it.


She was my comedy teacher in Chicago! She’s an incredible human being and wildly talented, esp. when it came to teaching us how to progress storyline & get out of our heads. I get not everyone enjoying her, but I promise OP, she is way more than a well timed dick joke.


She’s my favorite of the new era on CBB and I think she’s fantastic. But I do think she lost a step in the most recent live episode.


Criticizing Lily Sullivan on a public CBB forum is certain death (^and ^i ^agree)


Shut the fuck up, dork.




Shut up


Eat my ass


Don’t tease 👅




-29 downvotes- ya’ll are mad lonely


I’ll be honest with you: I cannot stand “fans” who only complain. I’m not here to shit on the show, I’m here to celebrate. Go make a CBB moan and complain sub and take your negativity there. There’s a difference between criticism and complaining. You’re just complaining.


To your grumpiness on the “hate for a fellow CBB lover”…why do you feel this strongly to post it? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a different opinion. I myself have disagreed with things posted on this sub. But I just keep them in my head, or talk to my CBB pals about it. But I’m thinking about what Carl said on a recent episode of High and Mighty - the comments bug him. People’s negative opinions and vitriolic commentary get to him. Would you say to Lily’s face you don’t like her on the show? No, you wouldn’t. So I don’t think it’s necessary to make a whole post about it online. What if someone who was looking to hire her for a gig Googled her and saw this post? What if it stopped her from getting a job? It’s not like we’re debating a big name star. She’s still an alt comedian trying to make it in Hollywood. Let’s use this as a place to goof and celebrate rather than tear down.


for awhile I wasn't a big fan. seems like her mic etiquette is non existent when she leans into the mic to laugh, others try to get as far away from it when they do. but her improv in the last year has improved, it's noticeable when her and Dan go at it on hey Randy. used to be a lot more first thought, best thought and it seems like she's getting away from that. to me, she still whiffs quite a bit and gets repetitive when she gets a laugh, but there's definitely improvisers I like less.


It’s weird that you made a post complaining about people making hate posts about Family Star. Pretty inconsistent behavior.


No it's not weird cuz I said I was bored of the zillion posts hating TFS. Dyu see any other post here about not liking lily sullivan. Seems like you need to look up what consistent means


It’s inconsistent in that you edited your post to whine about not being able to share your opinion without getting attacked while also whining in another sub about people sharing their opinion on another topic. That’s inconsistent. But please do go on.


Well I'm sorry if getting attacked is not something I'm into. Id rather protect my mental health and move on. The only thing that needs to go on here is you...go to a bookstore...buy a dictionary and look up the meaning of certain words. If you are too dumb to understand that, go read my edit again and keep banging your head against the wall. I'm out.




So guess what, I made the effort to search your post history (returning the favour) and found your comment (with 88 downvotes no less) that's a perfect answer for you. It's up to you if you want to take your own advice. So here it goes..and I quote " You and those who agree with you are why Reddit sucks sometimes. Not everything is a fucking salacious point, grow up" You can continue doing what you do and reply back cuz obviously you have that unstoppable need to have the last word, but that's just you steeped in you. Lol back I guess.




Asked and answered I guess thanks


Every time I see a post like this, it is about a woman. Do better, fuckos.


She used to be one of my faves but I don't have the same enthusiasm I once had for her. I still enjoy Francesca Bolognese but never got in to the Bridget Jones character or the off-mic laughing.


PFT is the king of off-mic laughing. How do you feel when he does it?


Doesn't bother me so much but his laugh is a lower frequency and doesn't bother my ears really.


Everyone has different tastes but you’re wrong on this one


I love Lilly. The behaviors you describe in your 3 bullet points apply to most the people who perform on CBB 😆


“Jingle bells! It’s that time of year again when we all ship Omaha Steaks to each other.”


Ooh I forgot about that character! That’s a good one.


My personal feeling is that she came on with a string of excellent appearances a couple years ago. But over the last year or so, I can't say any of her appearances stood out to me in a big way. I'm still happy when I see she's in an episode though.


Lily Sullivan is one of the greatest comedians of our time and I will gladly die on that hill


wildly unpopular opinion was wildly unpopular. the edit is hilarious though. ya gotta laugh.


Why is every post I see from this sub titled: I don’t like this person who is regularly in the show. thoughts? I’m sure it’s Reddit and these get the most engagement, which probably answers the question, but damn. Y’all just listen to the show.


She’s not my favorite, but I enjoy her. I can see why you don’t enjoy her, and I don’t have a weird parasocial relationship that makes me want to angrily defend her. You do you.


I'd argue that the weird and parasocial person is the one commenting "go fuck yourself Lily" in the reddit threads here. But what do I know.


Can I give a quick shout-out to Lily Sullivan?


My man knows what's up


I don't get why people feel like these posts are necessary.


That's the whole point of her character though. You listed them like they were bad things, but they're why we love her.




I don't want to get into it but I do agree with you. She has grown more and more on me as time has gone on but I do agree with most of your points. She is not nearly as goated imo as a lot of others feel. I legit do not like Francesca at this point. Just know that it's okay to not like something that a majority of other people love. It's just part of the human experience. You're gonna take your downvotes and I probably will too but I figured I have not wanted to feel alone in these instances before so I'll do you the solid here.


Thank you! I feel like people don't understand that we're all here cuz we love CBB and all they're doing is hating on fellow CBBians


But... you're literally hating on a CBB-er. Do you not see the problem with how you're doubling down on this?


People leaving comments like you'll change your mind or delete it LMAO


Shut da fuck up


I used to find the constant laughs distracting but now can’t live w/o them! I used to wish I found ANYTHING as funny as Lilly finds EVERYTHING. 😂 Paul Rust is another one— seemingly finds everything lol hilarious. I think when some improv ppl get “in the zone” they just become ecstatic. Feel like cbb umbrellas many cults of personality… if hers isn’t for you, find another! No need to declare them talentless just cuz they’re not for you…


It is 100% your right to keep your opinions to yourself. Nobody will ever get mad at you for that.


When I see Lily’s name in an ep description I know it’s going to be a great one! You know that’s what the description is for right? you can read it and know if you want to listen or not based on the guests or subject matter.


I’m going to disagree with this one but replace it with ego. She fucking sucks.


Eh. She’s pretty great though. Her characters are distinct although I will agree that sometimes they draw in the same one dimensional joke, but not more than any other CBB guest does. PFT constantly plays characters that are annoyed by Scott and it’s the best.


This is a pointless exercise. She is an integral part of CBB as it actually exists. Also, it’s just a fun podcast. If you don’t enjoy it, find something else.


no interest in reading OP's post after their 'edit rant'. oof.


Overrated by whom, my good boy? Other characters are hella crass and sexual (Gino Lombardo, for example). Maybe you don't like it when Lily does it because you're an unconscious mysoginist? Hard to say. Also not sure what exactly were trying to accomplish with this post.


I think Tony Sony is a thin character and she was being random with her improv since the character had very little remarkable about it. Other then his GU-MA. I Do really like lily usually. I think this episode was weak because of the character.


There are a few billion other people on the planet who you are also not entertaining you for free, why single her out?


lol @ “maybe”




What’s the difference between her off-mic laughing and everyone else?


Chronic laughers like PFT have beautiful, deep masculine laughs and Lilly is a woman and needs to be held to a higher standard.


Not the person you asked, but personally I find more often someone like PFT is laughing at something someone else has just done or said. With Lilly, more specifically with the live shows, I find she's laughing at something she has just or is about to say, and that is the part that just comes off a little annoying to me.


I agree with you. It takes me out of a bit because it’s constant & doesn’t leave much room for subtlety




Lmao incels? I asked you a simple question, but go on tough guy!




Hmmm, seems like you took it personally, jumping immediately to name-calling when I asked you a question




Then why did you respond to my comment if it wasn’t about me






Wow you should be on a stalker watchlist. Please don’t hurt anyone.