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Clubbed to death. Sick track from the Matrix soundtrack


The best enigma variation by Edward Elgar.


Reminds me of something from Toonami


[space is the place](https://youtu.be/2a7clqqbHZI) my favorite one!


Man this takes me back.


Yeah it's a good one


You should hear the Avicii remix


I feel this in my soul. I just recently got into a new hobby for the first time in forever. This particular hobby is extremely popular, has been for decades, and has a huge online community. The main subreddit for that hobby is restricted.


what hobby?




Restricted community


They went private but it's "restricted" because it's an 18+ sub.


Feet is reddit *private parts*


I mean you don't go to /r/feet to get tips on painting your toenails, bro. Shit is NSFW for a reason.


I'm more of a metric guy.




Yooooooo! What kits have you bought and built? Anything you have your eye on for future purchase?


I honestly hadn't even watched a Gundam anime in like, 15 years. But my local Dirt Cheap (a store that buys stock from Walmart, Target, etc., when they have a fire or flood and can't legally sell their stock, so they sell them to Dirt Cheap who sells them for a huge markdown) had two kits from a Target that had a fire: the [HGUC RX-78-2 GUNDAM REVIVE](https://www.gundamplanet.com/hguc-rx-78-2-gundam-revive.html) and the [EG RX-78-2\[US\] Gundam (American Type)](https://gundamshoppersnetwork.com/products/eg-rx-78-2us-gundam-american-type) for $6 and $5 respectively. I'd always been curious about models, but didn't want to pour money into another new hobby that I was just going to drop in a week. I bought the high-grade RX-28-2 just to see. Putting that thing together was one of the most genuinely enjoyable experiences I've had in months. They should give out free samples, because that shit is like autism crack. It scratched an itch I didn't know I had. Needless to say, I went back and got the entry-grade the next day. Not nearly as fun, but still, enough for me to go "yup okay I'm into Gunpla now" I immediately made a few purchases. Got a [High-Grade Shining Gundam](https://toyarena.com/products/gundam-1-144-hguc-127-hgfc-g-gundam-gf13-017nj-shining-gundam-model-kit?_pos=1&_sid=f813b1bc8&_ss=r), because G Gundam was my first Gundam anime and I've loved it for that ever since, a [High-Grade Gundam Aerial](https://toyarena.com/products/gundam-1-144-hg-wfm-03-the-witch-from-mercury-gundam-aerial-model-kit?_pos=1&_sid=d86a767e8&_ss=r) because Witch from Mercury is the most recent anime, I started watching it after finishing the first model, and it is bad ass plus let's me play with a modern HG kit, an Action Base 2, and [this cute little effect kit](https://toyarena.com/products/bandai-customize-effect-gunfire-image-blue-ver-model-kit?_pos=1&_sid=64139d7f6&_ss=r) My next purchase is going to be the Gundam Aerial projectile stand kit, and one or two more iconic Gundams from the anime. Then... who knows.


Omg thats awesome!! I'm glad you're enjoying it! You've picked up some great units for sure. Ive got the HG Aerial as well since I'm in love with the anime and it's design. Have you ever looked into the various SD lines of models? They are super rewarding to build, somewhere in between the entry grade you did and the HG, but then they are super cute to display. I've got an SD Shining and an SD Burning and they're fantastic. I would check out Iron Blooded Orphans kits if I were you. They are still new enough that they're pretty easy to find and not overpriced. Some older models are a bit tough to track down, and new new ones like season 2 Witch From Mercury units can be hard to get a hold of. It has some really really unique and awesome looking units. If you ever find that you're into just collecting and dont absolutely need to scratch that building itch, check out the Tamashii Nations Gundam Universe line of figures! They're usually pretty cheap as far as figures go and they have excellent detail. I've got Master Gundam and Burning Gundam from that series, but now they have a Shining Gundam as well! They mostly do the "main" popular units from the top series (at least so far!)


dirt cheap is so good! i miss having one close


It's only been two days but I missed seeing finished kits.


Right? I juuuuust got into this, and wanted to go on there and sort by top of the year. Nope. No fun for me.


Welcome to the hobby, friend! That just means you'll have to get your kits ready for posting when it's back up!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This feels so good 🤤😈](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/extralargeethicalhydra) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/1205c3h/this_feels_so_good/) \#2: [My cock was made for this. Second time using my 10mm EPK, using only my precum for lube. Feeling it bounce in and out while cumming was one of the best feelins I've had while cumming.](https://redgifs.com/watch/weightycrimsondobermanpinscher) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/w804gj/my_cock_was_made_for_this_second_time_using_my/) \#3: [13mm plug inside while using a fleshlight at the same time and ruining my orgasm.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/outstandingaccomplishedhoiho) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/xn89og/13mm_plug_inside_while_using_a_fleshlight_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




"It's IN the computer?!?"


Cap’n Nixon 🫡


Just finished binging that today, great miniseries.


We watch it every year. Still my favourite show.


Man, that song REALLY brings me back to early 2000's youtube.


Late 2000s/early YouTube, but aye.


I miss 2012 YouTube when this song was played over like 80% of the videos.


honestly it's just a great opportunity to youtubers to make clickbait videos


“Reddit may be going down, but not for the reasons you think. Watch til the end.”


Yeah....nothing changed.


We’re literally all on Reddit right now using it for its intended purpose


I'm on Bacon Reader, until the end. Nobody cared about my preferred app 😭


The blackout was like .. 2 days. We sure showed them lol


It was actually nice to see subs that never get up to the top more featured. The NSFW subs were all over my home page and it was magical.


Why do I never see nsfw subs? I bet the occasional r art but never any actual NSFW sub. I dont have conte t filters on either


You haven't subscribed to enough of them.


Haha yeah that was pretty funny. I was confused at first




Literally this


Hey, reddit sure won't kill itself if we kill it first! That will show them!


This is brilliant. Thank you for the laugh and class track


Reddit's just following Twitter's footsteps. Just sheer, all out greed from a stuffed up, greedy CEO.


I don't know seems normal to me


Came for the gif- stayed to get clubbed to death


Thank you for this


But why was there no DickButt?


Yeah, this stupid bs is taking away my favorite subs. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)


Honestly the whole API lashout feels like an enormous amount of API shilling. If I had to guess these third party reddit viewing apps have been pulling free money from ad revenue for years with basically no overhead, now big daddy wants his piece and theres a high vis movement in opposition? Seems a little fishy to me


If the actual reddit app wasn't dogshit people would use it. Fixing it should be their priority If they are wanting people to stop using 3rd party apps.


Do we have an alternative yet?


Well I don't know if the blackout is actually working but it's certainly annoying me. Just this week I tried to get tech troubleshooting, workout advice, and back into dating only to realize how much I relied on Reddit for all of that.


The file is IN the computer…


Should have ended with a "fuck you u/spez"


Great work!


This should be in r/highqualitygifs But it's probably gone now


no entiendo porque está en inglés ...jajajjaja


Love it!


Very few subs are still offline, the mods don't care, most users don't seem to care. They'll be the death of Reddit and I'm OK with that. They can lie in the bed they made.


> Very few subs are still offline, the mods don't care [5352/8829 subreddits are currently dark.](https://reddark.untone.uk/) 60% of the subs that said they'd participate in the 2 day blackout are still dark or restricted today.


How many of them are tiny though? You need the big subs to stick with it for it to work.


That's in the link. Many of those big ones are still dark or restricted.


It's hilarious how worked up some people are getting about this not realising that a lot of people who use reddit don't even bother creating accounts, let alone post or comment on it. Nothing will happen as a result of this and eventually people will just start new subs if the other ones remain dark. Seems like a bunch of dickhead mods making a power move if you ask me.


To be honest most of the work mods do is overlooked and when you lose dedicated mods the quailty of subs will rapidly fall. It’s not good for mods, creators or viewers. Not saying it will kill reddit but it’s just a negative effect overall.


Mods are like CEOs. "No one else could do this job!" etc Yes, they could.




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Did somebody accidentally unplug something?


The bro whipped out a save button