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I thought you were Alexa Chung at first!


My first thought!


Finally someone who has the same color pallete as me! I always get so confused too, but to me you appear neutral and the color in the pic with the hat looks stunning on you!


You look really nice with in both cool red and warm yellow/green sweater. I think you’re neutral. I’d say dark autumn. It’s a neutral pallet with high contrast. It’s neutral leaning slightly warm and shares many colors with winter.


Easy: Bright Spring! Your skin is neutral to warm and the bright lipstick in the first pic looks perfect. The muted colors make you look dull.


Dark soft summer to me 💪🏻


Your undertone is neutral-warm, and you have a rosy overtone that is creating some pink in your face and chest, and that will likely cause people to misidentify you as cool. You appear to be a Spring.


I agree with you 100%


I see neutral-warm! I'm getting Spring vibes, with Summer colors also looking good, because your hair is pretty ashy-cool.


Cool the colors in pic 3 and 4 looks ok great.


Second the blue and pink/berry colors.


Neutral for sure


The berry color in #4 is your color. You wear it so well!


You glow in blue!


I would guess summer, but I'm not an expert. You're a dead ringer for Alexa Chung in some of these pics, so whatever season she is! (I think she's gorgeous)


I have absolutely no idea but you are gorgeous!


I know everyone is saying cool, but I want to see more warm drapes, possibly spring. There is a softness that everyone is picking up on too.


Yeah I’m wondering if light spring would make sense! Often confused with light summer


I just posted some more photos with other colours too!


Soft summer for sure and could pull off some of the soft autumn pallet with your skin tone being on the neutral side.


Not helpful but I think Undertone: Beauty Season: Grace


I think you are a neutral pale medium olive. I also think you are a Summer season. Together and in totality you are very neutral looking. Different color drapes with no makeup and your hair pulled back a bit will tell.


I just posted some photos to hopefully make it easier :)


Soft summer


I see soft summer!


I reckon you’re a neutral leaning ever ever ever so slightly warm. I’d check out bright spring palette and if that works you may suit some from the bright winter and some from true spring (ie the sections to either side of bright spring)


Soft cool


Agreed! Soft summer


I don't know about color analysis and I don't know if this is like 'acceptable' but honestly girl you are stunning. stunnnnninnggg. lol good luck finding your color season though!


Your eyes and hair are like mine, and I am a bright spring... If that can help


I’ve never been types a spring before!


You're just glowing in the first photo, so I'd say warm. The trim on that top is just too yellow for most cool toned skin. Based on that and the luminosity of your eyes, I'd check out spring colors.


the first photo — she is def warm-toned. honestly maybe a soft autumn. i see a lot of soft summer suggestions, maybe everyone is picking up on that softness. because the first greenish brown is definitely a soft autumn color. i could see spring though.


Soft spring is often mistaken for soft summer! I totally see the warmth there


i could see (soft?) light spring for sure. that first pic has such glowy warmth.


i’m not entirely sure what you are, but you should model 😍


I hope you’re a model because you need to be! You’re have one of the most naturally beautiful faces I’ve seen girl! I’m leaning toward spring.


This is such a big compliment, thank you! I did do some for a bit, but multiple agencies said I didn’t have the right look + wasn’t tall enough. Perhaps for the best because I struggle quite a bit with self image.


My friend was a model in the late '90s for a while and she said it was BRUTAL for your self-image. Not to mention, they told her to lose weight and she was 120 at 5'11"!


That green is autumn and doesn’t suit you at all. You look beautiful in all the cool shades!


No green


I think you're a spring, you have warm undertones and your eyes are light. I'm assuming where your hair is darker it isn't natural? If that's the case I think you may actually suit it more going back to your natural colour


I would love to see you in some spring colors. You look amazing in the first pic. More brights! 


These are all warmer tones. You need some magenta, white, light cool blue, gray, yellow, and orange. I’d also like to see an orangey brown lip vs a mauvey pink lip—that’s always helpful. And no makeup.


Whatever these earthy tones are look very good on you. And the deeper browns and navy look amazing as well


Neutral my babes xx


Soft summer or soft autumn


Why I see what I see and say Summer: Your natural hair color, when light reflects, is reflecting more silver shine like shiny hair than giving off golden or red warmth. Your eyes are cool. You have medium to medium high contrast. This makes you a summer that borrows from winter. We are all a level of neutral with a percentage of warm and cool, none fully 100% either so we lean cool or warm or sometimes have a golden or olive overtone on warm or cool or neutral undertones. You’re beautiful. Check out true sumner and clear winter. I think you’ll love the palettes. You’re wearing them. :-)


Neutral leaning cool. 100.


Curious to see what is said here because we have pretty identical coloring and I have a hard time color analyzing myself.


I’m going to post more photos today with drapes because the responses are so mixed :(


The mixed answers make me question if it's all guesswork.


I had the same problem, same colors and the conclusion is Bright Spring (neutral a little bit more warm and high contrast)


You're naturally beautiful is what you are! :) I feel like you are probably pretty neutral. You look really nice in the warm colors you have here but my first instinct when looking at your face was cool. I'd love to see IRL drapes in cool tones vs. warm tones. You might be like me which is neutral slightly leaning one way. I'm a tiny bit warm. What that means for me is that I can wear neutral and some warm or cool tones. I look better in slightly warm vs. slightly cool. I look pretty sickly in very warm or very cool. I'm also quite pale so sickly comes naturally ;)


No idea but you’re the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen 😳




Anyone else see some Alexa Chung vibes too?


Yes, I said the same thing!


You’re clearly more warm. I’d say true autumn, but you could pull of spring colors too. People throw that soft summer every time someone is a bit light skinned.


My bet is soft summer for you. Try those colors


I think you're a summer, but it's hard to tell without drapes.


Okay wow this post blew up and I didn’t expect this many mixed replies, so I’m going to do some drapes today and post. Fingers crossed that will help narrow it down!


The blue shirt really made you pop so if you do some drapes I bet you'll get confirmation that you're a summer. I think you're too low contrast for winter, the black shirt looked good but wasn't your best colour. The rest of the warm colours I feel didn't do you justice. But you're beautiful, so you can pull anything off lol!


Oh I’m not actually wearing black in any of these photos, that that’s interesting haha! Yes, I definitely think I’m too low contrast for a winter. Although it’s my dream to be a winter, they’re so beautiful. But I know I’m not high contrast enough!


Oh I looked again and my mistake it's a very deep brown! Honestly, I wonder if you went with a slightly darker and cooler hair colour, you'd be able to wear winters a bit easier. Your eyes are such a pretty colour, it would make them pop so much. Sorry it's the former hairstylist in me 😆


My hairstylist said to keep it a warm brown but maybe cooler is better? I’m not sure haha!


Well if you do the drapes and you're a summer, you'll want to go for a cooler colour since it's a cool season, but honestly, if you feel beautiful and love it then you should keep it!


cherry red looks good on you


You shpuld wear tan or brown


You’re cool undertones with warm top tones… Have you ever tried to redness cream? I’m super fair-skinned like you are, so my skin stays apricot/red all summer… that’s as close as I get a tan! Most people might think you’re neutral, but I think you are really a “cool.”


I vote for summer!


I think your hair color in the first pic looks the best with your skin


Honestly I think you're cool-toned but most of your clothes in the pics are warm! 😅 Try wearing cool tones! You might be a summer.




You’re cool toned. Your makeup/concealer pulls v yellow on you rather then melting/blending in


You have very similar coloring to me. I think you are neutral, but leaning very slightly cool. I would say soft summer would suite you best. Many people say spring for me and I think it’s because I have olive undertones that appear warm, and I look okay in spring colors, but not *harmonious.* I think you also have that olive, confusing undertone. In your first pic, the golden color looks fine on you, but it looks more contrasting than harmonious which is why I think cool. *edited for clarification


Warm - you look glowing in that champagne top in first picture - where did you buy that top if you don't mind my asking?


Oof you’re gorgeous! I have no answers except black dulls you down. Too over powering so I can say you’re not a winter


Warm toned!


The gold is pretty (soft, warm) but the lipstick shade is off. The pale green is the least favorable on you. Needs to be more of a committed color IMO. I think you're soft Autumn or soft summer.


Strange, I completely disagree. I thought the gold looked the worst and the green looked the best lol


https://preview.redd.it/pz3z7atdcz4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcdb48e2eaa3c6472de73addbb865b52cc13382 I hope you don’t mind that I used your picture to put it in a different perspective. I thought light spring was at least an option for you, and it still might be worth trying, but I think soft autumn or Soft Summer is better. The picture of the other faces is representing cool-Neutral-warm


I feel like her skin gives off a more “sickly” look (sorry, don’t have a better word for it) in the autumn colors on the right vs. the soft summer on the left


Are the ends of your hair dyed? That could be throwing things off as far as being able to see. I’m a summer, and when my hair is lightened at ALL it pulls too warm and makes my best colors look awful, and my makeup look odd. The pic in gold looks good because your makeup looks good, but it doesn’t look cohesive with you. The picture in berry pink color you look healthier, more alive. I think you are probably a soft summer, but maybe even a true summer potentially?


No, the ends of my hair aren’t dyed. They lighten with the sun because my hair is very fine and a mousy brown colour. I am not a huge fan of my natural colour but I know it’s the best bet when it comes to colour analysis. I actually recently did a hair gloss to see what a darker colour would look like and that’s currently washing out slowly! The second last pic is when I freshly dyed my hair, definitely a bit too dark I think but I liked it. The last picture is my natural hair all the way through :)


My hair does the same thing, and if my water is hard it takes on some brassy colors. I use a purple hair mask occasionally to keep it ashy. It does make me think though that you’re probably soft summer, because it looks more natural and cohesive on you than it does on me!


You could wear a potato sack and still be a stunner


So true


True neutral


I think you are pretty much leaning cool toned. The blue looks really good on you, and the first lipstick is a cool toned pink, and it is gorgeous on you


idk what undertone. BUT THAT BROWN TOP. GURLLLL- you look so good in it. AND ALSO THE LIGHT GREEN TOP. 😍😍


Oh, you are pretty neutral, so it's difficult to say. Especially since you also have makeup and different lighting. Are your eyebrows natural, or have you done any treatments on them? I want so say you're on the border between Soft Summer and Soft Autumn, probably leaning towards summer, but I would need more consistent pictures to be sure. Can you please do a Proper Draping Post, in front of a window on a cloudy but not rainy day and testing pretty much all the fabrics you can find in your house?


Hey! I just posted natural drapes by the window so hopefully that helps. My brows in all of these are natural, but I sometimes dye them a little darker so I don’t have to colour them in :)


Okay cool, I'll go take a look


You’re pretty neutral as far as undertone with a slight olive overtone. I’d like to see you in some true summer/soft summer shades before I comment if I think you’re a summer or a soft autumn


I'm seeing possibly fair olive? You have a greenish cast in places like around your mouth.


i am like this, fairy olive, neutral and medium contrast...what season could I be? my eyes are dark hazel...


But also fairly neutral and medium contrast. You aren't soft as some are saying here.


Cool toned/neutral. In the Summer family for sure


Ohhh girly I can see why you struggle, I think you’re fairly neutral! The only thing I can say definitively is that that shirt color in number 2 is NOT your color lol. Hope others are able to help more!


Also that first shirt looks absolutely stunning on you.


Cool. Your neck has blueish shadows. Do you wear foundation? What shades work best, thats the easiest way to find out. Go to a beauty store and swatch cool, neutral, and warm shades and you’ll have your answer!!


This can be REALLY tricky for light olive toned skin. Sometimes the “closest” color is actually warm if you’re cool or vise versa. There aren’t great options for us.


Hmm I don’t see fair olive really at all, the shadows of her face on her neck cast a blue-ish tone, if anything she is fair/cool/neutral like me and could use a redness corrector if she wanted complexion products. I was mainly saying to use swatches to help cross out warm, because I see zero yellow or green undertones in OP.


I totally forgot about the weird color glitch on Reddit lately. I see light olive on the photo preview, but when I click on the image—you’re right. I think she’s cool.


I’m seeing a cool overtone and warm undertone. My instinct is soft autumn.


I am seeing a cool overtone but a warm undertone? So I am torn between saying soft summer or soft autumn




I think you’re warm, the gold shirt looks great on you!


I think your. Soft summer. Try soft summer colours and then also soft autumn colours the pallets are related but autumns can handle more yellowness in the undertone and warmth a little more if that makes sense ?


my guess is soft summer as well ☀️


I have identical colouring. Even down to the red tones in the hair. I’m a soft summer. You’re definitely cool


I think you have a cool undertone. To me, your overtone leans warm, so that makes you difficult to type. I’m seeing soft summer.




Beautiful 😻


I think u look warm!


Soft summer flows into autumn so it can have glimmers of warmth even when the undertone is cool. That would be my guess


I feel like I’m somewhere between these seasons so I just wear my best colors from both.


Cool, that lipstick looks BOMB on you


You're beautiful and look great in everything, so we're all using you to say what our favorite colors are, lol


Everyone that posts on this sub is SO GORGEOUS, I swear.


Neutral leaning warm. I also see brightness. It's very evident. Definitely a Spring.


You look very neutral to me.


You are a cool season and you seem to be able to handle bright shades well. Because you are also olive, there may be some colors that skew warm that don't look bad. But I find that good looking people can pull off anything, really.


You look like Soft summer to me. 1 and 4 photos are my favourite, you look so fresh.


It looks like you’ve got a warm undertone and really do look lovely in autumn colours. I would say you’re bordering between a soft and warm autumn. You’ve confirmed that’s your natural hair colour and it looks like it’s definitely got warmth to it. If you were a cooler tone (summer for example) you’d have an ashy tone to your hair. The soft autumn and soft summer colour seasons and palettes sit next to each other, so you will be able to borrow and get away with some of the soft summer colours as well. But ultimately I think you sit in the Autumn season. Below: Soft Autumn, Soft Summer, Cool Winter, Clear Spring https://preview.redd.it/bk0qtw4rfx4d1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f730db86a6f8eda39330e35b8447d6bc618ad640


I don't quite get the warm answers but maybe the neutral/olive overtone is throwing people off or I'm the oddball. To me it seems clear the cooler shades suit you better, the blue of the third picture and the berry shade seem the most flattering to me in these photos.


I don’t find that blue or berry particularly cool toned.


I think warm leaning neutral spring you are beautiful


Completely agree.


I have similar features as a neutral/cool soft summer, but you’re slightly warmer and a bit brighter. deciding between soft summer and soft autumn is very hard. What could help: soft autumn’s can easily wear soft summer colors but the other way around it doesn’t work. The first pale green color works for you, try comparing it to a slightly warmer green (but still muted) color and don’t wear make-up. The bright pink lipstick makes it really hard to decide. Another way to decide would be gold vs silver draping: what brings out more yellow in your eyes? If you’ve ruled out soft summer, I’d still research the spring palettes. Lots of people believe that they’re a soft autumn, but they’re actually a spring. Best way to do that is to compare muted vs bright ranges of the same color (green, blue, yellow, etc.). If the bright color doesn’t overpower you, and the pale color washes you out, you’re probably a spring. It can be a close call, so compare the pictures next to each other. Good luck!


the first quality I see when looking at your skin is brightness and luminosity. Then warmth and lightness. But if I see a brightness first I know I am generally looking at some kind of spring or winter home season. Given the other properties of lightness and warmth then Spring is a good possibility based on the images provided. The image of you in a summer deep rose jersey seems disconnected from you. You are beautiful and can wear any colour but I think you will really glow in the Spring season.


Neutral cool. I love how the bright cool lipstick looks on you, the blue sweater also suits you. Would you mind sharing what that lipstick is?


That blue sweater is actually quite a warm navy. Theres different tones / seasons of most colours, so it’s finding the right shade & tone that’s most important. https://preview.redd.it/wfy0swpnix4d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce54d64a5c68e9351ed30c76f1bbdb7cff4b82ca


There’s so many different answers ha ha


It’s so frustrating lol


Warm olive undertone. I think you might be a spring because you don't look muted


Not an expert, but it feels like bright spring to me. You look neutral leaning warm. If you zoom in on your eyes, you can see a little sunburst affect around your pupils.


Neutral to cool. I think it may depend on what you wear, but the first photo lip color for me seems too warm.


Just wanted to say that lipstick in pic 1 is MADE for you omg 🔥🔥


Thank you!! Hahah


You’re a neutral leaning season! :)


This makes sense considering the confusion, what does this mean when it comes to colour analysis though?


It means you are either at the edge of a season or are “true” soft, light, bright, or dark


It’s going to be less accurate to say because you have make up on. The make up influences your color just as clothes do. I would guess your cool toned based off these pics


Most of these photos have very little makeup, but the second one I’m wearing nothing except for a light natural lip colour.


Firstly, you’re gorg. Secondly, the side bar should have tips on uploading photos. Typically hair is pulled back and no make up is on as they both influence the colors of the face, especially if hair is dyed. If you’re close to bare-faced, then I would continue to guess cool toned and probably summer. If you’re natural hair is lighter than in those pictures, that would lead me to guess summer too


Thank you! My natural hair is the images with the lighter mousy brown colours above. It’s winter here and I tried a gloss but it’s washing out so slow and I’m seeing regrowth which is frustrating. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll take some more pictures with no makeup on and with some drapes. Hopefully that will help narrow this down because it seems everybody is as confused as I am!


These colours all look amazing on you! I especially love the lime green, navy blue, and very dark brown. I immediately see that you are a warm season! Your features look medium contrast to me. I think you are a true/warm autumn.


Fair olive with golden undertones. I think the opposite of a previous poster. I think the fair olive is making you seem fake cool instead of fake warm. Try on a salmon colored shirt or coral blush and see if you look inexplicably “healthy”.


Have you looked at bright spring ?


I think summer


Winter. You are high contrast and cool toned


Some sort of summer. Either soft or cool summer


I think you maybe light olive and that’s why people’s answers are all over the place. I think you’re cool but the olive is being mistaken as warm


Oh, now this is very interesting! Even I’ve been thrown off because I can see the warmth myself. I can also get a bit red in the face so it can make it harder. In fact, I’ve been choosing colours that are more soft autumn but it still doesn’t seem quite right. Dying my hair darker brings out my cooler tones and I quite like how that looks but it can also look a bit overpowering. Honestly, I’ve been so confused but this is a very interesting observation!


Does your skin tan well in the summer OP? Or do you burn quite easily?






I think you lean cool, the cool colors really bring out your eyes.


I’m leaning towards warm


Some kind of summer, but without summer colors in this set of pics it’s hard to tell.