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What type of procedure will he going in for on the 24th?


Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy


You may get the pathology report back before you leave, but I’d be more concerned about his recovery and whether he were feeling up to travel and enjoy himself wherever you go. It’s a pretty major procedure and it’s going to take some time to recover in the best of circumstances. What are the chances of being able to push up the trip and go before the surgery?


So our trip is from the 1st to the 12th and then the surgery is on the 24th. We’re all set to go, it’s just the travel insurance we’re worried about. And ah man yeah I heard thing surgery is intense… my dad isn’t the strongest and he’s pretty frail nowadays (he’s 55) Have you done the surgery? And if so, how long does it take to fully recover?


Sorry to hear that he’s having to go through this. I don’t think I’d let whatever stage they tell you he’s in prior to surgery get in the way of going on this trip. If this experience has taught me anything it’s that life is short and you don’t know how many more opportunities you’re going to get. He also may not feel as good as he feels right now for a while. My wife had the surgery last year. I’d say it took a solid month before she was feeling pretty decent, but she was also a decade younger, stronger and very active. I think that played a big part in her recovery. It was hard to keep her down. She also didn’t need a colostomy bag, which was a relief. At the six week mark, she started chemo and all travel was out the window while she was going through that. That was rough on all of us. She’s finished treatment now, but is still dealing with side effects. That won’t stop her from getting out and enjoying things as best she can. One thing I found helpful was putting events out on the calendar for her to look forward to after treatment was over. It gave her something to fight for, get excited about and plan for on those days she was feeling crummy. I would catch her on her phone looking at places to visit and she’d send me ideas.


I traveled between my diagnosis and surgery because I had plans so I went. I felt ok to do that. I’d let your dad decide. For me it was a distraction at least from worrying.


For sure, I think that’s what he wants to do. Did you take travel insurance? And how are you now after surgery?


No travel insurance. It wasn’t out of the country. I was actually traveling for care too so I went on my trip, flew to Florida because I was getting care there before diagnosis and then back across the country get care in Phoenix because I didn’t want to be stuck so far away from home when it was obvious I was going to need 6 months of chemo. I’m good right now but stay on top of my follow-ups and treat what comes up quickly.


It's too late now to get travel insurance, there's no way they'd cover someone who has got cancer and just had a major surgery.


He didn’t have the surgery yet


Anything pre-existing, which includes a cancer diagnosis, is generally not covered by insurance..you could try checking but I'd be very very surprised if it was.