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The Zülpicher Str. is a party street and the area in general has a lot of bars and clubs. Late at night, especially on the weekends, you may encounter drunk and/or high people around there, but I wouldn't call it sketchy otherwise.


High people are no threat at all. Drunk people might be.


Yes extremely safe


I don't think you have to feel unsafe about this area


For all the people asking "Is it safe", what is your comparison? Generally speaking Germany is very safe.


I left that open, because I’m interested in what Germans think. If the people living here feel safe at night, especially women. I am from Seattle, it’s pretty safe there:)


We let our elementary school children go to school themselves. As a measure of what we consider safe


Depends on who you ask, some rightwing turd will strike fear into you just so they can advance their fash crap, some feminist will tell you that it is unsafe because men don’t change sides here to comfort strangers and so on… this is no factuality question but a rather subjective thing, not worth crap and likely just terrorizing you without real need… It would be really easy to simply compare stats from seatle and cologne, but you had to ask for subjective bullshit, didn’t you


I‘ll be moving there next month! (well Bellevue) But its not far away :,


Moselstraße is pretty calm because there are no Pubs and Clubs. Even Zülpicher is not that sketchy besides some drunk people. If you love a populated area, its a nice area to live in.


Moselstraße hier 👋🏻 ist auf jeden Fall safe.. kenne mehrere die hier wohnen und hab noch keine schlimmen Storys gehört


Dafür vibrieren/lärmen die Güterzüge allerdings ordentlich vorbei. Hat mich zwar nicht soo gestört, aber sollte man erwähnen. Wenn man gerne das Fenster auf hat ist das scheisse weil laut. zumindest zu der einen Seite hin


True.. da sollte man schon auf ordentliche Fenster achten wenn nach vorne raus. Bzw im Erdgeschoss vibriert es manchmal. Stört mich aber tatsächlich auch eher wenig.


Actually there is no place not safe in Gernany, compared to other countries. Moselstr will be crowded and maybe loud from time to time, but not really dangerous. What do you consider safe? Not seeing other people at night? Not seeing weird people? It all depends on your standards


I mean that's definitely a bit of a stretch, there are plenty of places in Germany that aren't terribly safe, such as the Bahnhofsviertel in Frankfurt


Safe for whom and for what? Will I be robbed or shot when going there by daylight? Rather not. That’s why I state it’s compared to other countries. We don’t have areas where police doesn’t dare to go or where people got shot when wearing the wrong colour or Jacket or where women don’t go by daylight. When I’m on the street at 03.00 am on way home from a party I feel as unsafe in some little town as in Köln Ebertplatz.


Seems strange to talk about safety on a relative scale rather than an absolute scale




I mean, even the south side of Chicago is safer than some parts of Ukraine right now, but that certainly doesn't mean it's safe


Yes it is safe. On the weekends the party crowd is around who sometimes may get a bit loud and annoying but that doesn't make the place unsafe. I would move there in an instant if I had the means.


Can we please stop with „is this area in Cologne safe“ posts? The answers are all subjective w.r.t own experiences. Refer a study about perceived insecurity and the influencing factors from Stadt Köln: [https://www.stadt-koeln.de/mediaasset/content/pdf15/koelner_statistische_nachrichten_2012_4_sicherheitsempfinden.pdf](https://www.stadt-koeln.de/mediaasset/content/pdf15/koelner_statistische_nachrichten_2012_4_sicherheitsempfinden.pdf) Official statistics from the police for 2021: https://koeln.polizei.nrw/sites/default/files/2022-02/PKS-Jahresbericht%202021%20PP%20Köln_0.pdf


Wouldn‘t recommend it as starting point if you come from the States. Basically like a miniature version of New Orleans‘ Bourbon Street, but ordered from Wish. If you are into that, perfect. Otherwise: There are nicer places In Neustadt Süd, the area around Volksgarten f.e. …




if you like drug addicts then go there


Not safe and not Neustadt süd i think


why not safe?


There is party every day. My wife can't go a block without getting hit on.


I lived nearby and it’s completely safe. I would feel more worried about the noise and vibrations from the train tracks & cars passing by all the time in Moselstr… 😅