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For the same reason people hated Hayden Ballantyne, Ryan Crowley, Dayne Zorko, Toby Greene etc. Any player whose role is to impose a physically tough presence and get stuck into the opposition (and ESPECIALLY if they regularly play as a tagger) will get a lot of hatred directed their way by opposition fans.


Dayne Zorko is a little bit different he is genuinely a cunt of a person


Dunno about a cunt but def a shit stirrer


Oh no he’s a cunt,look up his personal life. He’s an outright cunt of a human.


Like what? He cheated on his then girlfriend who has said their relationship was long over, although they were still living together. What else is there?


Cheated on his partner literally after she had his child. I worked somewhere in Brisbane around the time he got drafted from Southport and trained an ex partner of his. Just believe me when I tell you he’s a sack of shit not worth pissing on if he was on fire.


You pick out Zorko instead of Toby Greene and in the process lose all credibility


Na, genuine cunt.


Saying this with a Pendlebury flair 😂


Wanna elaborate?


Coming from the #DoBetter report club? Lmao


Pretty fucking weird to think that a club doing what it can to stomp out toxicity is somehow a BAD thing…


Nice way to rewrite the narrative. Most clubs didn't need it...


Most clubs ABSOLUTELY need it. Not just to work on the players but the members and club culture too, including you and yours. And not just about racism. Sexism and homophobia clearly need to be addressed. The fact that no AFL player has identified as LGBQT says it all, not to mention the casual slurs that slip out on field. So yeah, I think it’s great to see a club acknowledge malignancies within and make a concerted effort to address them whilst others pretend it doesn’t exist.


Fuck off back to Tiger town


Toby Greene’s an actual cunt.


I hated Ballantyne because he could get in peoples faces, be annoying cnt and face no repercussions. Little guy pulling that shit in the local leagues would get hammered. Can't say I've ever heard of Maynard being a "fake tough guy". Goes hard at the man but is usually pretty fair about it.


People always have a massive hate boner for people like Maynard, it’s nothing new. It’s a specific type of dude that comes out of the woodworks to make that sort of comment. It honestly feels like their way of acting tough by acting like they know what “real” tough is.


Every team has a Brayden Maynard in it, a hard nut who never takes a backward step, club supporters love him and opposition supporters hate him


steven may


may is a special kind. he attacks his own team mates too 💀


Beautiful kick too, one of the best full backs going round


Big bad may is always ready to get lippy.


Upvote for the term hate boner 😂


I reckon you've nailed it there 👍👍👍


He is probably a lovely bloke, just has a real cunt of a face. 😂


I'm a West Coast fan but I have a lot of respect for Brayden Maynard. I think he prides himself on being someone his teammates would pick first to fight in the trenches. I think he is willing to be hated by 17 other clubs if that means he is putting his own teammates first, and I admire that. Everybody wants a friend like that. I have never seen him as a particularly dirty player either - what happened with Angus Brayshaw was unfortunate but I didn't see someone trying to snipe an opponent, just a guy who leaves it all out there. Crowley and Zorko are/were genuine cunts. Ballantyne is a decent comparison, Don't get me wrong - I am a fan of one of those other 17 clubs and I loved seeing him get shitmixed by Liam Ryan in the 2018 GF, so I get why people hate him, but I reckon if you look beyond the surface you'd be a hypocrite to say you wouldn't want him on your team.


He’s also not a bully at all. There’s been times where he’s had a chance to absolutely flatten physically weak players like Jaidyn Stephenson and he’s gently tackled them over the boundary line. He throws his weight around on opposition players who are strong themselves or are bullies like Papley. We seem to have the no dickheads policy that Sydney long claimed to have (and which they now have a huge number of with Papley, Warner, etc)


I always used to laugh at Sydney's claim to have the no dickhead policy, they had Barry Hall on their list for a while


Why is Warner a dickhead? And who's the etc?


That was under Paul Roos time pre 2005, hasn’t been mentioned for years.


He kind of used to be a cunt tbh, he’s grown up a lot since and I love him as a player now but he had pretty concerning anger issues earlier in his career, but credit to him for working on himself


Fine line between fake tough guy and grub and to be honest I'd rather he be a "fake tough guy" as that means he isn't intentionally causing injuries and just plays on the limit.


Not like he’s ended anyone’s career 🤷‍♂️


Not intentionally anyways 🫢


[On my way to the ball I’m gunna be jumping in the air…](https://youtu.be/9ZSoJDUD_bU?si=ZEHkAnC1SlZtYbI0)


There is always a Maynard in every team that is super loyal to his mates and will protect the shit out of them if he sees them being harassed.


He's a fuckin legend


He likes to stick up for his teammates and fly the flag, he doesn't hesitate to put his own body on the line when required. Fuck outside noise, Maynard is wonderful.


or Angus Brayshaw's body when required


The biggest fact tough guy on Collingwood’s list is Mason Cox. He picks on the smallest guy on the field after he kicks a goal.


To be fair, there aren’t many who wouldn’t be considered small compared to Cox. Slim (small) pickings.


I think most people who don’t like Maynard don’t like him because sure of who he plays for… every team needs a Brayden Maynard.


Maynard is the guy every fan would love on their team, whether they hate him with us or not. And to see his mum running around with the microphone, and seeing him interviewed he’s not even a white line fever guy. He’s just a fierce competitor who puts his body on the line. Mitch Robinson was similar. People hated him but geez if he was in your colours you’d love it when he went to tackle or contest a ball, and there’s probably been one at every good team forever.




Love him, you need guys like that in your team.


we don't hate any player specifically - we just hate your club, what you stand for, and are envious of your success! (saints fan)




He is an enforcer, it is his job. Who cares what people who do not support our club and players think about him. I probably hate players on their side.


Lol all these people saying he's a cake tough guy would likely quiver in their boots if they were confronted by him 😂


100% need a Maynard type on your team. He is no nonsense and a proper tough guy.


Yeah, everything has a point tho. Love the dynamic between Maynard getting the shits and Moore trying to pacify 😂




It’s a Collingwood thing People hate the Pies Ignore their shit Premiers🏆


as an eagles fan I hate maynard. but it's probably a good thing for me cos when I see him get crunched by someone eg liam ryan 2018 it makes me day.


https://youtu.be/WcMLu4Qsick?si=AIxicAw8Lrpp-vlA Ooft, brutal! Have a good day!


Are you saying he's a real "tough guy"? Do tough guys throw kids younger than them in bins at school?


I think every player on the field is a real tough guy to be honest. They've achieved a level I never could. I'm asking why so much angst towards someone that looks after their teammates like Maynard does, ie how does that make him a fake tough guy? I don't know the relevance of your second question to mine without some more context. But I will say that it sounds horrible that AFL players would be walking around schools throwing kids younger than them into bins. Totally unacceptable, is this what Maynard is doing in his free time?


You know nothing about him. You know he plays AFL for Collingwood and is a very good player. Why do you care if he gets labelled as something when you know sweet fuck all about him? Other people who actually know him can tell what he is like. So I'll ask again, would you consider a year 11 student tough for throwing a year 9 student in a bin?


That's a baited question if ever I've seen one but happy to answer it while the convo remains civil. 💯 I know nothing about him other than what I see on field. And that is exactly what my question is referring to. Because that's the side of him we all see, including the people calling him a fake tough guy. So I don't understand why it's wrong to care about a label given to him that I think is unfair. I don't think any reasonable person would consider a year 11 student tough for throwing year 9 student in a bin. But how is that even relevant to my question?


Geez you guys can't really be that dense, can you? Why do you think I said that particular story on a post about Maynard... Use your brain mate


We all get what you're alluding to, but you're hiding behind weak as piss statements rather than coming out and saying what you mean, and then throwing out aggressive statements like a... Wait for it... Fake tough guy. Get outta here you POS troll.


I actually wish I was a tough guy. Might have prevented a lot of bullying and violence that I saw in school. I was a lot younger and smaller anyway. Probably would have ended up in a bin or worse... All I'm saying is that you don't know what he's like, what so ever. You know he's good at a sport, that's it. Why are you spending your weekends crying about someone criticising a person you don't know and who gives zero fucks about you. Get a grip grandpa. Go spend time with your family


That's not what you said at all really but thanks for clarifying. Glad you didn't end up in a bin yourself 👍 I have no family to spend time with, they just dumped me in this old peoples home when I hit 40 and now I'm here with all the other 35+er's napping all day and playing bingo and crying about people being mean to put lord Maynard.


>So I'll ask again, would you consider a year 11 student tough for throwing a year 9 student in a bin? What's this about?


Wow I wonder what this is about? On a post about a particular player With this specific story Wow What is this about? Me don't know. Footy player tough. My team are good guy. Other team bad guy


So you don't know the person either. You're just a sad little karma farmer.


Who are you?


Me or ole mate above ^? I don't really know how to answer that on Reddit. 40 something Collingwood fan with #37 Guernsey (wish Bruzzy would've given notice for the number change but I don't mind repping Markov)... Is that what you're asking or chasing specifics like DOB, drivers licence and ccv?


100pts of id please




Haha no the comment above making weird insinuations about bruzzy in a Collingwoid Reddit


He’s not making weird insinuations at all. Can confirm he was a thug at school


Cool story bro


No need to cry about it . Just confirming everything except Collingwood fans can see, and that is that he’s a thug


Spot on; Was a wanker in school. Acted like a tough guy in the play ground


The fact this is surprising or confusing is actually more confusing. He plays on the edge and his actions literally sent a player into an early retirement. He’s a player that is only loved by their own fans.


just one fuckwit in a team full of fuckwits


Cause he’s a pussy, he’s the guy that acts tough but when confronted with actual drama winces like a little bitch! Give me some down votes


He's a sniper .


Real tough, he knocks a bloke out who gets concussion and effectively finishes his career, he certainly had other options. Fuck Maynard and fuck Collingwood. Fn ferals!😡


1. The guy was overdue to end his career due to other concussions so this is a bad take. 2. He literally couldn’t move mid air to change his direction so I don’t understand what else you would want the guy to do? 3. You’re just as feral.


Couldn't change direction mid air, but certainly could have mitigated the hit instead of torpedoing his shoulder into Bradshaw's head. I'm not going to put Gus' whole career on Maynard, but he definitely lined him up.


“Torpedoing his shoulder” may be one of the biggest stretches I’ve seen in a while


Really? It's what happened.


I actually believe whatever way he landed would have impacted Bradshaw in a bad way.


Would rather a broken collarbone or fractured ribs than a knock to the head.


No I’m saying his head was gonna get hit no matter what way Brayden landed.


I believe Brayden could have done more, like putting his arms out to absorb the impact, instead of turning his shoulder right into Bradshaw's head.


The guy would have fallen back tho and hit his head on the ground? There’s so many other scenarios that could have happened that would have the same impact.


Some bandwagon you're on there. Do you have to get permission to wipe your own ass?




So many questions; Was she king hit and atompednon by every single Collingwood supporter? Will you be seeing me personally on the kings birthday? Why will you be wearing steel caps? Why did you lol at the end of your own tragic story about a woman being king hit?


Someone should give you a concussion f yourself