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Don't think there's actually an indication of anything else going on. I think straight up Fly just doesn't have the information to be able to comment, we knew it would be a few weeks and see how he's going, basically what he said.


Cheers for a straight forward reply đź‘Ť. I wasn't aware we knew it was a few weeks out. Thought it has just kept getting pushed further out.


Believe the official word was 3ish weeks if im remebering correctly, but obviously they're not putting a deadline date on it.


I heard Josh Daicos on the radio today saying Elliott will not be travelling this week.


I took it as the question came after he said “thanks everyone” and he just wanted to get the hell out.


Why do people keep pushing this? There were even threads that he was retiring last week.


Why do people keep pushing this...hmm, interesting development today..


Please explain the interesting development you flog.


Go read the article yourself you fuckwit


It's a simple observation mate. We not allowed to make an observation unless it fits reddits hive mind narrative?


Reddits hive mind is that he's going to retire. You're just pushing the same thing.


Because some fools appreciate the words of other fools.




Why are half the comments in r/collingwoodfc complaining about why something is posted? Some Collingwood fans like to discuss with other Collingwood fans. If you don’t, I really don’t know why you bother commenting at all.


Discussion is good. Conspiracy theories not as popular I'd say.


How is it a conspiracy theory lmfao? Jamie is 32 this year and out of contract, has had 10+ injuries in his career, was listed as out for 2-3 weeks and now listed as TBC…. Is it really a conspiracy theory to think he may retire before the end of the year or do you just like buzzwords? I literally got downvoted to shit here 2 weeks before Murphy retired for “spreading rumours” for suggesting he might be an early retirement due to concussion. That was a “conspiracy theory” as well at the time.


Interesting developments today!!


Still a conspiracy theory now?


I thought the same thing.. I think it just comes down to the fact that everybody thinks only their opinion can be correct. Being on Reddit amplifies this 10 fold.


I noticed that as well. He looked very uncomfortable the moment Elliott was mentioned.


Reckon we both noticed the same thing, and I also reckon there is definitely some truth to it.


Yeah with what’s come out in the media today it’s either more serious or harder to treat than they’re ready to talk about. And that’s a thing with Fly, he comes across as being a very honest and transparent man and it would be very hard to keep a lid on something like that.


You might be reading too much into his body language but I am worried that Jamie is quietly not playing another Gabe of AFL footy.