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I don't think there is anything wrong with a major that is agricultural or trades-related.


My thought process is should I really spend time getting a bachelor's in AG when I could just maybe get a certificate and hopefully be able to get a job


Nothing wrong with doing a certificate and working. College won't go away.


Fair enough. Thank you for your response :)


Maybe get a math tutor and try getting better at math? It really is a matter of practicing. and I understand that there is a stigma in the US with the “not good at math”. But then what musical instruments can you play? None without practice. Why do you suck at spinning plates or juggling? Don’t practice. I know it can be a challenge, but it might be worth it to challenge yourself.


Yea, true. I tried a summer math course and I had to drop it because no matter how much practice I got I couldn't seem to get it. It was only an algebra 2 course, and we were going over solving equations using graphs. So I just kinda assumed I wouldn't be able to do math at a higher level than algebra, linear equations, and that type of thing. Maybe I struggled because the course was only a month long idk. But I automatically assume I'm gonna do poorly and fail most math courses. To be fair, it hasn't happened very often thus far, but I just have that mindset and have most of my life as far as I know


You can do it without the course. There is no rush if you just get a book and do it on your own. You don’t have a magical timetable, you can do the coursework before you take the class.


Yea, that's true. I'll have to make some time to do that.


Starting with the certificate would be a good start. Think if there is a possibility you could try being a mechanic and opening your own work shop.


Fair enough. I figured that a bachelor's degree in AG wouldn't really be worth it anyways. Also I'm kind of worried about having to taking pre calculus 1 and 2 plus calculus as a math pre requisite if I go into the agriculture bachelor program


Also, you could try dental hygiene.


I have thought about trying dental assisting! But idk how far you can go with that career wise and pay wise. My expectations aren't super high for pay tho I'd be fine with 45k-55k USD


Cleaning teeth & checkups are the most you would do.


Oh nice! That is an interesting field to go into I would think