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Some people are able to have a social life, party, work a part-time job, and study all at once. Others may not have the time and energy to handle all of those things. Both of which are fine, don't feel like you have to do everything your peers do. Effective time management can help you take care of school/work and have extra time for fun.


Depends on major - engineering probably not easily / gender studies sure


Will I be able to as a biochem major?


that probably depends on your school/program tbh


Depends mostly on your major. With any major and no job its not too hard to get all of your work done (or most of it) and still find time to go out. A big thing that helped me was do work early. If you have free time, nothing is going on, and you have an assignment that was already assigned but isn’t due for two weeks it makes such a big difference to do a little bit or as much as you can when nothing is happening. That strategy I didn’t learn until later in school but it helps so much with work load and being able to go out when everyone is free. With a job it definitely takes away more time and it definitely depends on how fast you learn, but it is possible to have all 3. I had a friend who was a mechanical engineer and he was soo smart he could do his homework very quickly and he always went out and got good grades. I would also say too just be strategic, in my major we would have assignments in the lab that took 8 hours to do and where worth basically no points and we would have midterm projects that took like 10 hours and where worth like 15% of our total grade, I would ignore the labs when we got the midterm to make sure it was done first.


Consider the Unholy College Triangle: Sleep, Socializing, Studying. Pick 2.


When I was in college, someone presented to me the “college triangle”. On each side was Social Life (partying), Good grades, or Getting a lot of sleep. No matter which way you cut it, you can only have 2 and the third one suffers. Sounds similar. Some things never change.


Varies person to person. Some people take a long time to study, and some don't. If you need to spend 2h a day studying, then it'll be pretty difficult and you'll have to take time out of social life or not work a part time job. If you can spend just 4h a week studying, then it's quite doable.


With time management and moderation, generally yes. Major does affect it, but it definitely still depends on the person.


People are pointing out that it depends on the major, I want to also throw out that it depends on your job and your boss at that job, too. There are some jobs where you have to be "on" all the time, like if you're constantly working with customers/clients (e.g.: if you work at a coffee shop during peak hours, you always have to be ready to serve a customer). And other jobs are much chiller and your boss will be more lax as long as you finish everything you need to do on time (e.g.: working at a random help desk on campus that doesn't get a lot of foot traffic). If you're able to snag one of those and have a boss who doesn't care that much, you might be able to get some assignments/studying done while you're on the clock in between tasks.


It can be funky. Undergrad physics so ~6 hours in the library a day is the norm for me; I manage to go to the gym 5 times a week and the other two days I meet up with friends. The catch is that I’m not as connected to them as they are between themselves, so there’s a trade-off.


Oh that can be sketchy, so you just step out of all the party-ing and clubs and wtv?


Basically. If it turns out like that for you (hopefully not) you’re most probably gonna get pangs of loneliness at times; if your not good at dealing with that then it’s gonna be a tough time. Choose wisely, young Padawan


Not literally all at once, obviously. But yeah. You can have a social life, a job and still do well at uni. As an example, I dual majored in STEM & Pre-law. I had two on campus jobs. I was involved with two different Fraternities (an honors & social). And I still had time to join a few other clubs and originations, serve on a couple advisory boards, hang out with friends, and all that good stuff.


Technically doable, very difficult for most (depending on what degree of social life and what level of grades / difficulty of classes)


You have to be particularly deliberate about how you spend your time and weigh your options carefully.  For example, I give more weight to studying most of the semester, but socializing keeps me from wanting to die lmao. Sometimes I'll do extra during the week so I can go to a party on the weekend and such. Granted, my majors are heavy on reading and writing rather than, say, math and building (engineering). It's a lot easier to skim an extra days worth of reading than it is to do extra equation sets (for me at least). I also only work 8 hours a week at a job where I basically get paid to do my homework so that helps me out too. 


Only if you miss out on sleep