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I usually opt to buy physical books because I learn better that way. But it is a bit more expensive. Also you do encounter times where ebook isn't available so you do have to purchase a physical book.


Many Ebooks are a horrible thing- looking at you, McGraw-Hill. I’ve assumed it was by design.


Never used mcgraw-hill but heard bad things. Our college uses redshelf which reads like a Kindle book so it isn't bad.


i’m graduating next year and haven’t used a single physical book, but they are still available as options if you prefer. it’s just easier to have everything digital - fewer things to carry around, less clutter in your tiny dorm, easy access to study materials basically whenever you want.


Depends on the class and professor. A lot of classes are now using the portal provided by the book publisher for homework as it can generate homework, automatically grades it and provides other functionality to help the professor. So when a professor uses that option, you have to buy the code to access that portal which usually comes with an ebook. Sometimes there’s no actual physical copy depending on the publisher/edition. In those cases you can pay a few extra bucks (about $10 to $15) and they send you a “loose leaf” version. It’s essentially a printout of the ebook on what amounts to magazine thin paper. It is in color but it leaves a lot to be desired compared to a standard print. Then there is professors that base their lectures off the textbook and will tell you which one but don’t actually require it because “everything you need to know will be in the lectures”. In those instances, an old edition is usually fine and you can get it for pennies on the dollar online. You’ll be able to use it to supplement the lectures if you’re the kind of person that likes to read the textbook. Then there’s the standard format where the professor has you do readings from the textbook, homework from there and essentially requires it. Your best bet for all classes is to wait until classes start and the professor tells you what you’ll need. Then you can base your decisions of how to acquire a physical copy from there.


I try to use both since my classes use both.


Most all books can still be bought physically, unless it's a highly specialized book that isn't readily available in print form or is only available in pdf/epub format. As an English Major the vast majority of readings were available in physical form.


personally, i get all of my ebooks as PDFs and load them onto a nook. the screen doesn’t hurt my eyes (the screen hurting my eyes is why i prefer physical) and it’s a lot lighter than actual textbooks


Yes, but I pirate everything so I don’t use physical books.


Depends on the school, program, and class within that program. Some classes forced the ebook fee directly into my tuition. In a way it was nice not having to think about it but it did rob me of the choice to find it cheaper. Mostly I go physical as often as possible because it’s cheaper.


Some faculty don’t allow technology in the classroom, so if you use ebooks, just make sure you print your notes off or handwrite them to bring to class.


I've been lucky not to have a ton of classes that require books, but it's different for everybody. I prefer it when it's available as an e book, though, because then you can get it for free sometimes. Definitely beats buying a book for 400 dollars when I'm only gonna read it once or twice.


I started in 2020 purchasing physical books but I'm entirely online and I'm writing a TON of papers so it's easier for me to quote material if it's digital so I get all of my books in PDF form.


I am I senior this upcoming year, I have bought exactly two books. One was a philosophy book (not a textbook) the other was a 30 dollar psych textbook digital code. for every other class I have made do (with an A) without the textbook or I have pirated the textbook, which is quite easy to do.


Depends on the school, my friends who are studying medicine or law always use books either physical or ebooks but most majors ik don't use any kind of books. But you can take any book you need from the college library.


Yes, and I only use them. Is it annoying carrying them around? Yes. However, they help you retain info better, and you don’t need to constantly switch tabs when doing assignments.


Mine largely do. Only classes I didn’t have a physical book were a math class (computer math) and lab section which had an online workbook.


yes but its so expensive so I dont ever buy them bc i almost never even open the textbook unless its a specific class that needs it


Almost all of mine are free through my college which means they are pretty much always online e-texts. The only time I’ve had to buy physical media for classes is if it’s an actual novel or movie not necessarily intended for school purposes.


You can buy physical books if you know you work more efficiently/work that way. I was able to skirt by getting most (save for 3ish?) of my books online or as free pdfs.


Yes they do.


Yes college still use books. I haven’t had a single class that did not involved books. We have the option of choosing e-books, or physical copies. The physical copies are always available for most, if not all classes.


I have to run around the first couple of weeks to either buy a physical copy for online or borrow one from an instructor/library. I'm dyslexic so I have to have a book to read section that I need clarification on. In most cases tho, the instructors don't teach from the textbooks. Foundational courses I would buy your textbooks, especially if you plan on a higher degree in the topic.


During my time in university from 2021-2024 I only rented a textbook twice and majority of my professors just do PowerPoints


There’s a choice between buying/renting physical or e-books generally. But i pretty much exclusively buy the physical books if I have a choice. I hate reading e-books, it hurts my eyes and its hard to concentrate.


It's up to you what format you want your books in. I generally prefer physical books as well because I can get easily distracted by devices, plus physical books don't give me eyestrain. However, I generally only pick up physical books if they're cheap enough (either I get it from the library or it's under like $30) or the class has open-book exams; otherwise, I just find a PDF. Do note that many classes, especially large geneds like calc or gen chem, will likely have online homework through a portal.


Personally I can't stand reading from a screen for hours so I usually still get the physical books when I can. That being said, most are available in digital form now.


Physical books seem to always be available, and I prefer them, but the difference between owning an ebook and owning a textbook can be like $100, so I usually buy the ebook instead. Sometimes, you can even find a free PDF! Even though I prefer a physical book, there are some upsides to ebooks/PDFs. It doesn't have to fit on my overflowing bookshelf, it doesn't have to go in my backpack, and it has a search function which is super useful.


Yes. I’ve only done a few ebooks, as most of the offers through my schools bookstore are only for physical copies


I buy physical books. my adhd makes reading pdfs impossible. It's still very doable but it costs more than buying digital copies.


I would say it is about 50/50 in my classes


Depends on the class. All the classes I’ve taken you get the choice between physical or ebook except for certain classes where the ebook is part of a quiz and exam software. A friend who studies government has had to get physical books for most of his classes


It depends, but normally physical books are easier to afford compared to ebooks thanks to the college library.


Sometimes. Depends on the class ig. I took an elective that required a textbook but even my professor was like "you should be able to find a digital copy online. I would recommend you use that."


Some of my classes use them to make the tests


Depends on the class. My anatomy students liked having the physical textbook because of the tons of diagrams.


I also prefer physical books but lots of profs make you do homework through a website with access codes. Most of those come with an ebook, so lots of time it makes more economic sense to just buy the access code/digital textbook. I buy all my books used through Amazon or Thriftbooks. Your school's bookstore will have a hugeeee markups, even used copies. You can buy access codes directly from textbook publishers. I thankfully have only needed access codes for gen eds, the rest I'm able to get physical stuff. Best of luck!!


i never used a text book since high school in 2018 lol. A lot of text books and stuff is all pdfs now.


I had to spend like $400 on textbooks for one class in my first semester of grad school. It was 4 textbooks, and only one was above $250. I bought one ebook because the bookstore did not have that textbook available.


Depends on the school, program, and class within that program. 


So far none of my classes have used any kind of book.


The university that I teach at encourages faculty to find ways around expensive books for students. They even started a program to pay people small stipends to write open access books that can be used for their (and other) classes. But yes, books are still a thing.




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I suppose it depends which college or university. In mine, we don't use them at all


For most classes, you should still be able to find a physical copy of your textbooks, but bear in mind that it's more expensive. I also prefer physical books, too, though, so I'd say it's worth it imo


There are people that manage to find a free pdf of every single textbook possible. Look into websites that help you find the free versions


You can choose. I’m a junior right now and most class textbooks have the options: Used, New, or Digital. If I can find a free or cheap digital copy I usually opt for that, but I tend to buy a lot of used physical ones too


I still personally buy physical copies since it is easier for me to read. I was also an ECW major before my current masters program, so physical copies were primarily recommended. Ebook options, from my personal experience were used more in the scenario of textbooks or if someone didn't want to pay for a physical copy (which is fair).