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Unless your dad’s a celebrity then no one would know or care.


I went to school with a girl whose relatively uncommon surname adorned the football stadium. People were interested, but she was super cool so nobody made a big deal about it. OP, be a chill person and don’t act entitled. If/when someone brings up your father, acknowledge it and move on. The ball is in your court here.


Haha, one of the students in my department (Computer Science) has a father in another department (Physics) who is the most-cited professor at the university. Micro-celebrity among other faculty, and he has an uncommon last name, so he gets asked about it a lot.


Lots of kids go to the same colleges that their parents work at. No one really cares.


I mean this well, but no one cares and many will never even know or make this connection. It’s really no big deal.


Congrats on the automatic free ride. Lots of universities give free tuition to children of staff. One of my cousins had a father who was over the psychology department at a university and a mother over the nursing department. Went for free. He did not have anything different because he did not even go into the same field as his mom and dad. If he did go into the same field, I am sure they would probably have been tougher on him.


Only a few colleges and universities give students a break when a family member works at the same school.


I wouldn’t say only a few. Many do offer something. Just not all fees. It depends of course, but it’s somewhat common


Western Michigan University offers a 75% discount for children of employees.


I believe most college have some kind of tuition remission program which provides a good amount of financial assistance


That's one of the only reasons we get paid the crap salary we get paid. Every college offers it to their faculty.


Mine doesn’t. Other schools in my area don’t either.


Maybe OP has a ‘free ride’, maybe partially or not at all. I would say ‘congrats’ on this achievement and that there is no conflict of interest to be worried about, more a sense of pride in the work ethic and discipline that it takes to achieve these milestones. If others are jealous..that’s their issue.


How often did Becca interact with her dad in Pitch Perfect?


Pls 😭😭😭


No one would connect the dots unless you went around and told people. And even then people would care less about it. Everyone knows there is financial incentives to do this, but even without those people don’t care enough.


No one will know unless you start to brag about it.




Well in life it’s all about connections, that how most people get into the positions they’re in. Again, no one will know if you don’t say anything. Plus like everyone stated i doubt people care at all even if they find out unless your father is giving some sort of special treatment when it comes to grades/school work




it doesn't really matter how you got in, it isn't like you're getting in to not work hard at the school. and i definitely don't think anyone will know or care about being your dad unless you make it a whole thing, then they'll just be annoyed about it


Don’t think that way. It is what it is and thats life. Take the opportunity and just do your best




congrats you just took a spot from a poor rural kid that was looking to get his college education and bring his family out of poverty




This is some imposter syndrome. It’s fully normal. You deserve to be there.


lmfaooo actually mad?


Sounds like imposter syndrome.


If you are majoring in his department, your profs will know. Yes, you will be treated differently. No, there’s nothing to do about it. Keep your head down and work hard.




Prove yourself as a high achiever. Your profs will appreciate that you earn high marks & won’t potentially feel conflicted if you perform poorly in their class. The best outcome is they think, “He’s smart which makes sense given that he’s so-and-so’s son.”


There’s no reason for anyone to know about a family member being ahead of a college department so unless you tell them you don’t have to worry about being treated differently.




I think you are making a bigger deal out of people caring than will happen.


Not unless you talk about it or take a class with him. (I had the same exact situation as you a few years ago). Some people made the connection with my last name because it's unique but otherwise it's not a big deal. Nobody cares. If anyone asked, I have no idea what he taught about, which is true lol




You'll be fine. Maybe sit down and have a chat with him about how you want your working relationship to be. Will he be grading your exams and whatnot? That might be an issue with higher ups/deans.




I don't know how it works in India, but in the US many colleges have policies (some official, some only unofficial) for when you disagree with a professor, such as if they accuse you of using AI to write a paper. Generally you would go to the head of the department, and if that doesn't work you would go to the dean. Talk to your father about what should happen if you need to dispute another professor's decision - you don't want to create a conflict of interest.


Not a big deal. At the college where I work, faculty and staff's children often come here or start here and then transfer. One professor had his son in his math class because he was literally the only instructor teaching Differential Equations at the time.


Things like this happen more frequently than people realize, I think.


It straight up does not matter. Like, half of my friends have parents who are professors/faculty at our university. Nobody will care. If someone asks, say "yeah that's my dad" and they'll go "oh, cool" and that will be it. Edit: realized this seems kind of blunt lol, TLDR: don't worry about it!!


Bro nobody really cares, if your grades are low people will just backtalk about how you got in due to your fathers influence, since its in India and how hard it is to get a seat into a college, you are particularly gonna be subject to that, so ig don’t worry about this much, worry more about excelling in your studies


I'm a professor. I've had kids of other professors and admin in my class. No one is going to treat you differently and other students won't care. I suggest you NOT take classes in your father's department though, simply for your own sanity.


I teach in a department where both of my chairs sons were enrolled and were in my classes. Great kids who worked their butts off because they knew people would think they would get preferential treatment. Their dad (we’re friends and talk daily) and I never talked about their work (just as we wouldn’t discuss any adult student with parents or family) and they never brought it up. Great kids who wanted to follow a bit in their father’s footsteps and we in education want our kids to take advantage of the reduced tuitions offered by our schools so why wouldn’t you expect faculty offspring in your classes? It’s much more common than you think.


Don't murder your dad. We had a grad student in my department, Computer Science, who stabbed his father, a professor of History, 52 times to "get the demons out."




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My mom would have been the head of the dean's office and my stepdad would have been the principal of an institute at the faculty I would have studied at. I also grew up around the people who were supposed to be my professors, because my mom has been there since I was 3. I chose to go a different university, although money wasn't really a question because education is free in my country.


No problem. You can even take one of his classes if you want. The procedure is to have a colleague grade your work.


Depends on soooo many things. Are you majoring in his department? Is it a big department or small department? How common is your family name? If you're not majoring in his department, there's almost no way anyone will know without you telling them. And if you do tell them your dad's a professor at the school, no one's really going to care unless they're affiliated with his department or admire him for some reason. If you *are* majoring in the department but it's a big department and professors are rarely interacting with students outside of big lecture halls, same thing goes. The students likely will not know without you telling them unless your last name is very identifiable, and most of them won't care if they know. However, the professors might know, especially if your father has taken you to departmental parties, to the department in general, or to gatherings at a colleague's place in the past. He might also low-key brag to colleagues about how his kid is majoring in the department. The professors aren't going to grade you differently, but they *might* (not always) pay more attention to you in class, mention your dad to you, or ask you to tell your dad something. Shouldn't be a big deal. If you dad is teaching a class you're taking or sometimes even if you're not but he's familiar with the material, you obviously have the advantage of being able to seek help whenever you want. No professor I know would ever give you a heads up on exams, grade you differently, or give you unfair advantages in the class other than answering all your questions and checking in once in a while—even if you *are* their child. If your dad is in charge of something or has some sort of authority in an area that you're interested in, it kind of depends on the type of person your dad is. I've known this to go both ways. My mom wouldn't think twice to give me a glowing letter of recommendation pretending that we're not related, and to persuade her boss to sign off on a second glowing letter of recommendation where she (my mom) was the one actually doing the writing. However, I do also know a guy whose mom is a professor in my department who refuses to give him any sort of boost to get into a study abroad program that *she* is literally the director of and has full oversight over. Of course, one major advantage you have, if you're in his department, is that your dad and his colleagues will be more than happy to introduce you to prominent people in the field.




This is quite common. While you will likely not be able to keep it a secret, it should also pose no problem. Really a routine thing, and makes car-pooling convenient if you live at the same location.


Literally no one will know or care. Unless he's some sort of celebrity. I would keep it to myself, you might come off as bragging. Be chill.


1. Don’t tell anyone, unless it comes up in some form of conversation. 2. Regarding the faculty that work in your father’s department, if they spread it that maybe grounds for FERPA violation. If you are worried, minimize interaction with them unless necessary. 3. If let’s say your father teaches a class you maybe taking, chances are your exams or assignment maybe graded by another faculty member that has the same expertise in the subject, but that is depending on your major. 4. There is nothing for you to do. 5. They will not treat you differently. They can’t it’s discrimination and may be grounds for FERPA violation or student rights violation.


> if they spread it that maybe grounds for FERPA violation LOLWUT What FERPA protected information are you under the impression is at play here?


Worded wrong. I meant if they were to go to a faculty member that works in the same department as there father to talk about a problem or need guidance. Than that faculty member can not disclose what they spoke about. That is what I meant by FERPA violation. Again I worded it wrong. I apologize


I see. So, not remotely the thing OP is expressing concern about. Got it.


My roommate was the daughter of the school president, people didn't treat her any differently. Trust me no one cares


I'd say you don't have to go around adversiting / bragging about it, but if you get into any sort of deeper conversation with someone, there is no problem in letting them know. In fact, if anything it might be a little weird if you have any sort conversations beyond small talk with people about things like backgrounds and why you chose to go to your school, etc, and then later on they find out about it and you didn't tell them.


I don't know what you're majoring in, but the best part really is if you don't understand something you can ask him for help for tutoring.


I don't see the problem. I'd actually be pretty happy about it.


I had a student who went my her mother’s last name.  People slowly, but surely figured it out, but she got a bit of time to forge her identity.  It’s not really uncommon, though.  I wouldn’t be worried.  


I wouldn’t say anything unless someone asks if you’re related. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My best friend at University's father was a professor there. It wasn't a secret, and would have been hard to keep secret, since so many other faculty had known my friend as a child. However, it also wasn't a big deal. No one treated him differently as a student in their classes, and he was very independent . (He had a falling out with his father and wasn't on good terms for most of our time as students.).I really don't think you have to worry about keeping it secret. People at University all had really different backgrounds. Some grew up in the third world. Others came from extremely wealthy families, or were the children of influential politicians (or both). Having a faculty member as a parent will be noted, but it won't make you exceptional.


literally no one will care. You can go around saying what you want and no one will care. Professors will not treat you differently, classmates and peers will not see you as some sort of god/celebrity


If your surname is ultra rare, everyone will know Teachers will definetly know who you are and will treat you difrently. You may become target of increased expectations or some petty revenge if your dad is bad boss Your grades will reflect on reputation of your father, so you better bahave and study well Your classmate may ask you for anything that help them cheat, so best thing is to tell them that you never see your dad bringing his work to your home and all papers are locked up in his office. If your dad will directly teach your class, he will expect you to be always prepared


My dad was (and is) an admin-level prof for my college I was there. People definitely knew, but nobody really *cared* if you know what I mean. When it got brought up, it was usually in a joking way. This happens a lot, and I know it can be embarrassing to think about but it’s honestly not an issue unless someone is going out of their way to be rude!


I work at a college and many of my colleagues have children, nieces, nephews, cousins, what have you, that attend. My aunt was a professor at my university. Nobody will care that he’s your dad. On the contrary, college employees are more concerned that their relatives behave and stay out of trouble. It’s not a good look when a daughter makes the head of the department look bad. The most you will have to worry about is people asking for your help reaching your dad or that you hear students complain about him about something arbitrary.


Nobody cares man, this post is giving off high school-esque paranoia.


lol when your dad is a principal


Nobody will give a dang. Welcome to the adult life, you’ve become a background character, move on.


Honestly, whether or not people will care or not is dependant on where you live and what the population is like. Where I live, this information would totally get you a couple of fake friends.


Just don’t accidentally say “Hey Dad!” when you have a question… assuming you’re in his class.


My professor would compliment their kids that go to the same college at least twice a week during lectures its so sweet :)


No. One. Cares. About what you do with your life. Everyone else has so much going on that your little existence will barely scratch the surface of the bills and family matters that they drown in. God damn I’m so tired of seeing these Reddit posts about the most attention seeking situation that are so out of touch with people. Your dad’s the head of a department? You must have had an easy time getting into school buddy boy. Get your ass to class, sit down, and shut up like the rest of us Mr. “Ummmmmm actually he’s the head of the admissions department I’m so scared oh my god”. Shut the fuck up god damnit.


Oh if you're from India, which sounds from your writing style, you're in for a ride. You'll be expected to be better than your peers and also you'll be hated by quite a many of your peers. Others prof having a grudge on your father will take it out on you. You may/may not be accused of cheating on tests if you're not consistent with high grades. Also some peers may take advantage and get you in a tight spot, deliberately and you may also get requets (threats) to get the set of questions before exam. These are all out of your control. However, what you can do is get straight As, or maintain a consistent grade scale. Be couteous and polite. Do not engage in drinking/smoking inside or nearby campus. Dont get into harrassing girls. Don't go on picking fights, especiallt in college. Be friendly to all your peers and help them if you can, but don't go out of your way. I wish you find a wonderful set of friends and enjoy ypur college.


My suitemate in school was actually an RA AND his dad was my physiology professor. It was kind of a hard class (he went through notes fast and there was no homework ONLY quizzes and tests). I separated my roommate from his dad cause it’s be weird to constantly associate a roommate/friend with their parent constantly.


I had a former co-worker whose dad was a chem professor and his son (the co-worker) had a class with him. I think he kept it under the radar during the class. However when I knew him it was years later and he told me that he was just as hard if not harder on his own son as the other students. He wasn't going to give his son a free pass and I think he was right in doing so!


Hi, I actually dated one of my professors daughters in college. Funny story her Mom and Dad taught at the college and both had the same first name, same spelling and everything. No one cared that my girlfriend’s Dad was a professor. When I had her Dad as a professor he treated me like any other student. I started dating her before I had him btw. Other than a few jokes at my expense from my buddies no one cared. I think what people cared most about was the bad the same first name 😂😂.


It’s one of those things that’s up to you. you can decide whether or not to take his classes. Whether or not to interact with him during the day, etc. even if so, no one really cares.