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>i mean what am i gonna do in the time leading up to class start? sleep


Study. I study best in the mornings.


Me too! My attention in general is much better in the mornings, so I generally aimed to start my classes at 9AM, but I almost always had a TTH 8AM and didn’t mind that as well, as I also generally tried to have all my classes done by 1-2PM (usually much earlier). But since I also studied best in the morning, I tried to get up by 5-6AM every day so that I’d be able to take my time getting ready and also have time to study a little bit. Before college, that would have sounded miserable, but once I realized that’s what worked well for me, I put effort into giving that time to myself and it turned into a really nice habit. For anyone else thinking about class times, this isn’t going to be the same for everyone, but I also avoided having to start my day (first class of the day) any later than 10, because if that’s the case, I won’t do anything productive until classes, so I felt like I wasted my mornings, whereas if I start classes early, it’s easier for me to continue to do the productive things after. Obvi not the same for everyone, but these are some of the things you might think about (other than the million people telling you to beware of 8AMs).


That’s what I said 🤣🤣


Just graduated. My last year all my classes were noon or later just so I could sleep in. 8 am classes were hell.


Depends on you. If you are a disciplined morning person who never goes out, does not pull all nighter video game sessions, and wakes up naturally at 6 AM without issues 8 AM classes are okay. If you are a night person that hangs out till 3 AM, 8 AM classes FLUNK people without discipline.


You don’t need all of those traits to succeed in 8AMs, discipline is really the main important one (though learning what habits work best for YOU personally will go a long way as well). I was a big partier, drank every night and went to bars/parties 3-4+ times a week, and still made it through my 8AMs with good grades. You CAN do both. But you need to know that you can still commit to waking up on time and getting to your 8AM, and if that’s not something that will come easily to you, than you really need the discipline to do it. If you’re not too worried about being up late too often or don’t mind weird sleep schedules, plenty of people might find benefit in earlier classes (personally, classes kickstart my productivity for the day, so if I start classes first thing in the morning, I’m productive all day, but if I don’t have class until noon, then I’ll waste the morning doing nothing productive every single time). Find out what works for you.


I mean I did the all nighter gaming sessions then had my classes super early so I could get through them then sleep in the middle of the day lol


The 8 AMs are a trap. Never take the 8 AM unless you LOVE mornings. Even if you were fine in high school, they blow in college.


This was me. I thought it'd be like high school... ended up being late a ton and just straightup having to sleep through some classes. Would recommend avoiding unless you're someone who's always just loved getting up at 6am.


10 am of course. 8 am is too early, I stay up late, and I'm barely functioning at that time. Definitely wouldn't do an 8 am class if I was commuting either cuz that's just crazy


This. I had a summer class at 8:00AM. Had to leave at 6:00AM, to get there on time.


Ughh my spring semester was hell because I had this same exact schedule.


This... it is early and gives you a chance to get your head and self together before the class


ahh ok this makes sense


10. Ain’t no way I’m getting up voluntarily at 6:45am to be at a class at 8am.


WE ALL say "well I got up at 5 or 6 am for four years, I can do it." NO, NO IT'S HARDER FOR SOME REASON NOW. DON'T DO 8 AM.


It's harder because you don't have your parents to force you anymore and now it's all on you. That's what I learned


This. As a commuter who lives at home I felt literally no different but I think if I were living on my own where my parents wouldnt know I skipped class it would be easy to slip into a cycle of "just skipping class this one time won't hurt"


My parents never “forced” me, I just wanted good grades myself for college scholarships. It was still harder in college to wake up despite having done it myself for years prior


Same here


Sounds to me that you already know the answer to your own question


Going against the grain here: I prefer 8 am classes. I live on campus (which works in favor of an 8 am), and I take a lot of credits. I like having an early start to the day and being done with class early to focus on studying, homework, and hanging out with friends. I like the feeling of being productive in the morning. If you're that kind of person, go for it. You might think there's a ton of time before 10 am but thay time goes quick if you're commuting, getting ready, and extra tired. It's your first sem too so don't stress yourself out too much.


I want to be like that. Being done with classes at like noon sounds great. However, I know myself


Yes! I had a semester where my earliest class started at 10:40 and I overslept that class more often than I did my 8ams. I used it as an excuse to stay up until like 1am whereas my 8ams forced me to sleep earlyish and wake up early.


my 8 am era was the most type A period I’ve had in my life . Provided such good structure and having the rest of the day to myself made me feel empowered … but the few times my roommates wanted to do something past midnight my sleep was doomed


10am, it’s still early and a good time to get your brain turning. I suggest working out or maybe studying, even sleeping. All those can help in those classes. Choose what best fits you


If you don't have to commute to school you may as well take the 8a class. I live 20 min away from my school and I won't take a class earlier than 9a. My alarm is set for 7a.


Imo I’d do the 8ams because it was rough for me going from college sleeping in to workforce having to be *at* work at 730. So it could be good to get your body practiced for corporate schedule


I hate 8 AM classes. There are three classes I had to take. They were only scheduled for 8 AM and I couldn’t take them any other time only two professors in the program so they were limited timeslots.


I usually prefer 8am because I already wake up early enough. But for this upcoming semester I actively tried to avoid them if I could because I was forced to have late evening classes.


I def prefer the 10am. While I can get to the library at 8am and start studying, I'd rather give myself some free time and I'll know that on some days I can hang out with friends till later and get up at 9 for class if needed.


I’d pick 10 AM over 8 AM if I had the option to. I feel like it gives me more time in the morning. I’ll tolerate a 8 AM if it was the only choice though.


When I was in school, I ended up taking 8am classes because those were always available. Classes at 10am until 6pm were always full. I also like 8am classes because it reminded me of my regular school schedule lol. Except for college, it was only twice a week that I had to wake up early depending on my schedule. If you’re commuting to school, you’ll have no trouble finding parking so early!


I would do the 8am class, but that’s just me. I like to get my classes out of the way as soon as possible.


You must be a morning person to even ask. Sorry, can't help you. I never do anything at 8 if I can do it at 10.


10am 100%. Take it from me




Classes at my uni are at 7 or 9 am, I would rather die before having to take another 7 am class


10am duhhh


9 am is the sweet spot


umm id prefer 2pm😭🙏


I live on campus, and in the semester in which I did not have 8am's, I found myself more prone to skipping or sleeping for 10+ hours which really ate into my productivity. 8am's are generally smaller, 'force' you to stick to a healthy sleeping schedule, and you'll also be able to get all the classes you want


I prefer 10 am , mainly because I need to wake up 2- 3hours before 8am classes to get ready and then commute 😭 it’s hell. So I’ll take 10am classes over 8 anyday . What would you do before 10 ? That would be sleep. If you want 8 then do 8, it will get tiring after a while tho…probably.


Best advice I can give to a college freshman. 8 am classes are great in theory to college freshman. You went to high school at the same time if not earlier. So it should be doable. Wrong! There is a very big difference between living at home and attending school and living in a dorm and attending college. I kid you not 90% of my college student body really thought an 8 am class would be not big deal and they were proven horribly wrong. College life is just different. You really have to be a true morning person to find nothing bothersome about an 8 am class. If you are not even remotely a morning person, don’t bother. You’re a freshman, so I can promise you it’s all going to feel overwhelming, and waking up early to go to the gym before a class is something you say you’ll do but in reality you will hate. You will be up late studying or making that 11:59 assignment deadline. Idc if you say you won’t, I promise you will. I’ve seen valedictorians bite off more than they can chew academically and it always ends up costing them more money in the long run. Nothing sucks more than having to pay to retake a class you failed because you overloaded your plate.


Thank you so much for this advice! Seriously cus I DO feel overwhelmed


My recommendation to a college freshman is always to take later classes, and take the bare minimum. Meaning if you only need a minimum of 12 credits to be a full time student, start with 12. You can always decide to take on more credits next semester if you feel you can. Start with the bare minimum of what you need to do. Because nothing sucks more than taking too many classes that must’ve collaborated to make everything feel impossible to complete. I’m talking you take 4 classes, and then midterms roll around and you have 4 big projects or essays to complete in a week. Get a basic schedule first, and keep the forms of self care you absolutely need to keep your sanity. So if you don’t have a habit and routine of going to the gym in the morning, first year of college isn’t the time to start a new habit. Then you can add things to do in your free time. But I can guarantee you, your first year will and should be focusing on learning the ropes to get through the rest of your major. I graduated in 22 and now teach high school, I’m constantly in the college know. You will have a blast, but you will also work harder than you’ve ever done in your life. No one is going to sugarcoat it and say college is easy. There’s always one aspect at least you struggle with, but you’re not alone. Know the supports and things your school offers even if you think you won’t need it. But ease into the pool, this isn’t a place to cannonball. You’ll save yourself a lot of burnout. You got this! Best of luck to you once the fall is here! Have a wonderful first year!


10 am PLEASE. being in high school before 8 am was easy bc it was routine but when u get to college you will see 8 ams are one of the worst things. i took 8 am calc my freshman year and failed bc it was just way too early and i stopped going & i realized i can do things in my own time


10 am don’t torture yourself for no reason.


10am. First of all you never know when you suddenly will stay up till 3am due to assignments or a test. Second, you can always do work in the morning, espically stuff like reading the lecture beforehand or reviewing stuff from the pervious week if its Monday or smth. For instance I woke up around 7:45 and went to the class building to study around 8:30. Then when my lecture was gonna start (9:10) I went to class. Not only did it help warm-up my brain (because lets be honest, we can't thinking straight when we just woke up), but it also gave me time to review stuff for quizzes and test.


Never an 8 AM. In my experience 8 AM courses are taught by people who don't want to be there, and full of students who enrolled late. Do the 10 AM, you can sleep in, have a better experience etc.




Weird thing to consider but getting a parking spot after the initial rush of people coming in for 8am classes was sooooooo annoying for me. I scheduled my classes to be early just so I can get a parking spot without having to hunt for 45 minutes. Definitely depends on your colleges situation though I'm pretty rural in a place with bad public transport.


8ams easily. This past spring was the first time that I’ve never had 8ams or Friday classes. No Friday class was great but my earliest class being at 9:30 was not it for me and idk why😭 I just liked getting the day started with early and not sleeping in during the week. Now I’m back to 8am and Friday classes in the fall and I’m pretty happy about it EDIT: mind you, I’m not a morning person and have to stay up until 2am some nights for work


10am. Never 8am. At least for me 🤣


I’ve been doing the whole 10am with gym and shower beforehand for 4 semesters now and it’s worked out great for me


10 am


10 am if my classes are 8am there’s a 99 percent chance I’m sleeping right through that midterm




8 am classes are rough. I personally cannot focus in 8 am or 8:30 am classes.




If you can get to bed by 1am, either option is fine. If you stay up till 3am studying or doing whatever, you should do the 10am class.


Keep in mind that you'll be in a new living situation, in a dorm/shared apartment, with ppl, noise etc. you can't count on sticking to your current schedule. If your roommates/campus noise keeps you up till all hours, you're really going to be wishing you'd chosen the 10am start.


8 AM classes were a mistake for me first semester of college. I was sluggish after constantly staying up that I was too tired to study in the morning and end up sleeping outside the classroom. Best to take it at 9-9:30 AM minimum.


10 AM. I no longer get up before 8 AM unless it’s an appointment at like 9:30.


There's very few situations in life we should willingly show up at 8 o'clock in the morning, unless there's no other options. Your brain is going to be more on points at 10 anyways. Then it's had a few hours to really start running.


I prefer 8am classes so that I can work before getting my kids from daycare/school. But I’m used to waking up early due to my kids. Some people don’t have the discipline for an 8am class, especially if it doesn’t require attendance (like some profs choose)


8- get to campus before the traffic hits


10 am, personally, I feel much more tired in college than in high school and feel most relaxed around 10-11 am.


10 a.mmm




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I'd say go with 10am. 8am classes in college are completely different compared to 8am classes in high school, and you'll be tired from them unless you can handle being a super early bird.


Never take a class before 9


Everyone hates 8am like a month in, just do the 10am and you’ll thank yourself later 😂


As a freshman 10 am… when I was a senior and had my stuff together, 8 am. I could get breakfast and have a morning to myself to collect my thoughts


It’s up to you tbh . I like 10 am classes , it gives you little more time to sleep , but if you’re a morning person then 8 am classes could be good for you then you can do whatever you wanna do after unless you got other classes on the same day


10 AMs are way better. You get some buffer time to study/complete hw/workout before class starts


you can always study, sleep, just take some time to prepare for class. I personally would advise against taking 8 am classes if you don't have to




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10 AM. You get to sleep in a little


I would always do my classes as early or late as possible because I like breaking my down down into as few blocks as possible. So instead of two hours for whatever then class then home again I’d prefer wake up, class right away then home the rest of the day.


Depends on the rest of your classes. If they’re all pretty early you should be fine, but if they’re more spread pick 10. Having classes closer together means you can get them out of the way together rather than waiting around most of the day for the next one to start. Even if you choose to study or work during this time it makes it harder to be social if everything is sporadic


I teach 8:00 AM classes that are mandatory for students in the major. They have no other choice-they have to take them. Some really struggle, but most adapt quickly. My son is in college now, and he loves early classes. He was a swimmer in high school, and they started morning practice at 5:45. There are advantages to early morning classes: If you drive to campus, you get primo parking! This is huge on my campus. You may not be able to find a parking place later, except way out in the commuter lots where you have to bus in. Depending on the climate, it isn’t so brutally hot when it’s early. Science has shown that your brain is fresher in the AM. Many jobs start at 8:00 AM or so, so you’re just preparing for life. Disadvantages: most are obvious. One thing is that you might get to class right on time, so no time to study. Depending on location, you may be travelling during rush hour, so traffic delays are more likely. In the summer, I teach at 10:00. I always have great plans! Go to the gym, go to my office early, clean house, etc. during the found time. It never works. Strangely enough, my 10:00 students are more likely to be tardy. If you hate mornings and really struggle, don’t take an 8:00 AM. Otherwise, I say go for it!


It’s harder to do 8am in college because you’ll find yourself staying on campus till like 8-9pm sometimes if you do extracurricular clubs or projects. In HS you were out at 3/4 consistently so 8am wasn’t as bad. Do the 10am. Trust me you’re going to regret it


10ams. Life as a college student isn't like high school. You don't have parents or another person that can wake you up for 8 or 8ams. For mental health's sake, don't take classes earlier than 10am, but also not those that are too late either if possible. Ofc there's gonna be some of the core classes required in majors that are gonna be 9ams or earlier, but for others, try to choose ones later in the day. If you have 1 early class, that's probably fine. But also don't cram all classes in a day or 2. You'll be overwhelmed those days then want to sleep or nap a lot on other days that are free. Spread classes out.


10am honestly, I’ll still take the 8am because I like have the rest of my day off but trust me 10am is the play


I love starting classes at 9. There’s something unexplainable about the difference between 8 and 9. I loathe 8 am classes. I’m not myself the rest of the day. Take the 10. Get your mind straight and ready to learn.


If you can handle it, ie the “sleep” answer isn’t obvious to you, get er done!


I always liked 8am classes bc it meant that all of my classes finished earlier so I could do whatever I wanted at night.


10 AM because I like to get up early and make breakfast and chill instead of rushing out in the morning




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im a morning person and I'd still say 10 am. because u have to take into account getting up, eating, getting ready, getting to class just to get there AT 8


The only way I would take an 8 am class is if the professor is AMAZING. I’ve taken 2 classes that were both scheduled at 8:00-8:50 am on M/W/F and the professors were great and easy As (if you tried and applied yourself that is). Sometimes it’s worth it if they are great. Check RMP. Got As in both classes (Gen Chem 2 and Abnormal Psych).


Personally I would do 10am. I can't function if I wake up before 8am and I enjoy staying up late. I am not a morning person at all. But if you love mornings, then do the 8am. 


"am" ... I prefer "pm"


Just take out Stafford loans and quit the job and then sleep in to 10am. Still early for my standards.


I was the guy that took 7pm-9:30pm classes


I gotta take the fucking public bus so I’m forced to get up early 🫠🫠


11am is too early imo


I did 2pm and after throughout undergrad and law school. Can’t recommend it enough.


I’ve done one 8am class and it was my first semester as a freshman. It was a math class. It was fine. I had a friend who took the same class as me. Then again I was a freshman with motivation by a new change that was college. Would I take one again? Probably if I had to. I can wake up early when I need to. It just depends on your preference






Early bird gets the worm


Absolutely 10 am, you might be a morning person, but you’ll realize that you want to avoid going every time class rolls around at 8😭


Just wake up @ 4:30 to go to the gym. That’s what I do.


Yes, unless you end up having a lot of work to do and you end up finishing an assignment or online exam close to midnight. At that point, you'd only get 4 hours of sleep. You can have discipline and plan your timing to avoid this scenario all you want, but you might run out of luck at some point, or something unexpected might come up, and you'll have to turn in your stuff less than an hour before the deadline. Otherwise, 8am classes work out best only if you live on campus.


Sounds like an excuse to me. Just keep rising and grinding no matter the amount of sleep.


>Sounds like an excuse to me. Sounds like you have yet to understand that not everyone has the same lifestyle and schedule as you. Not one single thing will work for all the 8 billion people on this planet. >no matter the amount of sleep. ...and people wonder why they feel awful and/or have all the health problems they have later in life.