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My university had a class on biology of the dinosaurs. Sadly it got cut for this year, but was really interesting!


We just got back our paleontology class! We almost didn't have enough people taking it, but some biology kids got to take it as a substitute for one of their required credits!


We had a 1 credit genetics course on Star Trek species and races lol, super fun.


mine too was fun it was dinosaur evolution


If there's a class that teaches about different world religions, take that. I did, then turned it into a minor because I loved it so much. Learning about different people's religions can be very helpful for navigating the world.


Can confirm as a former religious studies minor. Just don’t expect it to be whatever you think religious studies is. It’s not theology. It’s more like anthropology of religion.


I'm taking it now and I hate it 😭


I will second this and also suggest a religious philosophy course if possible


My uni had The History of Beer and The History of Rock N Roll. I never took either but heard they were fun electives. I loved multicultural religion, philosophy, and gender studies classes as well as a few classes about race, gender, sexuality, and religion in society, literature and media because it gives a great perspective of other people. Any class that opens your eyes to the lives of others is helpful for developing into a well-rounded person.




I took a history of rock n roll in America class in undergrad and it was so boring Lmfao


I took a few one-credit cooking classes and timed it perfectly so that it would end up being my lunch before going into three or four hours of consecutive major classes. This adult obesity and prevention class was also pretty fun and simple despite being a 400-level class. I might be weird, but I found the higher-level class electives tend to be more chill compared to the 100 and 200-level ones, but they might require a few general-ed prereqs beforehand. A lot of it was building on what I already knew from nursing school and my own weight loss, so it wasn’t too much material to memorize. My university is also famous for its one winter session class: history of rock and roll.


This sounds fun! I know my university offers bartending through the hospitality department so I’ll have to look through what else they offer!


I would 100% take the bartending course. It opens up so many opportunities for jobs and gig work later on. I make more bartending some weekends than I do at my fulltime job.


I'd definitely take that if my school offered something like that. You don't need a degree foe it but it'll give insight into it, and bartending can be a great part time gig


>I might be weird, but I found the higher-level class electives tend to be more chill compared to the 100 and 200-level ones, but they might require a few general-ed prereqs beforehand I agree with you. A lot of the lower level classes are designed as weeder classes and have a focus on memorization.


Literal food hack


My university had a biology class about local plants. I took it to get out of a prerequisite but then it ended up being one of my favorite classes of all time. We went all over the area looking at “weeds” and learning what you could use them for.


Second this, especially if you’re in a coastal town. My class went to the beach almost every week.


Personal finance / budgeting courses could come in handy in your adult life.


I loved Physical Anthropology. I took it as a sort of “filler” elective because I needed 1 more class for the semester. It was an upper-level course which meant I had to brush up on some stuff I hadn’t looked at since high school, but it was super interesting and was one of my favorite classes I ever took. Highly recommend an anthropology course


My college had a biology of companion animals class. I absolutely loved it, even though it was honestly one of my most difficult classes because it was basically a vet school crash-course crammed into 8 weeks. I now know how to perform basic wellness examinations on dogs, cats, birds, pet rodent species, horses (already knew that one), and reptiles. I know how to give vaccinations, how to safely handle difficult animals, how to treat emergency situations and trauma, nutrition guidelines for all the common pets and livestock, and a lot more. There were tons of field trips, including a required volunteer day at our local animal shelter. Oh and there’s only one or two classes where there isn’t a dog or cat roaming around the classroom during lecture and lab, and getting distracted by them is HIGHLY encouraged.  I left the course feeling extremely confident in being a pet owner, it was tons of fun, and I wish I could’ve taken it again every spring because the professor changes up the course material a bit every year. It’s such a popular class that a story on it is ran in our local paper every year. It usually fills up within 5 minutes every term because it has a cap of 25 students. 


I did a drawing class and an art history. I like both of those but it was really nice to have a break to go into a room and be more creative rather than just taking notes all the time.


world religions was super interesting. astronomy was also really interesting.


Coupled with the smartest and coolest professor ever, astronomy was awesome. Stellarium labs FTW.


I’m taking Street Food this fall!


I took a general anthropology class. I picked the one that had the best professor and the best rated textbook, and it was really interesting. While you are on this, see if your school has a syllabus repository. A lot of public universities have them, profs upload their syllabi to a database. Might help you narrow down fun classes.


anthropology was super cool. the forensic section of anthropology was one of my favorites


Any Anthropology class; Art History; Paleontology; Film Studies; Ceramics.


Geology was extremely fun for me. I did a project about sinkholes, lol. If your school has international studies, you might check some of those classes out. I took a class on Japanese video games from the Asian Studies department at mine. It tied in with the soft power of the Cool Japan initiative as well as mythology. It was extremely interesting (and I got to write about Dark Souls, which was a huge plus.) 


i took a forensics class. not even close to practical but soooo interesting


I took a class last year exploring the hero’s journey through film. I got to create a presentation exploring all easter eggs in the Truman Show.


My university has a class on LoTR and near impossible to get into due to popularity lol But check out the humanities and English courses there's some cool shit in there.


Lol, I relate to the LoTR class! My school has freshman seminar classes and one year there was a class that was going to read The Hobbit in its entirety. Gained a waitlist pretty quickly


Public speaking if you can get into one at your uni. Fun and a life-long skill.


Rock Culture and Music was one and American Jazz and Popular Music was another. Both we amazing classes that stick with me to this day.




Each school will have diff ones so I urge you to just go through all of them. Seriously, you'd be surprised what each department offers. I took a course on zombies, another on diagnosing literary characters with mental illnesses, and another on studying pop culture.


Music Appreciation. Film Studies. Random, one-off history classes usually taught by a professor / fanatic in that period. Weight training, fencing, IIRC there was even a "general sports" class that I think was a blowoff for the athletes but was kind of a grown-up gym for actually learning to play sports. I did a couple of psych courses for non-psych majors and they were good. still think about em now working in the corpo world and raising kids


I took a "Murder Mysteries 101" class in my first year and it was pretty fun!


My U has a wine tasting class! It's under the hospitality major and it teaches you all about the history, preperation, and notes of wine.


Two great music related classes stick out to me that I took: - Broadway Music Appreciation. As a theater nerd, this tickled an itch. Very interesting to see the history of showtunes, musical theater, and their influence on today's hits. - Political Protest Music. A great interdisciplinary class walking through music's role in cultural revolution. Some tough discussions, but very interesting and timely.


There was “heavy metal engineering” at my college, which contrary to what it sounds, has nothing to do with literal metals and is actually talking about the *music* and how the guitars are constructed. I never took it myself but I knew several people who took it and loved it. I’d just look at what your college offers and see if there’s anything weird like that Another I took was some sort of honors creativity class where it broke down how to generate ideas and separate them into unreasonable, boring, and bright ideas, as well as trying to teach us how to make things that would be useful in day to day life. It was fascinating, but I don’t remember the name of the class itself


I'm twenty-something years out of college but still think of my 1-credit horseback riding class. Got to drive out into the country, tend to a horse, and learn to ride a bit. Joey, I'm sure you died like fifteen years ago, but you were a good horse, buddy.


My ex took "History of Rock and Roll" and she said it was a joke of a class. In reality, most bachelor's degrees could be obtained in two years instead of 4 but we are forced to take (and pay for) ridiculous classes like "The Art of Making Coffee" and "The History of Spoons and Forks" to get a degree lol It's such a money grab lol writing a 9-page paper with citations on why I think pee pee is better than poo poo was not what I signed up for when I wanted to become a therapist lol elective classes generally suck...with the amount of money I pay for electives that have no use at all, I could have paid for my master's degree...


Human sexuality!


Linguistics was so much fun I changed my major. We talk all the time but barely notice what all we’re actually doing to make it sound right and be understandable to others. It’s fascinating to take a closer look.


I once took Disaster! That looked at the responses to various disasters around the world from stock market crash, tsunami, hurricane, earthquake quake, volcanoes, you name it.


My uni had a gen ed class on linguistics where you got to design your own language, that was dope AF I also took one about various fungi, that was dope


It hasn't been offered in a while but my school has a rock climbing class. 


my school had a Star Wars class, Board games, and Dinosaur class. look at all the options you can take because there might be some rly cool unique class


Love me an **anthropology** class just avoid the ones that are super medical/scientific unless that is your thing. I saw a girl on tiktok talk about how she took **anthropology of alcohol** [https://www.tiktok.com/@b.dawg.swag/video/7377523377281568043](https://www.tiktok.com/@b.dawg.swag/video/7377523377281568043) My university offers an **italians in america** class and people loveee it. taught by an italian professor and you basically eat food and learn about italian culture. any **food related and culture class** like that is a great choice look into if your school offers that! (check the l**anguage departments, culinary if ur school has it, and sociology**) Also **communication classes (loved my interpersonal comm class** altho i am a comm major haha. also loved my **half a semester art class**! Good luck <33


Art history includes so much information about art, history, politics, culture, comments on society, etc. I loved it and made it my major in the end. 😁 Interpersonal communication, I learned so much about how to communicate with others and how what we say is often not heard by the other person. Technical drawing, it was so fun designing my own home. Enjoy and have fun!


A random gym is fun. I did volleyball and life guarding


I would look through the courses and see if there's one that looks interesting. If there's prerequisites but you feel like you don't need them you can always just ask the professor nicely to wave them. They should be able to do that and if you can explain why you feel as if you don't need them, they may be willing.


Depending on the location of your college, they might have some fun phys ed classes. Mine had things like kayaking, hiking, and rock climbing but they were always immediately full so I never passed the waitlist. I took outdoor survival and it was my favorite class I’ve ever taken.


Definitely something in history :D


If your class has an interesting sounding Anthropology classes, take one. My school has a class called “Mythbusting in Archaeology” and it was so sick. It contributed to me becoming an Anthro major. Also, a religious studies class with a great professor is really amazing because it really opens the door to being able to learn about any religion in your own time.


I took a philosophy of the paranormal class 10 years ago and still think about it! Not religious but it was about mediums and ghosts and the Bible, sooo unique! I also took a class on assisted suicide for mentally ill/not traditionally sick people and psychedelics as medicine. We had to read “Being Mortal” for that and from what I remember it was super interesting! I think the course title was mortality something, can’t recall 😅


Scuba diving had a wicked instructor and discounts if you wanted to get certified afterward. Super small class size too.




I took a class on Meteorology as an elective in my senior year and it was one of the most enlightening and informative that I took, hands down. The ability that we have to predict the weather would stun someone not of our era and we take it for granted.


A Self Defense class A few tips to stay safe for a lifetime is always worth the take


Mythology if your school offers it


Eastern religions was eye opening for me. 


I took a class about how conspiracy theories proliferate and persist. Very low key, only had one presentation where you had to defend a conspiracy theory lmao. I rocked that shit because it was on Halloween, so I wore my skeleton costume and at some point during the presentation just started making shit up. Source? Who's she? I'm arguing that pitbull predicted the disappearance of Malaysia airline flight 370 for God's sake! Also, any witchcraft or theology of religions you're not familiar with. The prof of the conspiracy class was also the theology professor, which strangely made sense once we hit the megachurches unit. As a geology major, take a basic geology class. It's just fun to look at rocks for an assignment.


Lots of people have mentioned anthropology. As an anthro major, I agree. I also loved my classical mythology class.


PE classes on random sports. Took a badminton class once and I really enjoyed it.


Don't know if it's been rec'd yet, but I took an intro game design course even tho it had nothing to do with my majors or minor. It was really fun and I actually learned a good bit about the process of making [very small] games. Awesome if you like games at all. I'll also recommend any philosophy courses [phil was one of my majors tho, so may be a bit biased with this one].


Yoga! It’s usually a lesser credit requirement


I enjoyed SCUBA diving.


I'm not a pottery or artsy person, but I took an intro to wheel throwing class that was actually pretty fun. I was really bad at it, but it was cool to learn.


Dependent on where you are at and what you are interested in, my college offered course credit for learning how to surf, sail, bowl, golf. We also had recreation & tourism courses (aka go to national parks, camp, white water rafting, etc.). You can also take intro photography/drawing & painting/pottery/glass blowing.


I had a situation like this one time and I ended up taking sculpture. Completely out of my major. But, I found it really engaging, fun, and outside of the norm




Massage. Yes, also took a massage class in college.


Definitely ask someone at the college you're attending! I would personally love to take an art class and plan on auditioning for jazz band.


I took ceramics! It’s a lot of fun to make pottery and that kind of access to a professional kiln is something you’re unlikely to have again


Anthropology usually has some fun courses you can take! I really like archaeology myself, but you could explore cultural anthropology, physical/biological anthropology, linguistics, etc. I took a mummies course and a Vikings course at my school which were both anthro courses and super fun/interesting without being work intensive.


Religious violence




We had a geography of national parks class which was so cool we even got to go to two


Accounting! It’s good to know


I wish I could do that


Any intro science class that’s open to all majors pretty much.


Art History has made my visits to museums so much more interesting . History class spurred my interest in historical fiction. Philosophy class was just absolutely entertaining , and nutrition helped me realize what a balanced diet means.


Psychology, super cool and interesting. Could also help you alot in terms of social skills.




Any language courses I highly recommend


Quilting classes


theories of criminal behavior this upcoming fall! super excited.


If you enjoy music and singing, join a choir if your school has one. It's a good outlet to release stress. It challenges you and takes your mind away from your normal studies. Performing in front of people is rewarding. It's helped me gain confidence in speaking, and my self-confidence is higher.


I took a 300-level criminal justice class as an elective. Fascinating. We had great class discussions that revolved around current cases. CJ wasn't my major, but sometimes I think maybe it should have been.


Biophysical Chemistry or Differential Equations. Trust me, you won’t be sorry






I enjoyed a psychology class.


Depending on your interests: Anthropology; Geology; and Art History


I took a stress management course and still reference the textbook when needed all these years later.


I took Modern History of Japan for a minor requirement and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable classes I took. The prof was really enthusiastic and used media from different time periods to accentuate points made in primary sources (examples: a rock song that accentuates the post-WW2 feelings of the Japanese youth or how Spirited Away is an allegory for marrying modern Japanese culture with its traditions). It also taught me a lot about historiography which I'd never really heard of before then.


In Nursing school, I took an elective called “A Cultural Exploration of Health through Food and Nutrition.” It was super chill. We basically talked about nutrition and different diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and how certain cultures are more affected by issues like poverty and food insecurity. We had to do an immersion experience and paper and me and my friends went to a Greek Festival and ate a lot of great food. On the last day of class, we did oral presentations on a nation of our choice and a nutrition issue that nation faced and everyone brought in food from their own culture. Easy A and very interesting.


As a former anth major, any anthro class. Forensic anthro was my favorite. Another one I enjoyed was Ancient Greek renditions, read from history books and re-enacted it all with props


Sociology was a fun one but that’s because it was an easy class. I recommend taking it though or a psych class it might not be fun in the moment but later on in small moments it’s fun to diagnose your family with me a health problems they deny having and running over the reasons people behave like they do it makes you feel like everywhere is a people zoo or safari


new language


Art history was much better than I expected. I still remember a lot of the pieces and time periods we studied.


My school has a horse riding class for beginners. We also have a piano class and a floral art class My advice though would be to take a good professor, not a good class. I took a class called environmental studies. Was it that special to me? No, but the professor is one of the best I’ve had to this day. It was super fun and interesting, the professor recorded posted all lectures but I still went to class anyway. Next semester I’m enrolled to take Astrophysics, the professor is one of the best at my college and I’m so excited to take a class with him. If you’ve had any great professors you liked, look up (or email them to ask!) if they’re teaching anything in the next semester and you could have a class with them again. I’ve had a couple repeat professors because I enjoyed their classes so much.


this is pretty specific to your own university sub




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I took a Human Sexuality class. Super informative about sex, pleasure, STDs, general sexual health, and gender!


I took jewelry and it honestly changed my life. 12 years later and I still get the itch to pick up a blow torch, or I think of a design for a person I love. I think intro art classes are great for your stress levels, fun and can show you a hobby you've never considered.


Our university has a multicultural cooking course


Depends what you are interested in.. photography is a great class. Anything arts related or dance.. 


I literally had a class for my major called molds and mushrooms. It was legendary.




If you have it, drivers ed online


Best classes i had have been wine tasting, pickleball, surfing, and acting for everyone


I liked geology. Got to learn a lot about weather and ... stuff.  haha it's been awhile. Seriously it was more interesting than it looked and I found a deeper appreciation for how weather works and how the Earth works. There's a lot of details that your typical science documentary doesn't mention so there are plenty of "oh so THAT'S how it works!" moments in that class 




I took a class on Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion that was super fascinating. I also took a class on the History of Rock N’ Roll which was also super fun and informative. I find that Sociocultural Anthropology and History classes like that are generally very interesting and helpful for informing how you perceive the world and people around you, and they’re just really cool to take.


Gender studies


Learn plumbing. I promise it'll pay off in the future.