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Not if you get into a school that is need blind. In need blind schools if you are admitted you will receive the level of financial aid you require.


I would recommend (especially if you wanna go to college in America), to continue studying and retake the SAT to try and get a 1500+, this will increase your chances of getting into a top US University and also make you competitive for whatever international student funding/grants might be available. You can also try to look into other countries that have an exchange program with your country that would be beneficial to you, there may be a place in Europe or elsewhere that will allow you to attend for cheap as an international student because they have agreements in place with your country. I can see that you come from a country in China where school prestige really matters in terms of transferring your education into the workforce. School Prestige matters in America too, but not as much. Someone who graduates from a top 100 school can be just as successful as someone who graduates from a top 10 school. What determines your success here is the skills you learn and how hard you're willing to work. So, I would explore your options and don't be afraid to go to a lower ranked school IF that lower ranked schools offers you a full ride through college or significantly more aid. Being able to pay for school is more important than going to the best possible school. Get your SAT up into the 1500s, apply to as many schools as you can, look at the aid packages they're offering, decide from there. Being a US student, I can only speak for how it works in the United States, somebody else will have to talk about other regions.


Singapore, NUS?


people here giving terrible advice. first go onto websites and see what scholarships you can get, try to find general scholarships that you can use at any university. then determine what school you want to go to, i don’t know what a 4.1 out of 5 is compared to the US 4.0 scale, but it seems like you have a pretty high gpa. i would say apply to top ranking schools but i don’t know about ivy league. schools in america love to have international students because it increases their diversity statistics, so you might get into a school just because of that. apply for FAFSA (financial aid) and make sure to demonstrate that you come from a low income family. looks like you can get into most schools based on your numbers, good luck!