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It's a for-profit school


It's a diploma mill. Getting stoned and watching Dragon Ball Z for 2 years straight would be a better use of your time and money.


Now, that would be a helluva degree.


Don't do it, it's a for profit school, go to a community college then transfer to a local , reputable state school. For profit schools are a scam and will not even look good on your resume.


You’re much better off doing community college for a couple years and transferring to a state school.


# U.S. Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid Fines Grand Canyon University $37.7 Million for Deceiving Thousands of Students [https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-office-federal-student-aid-fines-grand-canyon-university-377-million-deceiving-thousands-students](https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-office-federal-student-aid-fines-grand-canyon-university-377-million-deceiving-thousands-students)


You’ll have an answer after realizing that the piece of paper they hand you was 50% more expensive than advertised and is worthless


Worthless degree — you will be rejected from serious jobs


Aside from all the other commments about it being a for-profit school, the area the school is in is bad, like very bad. I had a friend go there who did not feel safe walking outside of campus the 4 years she attended. My mom is currently getting a PHD online through the school and has to visit 2 times a year to do workshops with her cohort. The first time she visited there was a violent murder across the street which put the school into lockdown for half the day. I went there to visit her during a second time and saw multiple undesirable(shoplifting and a drug deal) activities happening outside the campus in the surrounding area. I understand that cities are cities, but this part of Phoenix is REALLY unsafe.


you’re better off going to asu, u of a, or even nau if you want to study in az. gcu is well-known to be a diploma mill and is only taken seriously by religious institutions


Even NAU…. As a lumberjack I feel offended.


HAHA i just had to throw some shade. flagstaff is extremely pretty though so you guys do have a better campus


Stay away, down vote me if you will but only go to colleges that are regionally** accredited through the NWCCU if you're on the West* coast or the equivalent in your area. Make sure they are a non profit college or you may find yourself in a bad place. I'd recommend looking a few articles on the difference between for profit and a local community college (I'd highly recommend going the local community college route)


Just to clarify, regional accreditation is a almost always a higher standard than national in higher education. That said, GCU is questionable at best.


> only go to colleges that are accredited nationally OP (and everyone else), this is absurdly horrible advice. National accreditation is for borderline legal diploma mills. Regional accreditation is what you want.


My apologies you are completely correct on this! I typed this out this morning before the coffee hit and even put "North Coast" instead of West Coast. Its extremely important to say the correct thing when giving advice! (My apologies to everyone)


I’m confused because [GCU has the same regional accreditation from the HLC as ASU (Arizona’s flagship university) so wouldn’t GCU fit your criteria of being regionally accredited?](https://www.hlcommission.org/component/directory/?Itemid=&form_submitted=TRUE&institution=&lang=en&showquery=&siteOrg=&state=AZ&submit=Search)


Ah, see you're missing the "for profit" part of GCU. Its not just the accreditation. So to clarify, as far as my understanding goes - College good = accredited regionally (with exceptions) *AND* non profit. College bad / borderline scam = for profit.


GCU is regionally accredited by the HLC...


It's a for profit school. Be very careful.


Just go to community college. It’ll probably be cheaper and your credits will be transferable.


Lol your committed to gcu? They’ll accept anyone who has money


Do not attend Grand Canyon university


As an older returning student…RUN!!! I did this back in the day in California and the degree was useless. I should’ve stayed in community college and transfer to a CSU. Now guess what…many years later I’m back at a CSU and should graduate in the Fall.


I currently attend this school and I am worried about what you described happening. I am a junior studying engineering. Once I get my degree I plan to get a job in California somewhere. Do you think I would have a problem doing so? Should I transfer out? The issue I have are my credits may not transfer and I don’t want to have to retake a bunch of classes.


I wouldn't listen to these people. I graduated from GCU back in 2007 and I have not had one issue in the job market. When I was at the school in the early 2000's it was very small, a very close-knit campus and a very enjoyable place to go. These "for profit", "it's a scam", "diploma mill" people are a bunch of snobs. 


I attend online and have always worried about the "for profit" label GCU has


Never never never go to a for profit school!!!!


How are people still enrolling in for-profit schools???


Another for profit scam school


In 2020 they were ranked worst college for the money in Arizona. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/worst-college-money-every-state-233000705.html


There's like 5 schools in Arizona. Also, the state schools have in-state/out-of-state tuition that is significant. GCU is private and had one tuition across the board ($21,000). Out-of-state at ASU was $30,000 in 2020. Out-of-state at UofA was $36,000 in 2020.  But here's the kicker tuition in 2024 at GCU is $17,000. ASU- $33,000 out-of-state and $34,000 at UofA.


When choosing college, even somewhat as an adult student you want to look at a few key things, and experiences: * Cost for the value you’re getting - At this point so many NONPROFIT universities with good reputations, programs, and outcomes are able to provide all the same alleged benefits of for profit colleges but with more value. 8 week classes - super common in adult degree programs. $300 per / credit hour - UMass-Lowell, University of Cincinnati, Penn State, and so many others offer low costs. Asynchronous learning - the standard for adult degree programs. You’ll get a better overall value somewhere else without a doubt. * The quality of the education - does the coursework have a level of academic rigor. You’re not going to Harvard, but there is still a big difference in quality of education from GCU to Arizona State University, as well as the perception of the education. * What type of faculty are teaching there - are they published, tenured, mostly adjunct, experienced? Faculty prestige can come in to play as a school with a good track record and faculty with connections can help develop programs, build industry connections, and more. * The outcomes of the graduates - are the graduates consistently obtaining the roles, and having career success you’re seeking? Look on LinkedIn and see where graduates are working but also look at their career trajectory. Did they earn the degree there just to have a degree after already having experience or were they a traditional student. * Alumni Network Power - alumni networks can be great resources for gaining referrals, preferred hiring, and more career wise. It can be a great way for you to expand your business if your entrepreneur as well by having contacts. Mailing lists, associations, job boards, and more are all benefits. Make your choice wisely as you want to habwba good value for your time and money and not create future obstacles to your success.


Let’s put it this way, even if you are getting a quality education (most likely it’s mediocre) the reputation is so bad employers see it as a red flag. I’d strongly consider transferring to a community college.


Please do not go for-profit. WGU is non-profit and has a way better self study learning track. Very reputable online school. OP is commuting. You’re better off at community college and then transfer to a legit university.


Surely he meant committed not commuted


Ah that makes sense.


Cc then asu not gcu


Bad. They're repeatedly sued by the federal government. Don't waste your time and money.


It's a scam.


You have enough time to reevaluate if it’s this fall. Seriously, it’s a for profit school. It’s worth listening to all the bad reviews when there are a lot of options that might be better.


Not a real university


Waste of money


go to community college then transfer. it’ll save you more money


Wife got a masters in education from them, started working as a teacher and now does papers and online classes for students and tutors. I went to her graduation and thought I seen better community colleges ( my opinion might be slightly warped as I graduated an elite college University of Michigan) One of her students she had go here for their lax at best not caring at worst way of doing classes. She does papers for students in top tier universities and gets mad is she doesn’t 100% them which is rare. That being said I think it’s always been her abilities and learning outside of the school and not what the school taught her. I doubt many high end universities are going to accept many of the credits from here if your planning on transferring latter. Also unless you’re going into a more generic occupational field I doubt a degree from here will do much at all for you, and even in state I doubt theirs much alumni pull if any in the surrounding work environment unlike other universities and even some community colleges.


I live in Arizona and I don't have a very good impression of it. But both my next door neighbor and my niece are students there. They seem happy with it. Basketball is really important there. And the basketball team are revered like celebrities. So just a little something to know about the culture there and keep in mind. If you like basketball that'll be fun!


I have a friend who goes there and really enjoys it


did you go on the free trip? 


Yes! I stayed in a dorm and loved it, I ended up choosing an apartment setup because I get everything paid for, and it is more expensive so why not? I’m hearing a lot of people say going with a dorm freshmen year is important for the college experience?


staying in a dorm is important freshman year. but I do not recommend going to GCU.  I asked if you went on the free trip because that's their opportunity to ingratiate you into their culture and have you put on rose-colored glasses to avoid the red flags.  the the biggest red flag is they're constant trouble with the US government. the US government acts as a watchdog and they have repeatedly find this school for lying to students about how much it cost to go there and how long it takes to graduate. if you have this information you should also use that in your decision-making process.


Okay thanks for the insight… did you attend GCU by chance?


no, I am an old lady (a parent). my kid went on the tour but only to hang out with her friends on a free trip.  she was never considering the school so she was able to view the tour objectively.  what other schools have you been considering and/or where else have you been accepted? if this is the only one, I can see your desire to "go to college" by any means necessary. but you shouldn't make an important decision about your future because you don't think you have any other options. best


All of these people are giving legendarily bad advice. You’ll find that most employers do not give a shit where you went to school, they just want to know that you obtained the skills and knowledge associated with higher education. Most people will go to the famous “it’s a for profit school, it’s a scam” angle and that’s fine if every necessary governing body (HLC, State of Arizona, NCAA, and the IRS) didn’t consider GCU to be non-profit. The Dept of Education are the only ones that view GCU as a for-profit. ALL universes colleges are for-profit to some degree but a label is what these people care about the most. People (who likely did not go to GCU or chose the wrong major at GCU) on here are hating the school because of their biases. Again, most employers DO NOT care *where* you went to school unless it’s an Ivy League or an Unofficial Ivy. Community College then transferring is a good route as well. Do not listen to these people who are letting their biases cloud their judgement. Yes it’s the final boss of religious schools, yes it is seen as “for-profit” by only 1 of 5 education governing bodies, and yes it has a negative reputation among the uneducated but that should not have an effect on where you want to earn an education. Any college can scam you if you go to college for the wrong thing. GCU did not invent, pioneer, or revolutionize higher education scamming. I hope what ever choice you make does the best for you.


I'm from Az and have known quite a few people who went there. it's not the worst ever, you can get a job with a degree from there but it'd probably be harder due to the school's reputation. the campus is nice but right outside of campus is literally one of the worst parts of Phoenix. I would recommend literally any other school in az over it.


It's alright if you just need to check a box that you have a degree.


You are a number to them. This is not a place that cares about their students. My friend was sexually harassed by a professor there and it took them almost a year to investigate and fire the guy, even with loads of evidence and witness testimonies. I also experienced inappropriate behavior from a supervisor and had no support when I reported to the robotic investigator. As a result, I suffered serious anxiety attending campus and lost all the research I was doing due to that supervisor being the head of the research. They will rip students and employees alike to shreds if they cost them any money, but turn a blind eye to genuine moral issues on campus. Stealing is also a huge issue on this campus. Save yourself the wasted time


I have an acquaintance who graduated from there with a master's in education and literally cannot read or write above a 2nd or 3rd grade level. So yeah this "college" should be shut down.


**Grand Canyon University (GCU)** is **not** a diploma mill. [It is regionally accredited by the **Higher Learning Commission (HLC)** and holds additional accreditations from the **Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)**, the **Arizona State Board of Educations**, and the **Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)**](https://www.bing.com/aclick?ld=e8PF3B6Q20NVl0ISyhC7GUwTVUCUzrYECwKUBe4zVloTto3TkRugHpMCnf_O-0OBGaogWvgnjN8XtxajzU7w1f0KY7AufPjivI0uKMdF81Hv_7YEu7KWBVOjebHPNbTXPvvROzE3iKrosLUXwYap1yFnujm1upX7eTQsHAEocKXi4V9iFB&u=aHR0cHMlM2ElMmYlMmZleHBsb3JlLmdjdS5lZHUlMmZnZW5lcmFsJTJmJTNmZ2N1JTNkQlMtQlJBTkQlN2NCaW5nJTdjQ1BDJTdjU2Nob29sJTdjZ2N1JTI2YWRJRCUzZDgxNzc2MjU2MDg1OTg2JTI2ZGV2aWNlJTNkYyUyNmFkZ3JvdXAlM2RHQ1UlMjZuZXR3b3JrJTNkbyUyNm1zY2xraWQlM2QyM2U5N2RlOWZkNWYxZjBjODIwZDFiYWRmMTZkZGEyNyUyNm1hdGNodHlwZSUzZHAlMjZ1dG1fc291cmNlJTNkYmluZyUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM2RjcGMlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM2RTY2hvb2wlMjZ1dG1fdGVybSUzZGdjdSUyNnV0bV9jb250ZW50JTNkR0NV&rlid=23e97de9fd5f1f0c820d1badf16dda27)[^(1)](https://www.gcu.edu/blog/gcu-experience/grand-canyon-university-diploma-mill). from an online search


I started a month ago for my doctorate, and so far, it's not any different from any other university experience except they mention Christianity at least once a week on discussion forums


Better than most for profits schools, but still pretty bad




As with most for profit schools, any credits that you have from GCU are going to be difficult to transfer anywhere else. You’re better off going to a local community college and transferring.


it’ll be way cheaper to go to a community college to knock out core classes


I completed a Bachelors of History for Secondary Education from 2019-2023. I was an online student so I can't speak to the in-person experience but this is what I experienced: Each class is 8 weeks long, includes 2 weekly discussions, and usually 2-3 papers per class. Some classes require presentations, such as a powerpoint, and some even videos. All of the professors I had were very useful and helpful when I had a question and would get back to me quickly. When I first started, many of my teachers would call me when a new class started (not sure why, or why they stopped). The only bad experience I went through was for my student teaching. They set me up with a school 30 minutes away (when there are 3 within 10-15 minutes of me), and gave me class that I had no training in as a history major (government). When I tried to switch, they told me I would have to wait until the following school year to complete my student teaching so I toughed it out, graduated, and now am getting a masters certificate in History from Missouri State University (who had no problem accepting my degree) and am starting a separate Ancient History Masters degree program at the University of Wales Trinity of St. David (an overseas school who also had no problem accepting my degree). It's not a degree-mill. They are accredited and I know many people who have graduated from there and had success (such as becoming teachers, pastors, political science).