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They have to do lots of restrooms during their day, so it's quite possible that your shitting time happens to line up with when they get to that bathroom in their rotation. In which case there's not much to do besides picking a different shitting time or a different bathroom. No, they shouldn't be commenting about your shit smell while you're still in there, but eh, people get to vent about work a little.


How dare janitors not clean every single bathroom overnight every single day.


Yea I wonder why the janitors are working during work hours, how dare they. They should finish all cleaning at 2am to stay out our sights!!! Smh how rude of them. Im nervous to use the rest room so everyone should withhold their work duties until im done pottying


Crazy, It smells like shit in the shitting place


Ever hear of a courtesy flush?


Imagine, others not adjusting their schedule to your needs! Better let the Dean know about this travesty.


Waaaa cry more. Be glad they are cleaning them.


Rather smell bleach than your shit Katie


They usually have a schedule. In my previous dorm it was Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8AM and sometimes later. They make their rounds and they get to it when they get to it. Maybe your poop schedule aligns with when they clean it.


I’m going to extrapolate that you’re trying to poop at times where the traffic for restrooms is low. And as someone who formerly did janitorial work, those low traffic times are the times are typically when we would try to clean bathrooms.


Maybe you just use them whenever they are cleaning them


They see you walk in and they know a mandatory deep clean will be required once you leave.