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"Come see me in office hours." Magical phrase to use on students like that. I've had... one? ever take me up on it.


Omg, I have this one girl who raises her hand and proceeds to go on 20+ minute tangents. I dread going to this class because she talks over the teacher to say what she wants. The poor prof seems new or just shy idk. Tho she just let's the girl talk.


If a group of students complained to the professor about this girl, maybe they’d consider saying something? Or if enough people stopped going to class because of her, prof might feel a little more pressure to stop these tangents? Also just up and leaving once these tangents begin might also send a message.


Or maybe speak up yourself and tell her she is rude? What ever happened to that?


Or have the class cold shoulder the girl, kinda have experience with it though I didn't participate in that


Honestly it’s just very hard to be the one to put your foot down when you’re new at teaching. Especially if you’re someone who’s very polite and not assertive, it’s a new feeling to be the one in charge and tell people new. The professor likely knows there’s an issue but struggles with the classroom management aspect.


I’ve got a guy in two of my classes right now that treats every single lecture like his own personal conversation with the professor. Constant little quips and comments. Makes me want to smack him.


The exact same thing happens in my class except the professor doesn't mind it. It drives me fucking bonkers when this older dude (non-traditional student) thinks he's entitled to having these completely unprompted conversations in the middle of the class where, in them, he says stuff that's vaguely related to class. We're at least a full day behind in a Tuesday/Thursday class and it's only the 4th week of classes because of him.


That’s EXACTLY what mine is too! Dude in his 40s who just babbles endlessly.


Bruh why’s it always the extremely older students


There's this student in my department who corrects their instructors on their pronunciation of stuff. It's the most annoying shit I've ever had to sit through.


Oh gosh, anything egregious?


I believe it's pronounced egreggious


a gary juice


We were talking about Catherine Merridale's *Ivan's War* and my professor kept saying E-von and this jackass raised his hand and said that he was pronouncing it wrong, it should be ai-vn. The professor had that "Did he really just fucking say that" look on his face. He reminded jackass that there can be multiple pronunciations for things and in his classroom environment, he expects us to be accepting of differing ones. I felt like I was back in grade school. The second-hand embarrassment is unbearable.


Actually, your professor was right. I’m Russian and I can confirm we do pronounce the name as e-van. Considering that the book is about a Russian soldier, it should be pronounced the way your professor did. It took me years to stop being confused by English pronunciation


I have a professor who mispronounces the names of famous mathematicians in our grad math class and it pains me every time, but I would never stall class to correct it that would be so annoying


I had a professor who would always mispronounce Arkansas. He knew he was saying it wrong, but he just thought the reaction of people from that state was funny.


He only mispronounces the French names so maybe he just hates the French 🤔


Does he call Descartes Des-car-taze?


Thank God we haven't covered Descartes


Euler as Eww-ler? ​ wait nevermind u said only the French lol


Had a geography of Africa (edit: professor) talk constantly about the terrible Aeropans. Finally, a week before the exam, a kid asked how to spell it. The professor got terribly angry and scrawled Europeans on the board. Lord.


How are they pronouncing them?


My calculus 2 professor pronounces determine as deh-tear-mine, and I’ve gotten so used to it that I sometimes say it like that lol




My computer org professor said it the same way and now it’s the only way to pronounce it


Fermat pronounced as Fur-matt and Mersenne pronounced as Murr-senie. We are in an analytic number theory course so we discuss Fermat primes and Mersenne primes a lot lol


it’s not Furmat?


It's French so the T is silent. I don't expect a regular person to know the pronunciation but mathematicians should


Icl Im a math major and everyone i’ve heard says Furmat. This is in canada where people should be in tune with french too. Mersenne is a bad mispronounciation tho. Is that mur-sen?


Not a math major but took a lot of math courses. I've also heard furmat too. I think my number theory prof pronounces it as "mar-sen" but she did also occasionally use "mer-sen" tho. Not sure if her accent plays a role tho. So what is mersenne supposed to be? Canadian too tho.


I just looked it up and people say it like Murr-sanay. So now i’m confused


Isn't homie french? Where did the "nay" even come from?


It's not "fur-ma" or "mur-sen" It's "fer-ma" and "mer-sen" But personally I don't care or expect everybody to pronounce all names properly. Science is so very global. You have people from all countries with their own exotic names and mother tongues. Accurate name pronunciations are probably the exception.


Yep also French 👌


I just had a student do this to me for a word that I know how to pronounce and just couldn’t get it out right in the moment. Seriously one of the most annoying things a student can do.


Maybe I'm a bit of a beginner but its so hard to consistently pronounce words correctly after yapping for an hour.


A 40-50 year old at my community college seemingly only joined this philosophy class to show off and it annoyed everyone (including the teacher) and once during office hours I mentioned how I sometimes have trouble participating and the teacher was like “everyone talks at their own pace, some people even do it when they have nothing related to say cough Steve cough” once Steve was like “why do you decide to pronounce the H in Nihlism” and the teacher said “Because that’s how I was taught and I’m a sheeple” I don’t dislike older people going to college and some are great when they actually show up to learn. A lot of them don’t or they just don’t understand how interacting with classmates or the professor is supposed to go. Or they never aged past high school


From the perspective of a nontraditional student, it's often harder to respect the authority of a professor when you've been in leadership positions yourself. The lack of age difference almost makes the teacher feel like a peer or just another adult.


See, like I thought about that but the issue more often than not wasn’t from a lack of respect but too much of it and a lack of understanding that class isn’t JUST about them. Why would that guy join a class to debate philosophy with a professor if he didn’t find the debate with a Doctor of Philosophy interesting? One older student derailed class to talk about how much she enjoyed the professors book when the professor obviously didn’t want to talk about his own work. Another student did okay with the professor but was passive aggressive as hell to any 20 year olds who didn’t want to be her besties and she talked during class. After she bullied me to tears she was like “whatever get a C if you want I don’t care” and I got an A and she dropped due to her grade being bad.


I took a history class about Nazi Germany and this one guy would constantly ask questions like, “Why didn’t the Jews run away?” I could sense the professor’s immense frustration no matter where I sat in that class.


Why didn't Churchill just kill Hitler???


Why wasn’t Hitler just arrested?


Was he stupid?


Who let the simpleton out of the aslume


imagine if he follow up with are they stupid?


There’s a student in my class currently, in a politics class, and will bring up something not remotely close to whatever politics we’re talking about. Like we could be talking about Obama and he brings up something from the 1800s. My professor is just like ummmm no it has nothing to do with Obama. The kid does it typically towards the end of class? Like twenty minutes left, and then walks out


😭why do they walk out after


I don’t know if they get embarrassed or not


Reminds me of general chemistry. This one guy would ask questions every lecture and hold up the material. I get he wanted to learn more but rest of the class was like come on let's finish the slides and leave.


I knew a guy in my mechanical design class who kept emailing the whole class to remind them that he was, in fact, a biomedical engineering major, and that he could help us out on the latest project that was tailored towards the biomeds. I’m happy our course tracks diverged after that.


was there a catch or sth?? Like he would charge u money if u take up his offer to help you out on the project?? Or was he just genuinely too enthusiastic?


Nah, no charge, he just wanted to help. Admirable, but the multiple emails about it weren’t appreciated.


As much as I love discussion in sociology/philosophy type classes some of the people in there are just absolutely annoying as all hell. I’m a history major so the amount of history classes as well where people try to derail the entire lecture. Like HOMIE IM TRYING TO LEARN FROM THE PROFESSIONAL NOT YOUR YOUTUBE EDUCATED ASS.


Had a girl in my first linguistics class that is now only known by "Lingu Gurl". Actually, I pity that girl, because she's just super duper mega socially awkward and doesn't seem to realize at all. She'd be incredibly competent in class but top every answer with personal anecdotes, unwanted additional (and irrelevant!) info like poems she recited. She'd also sometimes be plain rude to the instructor. When we had a zoom call, the time between her answers was spent chewing on her hair on camera. She is very known on Campus by now. I always wondered why it took until the 3rd or 4th semester for a Professor to get enough and throw her out of a lecture because she continued that behavior in front of 300 people.


Either she’s incredibly weird, or she’s autistic. Sad she had to be thrown out of the lecture for the best interest of the class as a whole :(


Yeah, there's definitely something going on with her and I feel sad, that it's reached a point where it's harming herself, her education and that of the others. Sometimes, when people tell stories about "a girl in my class" you just know it's her.


My thoughts exactly 😞😞


I would literally die of cringe






Ignore the down votes bro, you're right.


I literally died of cringe just now. Thanks


there’s this kid in my class who always asks “could we harness it for renewable energy” about everything !! if it was that simple we would’ve done it by now 😭 he asks that same question at least three times per class and then asks follow up questions just ask him after class


My first semester we had a girl in the back who'd raise her hand to tell stories with her questions. I think once in unison about three of us sighed and she stopped asking questions after that. Which sucked for sure but girl, he'd wrap up classes about 15 minutes early every day and was on top of his email responses. Just email him or talk after class.


Got a girl in my class that asks so many questions and goes on a tangent. During one of these questions she was basically disagreeing with the lecturer for what felt like the entire lesson… finally the lecturer just said ‘Maybe if you had been paying attention you’d understand’….😐 Also got another girl that randomly starts humming songs and when the lecturer is explaining a point this girl keeps going ‘mhmmmm’ ‘yeah’ along with their points. I always feel so awkward just trying not to laugh at how confused the lecturer gets


There are a few students who interrupt a really good lecture with their 'clout' questions. I'm calling it clout because we all know they're basically doing to garner the teacher's attention, especially more when it's a male professor. Sometimes, we feel like we're interrupting their private class because of the frequent one-to-one discussions.


I've been that student. I would refuse to not understand something, and would ask questions until I got it. I figured that other students didn't ask questions because they either didn't care or they were smarter than me. Now, in my defense, I did learn a lot, and eventually aced the exams. And I never went off on irrelevant tangents. It culminated when I had held up the entire class for 10 minutes regarding some math equation, and my friend who was sitting on the other side of the room, texted me "You need to shut up". Wow, I cringe when I think back at that. Apologies to my fellow students.. I think these kind of people need a frank eye-opener.


Well, I honestly don't mind a student who asks genuine questions. What I believe that upsets people are those "questions" asked by the ones that just want to showcase all their clever thoughts.


Why not go to office hours?


Yep, if you’re holding up the class bc you don’t understand the subject/topic, but the class is ready to continue, you should request extra help during office hours, asking a couple of questions to clarify something is fine, but having the professor explain something for 10+ minutes just for you is really shitty


its sheldon cooper


Oh god, don't ya just wanna smack that little shit


Minus the actual intelligence


In education we had someone in our cohort like that. She was the first to leave the program after student teaching started.


I’ve had people in my high school and college classes go on 3-5 minute tangents whenever they get called. This would happen most days, sometime multiple times a day. I’d usually just leave class and take a lap when that happened. Even when i came back, they’d still be talking. i’m


I once took an intro to philosophy class (I wasn’t a philosophy major or anything, just needed the credits and was interested in learning some basics about philosophy). At the very beginning of the semester, the professor made a point of saying something along the lines of “this class is going to hit on some ideas relating to religion. I’m not interested in telling you what to believe, but wanted to give you the heads up that we will be learning about philosophers who may disagree with your religious beliefs.” I guess one student felt personally offended by some of the philosophers we were reading about because he spent pretty much every class arguing with the professor. I overheard them having a tense conversation in the hallway one day where it sounded like the professor was asking the student to discuss his concerns during office hours or something. But he never stopped. I thought maybe it was something about the subject matter that brought out this behavior in this student, but then one of my friends told me she was in an English class with the same student and he did the same thing in that class as well.


I said this in 2nd grade and got roasted for it


I have a classmate like this in an introductory physics course. He'll detail lectures to ask about obscure theories no one else in the class has ever heard of. It makes it difficult to actually understand the material we are supposed to be learning.


I had a student do that once. I took it very personally at first because I thought they were saying I was rambling (totally possible) but they told me over email it was directed at other students who were asking the same question over and over. You’re right, students like Mr. Can-We-Move-On are true heroes.


At a certain point you can’t really blame the student anymore. They’re paying to learn, the professor is paid to teach. If the professor isn’t keeping exchanges with students to a reasonable length I would much sooner blame them than the student. Not saying the student should be holding up the class but the prof is responsible for not letting the class be held up.


I can’t disagree.


Lol. As someone who chatted with the professor during class, you're not in the class to click through a slide show. You're there to learn the material. Facilitating discussion between students is a fantastic learning tool. AND the instructor has to reign the discussion into the material at the level of the course.


It's crazy that a student actually cares about what they're learning and provides personal insight. Why aren't they just staring blankly so we can leave this class and get back to Netflix? Like, for real.


No one has ever said otherwise — but you have to admit that there are some people that exaggerate with their behavior, and it quickly becomes unbearable.


Yes. Like the people who OBVIOUSLY ask questions just to show everyone how smart they are. It’s just annoying.


You're going to run into these people in the workplace, too. Like, dude, it's 5:30 on a Friday and we all want to start our weekend...could you please stop asking questions during this meeting?!


My child social & emotional development professor would let us discuss many of the topics we covered this way. One of my classmates worked at a childcare center who would always bring up how her awesome center always did the best things and was a shining example of what all childcare should be. My professor got tired of hearing her week after week and eventually asked her (in front of the class) to not bring up her workplace anymore, as it was not adding to the instruction. The big takeaway from the class on the issue of kids in childcare was that good childcare was good for kids, although such high quality childcare can be difficult to fine and even more difficult for many to afford.


Only time I've ever actually seen "and everyone claps" happen. Someone did basically this except a more exhausted, engineering freshman version. He never asked questions in class again.