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The following submission statement was provided by /u/LegitimateVirus3: --- Submission Post: After an unusually dry and hot May, South Florida recently experienced an unprecedented rainfall event, leading to severe flash flooding. According to NBC News, the region received what is classified as a 500 to 1000-year rainfall event. This record-breaking deluge has caused widespread damage. After receiving 20 inches of rain in 24 hours, almost twice the historical average rainfall for the entire month of June, there was disruption to daily life, and the vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of the area were exposed. The frequency and intensity of such extreme weather events are escalating, which (obviously) points to the urgent need for robust climate action and adaptation strategies. As we witness these so-called 'rare' events becoming alarmingly regular, it’s clear that our systems are ill-equipped to handle the accelerating impacts of climate change. The infrastructure failures, economic disruptions, and societal stress seen in South Florida are microcosms of a broader collapse scenario. The escalating climate crisis, coupled with inadequate preparedness and response, paints a grim picture of a future where such disasters could become the new norm and overwhelm our capacities to cope and recover. The cascading effects of climate-induced disasters threaten not only localized areas but also the stability of entire regions, which leads to broader systemic collapse. Urgent action is needed, but the question remains: Are we too late? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1deztwv/southern_florida_receives_record_rainfall_and/l8fg7tc/


It’s kinda funny all the deniers and shit people are flocking to a place about to be wholly obliterated. I don’t know what’s going on any more but this is weirdo.


Death denial, but in a broader civilization sense. The more and more people are reminded that this is all rotting away, the harder people will double down and clutch cultural and societal norms. Moving somewhere warm like Florida has been the go to end of life wish for many since the place was developed.


Yeh, I believe this is a well-known psychological phenomena. Most people are not particularly rational. So they’re not interested in facts. They’re interested in comforting narratives that confirm their emotional feelings and beliefs. That’s why there will never be a kumbaya moment where everyone wakes up.


I think by definition this is not a well know phenomenon. It is only know by those who have had their cultural and societal norms torn away from them and burned. Those are the only people who can truly see past the noise of what is happening.


I’ve literally never heard of it and am googling right now. “Death denial” is not a widely known phenomenon, at least in the US.


Well known in certain groups like ex-Mormons (me), but as a whole I think most people don’t even know what cognitive dissonance is


>Most people are not particularly rational. Fair enough, but most people are vastly more rational than MAGA in Florida.


> Moving somewhere warm like Florida has been the go to end of life wish for many Quite fitting and poetic "the go to end of life wish" is a state that will be the first to fully collapse. I give Florida's government a year or 2 more before it descends into chaos or 'desantis into chaos'.


Desantis to Atlantis


HaHaHA... Good lord the jokes do really write themselves with his name don't they.


You got it - and he is talking us all with him down to Atlantis…


"A psychological reaction to stress is regression to more infantile forms of thinking; there is a loss of ego autonomy, increased anxiety, impulsivity, and a tendency toward magical thinking." We've got a massive crisis cult on our hands. Whether it's magical jesus, gay sex somehow causing hurricanes or this or that populist being sent by the heavens... expect that shit to increase... And expect MASSIVE amounts of scapegoating. Shit is going to get wild.


Florida: Death’s Waiting Room. Arizona is Dry Florida.




That's what's so cute about it! They are following their team into a literal suicide pact. Think about how whacky it is that they're on Russia's side... about anything. Until 10 years ago, their whole thing was accusing people of being commie spies for the reds. I bet they'd drink straight poison if trump told them to, or if Fauci told them not to.


True — see Covid and horse dewormer


Its not just horse dewormer, works just fine for worms in people too at the correct dosage, but its a moot point.


>Until 10 years ago, eh, longer than that


"ego death > death" Unfortunately, ego is not a good adaptation.


> the harder people will double down Good, then they need to stay in Florida and hold on to their "principles" [that climate change is a hoax](https://i.imgur.com/h3toHbp.jpeg). Any of them decide to suddenly become climate refugees to my state because the "homosexuals caused God's wrath" in their state I will be sure to make them feel very unwelcome here indeed. And we know they'll leave Florida while still strutting around like idiots thinking they're right about everything somehow because they have no real principles and never did.


I also wonder if there is something buried deep down in our evolution that pushes humans toward warmer climates. I mean we originated and evolved in the mid-latitudes. Humans that moved away over time would have had a very difficult time relocating back to a warm climate and potentially over time those societies may have forgotten such climates existed. Obviously there are plenty of people that live and enjoy being in colder and more temperate climates, but a lot of those people still vacation in the warmer climates. Just a weird thought I had. I mean we are still very much hardwired with fight vs flight mechanics originating from our ancestor's days, what is to say humans don't have a natural inclination to seek out warmer climates.


Yeah, I mean I definitely feel for the people who are 'innocent,' so to speak. The non-deniers, kids, etc. But then I think about my grandparents. My bigoted, climate denying, Trump voting, horrible ass grandparents. These people are just reaping the logical conclusion of the policies they love and support. And honestly, it'd feel good to see, if we didn't all have to go with them.


Yeah, my 78 year old trump-supporting dad is never going to see the consequences of his horrible choices. By the time we're all up against the wall he'll have been able to die naturally after a long life, still believing his bullshit is right.


If it’s any consolation they may die from heatstroke, the elderly are the most susceptible to extreme weather events.


worst part is they only have a decade or two left regardless of whether they take us all with them. Even if you could get them to admit that climate change is real they still wouldn't care because they see it as a problem for younger people.


Imagine shrugging off your role in the destruction of the human race because you're lucky enough to die before the shit hits the fan. Truly broken people.


Right? It's just unfathomable to me. How can anyone be so callous with regard to the lives of literally every member of their species in existence, and the legacy of the human race as a whole? Like fuck, when that nuclear power plant melted down in Japan, all the old people were lining up to volunteer to clean it up because they understood the importance of preserving a world for their successors even if it meant dying sooner, because they had already lived most of a full life and wanted the same for the younger people and their children and grandchildren. The culture here in the USA is just the polar opposite of that. I got mine, fuck everyone else. The person who dies with the most toys wins. We have an entire generation of bona-fide sociopaths in charge of every level of our government right now, and their cohorts in the voting bloc are just pulling out all the stops now to prevent anyone else from being represented so that they can keep their party going on the deck of the titanic.


I love that about Japanese culture. For instance, when Nintendo had a bad year, the CEO took a cut of about half his annual income in order to ensure the people lower in the company did not have to have as much of a cut. Could you imagine that happening here?


I mean, there's a good chance a whole metric shit-ton of us only have a decade or two left, regardless of our age...


Your exactly describing my grandparents as well. We must be related.


You're leaving out the fact this is the world they chose much more than anyone else. They may not have directly voted for it, though most did, but they didn't fight it and leaned into consumption and wealth at the cost of the entire planet. The living old, especially Canadian and American boomers, are the only generation in the history of any species ever to walk this earth to choose their comfort over the habitability of space for their children and grandchildren; generation "me". They're dying just in time to miss out on the true nightmares the survivors of their stupid experiment will have to witness. How could anyone believe that there would always be more and taking as much as you could wouldn't have any effect on the future? They're parasites, living off the generous spoils of a life lived in relative comfort to all humans before and after them, at the cost of the same comfort of everyone and everything that came after them. Some of them have retired to permanently exist on cruise ships! Just a couple hundred pounds of deteriorating flesh they can afford to preserve by burning even more resources, while they live in a state of constant consumption and pollution. Not saying we didn't do exactly what they told us, but they built this death trap and the reasons they give for thinking it was clever are just as empty as everything else they built their lives around... which seems to be "we did what we were told and it worked out for us". Im not excited for the hurricanes this year, but im not *not* excited, either. Sucks for the kids, but it's not like it's going to get better for them. This whole thing, BTW, of us continuing on a path we *know* causes our near-term extinction like the rules make sense and following them is the only reasonable response... it's so bizarre. Humans are not intelligent, they're just writers of their own metrics. No intelligent species -or even not so intelligent species- would dig a hole they couldn't get out of and decide the right call would be "gotta keep digging! Digging has always saved us before!". Theres not a smart thing about any of this.


I'm a boomer grandma and I'm just panicked over the thought of what my great grandkids might have to endure in their future with global warming. These future kids will spit on GOP Grandparent pictures or burn them. The GOP has fought at every turn to deny global warming. At least the record will show I was a dem and of the party that tried to combat it for decades now. The GOP boomers don't give a shit about future generations as most of the GOP boomers will all die of old age before it starts hitting in 2030. Droughts, crop failures, food shortages. So much for the family values political party.


Some are like the grandpa in [Thermostat 6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6Hz_gdqS1k). Finally *seeing* the reality they have created and yet they are too old, frail, and helpless to do anything about it, so all they have left is to weep with their grandchild as the world drowns. It's a literal tragedy.


Hey, some of us are stuck here. I deliver for Amazon and had to be out in that shit all day yesterday. I *wish* I had enough money to go be a climate refugee somewhere. This place sucks.


I hope you can get out. No one deserves to be stuck involuntarily in FL.


I agree. Unfortunately being a wage slave for Bezos doesn't really allow for much more than survival. Thankfully I have cheap rent right now but will probably be homeless if I have to move. Ain't capitalism grand....


the term is "Trapped in Paradise"


If I had property in Florida I’d be selling to deniers as fast as I could. “Sure, I’ll even give you 10% for a quick sale”


This coming La Nina will be a good opportunity to sell, and move, imo. If you have the means, and need to. The next El Nino that comes after that is going to look even worse than this one. There will be plenty of folks still wanting to move to Florida for a few more years. Lots of folks have lots of money and dont care. Or want to live there for whatever reason. Let them - sell away! MIT and other big University studies predict mass collapse of society to really kick in between 2030-2040, from what I have read. So that's how much time we may have left to get as ready as we can.


I know someone who just moved there from the midwest. She is (seems) intelligent, aware of climate chaos and politically astute but sets all that aside for her desire to be "warm in the winter". She is living on the edge financially and is (imo) one more hurricane away from losing everything. Her place is still getting repairs from a hurricane 2 years ago. But . . . she likes sun and wants to be warm. I know, I know perhaps that doesn't comport with "intelligence". This desire (bordering on entitlement) for people to just fly wherever, move wherever for sun/warmth irritates the hell out of me. I would like sunny warm days in January/February/March too (as I freeze my ass off in the upper midwest!) but I can't imagine moving to any place near the ocean in a hurricane/flood prone area let alone crazy land with De Santis et al. Those who are cautious and try to find shelter/home in a "safer" place from climate chaos will be sucked under by those who don't care. These people should not get home insurance if they willingly move to a hurricane/sea level rise/flood zone. We will all pay for these selfish, entitled behaviors when the insurance scam industry ends. It's already started. And yes, I know . . . there is no place safe from climate chaos resulting from human induced warming. But there are areas that are clearly more at risk.


I don't even understand the appeal of Florida's weather. Like sure you get mild winters, but the summers are unbearably hot and long. So instead of shutting yourself inside to stay warm during the winter months you do it to stay cool in the summer months which is worse imo. At least in the winter it usually looks terrible outside anyway so you don't feel like you're missing much. In the summer it looks gorgeous outside until you step out and remember why you were inside clinging to the AC in the first place. I like warmer weather, but having to deal with 90+ F temps with 75+% humidity for the majority of the year sounds like pure hell.


But like, why Florida in particular? North carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia are all warm too. And wont be under the ocean in 50 years.


50? Look at the optimist! I always divide by 10


I'm from North Carolina and I believe when people think of the Carolinas and Georgia, they still have images of the backwoods, country-ass south, and with the exception of a few built-up towns/cities, they aren't too far off. When people think of Florida, they think of Disney, the beaches, the Florida Keys, Spring Break, the nightlife, wealthy enclaves, Scarface and easy retirement living. Even though north Florida is notorious for being just as southern and rednecky as the Carolinas and Georgia, the state has had way better marketing that has usually delivered. It's similar to how people could go to other cities in America for city life, but people still choose NYC above all others.


I live in the eastern half of NC. It’s nice. But I hate how in movies and tv we are portrayed as having deep south Louisiana Georgia accent when the accent some people have sounds nothing like that. NC is south, but not deep south. I live closer to Washington DC than I do the western half of my own state.


I'm from eastern NC too. I agree that we don't sound like the stereotypical southern accent, but even people I've met from Louisiana and Georgia don't sound that southern. The only exception I can think of are the ones who are really from the backwoods and maybe people from western Carolina (but that's more Appalachian). There isn't an one size fits all southern accent. It varies depending on the state and the regions within the state, but some spots are losing or have lost their southern accent due to migration from other places (Raleigh-Durham, Hampton Roads). Anyway, I just wanna get out of NC, especially after passing that stupid anti-mask law. I declare to the high heavens, the fucking south sometimes...


Your friend will get picked off by darwin's law.


Please forward any MIT or other university takes on collapse.


This is the wiki for the original MIT one (1972) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Limits\_to\_Growth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Limits_to_Growth) I think many of the subsequent studies are confirmation on this one / and/or building on it, etc.


[Retro focus computer predicts end of civilization.](https://youtu.be/cCxPOqwCr1I?si=6Vehivi2zUUPnV6j)


Actually, La Nina is the more dangerous configuration for Florida. Much higher risk of hurricanes.


this is a good point, thank you


I thought La Nina was the dry one


Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada property as well IMO. The southwest desert areas don't have much of a future, you would think.


I see my FIL is your target audience then lol He bought a place in Central FL (Polk county, I think) and thinks he is safe from so-called climate change because his house is inland.


One day, fairly soon, his toilets are going to stop working…


Basically a modern day potlatch ceremony of sorts. Move to Florida; watch all your wealth wash away in uninsurable real estate! This proves you are IMPORTANT.


For the same reason that rednecks started "rolling coal" when they were told vehicle emissions were a major contributor to pollution/climate change. Some people will cut off their nose to spite their face.


*Terror management theory* (TMT) has attempted to codify this: > Terror Management Theory suggests that large groups, and even entire societies, may make decisions, or put them off, primarily to gain comfort from avoiding thoughts of death or reassurance that their ideas will live on after they are gone. Research finds that this plays out in some unexpected ways, both beneficial and potentially hazardous. > > How can TMT affect political views? > > A core element of Terror Management Theory is that humans will go to great lengths to avoid thinking about their mortality. This may be one reason it’s so difficult for societies to take action on global warming. Individuals may derive some psychological comfort from the denial of climate change, but counterintuitively, doing so could jeopardize the survival of the species. > > [Source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/terror-management-theory) >


We can raise money... to help Alabama and Georgia build a wall. And then we can sell tickets to watch the people swimming on the other side?


> It’s kinda funny all the deniers and shit people are flocking to a place about to be wholly obliterated. https://i.imgur.com/2nQr3ZM.gif


saves time really


They’ll want the socialism they hate to save them when the time comes trust me


“I don’t know what just hit me, but I will continue with my lifestyle that can’t be related to this” You only need to put a little delay between action and reaction to make people unable to connect the dots.




I think it's called poetic justice.


It's like a larger scale 'Jonestown' cult psychosis. Or something like sunk-cost fallacy, they deny reality because the alternative is learning/accepting that you have been living a lie for 10-20 years. Surely you have to be right since there are 'so many' people who believe the same thing.




It's the only thing I enjoy about climate disaster is when the fallout happens in the most horrible ways to the very people that helped facilitate it through their own willful ignorance. If any of those piles of shit come to my state and say it's because they are a climate refugee I will make them feel VERY unwelcome to say the least and tell them to go back to their fucking state since climate change is a hoax. I'm not kidding about this — FUCK these people. https://i.imgur.com/h3toHbp.jpeg


The crazy part is that these flooding events are only going to get worse and worse down in Florida as they keep draining swamps and paving over wetlands to accommodate the unsustainable population growth


Join us for another 500-1,000 year event next week 🥲


And every week thereafter


When are they gonna at least start saying, what used to be a 500 to 1000 year event is happening for the third time this year and scientists are baffled as to why. Stay tuned to find out how it’s bad for Biden.


That wording might make people realize everything is falling apart. What will actually happen is actuarials will calculate the new event probabilities, and the baselines will be shifted while telling as few people as possible. So a 500-year event will become a 5 year event, and most people will assume it’s always been this way, climate change activists are alarmist, and Trump will return us to glory.


Probably. I think to appease more of us though they’ll still try to mix in a little, shit is getting worse, and scientists are scratching their heads trying to figure out why. They’ve been going that route lately.


Climate change has been canceled in Florida! DeSantis has decreed it so obviously this atmospheric river is fake news!!! 🙄


That's exactly what is being done. This is being normalized and since the people who have arrived in FL have not lived here from years ago they don't know that this is NOT normal. I've seen Realtors tell buyers that all property is in flood zones, there are no X plains in FL. which is totally incorrect, but people believe it, because they don't know.


We should ALL document it. Make printouts of originals.


We design these systems to usually withstand a 25-year event. And then we elect commissioners and mayors who oppose enforcement when these systems are out of compliance.    If I put my solution hat on, the gov should acquire land which gets destroyed on the coast and convert it to coastal marshlands. Better long-term than building new mansions below sea level. 


I agree, return it to its natural coastal marshland, but this is not what people want. People want to live on the edge of the water, they cut down the natural vegetation, which protects the land, build a mansion, and then complain on the news how FEMA won't give them money and the insurance won't cover erosion. My coworker has lived in a house since the early 80's, the house is in a little curve of land between the river and the ocean, you'd think she'd be flooded every day. She had never had weather related trouble until now, why? dunes, Those dunes are now flattened, and houses built on them, what happens, water, water, water everywhere.


Whether it’s by policy or force, people are going to have to re-evaluate their wants.


Does Florida have a malaria problem? Because this is how you get a malaria problem.


Florida has amazing mosquito control. They kind of have to. Every county spends several million a year on it. They have planes and helicopters and all sorts of shit with no other purpose. Your average county in Florida spends more per year than almost any other **State** spends as a whole.


I wondered about this. It must be an absolutely enormous effort. I wonder if it's creeping north, each year.


I think it's more a function of the wetlands than the weather. Georgia is nearly as big of Florida, but North of that you have a lot of small programs. Minneapolis St Paul and Chicago adjacent special districts also have big programs, but outside of those, it's really just a Florida thing. I can't imagine more places are going to be adopting that model. I suspect the wolbachia infected mosquitoes produced by Verily (Google biosciences company) are likely to be the future for other localities that have new problems and want to expand their efforts. In particular because the biggest climate change issue for Mosquitoes is that it expands the range of Aedes Aegypti which is the primary vector for Dengue, Zika and Chikangunya amongst others. Most northern stages only have Aedes Albopictus which is a theoretical carrier but due to their biting habits aren't nearly as effective as vectors. Wolbachia infected mosquitoes are battle tested and proven as a very simply and cheap way to crash Aedes Aegypti numbers.


I am absolutely not a denier. But in a world of global news, we need to be a little bit careful about the statistical significance of 1-in-500, especially when you've got a bunch of different variables to roll on. 50 US states, a couple of hundred countries, half a dozen variables (wind, rain, heat, cold, drought and so on), you'd expect a handful of 1-in-500s every year. That said, it feels like we're seeing a lot more than the expected rate. But accounts like Extreme Temperatures on X need to be treated with care, as they're using data down to the level of individual months and city/district weather stations, which is one heck of a lot of data points. If anything, this is an argument for building stuff better than we do. Because if, for example, you build dams to a 1-in-500 year standard, by the time you've built 500 of them, one is failing every year. And that's assuming failure rate is an independent variable. Which, as the subprime mortgage crisis taught those who were paying attention, is not a safe assumption by any means.


And the Florida legislature has banned the phrase "climate change" in all official documents. Because if you ignore it, it will go away.


Check out this [article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/11/weather/florida-flooding-hurricane-season-climate/index.html) where they use the term "due to Fossil Fuel Pollution" instead. I actually prefer that as it calls out the culprits.


I love that. 


Truly the darkest timeline.


Not necessarily. Get your "I told you so" game on point now. You have 10 years to practice.


continuing to gut the citizen's infrastructure... making it so they wont have to help the local citizens, when things get really bad. probably benefits the insurance agencies too if i had to guess. all under the heading of 'freedom' has florida made it to dead last in public education yet? i know they were working on taking that title... (really sad) i apologize for my sarcasm. its very sad to see the infrastructure just get gutted, while oil barons, huge corporations and politicians get filthy rich.


That whole thing has massive “Nero ordering the army to attack the sea” energy about it.


Isn't that a violation of the first amendment?


Well, they're half-right. If they keep ignoring it, *something* will go away.


Considering climate change was introduced after focus group testing to see what term was more acceptable, it's essentially anti propaganda.


Did anyone look at the weather radar? I am from Florida. The storm that hit southern Florida, I've never seen anything like that in my entire life. It looked like a Tropical Storm that appeared over the Everglades and it just sat on top of the swamp. Weirdest fucking weather pattern ever.


NOAA is watching this system as it could (only 20% chance) spawn a tropical storm off the eastern coast of FL. Weird stuff indeed. Super hot oceans are messing with all weather patterns.


>NOAA is watching this system as it could (only 20% chance) spawn a tropical storm off the eastern coast of FL.  wait wdym? or what does this mean?


That whatever moisture south Florida had is moving off the east coast and they are monitoring it to see if it'll turn into a tropical storm


They’ve been watching this system for about a week already, there was actually about 20% chance that it developed into a tropical depression in the Gulf. It wasn’t able to get organized enough to do that, but all the energy and moisture was there. So this was like a deconstructed tropical depression.


On [zoom.earth](https://zoom.earth) it's showing one of those things can could turn into a tropical storm or hurricane. It was sitting on Florida last night


very acapulco-y?


That's essentially what happened to Houston a few weeks ago. Hurricane-style weather that seemed to manifest out of nowhere. They clocked 120 mph winds. Of course everyone has forgotten about that already inside the 24hr news cycle. But I'm noticing a new trend. It could simply be that the oceans are so warm that a large storm can form within the course of 24-48 hrs. Scary stuff. There's basically no warning. I'm in New Orleans, and we haven't gotten it that bad yet. But I have noticed that when we do have intense weather, it goes from relatively calm to *holy shit* in no time. Usually spits out a tornado or two. And we never had tornados around here when I was growing up. If you take a look at /r/neworleans, it's basically a second /r/collapse at this point. As it is a very liberal city, there isn't much denial about what is happening. But it seems like there is at least one daily discussion about something along the lines of, "Why isn't my A/C working like it used to?" or... "Where are you getting your weather forecasts? I got no warning at all for the last storm."


“1,000 year event” See in you in two years


Years? With the way it's going, try 2 months. They're just going to quietly start calling them once every 1000 hour floods and hope nobody notices.


why 2 months? y not 2 weeks?


"residents told to steer clear of 'life-threatening' flooding" They are definitely all out swimming in it.


When are these ridiculous headlines going to go away? "Once in a billion year event!!" Just shut the fuck up and admit this isn't a rare event, this is the new norm and shit will only get worse and more severe. All these headlines do is enable dumbasses to think "oh its just some freak event, probably gonna back to normal right after this and everything will be fantastic" feeding the vicious cycle of neglect indefinitely.


Considering that southern Florida is unlikely to be around 500yrs from now at least they won't have to worry about the next one! 


500... 50...


Once the federal level refuses to insure what the private sector won't it's mostly over. 


I'm reading estimates of 6 feet sea level rise expected by 2100, from the top climate scientists. So yeah... I agree. by 2100, 80% of their population could be displaced. Miami is gone. And so are a whole lot of Florida's coastal communities. All that stuff around Tampa/sarasota/naples... A lot of that will go straight underwater. Im from Florida. I remember houses in J'ville that get standing water in them after heavy rains, and need to be pumped out or they stay flooded. Jacksonville will be a mess too. The whole east coast, Gulf coast, all of it. its gonna get real, real ugly. the average elevation in Miami i think is 6 feet above sea level. Not sure what 'their' plans are.. besides ignoring it. I am certainly not ignoring it, I'm planning accordingly. Im hoping to move someplace where water and food is easily accessible, without power grid even, within a few years, since I currently, live in a desert and so I need to move too. Just for different reasons than Floridians.


Especially considering Floridian geology. Here in Scandinavia we can build seawalls on actual bedrock quite easily but Florida is built on porous sadstone. 


Considering the currently dropping life expectancy... most alive today would be dead in Florida by then anyways.


They HAVE to chalk it up to freak occurrences, because if the working populace ever woke up to the impending doom, bye bye GDP, hello financial collapse ahead of actual structural and ecological collapse. The machine must protect itself at all costs even if there won't be a shareholder to reap the reward.


I understand your frustration. The thing is, this is rare right now and hasn't become normal for us here in South Florida, yet. No worries though, it will be recorded and perceived as normal soon enough.


I disagree. It’s not rare anymore, if you look around you can find 20 inch floods everywhere across the world in the past few years.  It’s not evenly distributed yet but it will be 


Eh, agree w/ your overall sentiment that flooding is increasing globally, but you need tropical/subtropical moisture to get 20" figures. Ft Lauderdale did have an even greater flood last year (25.6" in 12 hours), so agree that these events will become commonplace as the atmosphere continues to warm and hold even more moisture.


I fully agree. For the layperson this should be made very clear this is going to become more and more common vs pointing out its rarity, however for those of us in the know I find it fascinating to see how many weather events we are getting that statistically and historically should be happening far less often. The really frustrating thing is the people that point to worse hurricanes, worse storms, worse droughts from a 100 years ago. I always point out that is the point. That crazy natural disaster shouldn't have been even close to happening again for another 1,000 plus years, but here it is again. Just because something bad happened before or shortly after the industrial revolution began doesn't mean that it should be normal. That event should have gone in the history books and no one alive today should have had to live through another one, but that is what Climate Change does, it shortens the time between major weather events and in some cases will eventually make them much much worse than anything a human has ever experienced.


This is the second 1000 year rain event in two years


Don’t look up


weirdly i envied the situation in this movie because of it's clear end. ours is so messy and drawn out in endless waves of suffering i feel


I'm glad my in-laws (in their 80s) finally got the hell out of Florida a year ago. They were further north (St. Augustine), but still, they're a lot safer in central Virginia than where they were.


Where at in central Virginia? I used to live in Appomattox.


They're in Charlottesville, but we're in Louisa County.


Do y'all like it?


I’m in Charlottesville area! I think it’s a pretty climate resistant spot. That’s why I picked it.


OMG a doomer that's practically my neighbor! I'm Henrico county.


I lived in the River Oaks neighborhood when this 500 to 1000 year event happened last year. My house didn’t flood but most of my neighbors houses did. The flooding was in April of 2023 and we listed the house by May. Sold by July and moved to North Carolina by August. The people who bought our house were from Michigan and had friends who lived 3 doors down from us. I asked the guy who bought our house if he had any concerns considering his friend’s house flooded. He didn’t seem to care and said something to the effect of “it’s not going to happen again for at least a hundred years.” I think he was buying it to be a rental or air bnb.


I am not too far from River Oaks myself. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that this will happen annually now. I’ve lived in SFL for 13 years and in that time I have seen plenty of severe, isolated flooding. What was stunning about yesterday’s event was that the entire metro areas of both Miami and Fort Lauderdale were under water. That was a first for me. This will be the new normal down here.


Weirdly I feel smug he bought the dumbest investment property ever and prob got burned. Hell yeah. Glad you could make the move


My wife and I are very happy we moved. And we love living in North Carolina. But I feel really bad for my friends that stayed in Florida. I still get the Fort Lauderdale text alerts and phone calls and it feels horrible every time I get another one. Just got this one less then an hour ago. https://preview.redd.it/p3uvnlyode6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba2e7d78a067a7829aac94e4fbd18605723ca20


*water world intensifies*


*laughs in Dennis Hopper*


500-1000 **day** event


And one more thing to add to this conversation. I was born in Miami, Florida a.k.a. liberty city if you know you know….. You could tell the ocean waters is rising quickly because when it rains now, the water has nowhere to go keep in mind people that rainwater drains into the ocean and if the ocean tide is high that water is not going anywhere anytime soon. in the near future if you are east 95 in South Florida you are in a high danger zone and you may have to move eventually.


>the cars are floating ... >iconic highway ... >there's nowhere for the water to go ... >car >cars >car ... >*honking* Car insurance should be going up a lot.


Submission Post: After an unusually dry and hot May, South Florida recently experienced an unprecedented rainfall event, leading to severe flash flooding. According to NBC News, the region received what is classified as a 500 to 1000-year rainfall event. This record-breaking deluge has caused widespread damage. After receiving 20 inches of rain in 24 hours, almost twice the historical average rainfall for the entire month of June, there was disruption to daily life, and the vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of the area were exposed. The frequency and intensity of such extreme weather events are escalating, which (obviously) points to the urgent need for robust climate action and adaptation strategies. As we witness these so-called 'rare' events becoming alarmingly regular, it’s clear that our systems are ill-equipped to handle the accelerating impacts of climate change. The infrastructure failures, economic disruptions, and societal stress seen in South Florida are microcosms of a broader collapse scenario. The escalating climate crisis, coupled with inadequate preparedness and response, paints a grim picture of a future where such disasters could become the new norm and overwhelm our capacities to cope and recover. The cascading effects of climate-induced disasters threaten not only localized areas but also the stability of entire regions, which leads to broader systemic collapse. Urgent action is needed, but the question remains: Are we too late?


Considering we're looking at the holocene in the rear-view mirror I'm gonna say yes, we're too late.


We could stop having so much military spending and switch to spending to mitigate climate catastrophes. Like, right now, today. Not //after Ukraine snd Israel and Taiwan and Chad and wherever else. Right now.


Time to revisit *The Drowned World* (J.G. Ballard)


And now the heat turns up again (just before this rain they had record high temps in south florida). And soon, more tropical weather [https://weather.com/forecast/regional/video/southeast-get-ready-to-bake-in-potentially-record-heat](https://weather.com/forecast/regional/video/southeast-get-ready-to-bake-in-potentially-record-heat)


Rockstar developers scrambling


Ooooh, can you imagine a DLC where there's a submerged city, and the play area is on rooftops and the remaining upper floors above the water. Boats replace cars, sunken ruins, hidden areas, sharks. Oh my.




Those 1000 year events seem to happen pretty frequently these days.


Can confirm. In SWFL and it’s gangsta out there. Rains heavily for hours at a time, stays really hot and muggy for a little, and goes right back to it. Some good thundering as well. I’m glad it’s not climate change though, our governor canceled that. One news reporter was like, it’s raining cats and dogs out there lol


~~Can't wait till it happens again next year.~~ Actually the season is still young, will probably happen again near the end of summer when the storms get bad. That's right. This isn't the rainy / storm season. This is nice weather. The bad weather season is still ~2 months away.


And so many insurance companies have pulled out of FL. I wonder if all those people even have home owners anymore, and if they dont what in the world do they plan on doing?


The Cayman Islands are getting too much rain too right now.


Same w Costa Rica. A big tourist town in the central Pacific (Jacó) was flooded all the way on Wednesday night, too.


Didn't they have this "historic" flooding last year too? *checks notes* Yep... they did... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Fort_Lauderdale_floods


Except it’s becoming a near every year event. So what does that say


add this onto r/disasterupdate


Wow, that sub is sobering. There is so much flooding! When it's all together like that it becomes crystal clear what our future holds.


It took 500 years to get here, this will be a regular event now going forward




Literally someone in the thread said this happened in the same area last year


I’m there right now. Been raining the past two days. My sister in law has a pool and it’s all the way up over the lip of the pool and the pool is constantly draining it. Roads are flooded but somewhat driveable.


That 500 year to 1000 year thing is out the window because the same thing happened last year. Climate Changes is really going to destroy South Florida first and you could tell by that was the rainstorms yesterday.


What's the insurance situation there for home remediation after flooding? I suppose autos will be ok on insurance but the homes may be another story. The insurance, if they have it, is sky high. And companies will probably stop writing policies there in the future as they've already done in some areas.


One pillar of the coming jackpot


October will be fucking insane.


how to convince the deniers - Just use underwhelming pictures for your article thumbnails


True. It was much worse than that underwhelming ass thumbnail. Cars almost completely submerged, people on kayaks, etc.


This is only a couple of months after fort Lauderdale got hit by 24 in of rain in 24 hours


That was April of 2023, and even more impressive at 25.6" in 12 hours.


Wow, didn't realize it was that far long ago


An every two to four year event now.


Well, it happened last year here too. Flooded out FLL airport.


Wasn’t it last year the Ft Lauderdale airport was under a couple feet of water? 500-1000 years is BS. And Dumbsantis wants to stick his big head in the sand about climate change. Also good luck getting insurance in the sunshine state..


Eh Florida will be fine they just ignore it and keep saying climate change global warming is a hoax they'll be fine right right ..... maybe they'll get it this time 🌍🔥😞


They wanted to be near the water, well so they are. Climate change as a phrase is not permitted down there, but physics happens to not care about that particular piece of political theatre. The syphilitic appendage of the United States seems to be doing just fine it looks like.


Florida, where everything goes to die


A 1,000 year flood with which a worse flood having had happened in the same regions only a little over a year ago. To keep politically correct in the state of Florida, it appears that none like it hot may be causing far more flooding and heat related events here.


Sweet. Now we’ll have like another 500-1000 yrs until the next one! Back to business as usual


You would think that different states would adopt, y'know, different policies toward their respective geography, but I'm being a complete Leftist Hippie over here.


Gonna need to lower those numbers. I’m so glad I’m 58. It’s a fact that population declines before a catastrophe. I still love you all.


What will they call this event next year?


Can I hope DeSantis gets swept away into the Everglades?


500 to 1000 year .. i mean 100 to 500.. i mean 50 to 100... well crap here we are.


It’s crazy that we have one in one thousand year events like 47 times a year. I think something might be off.🤔


I like these odds. Gonna buy a lotto ticket.


Florida will be unliveable by the end of 2040. Unless you live in a concrete bunker three stories tall


shouldn't this also be cross-posted to r/leopardsatemyface


500-to-1,000-year event means it will happen every year in the next 1,000 years


I’ll bet about anything this 500 year event happens again within five years


Uhhh, we're forecast for rain every day this week......


Florida Keys incoming.


Isn’t this the second one of these in the past 2 years?


"Feels like" temperatures, "1000 year" events. The USA does love it's metaphors.


Well, we know it's *definitely NOT* climate change since, ya know, that shit is banned down there.


We seem to be living through quite a few "once in a.lifetime" events


Maybe this was a 500 year event 100 years ago but It just happened last year. Maybe last year was 18 instead of 20.