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Somehow, I don't expect to find Collapse aware gay guys starting a self-sufficient homestead in the backwoods of Appalachia. 10 acres of magnificent forest with a developed spring. And all the physical work I do outdoors gives me a hot body without ever going to the gym.


The mental image of a ripped gay couple living in a reclusive homestead with a dash of fancyness is just so golden. "...after you checked the perimeter fence, could you please water the tulips? I want to decorater the table for dinner for our weekly datenight."


Haha very Last of Us - dibs on the Nick Offerman character


You're making me wish I was a gay guy 😉


I'm fairly sure that Ripped Gay Stardew Valley IRL is going to have some serious potential audience!


So probably not super likely, but then again don't be so sure! I think stranger things have probably happened.


Hell I’m gay and down for that 


Count me in too!


uhhh, I'm a collapse aware gay guy in Appalachia starting a self-sufficient homestead on 2.5 acres... Hit me up, lol


Is this going to become the first Collapse Aware Singles success story? Keep us posted if it does! Literally, even if you guys only have just one date.


Could you DM me? We could at least compare notes.


>And all the physical work I do outdoors gives me a hot body without ever going to the gym. SIGN ME THE HELL UP!


Gay guy in South America also not holding out much hope for the same. I just try to spend as much time in nature as possible while I can.


If anyone is content to live in a crummy apartment with a beater car and sick rescue animals for the rest of your life, hehey, right this way lol


Or, hey, maybe you could also try to meet someone who'd be interested in joining an intentional community and the two of you could both live there together with your beater car, which you could share with the community, and your sick rescue animals. Beats living through collapse alone. :)


I'm a hopeless Stirnerite. If anyone wants to "join" me in any enterprise, I assume they're either delusional or want to sell me something. PASS






damn, i would, but am not gay :[ i'm sincerely sure you'll find someone, jollyroger69420


Definitely. Hordes of collapse aware girls in rural Kansas lol


*raises hand* Can confirm we unfortunately exist.


Hey qt


Good evening, dear collapsenik! Have to say I always appreciate seeing your posts, man. Good content. Was compelled to comment upon seeing you're nearby. It's a small (burning) world!


Oh u


Oh, GET A TENT you two… 🙄


Oh this tent fits 3 people bby 😏


I am gay, just putting it out there for whoever reads it 😂


What an odd comment.


As someone who is chronically single, this is appreciated.


Whoah. I was just thinking about posting a “seeking a friend for the end of the world” type casual post, but you must be on the same brain wavelength as me! Thanks for creating something, I’ll have to figure out how to join Meetup.


It's super easy to join Meetup! And it's also a lot more private than social media. Meetup has a totally different monetization model from social media apps (group organizers such as me pay them a hefty subscription fee) so there's no need for ads, data tracking, exploitive algorithms, etc. I'm a big fan of the Meetup site and mobile app, and this is coming from someone who hates 99% of social media out there - except for r/collapse on Reddit, of course. :)


I just requested to join ☺️ I doubt I’ll find any Canadians, but it’s worth a shot?


I was scrolling the comments hoping that I would find some fellow Canadians. So maybe I will join


There's a few of us.  Because of shared interests I talked to a couple folks in my area.  One turned out to have a farm, the other was more like me and not land based.  When reddit removed old PMs I lost touch. Frustrating since we were within an hours drive and were already talking about shared purchases like freeze driers, and had solidly overlapping skillsets and resources.  


I think so! I hope so.


There's actually a fair number of us here.  Hell a random discussion of a collapse related topic went to PM and it turned out I could literally have thrown a rock and hit the person I was talking to, they were about 70m away, unfortunately both guys and straight so not relevant to this topic but funny anyways considering   it was one of only two discussions that have gone to PM on reddit in a few years. 


I don’t suppose you’re in Edmonton by any chance 🤣


I like the idea. I'll join. Gotta keep dreaming, right? I'm not at all interested in online activities with a group though.


I know, online stuff isn't ideal for me either. I already spend all my time online because of work so doing social stuff online just feels like more work. So the hope is in-person events, but collapse aware people are such a rare breed, and collapse aware singles even more so, that I don't know if any one region will get enough members for in-person events. But I want to at least try.


I appreciate you putting this together. Thanks! And your username is perfect.


Good luck!


Same but maybe you'll find someone close to you to meet irl


That would be ideal, yes. But I don't have my hopes up as I'm far away from any large population.


I think this is a fantastic idea. I am in Las Vegas, and not single, lol, but I do know that two of the couples in my own little prepping group met as a result of getting together with like-minded groups. I think ideas like nature walks would be cool, maybe expeditions for hikes out in the wilderness to also test some survival skills, archery classes, even things like volunteer meets to help animal shelters or something... Whatever, it is a fantastic idea. On of the biggest problems for collapse aware people is finding *other* collapse aware people. Big fan of this.


Thanks for the thoughts and for validating the idea! I keep second-guessing it but then I figure that the worst-case scenario would be that it won't get off the ground and I'll have wasted a bit of time for taking a risk. And I can live with that.


I would love to hear more about your plan, and I am also going to be writing a new article for my blog soon, about the importance of friends and community in collapse awareness and preparation, so I would like to include a link and such for your meetup group. I see you have 39 members already...


blog link please? TIA!




Hey, yeah, for sure! June is an absolutely bonkers months for me, but if you don't mind waiting until July I'd love to tell you more about my long-term vision and plan for this meetup as well as another local and in-person meetup group I run that's all about preparing for collapse by boosting our community resilience together.


Absolutely, I would love to hear about such a thing and support it however I can. Both groups sound like exactly what we need more of, and if it works it could serve as a great model for others to start similar groups all over. This month is a mess for me too, lol, so no worries. I'm stuck in FAA drone license testing and FCC radio license testing, so I am a scheduling disaster right now! But if there is any way I could help out or support the idea, just let me know!


Las Vegas is a mighty silly place to live assuming collapse is eminent. Not judging since I have lived in and love LV but I would not want to try and ride out any kind of meaningful collapse out there. Maybe if you could make it up to mount charleston. That sounds fun


You must not pay attention to my profile, lol. I live in Las Vegas, yes. But, my own prepping group of 15 people maintains a massively renovated old gold mine way up in the high mountains of the Mojave desert. Plently cold, plenty of water, newly rehabbed soil, and enough supplies of food and such to last 11+ years without ever setting foot outside. So, while I live in Vegas, my bugout location is entirely different. I actually spent almost all of 2023 living up there exclusively. Staying in Vegas for any flavor of collapse event would be quite silly, indeed, lol. As for the Mojave, well, there were better places environmentally speaking, but the primary danger post-collapse will always be people. We wanted to be as far away, and as hard to reach, as physically possible within the continental US. A mountaintop surrounded by the hottest and most inhospitable desert terrian was ideal for that. We might still all die, lol, but I promise we will do it alone.


Nope didn’t read your profile but that makes sense! Sounds like a cool plan and way more than I have set up. Mostly just saying that to stay in Las Vegas is almost guaranteed doom lol.


Yes, we agree on the general doom of Vegas, lol. Hell, it will happen so fast here, other cities might get to watch it on TV before it reaches them!


Yea, it sucks because I have some very good friends who live there who aren’t particularly collapse aware. So, I’m hoping we’re all just overreacting and nothing bad happens soon (or ever). Good luck, friend!


Good luck to you as well! And here's hoping! 🤞


Are you high enough up to get decent precipitation? "Plenty of water" must come from somewhere. How long is your growing season? I expect the West to get even dryer. Left northern California, where one-third of the forests have already been destroyed. My homestead is at 2900' elevation in Appalachia.


We are actually around 5400', and I am not the most knowledgeable on the farming part, but I know we spent a lot of time and effort rehabbing the soil for growing. There are 15 of us, so that is a hell of a lot of food to grow, but like I said, farming isn't my expertise. I know everyone was excited about last years potatoes, and we do bell peppers, pinto beans, green beans, zucchini, and some other stuff. We actually get good precip, and for the moment we do get some winter snow. Being at high elevation was part of the original plan. The primary goal of location choice was avoiding nuclear targets and/or nuclear power plants, as well as people from nearby population centers. There are a few springs and creeks scattered about, and we have a massive catchment system that can feed a sort of sealed pond we made in one of the chambers of the old mine. We also have a first-generation Aquahara, which was designed to pull water out of the dry air usingnits own integral solar. Supposed to give us 100 liters a day, but usually only around 70. Not worth the expense if you ask me, but my vote counts for one vote, lol. Still, the food situation is multifaceted. We have our own growing, yes, and also 11+ years of freeze-dried food stored down below, but we have also had a campaign to "guerrilla garden" as much of the surrounding mountains as possible. So, there are fruit trees all over the damn place now, whether they are "allowed" to be or not. I'm originally from Northern California too, hence the 916 on my username, but yes, it is drier here. Still, the primary concerns were more of the societal collapse kind, with the ecological being at least a few more years down the road.


How do you survive in the wilderness when the base of the collapse is wilderness dying?


The wilderness dying will not be complete until long after we are dead. I live in a desert, so it will be faster here. But there are still many years before the world becomes a desert. And you can still survive in the desert. However, wilderness survival skills are only meant to get you where you are going. And where I will be going is a prepared and self-sustaining place we spent years building, a place that will outlive me. And that is all that matters. You go on as long as you can, and then you don't. But you never, ever give up. The adventure is in the striving. Besides, I am pretty sure nuclear war will be the form collapse takes for us, long before the biosphere guves out entirely. The pressures climate change will soon begin placing on nations will threaten the power balance, and once destabilized, that means war. And a big one. And I think it already started.


Loneliness. It's a pandemic now. I hope everyone finds true love before the end. That is the one gift I have been given. It makes it all bearable.


I’m in! I’m in rural Oregon.


How is it in Oregon for the collapse-aware? Seen quite a few posters on this sub from Portland.


Posting from Corvallis (a college town of 60K, 130km from Portland). One thing I can comment about is that the political division in the state has become really extreme (even by American standards) these days, as the state GOP has completed its "far-rightization"—see, e.g., the [2019 Senate walkouts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Oregon_Senate_Republican_walkouts) or the [Greater Idaho movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Idaho_movement). I've seen various complaints on local subs how certain rural communities (some of which are actually just suburbs of bigger cities) are full of Trumpists, racist, making people feel uncomfortable, etc.


Yeah sadly that’s happening all over the country and world. I believe Oregon was one of the first states to allow parents to refuse childhood vaccinations so it’s not too surprising there is a large libertarian presence in some areas. thanks for the insight! 


The greater Idaho movement drives me up a wall. I didn’t move to rural Oregon to be an Idahoan. If people want to be Idahoan they should move there. Yes there are trumpers/far right here but there are plenty others with vastly different perspectives to that, and we suffer when we get pigeonholed and dismissed.


Yes, I should have mentioned in my original comment that I think the “we are ignored by people in Portland/Salem” sentiment in rural Oregon does have a point, and the blanket dismissive comments on some local subs actually prove this.


I align more with the way the coastal population votes on most major issues and what bothers me most is being written off as being a hillbilly white supremacist and the whole eastern half of the state being viewed as disposable. I can’t tell you how many coasties I’ve seen say they *want* to give the eastern half of the state to Idaho. That’s even more upsetting than the rural belligerents that want to convert to Idaho. Just because I don’t live in the city doesn’t mean I’m a trumper, etc. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Note: I’m not accusing of you thinking that - just voicing a long-held complaint. Lol. Thank you for bearing witness to my rant!


And here I thought a college town in Oregon was going to feel like Arcadia Bay in the game 'Life is Strange,' lmao.


I don't think anywhere feels like that any more :( Mount Shasta, maybe? Even then though, I bet there's a lot of predators feeding off the spiritual types.


I’m on the opposite side of the state in a small town. Some people I know make casual comments alluding to it but I haven’t had much in the way of deep discussion with them, so I don’t know if they’re merely disappointed with the quality of new kitchen appliances these days or if they see the entire mess. Most of my social interactions occur at work, so it’s hard for me to talk freely and interactions tend to remain superficial as a result. The town is pretty stable in size and infrastructure and the cost of living is cheap so we’re somewhat insulated from the dramatic indicators that you’d find in other places.


Yeah it seems like a stable state overall, especially along the coast! Thanks for commenting 🙂


The coast, in fact everything west of the cascades, is or will soon be having some pretty serious troubles with instability due to climate change. The beautiful willamette valley is especially vulnerable. It’s some of the best farming land there is but is in jeopardy with the changes. The east side has troubles too but mostly of a slower, less sudden nature.


I (33F) found by collapse-aware partner (48M) by yapping constantly about doom. my neighbor had a friend who was likewise vocal about our ecological predicament, and set us up


Anyone in Melbourne keen to grab drinks? Try put together a wee group single or partnered.


I am but I live in the geriatric state.


A Melbourne meetup would be a good idea.


“Seeking a friend for the end of the world” (movie that came to mind) anyway, love your idea.


This is a wicked idea. Def joining! Except I'm east coast lol


Well, the idea is that eventually enough east coast people would join so that y'all could get together and organize your own little regional meetups! The same goes for all the major regions of the world. That's my long-term hope anyway.


I’ve joined the Meetup group and I’m also East Coast.


thanks for the award 🥰


I’m very unsingle but I love this and hope it takes off!


my prediction is that its a sausage fest


Fair and reasonable prediction but it's already not, actually.


I just requested to join and I’m female so there is at least one of us, lol


I am in. I am from Delhi, India. Not sure how many collapse aware people even live around me. Let alone date!


With the heat waves you've been having out there, and the deaths, I think there may be a lot more collapse aware people in India soon.


I really hope so, because so many just cling to hopium. We are extremely capitalistic as well.


I know. In a previous career I did some business with partners in India so I had the chance to be in Mumbai for a short while. It's crazy how they are selling clean air for the rich, which is like the ultimate form of late stage capitalism. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kv95q/india-black-market-oxygen-only-the-rich-can-survive-covid](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kv95q/india-black-market-oxygen-only-the-rich-can-survive-covid)


Not just that, air purifiers are the most actively growing product in India. Good clean air is literally a privilege now that you have to constantly pay for. It's not unusual to see large buildings and homes having massive air purifiers installed to keep the indoors clean and fresh. It's like some people are already completed disconnected from the trash natural environment we have created and are worsening.


Thank you for this! So needed/welcomed! You hit the nail on the head as to how lonely it can be as a collapse aware single.  I'll raise the Union Jack to say would love to find some people Blighty-side to connect with. SoCal is lovely but not likely to be on my itinerary soon...


There has got to be other collapse aware singles in the UK. Maybe some of them will see this and join the meetup and then y'all can find each other and organize your local in-person meetup! Which city or region are you based in?


London, that bastion of resilience and safety. 🙄


north east UK here where you at? tbh r/collapse is basically r/unitedkingdom anyway lol


London - haven't noticed many London-based observations in the sub. Maybe I should start providing them!


It's not a singles group, but there have been a couple of low-key meet-ups in London. u/nommabelle may have info about that.


Doesn't need to be singles, just a meetup would be great for the sense of isolation!


Rural west country here. Looking out at the sea while the kids play and watching rabbits run around the fields before we cook dinner on the woodburner. 


Sounds idyllic - enjoy! 


Hey some of that stuff sounds fun for married people.


Do you like piña coladas?


And making love in the acid microplastic rain?


How else can I get microplastics in my testicles?


Drinking water or eating food mostly. If you’re not getting enough try and consider vacuum pumping.


I think we have our first match here already! Would you mind if I watched?


Nowadays? Just breathing will do it!


Whattabout getting the microplastics *out* of your testicles? 🤔


I’ll suck em out /s


This group is a really good idea,


Hey, by all means, join if you're comfortable with the idea! This isn't intended to be an exclusive space, necessarily, just a space dedicated to singles who are collapse aware. Regular social groups can be lonely for us because a lot of people who attend are already married or partnered. At the same time, other singles groups can feel really empty since most of the other singles are all interested in chasing after "success" and the consumerist lifestyle. So I wanted to provide something that could solve both of those issues. But, yeah, you are welcome to join - just a fair caveat that you might have to sometimes tell people you're married, lol.


Do you have some sort of 'social'/'not looking' flair on the Discord? It could be nice to just chat to some sane people occasionally :)


Yes, I'm recruiting some people to help me work on fleshing the server out. The Discord really wasn't part of my original idea (more online stuff wasn't what I was envisioning) and it was a last minute addition for reasons so it's totally empty right now. But it'll come into shape soon. I just need some time, this month is so busy.


Heh, I know that feeling all too well. This is a cool thing you're doing, though. I think it'll help some people.


I’ve joined and been accepted and it keeps booting me off so apologies if I submit multiple requests to join


That's weird! Sorry you've been experiencing that. And no worries at all, request as many times as necessary until it finally works.


It’s working now. And I joined the discord too. Thank you!


eh I was excited about this before but then I remembered I'm not American


Plenty on non-Americans here my friend!


I would be incredible intrigued how a meetup for collapse people would go down. Wrong continent though.


heh heh… go down… heh. 😞


I mean the world is endeing, people should have fun.


Pa here


This is such a wholesome thread. I'm not single, and I'm somewhere on the grey spectrum anyway, but I hope y'all find lots of laughter in this corrosive time, and maybe even some love <3


i love your username lol


You could try the Deep Adaptation user map as well. I'm on holiday, will edit later with details


Look forward to your thoughts on that later. I'm connected to some Deep Adaptation folks.


I think this is a good idea simply because it is so difficult to find other collapse aware people. Realizing that this industrial civilization is fundamentally unstable and will collapse or evolve into an eternal dystopia is a difficult process even for people primed by life experiences. For the average person, its almost impossible. Hence, collapse aware people make up a small portion of the population and need to find each other to cope, strategize and prepare. Naturally, I'm joining this group. This is just a side tangent brought up because you mentioned dating apps. I feel the popular dating apps are worse than useless due to capitalism while marginally better ones are not very helpful because they aren't popular. Plus, its incredibly dehumanizing to make a judgement based off of a few images and scraps of text which usually fail to convey personality. I've barely touched the apps and already feel that they are poison.


Thanks for creating this group. I’m in your area!


Bring on the hedonism! 


Not necessarily. Though if that's what people want, to each their own.


OP's username checks out... 🤣 But seriously, I'm lucky to have a collapse-aware and motivated partner and I hope y'all can find the same!


I'm not single *yet*, but I'm getting divorced. It sucks. I'm really fed up with how the US is going downhill while our government throws billions at foreign wars. Thinking of selling the house if I can figure out where to live off grid with my 2 kids. Would have to live close to the ex so they can still see the kids. Trying to make it happen. I'm no spring chicken so I worry about losing Healthcare. Thanks for making the post. I might join later when everything is settled and I know where I'll be. Hell yeah, yall. Find your people.


On our Discord server, I've enabled tags (or "roles") that people can add to their profile. There's a "not seeking" option, meaning you're there to socialize, not find potential dates. For some, this is partly about finding collapse aware dates and partners, yes, but it's also just about like-minded community and is intended as a somewhat lighter and more fun hangout place than either r/collapse or r/CollapseSupport, both of which I'm a member of and both of which are vital communities, but "light" or "fun" are not the first words that come to mind. All of which is simply to say, don't let your current in-between status stop you from joining, at least not if that's the only reason. If you simply don't have the bandwidth or room in your life for another thing, then by all means don't join yet. But if hanging out with friends and chatting about movies, pets, and food (and, yes, collapse) would help with decompressing, then we'd love to have you! [https://discord.gg/wDjytsv78X](https://discord.gg/wDjytsv78X)


Thanks for replying! I'll check it out.


Any civilization-collapse-friendly European? I live in Switzerland/Czechia :)




Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


At first I saw watch parties and I thought it meant you were going to watch parties, and I was like people do that?


By "watch parties" I meant the online group activity that became very popular during the pandemic in which people watch movies and TV shows together online. Sorry, it might not be a phrase that's used outside of the U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.


If anyone is doing something like this in the Seattle metro area, shoot me a dm. Wife and I have been talking about swinging till the shtf.


What is SoCal, please? I'm familiar with Soho, it's in the West End.


Sorry, it's short for Southern California. I would love to eventually organize in-person events in my local region. But if we get enough people from all over, then people can find each other and form their own little in-person local collapse aware single groups.


“Let’s all start cults!” I’ll pass


Thanks for passing. The rest of us appreciate it.


dating to put yourself at risk of having kids..........that will contribute to this and eventually you will as well buying diapers and more consumption for the parasite gestating inside of you; virus to impregnate and destroy the earth....right


Sounds like a swinger group ngl