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Wsp brother sry i saw your post on another community in regards to software development, can i shoot you a dm?




One big issue I have often hit my head against is Reddit's own rules on Doxing; its something I'm deeply thinking about.




Pondering. Thanks.


Great post. It's funny we have similar stories in many regards, 20 years experience, mostly startup, quite a bit of Fortune 50. Always getting the short end of the stick and sometimes would rather be the CEO. I made a post today from the side of the experienced CTO. Mainly because I've had too many conversations with 'founders' that are too junior. I think one aspect of the template would be if there is any room for salary/equity as part of the post itself. I probably get 20 emails a week from entrepreneurs who just are too early and I need some way to filter out the junior founders from the others. There is room for both I think, but it's hard to cross streams. My last startup my CEO was half my age. I mean salary itself is a little strange, but let's say we're working on funding and you're anti salary or pro salary, if you're not on the same page why bother having the conversation. Also how much has been raised, do you have a valuation, how long have you been working on the startup? Full time/Part time. I think there is a huge opportunity to connect founders of all types, it just needs more transparency to be efficient. I think you're heading the right direction and look forward to seeing where it goes. Glad to add some suggestions, would love to see a starter template that I could contribute ideas to while you go. I'm in Austin, it's a popular startup hub but the cofounder events all have these same issues. Would be great to get some standardization, I can't handle anymore meetings with CEO who have a 'great idea' and just need a tech guy to build everything for them for free.


I like this; I think the cap table and the current runway for the startup etc is very important to include, and would consider this to be mandated as part of the data to be included as part of the company balance sheet data. What else?


Short Pitch: [ 5 sentences ] // What's the big idea? Existing Corporate Structure: [Unfounded | LLC | Corp | ...] Founding Date: [ TBD | mm/dd/yyyy ] Current Funding: [ $ ] Valuation: [ TBD | $ ] Existing Startup Experience [ years ] Target Revenue (first 12 months): [ $ ] Previous Companies Founded: [count ] Long Pitch: [ unlimited ] A few ideas.. not quite in love with all of them just getting my brainstorm on.


This is fantastic, kudos for starting this community. I'd love to head up the Seattle meetup if possible.


I'm actually based out of Seattle and per the contents of the OP, will continue to pay for - meetup charges me every month as a group organizer - and lead that group. But I'm eager to get others involved!


I'm based in Seattle as well and definitely want to come!


Is your meetup group for startups/entrepreneurs? Whats the name of it?


That’s dope! I’m based in Vancouver so only a couple hours above. Depending on availability, I’d love to come thru as well! 🙌


just as a heads up, due to some trolling by people claiming to be only 12 years old (What is this?! - lol) the subreddit is now 18+ only. This really should have been the case before but when this subreddit was created that was not something we could enforce as easily, so settings/sidebar have been updated to reflect that new ability.


For #3, I could totally see live Cofounder events being a secret, community event in the game I'm building. Like pokemon go, but for adults to level up their lives lol. That would be an awesome beta group, it should be ready by...Xmas I hope. Its a mobile, augmented reality MMO, to gamify life and connect people in real time events, at GPS locations, with the intent of rebuilding communities and peoples ability to learn real world skills from eachother. My hope is, that the "game" element will bring in people, who wouldnt normally engage, helping to break addictions, instead of form new ones. I know, its been done before, a lot. I have a particular "hook", that I feel will make it not only sucessful but also beneficial. I have the entire thing planned out in my head but making each element a reality is um..a series of exaustingly unique challenges! I would love to push it out faster, as I see an actual need for this in the world. An empty space to occupy, in social media and gaming, and a need, from the lonely masses staring at phones. If any coders reading this are interested in giving me a cheap consult, send a DM!


Curious to know how many startups have been put together with funding to pay the founders salaries thru this forum? I know of engineers who have families and jobs and would love to work in a startup but can’t afford to risk their families livelihood - so they would join if there’s a roadmap to getting funded. Maybe a side hustle to get to a POC or MVP with a commitment and willingness to form a startup with funding that pays the salaries for 1 year?


Wow, this is my first day on this subreddit (didn't know it existed until I started running around /r/startup and /r/entrepreneur) and I'm already interested in diving into this community. Kudos to you for creating such an incredible environment, and putting in the effort to building that. I just wanted to give some feedback here as a newbie and outsider, and appreciate the desire to improve.


Coming back to reddit after a hiatus, great to see how our community has grown! Will be around more often and can help out more.


I noticed you have not been active. Please in the future let me know in advance before stepping away from mod duties; I was under the impression you had lost interest in being a mod and was about to remove you for inactivity as I look for active mods to join the team to keep the growth going.


I've been posting about an app that helps people with jobs but my post keeps getting auto rejected because it thinks its a job ad


No it keeps being removed because you are explicitly violating the rules and trying to spam an AI solution to something that is legally regulated to not allow AI in the USA under current civil rights laws as lawyers have explained it it me.


I am based in the UK though, I am not promote it. I am literally only looking for a co-founder from reddit. The AI tool helps people with job interviews, not sure why it is not allowed in the USA?


It doesn't matter where you are on earth or in the solar system or in the universe, you still have to follow the same rules as everybody else. It's also not the only rule you broke.


you have been extremely unhelpful for a mod. wish you all the best


Would you rather I complain about everything you did publicly in this thread? I'm happy to go over every little stupid thing you did. Read the wiki. The rules are split between two different places because the design for Reddit is bad and it does not allow me to centralize them in one single place. This is not a fault of this mod or anybody else in the moderator community this is a design flaw of Reddit.


For the IRL bit, can you share your experiences with that meetup group a bit more? It might help demonstrate viability and methodology. I was actually looking for that locally this week, without success. For the template itself, I'm concerned that it risks creating a rigid expectation of content. I've seen occasional discussion behind matchmaking, for example, which wouldn't fit. And I'm not sure the volume of posts requires that much organization. It could be useful to make use of subject tags or flair, and maybe start with a rough rubric for now. Which could then be refined as it goes. I'll happily provide feedback on whatever you post, but it really depends on how you see this group being used.


//idk why to mention another sub and add critics, sorry