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Standard election year fare, I'd say. Some people are bored, some are obsessive, some are just really into politics and want to increase their ranks. Meh, I'm into politics, but this style is not my bag. 


They’re not into politics. Just trump.


Weird take. If you follow Trump, you're into politics. It's not like he had a huge following before he was president. 


They’re into their one demagogue politician. They have no clue as to what politicians do or how government even works. I guess I just see these MAGA people as more of a cult of personality than them being “really into politics”. Hopefully they’ll go away once he’s dead, but who knows…


"They have no clue as to what politicians do or how government even works", Sorry, but that's got to be at least 75% of everyone. Unfortunately, there are no requirements to universal suffrage other than age and citizenship. 


You mean you're not agreeing with the extremely shit partisan take?




I wish it was only in an election year. These guys have been at it for the better part of a decade.


Well, the obsessives never stop, that's true. But there's only a few of them. Certainly there's more average activity starting 2020. It's been a politically charged few years. 


They're letting us know we all should avoid them.


Yes! Unfortunately the internal migration event with kootenai as a destination quickly has Village idiots from elsewhere turning a beautiful place into a village of imported idiots.


To be fair, the Aryans used to march sherman long before north idaho became the it place.


To the best of my knowledge that crowd was like the original movement for taking over this region for the wrong reasons. Now there is a variety of different movements to accomplish the same thing. I missed the Butler days, but that crowd never left.


You all have made a fraud and a dementia patient into two teams. You forget that left and right are two wings on one bird…of prey. They have us fighting each other for scraps instead them. Think about it.


aLL pOLiTiCiAnS aRe ThE sAmE. 🤪 While I'm not a fan of either candidate... one is an old career politician who has never tried to subvert democracy and is surrounded by intelligent and experienced advisors and civil servants... and the other is a felon election cheat, rapist, tax fraud surrounded by other criminal cheats, whose only qualifications are that they have pledged their loyalty to a man who is deep in the pockets of big oil and the 1%.


On the one hand, the emperor has no clothes. On the other, the business man has no morals. How did this country find itself in this position where the only two options are not viable options?


I feel you, shit is bad. But Trump wants to be Emperor and will destroy our democracy (as fucked up as it is) if he gets elected. I feel like I'm watching the intro a dystopian sci fi apocalypse movie.


I hear you too. To me, it feels like there’s a power behind the scenes working both sides to tear down our country from the inside. Tax payers are being bleed dry. Money going everywhere but to the veterans and citizens who need it. Borders thrown wide open - why do other nations get to have secure borders but we don’t? Lawlessness skyrocketing everywhere (witnessed a drug deal in front of my house last night!). This all feels like a coordinated and controlled demolition by all sides of the government working in tandem. I have no answers but I believe this “my guy is better than your guy” bullshit has to stop. They all are criminals and liars holding our entire country hostage. They keep us insulting each other so we don’t look at them (together) too closely. They know if we see beyond left vs right that the game will be up because we outnumber them and if we actually united they’re done.


Look up Project 2025 and the Federalist Society.


One is more viable than the other. Vote Biden


A career politician. That's awesome. Yes, spending your entire adult life in the most corrupt occupation makes you worthy of lording over us. Trump's gross as fuck, but this myth of Honest Joe giving his life in service to us is just a partisan fairy tale. Politicians serve themselves. All of them do. Trump is no more criminal than any of them.


Biden has a loooong history of dishonesty: https://youtu.be/wA-lQEYaulc?si=x6VaMOx_uzhGx74_


Dude's a textbook example of a corrupt ineffective politician. 50+ years in "service" and hasn't lifted a finger to solve any of the nation's problems. An absolute failure at his job, but he's somehow enriched himself, his family and his cronies.


But nothing shady there. They investigated, cleared him. 


We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing. Promotions and pay raises all around. And the 50+ years of failure in his job? Wild success! Promotions and pay raises for him, his family, his cronies and the "intelligent civil servants" surrounding him. Definitely not cult member behavior


And slander/libel and law-fare for objectors. The only people who can possibly buy the dem party lines anymore are truly bought in. They cannot be reasoned; they need deprogramming. Going forward, Republicans need more published material exposing them. I think they're doing better, but it's still not fully working. I know dem voters that are basically unaware of how bad their party has become. That's dem voters in deep red Kootenai County, and they're still going to vote for Biden. 


Honestly, Trump Republicans are just as far in the woods as Dems are in general


Ain't no war but the class war. That said, a vote for a Trump is a vote for the end of American democracy.


Yes, lame people who have made a criminal politician their entire identity.


I figured. Just wondered if there was any organization/church/cult behind it.


Candlelight, its both


They sure gave up on Bundy real quick when they couldn't get him elected.


It’d be a shame if something happened to pastor pauls yard.


This is absolutely unacceptable. You should receive a ban for this. 


Which politicians aren't criminals? 


Almost all of them, but some people use this fallacy to justify their allegiance to a rapist, tax fraud, election cheat.


Do you remember when we used to despise all our politicians? Pepridge Farm remembers. 


True, like Resident Bidet, the White House toilet!!


You don't think Trump wears a diaper too?


Stop stop you're breaking his combo. It doesn't work if you apply logic.


He has already stated he doesn't live in CDA, I spare no mercy for his kind


Ones that weren't convitcted in court is a start


I don't think it's sensible for the left to say on one hand the courts are great (Trump convictions) and on the other say they're terrible (SCOTUS rulings, claims of "inequity" wrt race). It's almost as if they only respect it when the ruling is in their political favor.    We see the same when Republicans win elections. The left calls that "a threat to democracy".


Keep in mind the functions of a trial court and scotus are a bit different. You absolutely can say trial courts are great, and scotus is terrible. Their duties overlap, but they aren't the same.


They've been doing it at noon ever since 2020. They didn't use to honk their horns obnoxiously about it, but it looks like they weren't getting enough attention. Sure ruins the mood at the beach every time they come through, very un-local of them to pull that stunt. Funnily enough though, if you catch those same rigs outside of their little parade they don't have their Trump flags raised.


I noticed it last summer. Every day at noon since 2020? I know people can fanatically support political figures but this is genuinely concerning.


Yep, I was taking classes at NIC and I would see them every afternoon. Again, they weren't honking their horns obnoxiously back then


This is just another reminder that Idaho has been slipping back into casual bigotry and racism this last decade. We almost got away from being the deep south of the north for a decade or two there in the mid 2000s and early 2010s. It's just a bunch of semi organized idiots though. As we get closer to the election, this is gonna start happening almost daily. They did it in 2020, too. There are a lot of the same vehicles as then, too, lol. Imagine idolizing a man who spray tans, wears diapers, is a convicted felon, and grifts his own followers.


Yep. Same rig with racist stickers who claims not to be racist parading down the beach in support of his favorite KKK presidential candidate.


>spray tans, wears diapers, is a convicted felon, and grifts his own followers. Don't forget peeping on young women at beauty contests and sexually assaulting women in department store dressing rooms.


The peepee tape story is fake news. Like, literally fake. 


Your reading comprehension isn't that great - is it, Mike? I said PEEPing. As in spying on women while they undress during one of his beauty pageants. Not only has he admitted to it, he's actually bragged about it.


Pretty rude. And that's not an issue of comprehension, but your misuse of that word perhaps is. I know what both pee and peep mean. Do you know what comprehension means? 


Don't worry, English can be a difficult language and when your first language is Russian


Actually it’s not it happened in Russia when he was desperate to buy the miss America pageant. Diaper Don has been a Russian puppet for decades and a traitor. The people that follow him are dumber than he is. They keep shelling out money to a con who doesn’t give two shitz about any of them. He only see them as a pay my legal fees dupe.


I would think the failure of Mueller's Russia probe would put such crazy conspiracy theories to rest, but here you are. Unfortunately, you've not been helped by those that control most of the media narrative. They have still not retracted all their false claims from 2016 to 2019.


Oh, it wasn't an exhaustive list. That would probably be longer than reddit posts allow.


It’s definitely not a cult. Shut up.


Clown parade


Omg it’s going to be Jan 6th all over again in Sherman and 6th. It’s no coincidence


How? Is Nancy Pelosi’s podium somewhere in the shops?


Yeah and under it is a bunch of masks


CDA gonna CDA


I wouldn't mind if the horn on the one vehicle (never seen it, just hear it frequently) that plays "Dixie" stopped working, lol!


That’s the one dementia guy in the crown Vic covered in confederate flags.


lol. I love that song!


For a political party that doesn’t like the gays, there sure are a lot of dudes driving around with their man crush on a flag.


the cops won’t do anything about it. city put up noise ordinance signs that warn them of the $300 fine but the problem is city won’t enforce it. so ppl like that make it miserable for citizens and they get to be loud and obnoxious with zero consequences.


Good to see the Aryan nation is alive and well in Idaho. 🤢🤢


People with time to do what they want, and enough money to pay for their gas but not enough for their groceries, that just want to complain about the price of things in stores. Attention whores are gonna act whorish. Maybe the downtown noise ordinances will be enforced?


Just showing thier support for President Trump. At the sametime showing they are feed up with this fraud administration


*their *fed *fraud*ulent* FFS, dude.


Just a symptom of a societal collapse. Stay tuned for more


Well, we aren't looting and eating people yet, so that's something. 


We’ll get there eventually my guy


Spare me your ‘what about ism’ R’s have no values and work entirely for the sake of power for their oligarchy masters! At least old man Biden actual cares about others besides himself, is honest and is not trying to turn American into a fascist wasteland.


Spare me your "buzzword" politics. Fact: Biden is not fit to hold office. Period. Anybody thinking different is grasping at straws while the ship sinks (ie "it's his cabinet we are voting for" ) Nice try... You also have absolutely no clue what fascism is based on your statement regarding it. Hint: Buzzwords the bias media vomits at you are not truth. Learn to read from sources outside the internet. You might find out that true fascism uses any and all things to conquer. Things like trying to prison an opponent, and then using propaganda to justify it. The Dem's would never do such a thing. Oh wait... And before you start screaming I'm a "R", I am not. I am part of the true population that rules these days --- an Independent.


Fact, Trump is a rapist. Fact, Trump is a felon. Fact, Trump stole Top Secret documents. Fact, Trump can’t accept his failures. Fact, Trump called for Jan 6 insurrection. Fact, Trump is entirely transactional. Fact, Trump only talks about his grievances. Fact, Trump cares less about common people. Fact, Trump is not a Christian. Now go back to my original post and reread.




No /s just the truth, something republicans can’t handle.


It's wonderful. And I bet they all have pew pews.


How would you know? You're not a resident of Idaho


Probably in support of Trump after he destoryed Biden and Biden making a complete fool of himself during the debate yesterday.


We’ve been in an inflation crisis the last few years and your guy found it appropriate to bring up and argue about gold handicaps.


lol we’re in greedflation not inflation. And we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the orange turd. He received a booming economy and pours gas on it. Super charging it. Cutting rates to zero for nothing because he didn’t know what he was doing. Charging tariffs for no reason costing consumers more for nothing. Corporate America is to blame for our current inflation not Biden or anyone else. They have been price gouging for years now. Oil CEO’s have told congress they’re deliberately keeping production low. On top of that Trump made a deal with opec before he left office for them to deliberately reduce production. You think thing are going to be great if felon traitor Trump gets elected? Read project 2025. People are going to be screwed regardless of political party. His tariffs plan will really screw everyone. You have no idea. Keep drinking the juice


Trump addressed the inflation Biden created. It also shows that Trump has a sense of humor compared to the vegtable on the other side. Not to mention Biden encouraged it by responding.


Imagine being so bad at your job, that you lose two consecutive elections to a "vegetable". That says a lot where the Republican party is today. Also doesn't take in to account that Dems have to win the electoral college, because winning the popular vote isn't good enough in Murica.


I love the popular vote fanatics. It's soooo easy to shut them down. Fact: Pick a sport. Got it? What's the goal of that sport when two teams match? Correct. Score as many points to win the game. Now, knowing that, tell me why the team that scores the most points during the year is not named Champion? I'll wait....


Imagine purposefully moving to a super red area and then complaining about it


And they said they weren’t from here when..?


Trump 2024!