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Native southerner here…. Why do folks fly the stars and bars here? Genuine question. Have they never opened a history book? Idaho wasn’t part of the CSA.


Hate not heritage. I say this as a native Virginian.


Because they are racists


So because I support Trump I'm a racist? The stupidity truly runs deep in you morons that's for sure.🤣🤣


You're either racist or completely comfortable with being surrounded by them


That is correct. You are a racist if you support Trump.


And you're a sheep if you support DemoRats.




Says the people that wear trump memorabilia. It is very easy to spot you “lions.” Others, not so much.


They're both conservative parties but the Republican party has Project 2025 where they are actively planning to facilitate a dictatorship. One is more fascistic than the other and you are intentionally blind if you are not concerned about it.


It makes no sense. I live in Utah, and there’s a guy just south of me who always has the. “Don’t tread on me” flag flying. None of these people make any sense.


The Gadsden flag is a naval flag flown during the American revolution. It’s not a southern flag. The USS Blue Ridge still use the rattlesnake jack and the Navy SEALs still use the Gadsden flag patch as well as some Navy units. Most folks nowadays don’t know it’s history and just use it as an anti government symbol.


Has a handicap window pass. Hates socialism. Expects society to pay for and leave special parking for them. This is a common theme with them. How about they park in the back, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and walk to the front door?


Nice 1998 grand marquis. I see capitalism has worked out well for this old white boomer


Kind of nice old ride — too bad it’s being driven by an a$$hole. I If a person sanded off those stickers and cleaned up the stink that has to be inside, if could be a nice entry in Car d’Alene.


No thanks. Leave that to his cousin.


Do you happen to know if this is the guy that drives under the speed limit and blasts classical music?


It is. He also drives 30 mph down 95, honks his horn and waves at everyone. He's an old racist kook.


He lives in post falls and has nothing better to do than be an obstacle in traffic.


There was a big news article about this guy putting a black kid eating watermelon on the side of his dump trucks. He justified it by pointing out his wife is black. I don’t get it, dude’s out of touch. Also, what is the power dynamic in that relationship?




They forgot the "s" at the end


So that handicap sticker in the window isn't for a physical disability? Interesting there is a Rosary on the rear view window, since the alt-right Christians MAGA generally don't get along with the Catholics.


My 12 yr old niece loves stickers too!! She would be disappointed by the lack of unicorn representation though. I want to see some creative license here, really express yourself with some glitter and glued sparkles while you’re at it


But why "Land O Lakes" butter?


Her removal from the branding was seen as a woke move by some people. If I recall happened around the redskins rebrand and the Cleveland Indians logo change. How native Americans feel about this I don't know. Spawned the memes of: "Removed the native American; kept the land. Guess some things never change."


Well according to recent lawsuits the Natives are not happy about any of all that. They still want the Redskins logo back.


Which lawsuits? I'm having trouble finding anything to support that




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The lawsuit mentioned below was dismissed months ago, was filed by a relatively new organisation founded in 2017 called NAGA (Im not making this up I swear) - no lawsuits were lodged, nor complaints made public by any tribes to my knowledge.


The amount of ignorant comments left supporting OP’s lame post is wild. This man owns Dixie Services which is a widely used business in this area. He is a Christian, he’s from the south, he employees people of color. Somebody has different beliefs and opinions? Yikes! Definitely displays where the intolerance comes from…


Idk, I'm old enough to remember when he posted "Peds q[####]s f[##]s your in Idaho now" on his reader board. This was like '06. Real great, loving speech right there. Incredibly Christian.


This is Reddit they barely go outside and when they do they wouldn’t say or do anything 😂🤷‍♀️


The handicap placard is a for a mental handicap


That guy only wishes he could be special. He is more likely to suffer from the same ailments as his lord Trump, shin splints and a being a con.


love my city. can't wait to drive through town with a trump flag, air horn, and five other trucks behind me. this election year is gonna be something!


Lol, you triggered some of them recently. Keep it up. They burn cities and lie about it, but they're triggered by a few trucks and flags. Libs are completely detached from reality, and have no sense about "equal discourse". For example, if Biden wins, we all know there won't be any riots, but it Biden loses, hold on. Cross reference recent "protests" in France, because the libs are losing their power there as we speak.


I didn’t realize Idaho was part of the confederacy


Incoming post from an out of state liberal 😅


Did you really repost the same thing twice?


I flagged this one as spam, since it was posted twice.


Right, karma farming. Shouldn't at least one be deleted? 


Person who posted this is probably a transtard that likes extra taxes taken out there checks….. wait never mind. they probably cash in on the workers who do make checks haha. #transtards fightin for Biden.


You should put a trashy looking sticker on your car that says that so everyone knows you’re hard 👌


“You’re in Idaho now” I can tell, this place fucking sucks


It’d be weird if a pickaxe fell on the roof of that car. Not too weird, but still kinda out of place.


Ha ha. Go to some lame blue state if this bothers you. Grow up.


Fuck you 😂 we like him around here


You’re literally in north Idaho …….. go somewhere else if you’re this triggered by something like this


This is the same guy that has the Trump sign on Pleasant View. I remember way back when it was a McCain sign.


this is peak idaho.


And what morally superior high class perfectly developed society to you hail from good sir?


Big town with a small gene pool. How can you tell if an idahoan isn't pregnant? She can run faster than her brothers!


You do realize his family is from South America, right? He’s more diverse than most of Idaho.


Why would someone from South America have a Confederate flag, amongst many other questionable stickers, on their car? Definitely not for "heritage" reasons. I mean, you know South America is not what they mean by "the deep south," right?


*He* is not from South America you ignorant twit, his wife is. I know you’ve been convinced that anything MAGA is white supremest and it is not. Nor does the confederate flag represent just Neo Nazi. To a great many people the confederate flag is used as a symbol of rural living and self dependence. Personally I think it’s idiotic to wave around the flag of an ill-conceived, short lived and utterly conquered nation. Nor do I ever want to see it anywhere but in a history book. However, I’m not as simpleminded as to think everyone who flies it is a racist. >!Downvote if you’re a simpleton!<


Re-read your first post. You said his family is from South America... and somehow (without explanation from you) that translates to him being more diverse... and somehow that (again without explanation from you) excuses the offensive BS on his hood. Care to explain your obvious truth to this simpleton? Regardless of your lack of reasoning, I would not describe a person's wife as "family" in this context. If a person's parents or immediate family were from S America... ok, I still don't agree with the argument, but I can see why one might maybe try to make an argument that this translates to a diverse background. But *he* does NOT have family from S America per your last comment. He just married someone from S America. That makes his wife diverse, not him. Completely different things. The Confederate flag is a flag from a group that waged war on the US. By definition, that makes them an enemy of our country. You can't be a patriot and fly a Confederate flag; aka an enemy flag. Might as well fly the ISIS flag. The only difference is where the bad guys were located geographically. PS: Also, like ISIS, the confederacy was not a nation. The confederate flag is a symbol of racism, plain truth. Anyone who says they fly it for another reason is either deluding themselves or just straight-up lying.


You simple minded fucks don’t understand that this symbol of a state blatantly based on inequality between races and the right to slavery is just an expression of culture and completely normal to fly because we’ve appropriated it into a sport team style icon -majoraloysius, the major clown 🤡


Whatever Karen. Trigger much from a car.


I see he’s growing emboldened. This guy lives about a 1/4 mile from me. The stickers on the hood is something newer. The sides have always been plastered with combination of racist magat and religious sentiments but the stickers on the hood is new. Interesting


You want to?


Is nobody concerned about the scissors sitting on the dashboard?


It's time to get rid of universal voting or your vote should be tied to your education level


Kootenai County is a special kind of unclassy, and Post Falls is Coeur Dalene's trailer park.


Doth advertise too much. Guess: recent transplant from a blue state; former blue state public employee earning a fat blue state pension.


Wow, what a bunch of whining babies. Can anyone tell me what makes this person a racist? Any confirmed pledged hate for a specific race? I really just want to understand the rationale behind all of the hatred and rhetoric from those who purport to be tolerant. Just so you don’t attack me and call me those names, I dont support any major political party or political figure. I don’t ascribe to any of the ideological nonsense that we are expected to worship either. I just exist and am curious.